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    Quick summary of 2018 ICES advice for the seven key pelagic species (up to October 2018)

    Seafish continues to support the fishmeal industry through the provision of news and factual information. This quick summary of the 2018 ICES advice (up to 8 October 2018) covers blue whiting, capelin, herring, mackerel, Norway pout, sandeel and sprat.
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    Use of shellfish by-products bait

    Shell waste is a major problem with UK production of waste from calcareous shellfish (excluding Nephrops and shrimp) of around 75,000t/yr of which potentially 20,000t is flesh. Although there are many theoretical options for the use of waste shell few are commercially viable, often due costs of separation and cleaning. Previous work has shown it is possible to separate the flesh from the shell and supply the ‘free of flesh shell’ for use in aggregates; however this leaves the problem of what to do with the fleshy material. The current “Proof of Concept” project has focused on the use of flesh derived from shellfish waste in commercial bait. A comprehensive set of trials with bait sticks prepared from scallop (King & Queen), whelk and crab waste demonstrated that the fleshy waste from shell is a suitable material for baits. An overview of the project is provided in this factsheet.
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    Alternative Marine Conservation Zones in Irish Sea mud habitat: potential for fisheries displacement and an assessment of habitat condition and potential management scenarios.

    Areas of potential alternative Marine Conservation Zone (MCZ) sites representing mud habitat within the UK Irish Sea regional sea were selected at a stakeholder engagement meeting in October 2014. In order to assess the suitability of these sites within the Irish Sea regional area, existing data were examined to assess habitat condition, variation and how well these meet the mud habitat criteria set by the UK government. Nephrops stock assessment video surveys were utilised along with grab sample data, across both eastern and western Irish Sea areas. Macroinvertebrate community analysis was undertaken on the grab infaunal data, along with analysis of sediment parameters. The level of disturbance was also examined through benthic community assessment relating to successional stage.
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    FS11_06.09 Reducing discolouration of frozen at sea haddock

    Some frozen at sea haddock develops a yellow discolouration, which although not harmful is a major problem for the UK seafood industry. Resolving this problem would potentially protect and make available £145m of legally caught haddock which is currently rejected. This represents nearly 50% of the total haddock market, which is worth £288m in the UK alone.
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    Climate change adaptation in UK seafood (wild capture) Annex 10 - Domestic

    The annex concerns UK seafood wild capture supply chains reliant on domestic production. It covers major impacts from key climate change drivers, from production to processing, highlighting key opportunities and threats.
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    Seafish Responsible Sourcing Guide - Herring - September 2013

    This Responsible Sourcing Guide to hake contains information on sustainability issues, stock assessment, conservation measures and management worldwide for the individual stocks of this species updated to 2013. There is a short section on the product characteristics of the species. The information was obtained from scientific, industry and governmental sources and appropriate references are given.
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    Guidance on Packaging and Packaging Waste

    This guide is intended to give guidance on the legal requirements that businesses should consider when designing packaging for products to be placed on the market within the EU. It also gives guidance on the legal obligations that larger businesses may have in contributing to the packaging waste recovery targets of the UK.
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    FS19-12.08 Dec 2008 Collaborative approach to industry advice on seafood smoking

    Seafood smoking is the latest topic to be covered by Seafish, as part of a suite of seafood-specific training materials. As well as a technical guide, the comprehensive pack also includes a new training DVD, the production of which has been greatly assisted by the co-operation of Alfred Enderby Ltd in Grimsby. This case study profiles the collaboration between Seafish and Alfred Enderby to capture the whole seafood smoking process on film. The footage will become a key part of the Seafish Seafood Smoking training DVD.
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    Kingfisher Fortnightly Bulletin Issue 02 2011 Cable

    News of offshore activities for the Oil & Gas, Subsea Cable and Wind Farm industries
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    Codend Weigher Report

