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    Seafish Annual Plan 2017-2018

    Our Annual Plan is taken from our 2015-18 Corporate Plan and details the programmes of work we will deliver in 2017/18 . The Plan sets out the costs associated with our work programmes as well as our Key Performance Indicators for the year.
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    B40_UK Legislative Status for Abalone Culture

    South West Abalone Growers Association (SWAGA) aims to promote the sustainable development of abalone culture in the South West of the UK. In 2003 SWAGA undertook a FIFG Networking Project (FitzGerald 2003) to establish the limitations to the development of the industry of which legislative barriers were a significant feature.This legislative review has been produced as a guidance document for potential operators. Although it signposts the major legislative issues it is not exhaustive and prospective operators will need to establish site specific issues and requirements. It is also notable that there is considerable movement at present in a number of legislative areas and that any opinions provided in this report will be subject to change as interpretations evolve and regulations are updated.
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    Investigating the use of low diameter twin for the construction of square mesh panels

    This report involved a fishing trial to compare the performance of a square mesh panel made from heavy, high density double knotted netting with that of one constructed from a low diameter, high tenacity knotless material.
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    Seafish summary of stakeholder activities to create a pathway to the landing obligation under CFP reform. December 2014

    Seafish summary of key players and stakeholder activities to create a pathway to the landing obligation. Covers the devolved administrations, the Regional Advisory Councils, Producer Organisations, Fishermen's Organisations, Scientific bodies, selectivity and data colleciton trials, regional projects, EU Commission and Seafish.
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    Guidance booklet for the Fishing Vessel Safety Folder

    Guidance booklet for all vessels
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    The Ecology of Seed Mussel Beds

    • Mussel (Mytilus edulis) cultivation is the main form of molluscan shellfish production in the UK, worth ~£4.7 million in 2001, about two thirds of which came from Wales. • The commercial mussel industry is dependent on harvesting wild seed mussel beds. Important areas for seed mussel harvest are Caernarfon Bay, Morecambe Bay, South Wales and the Wash.
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    Greater North Sea ecoregion; demersal stock trends 2000-2015 and ICES advice 2015

    This information sheet provides a brief layman's description of stock trends derived from ICES adivce in the Greater North Sea ecoregion in 2015. It also discusses fishery management for this region in relation to effort control and multi-species assessment
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    2012 Economic Survey of the UK Fishing Fleet - Key Features

    The 2012 Economic Survey of the UK Fishing Fleet provides a detailed insight into the financial and operational performance of the fleet during 2012 and 2013. This is the eighth edition of this annual report this year adding sections on employment, GVA and debt repayment. It is also the first of these reports to incorporate infographics. The information presented in this publication is a comprehensive and accurate reflection of the financial performance of the UK fishing fleet and is used by a wide range of people across industry, government and academia. We hope that availability of accurate economic data and expert analysis of fleet performance will be used to enhance fisheries management and benefit the UK fleet in the long-run especially now as we move toward the Landings Obligation.
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    Seafish Summary of ICES assessed stocks - June and October 2011

    Summary of June and October 2011 ICES advice for cod, Dover sole, haddock, hake, herring, mackerel, megrim, monkfish, nephrops, plaice, saithe and whiting. Also limited advice for brill, dab, flounder, grey gurnard, pollack, red gurnard, striped red mullet and turbot.
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    The introduction of Quad rig in the NPF – seeking an effort neutral transition and implications for TED/BRD performance

    Since 1987 the Northern Prawn Fishery (NPF) fleet has towed double rigs (two nets). Prior to this most trawlers towed quad rig (four nets). To improve economic efficiency in the fishery there is great interest to again allow the use of quad rig.
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    B40_Abalone Feed Requirements

    Abalone naturally eat seaweed of which some less abundant species are preferred. In culture situations where seaweed sources are considered it will be necessary to demonstrate that operations are sustainable to ensure no significant impact on the marine ecosystem. Furthermore, when abalone culture is proposed in Special Areas of Conservation (SAC’s) a higher level of ‘Appropriate Assessment’ will be required. This report is a guidance document to help address some of these issues and present options for individual scheme consideration.
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    Aquaculture Hyperbooks Turbot Hatchery Economic Model

    These pages are a Microsoft Excel based economic modelling tool that will enable you to explore how the hatchery-based aspects of a turbot cultivation business may function. There is another model covering the on-growing aspects. Technical pages containing a wealth of information and advice on cultivating turbot can also be downloaded.
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    Final Report - The socio-economic impacts of increased seafood consumption in England

    The preliminary study estimates the potential health benefits to the economy if people were to eat more seafood.
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    Project Inshore - Stage 3 Strategic Sustainability Review Aguide to stock assessment and setting harvest control rules

    In this document we make a series of recommendations on how English inshore fisheries might meet the MSC standard without unrealistic demands on resources at the disposal of IFCAs. Both the MSC standard (e.g. MSC Certification Requirements v1.3 CB4.0.3) and FAO Code of Conduct (FAO 1995) indicate that the management system should be appropriate to the scale and intensity of the fishery.
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    Seafish Annual Review of Feed Grade Fish Stocks August 2009

    Annual Review of the feed grade fish stocks used to produce fishmeal and fish oil for the UK market This review focuses on recent independent documentary assessments of these stocks. These are predominantly published by the United Nation’s Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) and the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES). It covers sandeel, sprat, capelin, herring, blue whiting, Norway pout, anchovy, jack mackerel and sardine.
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    Appraisal of the opportunity for offshore aquaculture in UK waters. Report of project FC0934, commissioned by Defra and Seafish from FRM Ltd.

    The report provides an assessment of the potential for open ocean, offshore finfish aquaculture in UK waters using candidate species which would have similar growth and performance characteristics to Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) and Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua)and with due reference to other potential species candidates.
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    Fuel Systems Testing - Determinations of the effect of (electro-) magnetic installations, a fuel additive and a lubricant additive on diesel fuel consumption

    On 6th March 2008 representatives from SeaFISH and the University of Exeter met to discuss testing of fuel economy enhancement technologies at the CSM dynamometer test cell facility. These discussions resulted in an order for testing of various technologies to determine their effectiveness. The proposed technologies were varied in nature, ranging from the use of permanent and electromagnets installed on fuel lines to performance exhaust systems and engine lubricant conditioners. For each of these technologies, engine performance and fuel consumption tests were undertaken once without the technology deployed, then once with the technology installed. The results from the two tests were compared.
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    Towards a National Development Strategy for Shellfish in England_Executive Report

    In order to formulate a National Development Strategy for the Shellfish Industry in England, the Defra Inshore Fisheries Working Group and Seafish commissioned a preparatory Work Programme of 12 tasks. This report describes the results for six tasks that were assigned to the consultant, Dr R C A Bannister, an expert on the management of the capture shellfisheries and their stocks. Information was supplied by Dr N C H Lake, who has extensive knowledge of the UK shellfish industry and who also interviewed the Sea Fisheries Committees (SFCs) and various members of the industry.
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    Composting Seafood Waste

    This report focuses on high temperature composting and follows a range of mixes of sea-food waste with household ‘green waste’ (i.e. grass clippings, hedge trimmings and garden vegetable residues), through the composting process as replicated treatments and concludes with bioassay and plant growing trials on the resultant composted material.
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    English Aquaculture Strategy - full report

    Part of the Seafood 2040 aquaculture strategy for England - this full report includes a review of the English aquaculture landscape and current barriers to growth, along with the rationale and methodology behind the strategy.
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