    To assist in reducing the current levels of discarding within fisheries, there is a requirement to more accurately assess current discard levels. The concept of designing a device to weigh the codend of a net including its contents arose from this need to better quantify the discarded element of the catch. The cod end weigher was designed to measure the total weight of the codend as it is hauled aboard the vessel, weights are sent remotely by radio signal to a computer situated in the wheelhouse. The weigher is designed to compensate for the motion of the vessel so accurate weights can be recorded.
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    Final CLG minutes for 22 June 2017 meeting

    Final minutes of the Common Language Group meeting held in London on 22 June 2017.
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    The Seafood Guide

    The Seafood Guide aims to help chefs, caterers, processors, retailers and consumers understand the wonderful array of fish and shellfish available in the UK. It contains detailed species information along with information on handling & storage, quality, cuts & portions and cooking.
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    Quay Issues: 2014 Economics of the UK Fishing Fleet

    Part of the Quay Issues family of publications, the '2014 Economic Survey of the UK Fishing Fleet' includes the most recent nationwide costs and earnings data on the UK catching sector. The study presents the latest economic data for the commercially active UK fishing fleet and includes chapters on income, costs, fuel, employment and profitability as well as a comparison of the four home nation fleets.
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    Seafish Responsible Sourcing Guide - Mackerel - May 2013

    This Responsible Sourcing Guide to mackerel contains information on sustainability issues, stock assessment, conservation measures and management worldwide for the individual stocks of this species updated to 2013. There is a short section on the product characteristics of the species. The information was obtained from scientific, industry and governmental sources and appropriate references are given.
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    Seafish Responsible Sourcing Guide - Monk - October 2013

    This Responsible Sourcing Guide to monkfish contains information on sustainability issues, stock assessment, conservation measures and management worldwide for the individual stocks of this species updated to 2013. There is a short section on the product characteristics of the species. The information was obtained from scientific, industry and governmental sources and appropriate references are given.
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    Quick summary of 2018 ICES advice for the seven key pelagic species (up to June 2018)

    Seafish continues to support the fishmeal industry through the provision of news and factual information. This quick summary of the 2018 ICES advice (up to June 2018) covers blue whiting, capelin, herring, mackerel, Norway pout, sandeel and sprat.
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    Form 27 (issue 14) - Application for Inspection

    Form 27 (issue 14) - Application for Inspection (Registration Survey).
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    Scallop Portion Size Study _ Executive Summary

    In 2003 the Sea Fish Industry Authority (Seafish) in partnership with the scallop industry commissioned a study to investigate the weight of a scallop portion, in and out of home, in key European markets. The main purpose of the study was to establish some pertinent features of the distribution of the weight of a scallop portion in regions of heavy scallop consumption
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    The Seafish Challenge Reviewed

    In 1998 Seafish ran a nationwide competition, The Seafish Challenge, the aim of which was to encourage fish processing companies to develop successful new fish products for restaurants in the mid-price/mid-market sector. This research evaluates this initiative.
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    FS34 - 09.09 September 2009 Inshore Vessel Monitoring Systems (VMS)

    It is becoming increasingly important that vessels fishing inshore have a way to provide evidence that they are complying with local voluntary and statutory environmental management agreements. Seafish was approached by the South West Fishermen’s Association (SWIFA) to look at inshore vessel monitoring systems for scallop vessels working in Lyme Bay. This fact sheet summarises pilot trials on two different types of system fitted on five vessels fishing from various ports in South West England.
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    Discards article In Fishing New (5 of 6). Separator panels and coverless trawls.

    In the fifth of a series of six articles, Mike Montgomerie, gear technologist at Seafish, gives his perspective on the discards issue and the work that Seafish, along with industry, has been doing to help develop new selective technologies and net-based fishing activities to reduce discards. In this fifth article Mike Montgomerie, Gear Technologist at Seafish, discusses the use of vertical and horizontal separator panels, and coverless trawls. Published in Fishing News on 25 November 2011.
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    Size-price dependency in the market for whitefish

    Seafish analysed data on sales of cod and haddock at Peterhead auction between 2006 and 2015 to estimate how much fish size influenced price at auction. Further analysis was done to estimate how a lower average size of landed fish could impact fishing revenues. The study found strong evidence of size-dependent pricing for both species and estimated that if selectivity is not improved, fishermen operating whitefish vessels could earn £21,000 less in gross annual fishing income from cod and haddock landings, compared to pre-landing obligation fishing revenues. The study suggests that if selectivity is improved, fishermen could achieve a higher overall value for their landings than if they land the same proportion of small fish that they were catching before the landing obligation was implemented.
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    The development of a novel hatchery system for the Ormer Haliotis tuberculata

    ‘Pinkstones’ are natural stones covered with coralline algae which secrete a hard pink coloured calcium carbonate coating. The relationship between the coralline alga Lithothamnion sp. and the settlement of abalone has been noted previously, but not seemingly exploited at a commercial level. Heasman reports that in the case of H. rubra not only does the production of GABA (gamma amino butyric acid) play a significant role in mirroring neurotransmitters involved in metamorphosis from the free swimming planktonic stage to the post-larval settlement stage, but the ‘antifouling cells’ used to keep the surface of the alga clean are of the right size to provide initial nutrition before the larger diatoms can be consumed. If this is linked to the reporting that 1 litre of ‘pinkstones’ can accommodate up to 60,000 post larval abalone and they can survive and grow over the following 8-10 days before selectively migrating, largest first, then they can become vector stones with the potential for commercial exploitation. This project was designed to establish if this was the case with Ormers and if so how to utilise the process to advance the aquaculture of the species.
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    Final Minutes DAG Regulatory Control Working Group meeting 14 October 2011

    Final minutes of the Discard Action Group Regulatory Control Working Group meeting held in London on 14 October 2011.
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    Fish and chips in foodservice factsheet

    This fact sheet provides a summary of the key facts and figures relating to performance and trends of fish and chips when purchased together as a complete meal from any commercial foodservice outlet.
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    Seafish response to the Consultation on Marine Licensing for Scotland under the Marine (Scotland) Act 2010 and the Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009

    This is a response to the Consultation on Marine Licensing for Scotland under the Marine (Scotland) Act 2010 and the Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009. The consultation papers are available here:
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    Form 48 (issue 12) - Documentation and Procedural Requirements (for Seafish certification for new vessels)

    Documentation and procedural requirements for Seafish Certification for new build fishing vessels.
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    FS28-0609 Minimising Voids in 7.5kg Fish Block Productionl

    A void is a 'Hole' or 'Pit', containing air or ice, within a fish block, generally seen in the surface of the block . Voids are undesirable because they affect the final weight and appearance of a portion produced from the block. This document, based on information provided by Beck Pack Systems A/S summarises the common causes of voids in frozen fish blocks and makes recommendations to minimise their occurrence.
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    Corporate Plan 2015-2018 Executive Summary (Welsh)

    A summary of the Seafish Corporate Plan for 2015-2018, including details of our high level objectives and operational delivery model - Welsh language version.
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    Guidance sheet – New Labelling Rules for food sold loose and food service

    From 12 December 2014 the EU Food Information to Consumers Regulation will require allergen information to be given with food sold loose or pre-packed on the premises. This will include fish mongers and catering establishments. There is a legal requirement to inform the consumer as to the presence of 14 allergens: Milk Eggs Fish Crustaceans (e.g. crab, lobster, crayfish, shrimp, prawn) Molluscs (e.g. mussels, oysters, squid) Peanuts Tree nuts (almonds, hazelnuts, walnuts, cashews, pecans, Brazils, pistachios) Sesame seeds Cereals containing gluten (i.e. wheat (such as spelt and Khorasan wheat), rye, barley, oats, or their hybridised strains) Soybeans Celery and celeriac Mustard Lupin Sulphites at concentration of ten parts per million and above
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    Final Minutes CLG meeting 2 March 2011

    Final minutes of the Common Language Group meeting held in London on 2 March 2011.
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    Final ACIG minutes 15 March 2012

    Final minutes of the Aquaculture Common Issues Group meeting held in London on 15 March 2012.
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    Domestication of hake broodstock and early rearing trials

    The objectives of the current project were to establish a hake broodstock and to source eggs and larvae and these would be used for scientific studies of larval development and biology.
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    Thailand Seafood Ethics Profile

    Seafish commissioned a study to assess the ethical issues impacting on seafood species landed into, and imported to the UK from a wide range of countries. This Thailand profile looks at the main seafood products; seafood exports to UK; employment in seafood; human trafficking and forced labour indicators and rankings and research reports; ratification of international human rights and labour instruments; fisheries policy and management structure/administration; control of IUU fishing and related labour abuse; measures to protect migrant fishers; partnerships and improvement projects; and an overall assessment or criteria for overall risk assessment for Thailand.
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    Fisheries Control Regulations: Traceability and consumer information requirements

    European fisheries control measures were reviewed and consolidated under Commission Regulation 01224/2009 with further implementing measures provided under Regulation 404/2011. This applies minimum labelling and information requirements throughout the supply chain both up to retail and to the consumer. It does not apply to fishery products imported under IUU regulations nor those that fall under the CN16 customs tariff heading. This document provides guidance on the application of these requirements within the seafood sector.
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    Labour and Employment in UK seafood processing April to June 2019

    Findings of quarterly survey on recruitment in the seafood processing sector and issue facing UK businesses from April to June 2019.
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    Application for Inspection - Form 27 (Issue12)

    Form 27 (Issue12) - Application for inspection for existing vessels less than 24m RL.
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    Brown Crab export market

    In 2004 the Sea Fish Industry Authority (Seafi sh) commissioned a research study with the purpose of exploring export markets for value added products (VAP) based on brown crab Cancer pagurus. The brown crab business is changing as demand for whole live crab is declining, in favour of pre-processed products. One of the primary objectives of this study was to identify the key European markets and monitor trends. Today cooking and peeling is done either by crab processing specialists, in supermarkets (cooking done in shops) or by restaurant chefs. Transporting and especially packing are done all along the brown crab value chain. The market is moving drastically from traditional live to fresh cooked and packed cooked meat which is ready-to-eat.
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    Final Discard Action Group minutes 12 October 2010

    Final minutes of the Discard Action Group meeting held in London on 12 October 2010.
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    Final Minutes DAG Regulatory Control Focus Group 25 February 2011

    Final minutes of the Discard Action Group Regulatory Control Focus Group meeting held in London on 25 February 2011.
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    Discards article In Fishing New (2 of 6). Behavioural trends.

    In the second of a series of six articles, Mike Montgomerie, gear technologist at Seafish, gives his perspective on the discards issue and the work that Seafish, along with industry, has been doing to help develop new selective technologies and net-based fishing activities to reduce discards. In this second article he looks at how behavioural trends of fish can be exploited when designing and positioning discard reduction devices, or redesigning nets to reduce the number of fish discarded. Published in Fishing News 26 August 2011.
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    Discards article In Fishing New (6 of 6). Flexible and rigid grids.

    In the final article of a series of six, Mike Montgomerie, gear technologist at Seafish, gives his perspective on the discards issue and the work that Seafish, along with industry, has been doing to help develop new selective technologies and net-based fishing activities to reduce discards. In this sixth article Mike Montgomerie, Gear Technologist at Seafish, discusses the use of flexible and rigid grids. Published in Fishing News on 27 January 2012.
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    Final CLG minutes 14 November 2012

    Final minutes of the Common Language Group meeting held in London on 14 November 2012.
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    Construction Standards for fishing vessels 15m length overall to 24m registered length - general requirements

    Includes sections on Standards, Compliance procedures and certification, Building premises, Testing of structures, Materials and Definitions of expressions.
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    FS09_06.09 High pressure processing of fish and shellfish

    Seafish, FIFG and Norconserv funded a comprehensive series of trials to determine the practical and commercial benefits of using High Pressure Processing (HPP) for seafood processing. The work was carried out on a range of fish and shellfish by Campden BRI, using both pilot and commercial scale equipment. Where appropriate, samples were assessed and further processed by seafood industry partners. This factsheet summarises the findings of the work.
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    FS26_06.09 Maximising Profits in Shellfish Cooking Using Time Temperature Indicators (TTI’s)

    Cooking is the traditional process by which many foods are made safe before they are eaten. Heating to a sufficiently high temperature destroys any harmful micro-organisms that may be present. Cooking may be required by law or used to facilitate shelling or shucking. Cooking may also be used to produce desirable ready to eat products with a longer storage life, by inactivating spoilage enzymes and bacteria naturally present on the raw material. Time Temperature Indicators (TTI’s) are emerging as a more efficient and cost effective way to measure the degree of cooking received by the product. The Seafish Industry Project Fund (IPF) funded Campden BRI to investigate and develop suitable TTI’s for the continuous cooking processes, such those used to cook crab and prawns.
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    Fisheries Management Issues Report

    The Fisheries Management Issues Report summarises some of the current issues affecting the UK fishing industry. Information is collated from regional, UK and European sources and regular topics include discussions at the EU Fisheries Council meetings, official landings into the UK relative to allocated quotas and the extent of bans on fishing due to shellfish poisoning around the UK.
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    Food Information Regulation: Update on Compromise Agreement (Amendment 136)

    The new Food Information Regulation being discussed is intended to consolidate all the amendments made to the current Food Labelling Regulation and modernise it, as well as ensure greater consistency of rules between Member States. This Guidance Note lists the main changes this new Food Information Regulation will make to current food labelling rules in the UK. Only the changes likely to affect seafood businesses are included: definitions, legibility, responsibilities, mandatory and voluntary particulars, distance selling, allergen information, date of freezing, presentation, added water.
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    Factory and freezer vessels: application for approval under Regulation 853/2004

    Seafish, in collaboration with the Food Standards Agency, industry and enforcement representatives, has produced a number of hygiene checklists and associated documents for checking whether fishing vessels comply with minimum hygiene requirements.
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    Determination of Appropriate Conditions for the Depuration of Razor Clams

    Trials carried out to determine appropriate conditions for the depuration of razor clams have found that, providing diver-gathered animals are banded and re-immersed soon after capture and kept banded during the depuration process, significant removal of E.coli can be achieved from shellfish artificially contaminated with primary sewage effluent. Shellfish contaminated to class C levels of E.coli achieved significant clearance of E.coli after 42 hours at 10 degrees centigrade and a salinity of 30% and with a shellfish to water ratio of 1:4 (w/w).
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    Vermicomposting of pre-composted mixed fish/shellfish and green waste

    Partially composted mixed fish/shellfish and green waste was further vermicomposted on a large-scale for seven weeks. The composition of the pre-composted waste was such that it had elevated levels of pH and electrical conductivity. In the large-scale vermicomposting system, the earthworms appeared to be reluctant to enter the waste directly for the first three weeks but then actively processed the waste. However,laboratory experiments confirmed that the earthworms would have been capable of processing the waste during this period and increasing their biomass significantly as a result. It is likely that the earthworms were ingesting and processing the waste during the first three weeks while remaining in the bedding material. Greenhouse gas emissions were found to be low, probably due to the pre-composting phase reducing carbon and nitrogen contents. The vermicompost which was derived from the process showed the high nitrate concentration which is characteristic of typical“vermicomposts”. On the basis of this and other characteristics, it would appear that the vermicompost would be capable of being used as a basis for the formulation of high value composts.
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    Final Note on Seafood Ethics Common Language Group meeting on 14 January 2015

    Final note on the Seafood Ethics Common Language Group meeting held at Friends House, London on Wednesday 14 January 2015.
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    Seafish Roadmap to the UK, Scotland and NI Marine Bills and the UK MPA Network - January 2010

    The aim of the UK, Scottish and Northern Ireland Marine Bills is to create a more strategic and holistic approach to the marine environment.
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    SW Beam Trawl Financial Performance_2005 Mid Year Review

    In recent years structural changes have taken place in the beam trawl fishing segment, leaving fewer beam trawl vessels in operation. �� Gross earnings are expected to be better this year than in 2004 due to higher quotas of key species, increasing awareness of quality issues and stable fish prices. �� Net profits are expected to be lower than 2004, mainly due to the large increase in the cost of fuel over the last 12 months. �� Fuel costs are seen as the main problem in this segment, and could potentially lead to vessel tie-ups. �� Key issues include calls for higher quota of monkfish, megrim, and area VII sole, and the removal of effort restrictions on non-pressure stocks.
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    B48_Cod and Haddock Gut Bacteria_Final Report

    The bacterial diversity contained within samples collected from the stomach of both haddock and cod was examined. In both cases, examples of microbes identified in the digestive tract of other vertebrates were observed. However, the majority of sequences identified were most similar to sequences which had previously been found in ‘environmental’ samples (e.g. soil samples). This is suggests that the bacterial community within the stomach of these fish is directly influenced by microbes being swallowed. This is different from the observations which have been reported for mammalian gut environments, where the food ingested (as opposed to the bacteria themselves) influence the bacterial population. This point is re-iterated by the relative abundance of sequences which were found which had high similarity to chloroplasts, which previously have constituted a minor level of contamination in other gut systems studied, suggestive of there not being a particularly strongly established bacterial population within the stomach of these fish.
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    Final Minutes DAG meeting 2 July 2014

    Final notes of the Discard Action Group meeting held at Fishmongers' Hall, London on 2 July 2014.
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    Hyperbooks - Shellfish Guidance Notes

    Shellfish guidance notes.
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    Final ACIG minutes 25 September 2012

    Final minutes of the Aquaculture Common Issues Group meeting held in London on 25 September 2012.
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    Seafood Regulation Expert Group Minutes – October 2016

    Brexit; The Seafood Industry Alliance; Official Controls Review; Traceability and Consumer Information; Labelling Nutrition and Origin of Primary Ingredients; Tuna Treatment with Nitrite; Regulatory Delivery Food Standards and Labelling and Food Hygiene Expert Panel Reports; Acrylamide; Biocides; Live American Lobsters; Crabs to China; Certificate of Origin; Re-Enforced Checks Guidance; Union Customs Code; Glaze Guide; Hydrogen peroxide; Botulism; Markets Advisory Council; FVO VIsit South West
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    A case study review of the potential impact of proposed CFP discard reform. Poseidon report to Seafish UK, 2013

    The reform of the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) introduces a landing obligation to eliminate discarding. The objective of this research, was to determine the potential economic implications of this discards ban on selected case study UK fleets through establishing a) how would the landing obligation affect fleet economic performance, b) at fleet level, and given current discards, what would the quota requirements amount to, and c) identify any ‘choke’ species that could limit operations of the fleet. The report highlights two key aspects of the landings obligation: the restricting effect of so-called “choke” species, and a lack of clarity surrounding the permitted flexibilities contained within the legislation. The results confirm what we already thought: much work remains to be done in order to ensure that we have a fishing fleet which operates sustainably, profitably and in line with the recently agreed landings obligation.
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    Quay Issues: Fleet Economic Performance Dataset 2008-15

    The Seafish Fleet Economic Performance Dataset provides a detailed insight into the financial and operational performance of the fleet between 2008 and 2015 alongside analysis produced by the Seafish Economics team. This latest version includes new graphs and infographics with less data tables.
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    Response to Consultation on the reform of fisheries management arrangements – England

    Seafish agrees that substantial change in the operation of fishery management is required in order to achieve sustainable, profitable fisheries. The system therefore has to include incentives to private individuals and should provide long-term rights to them. Property rights should be permanent (or rolling long term), tradable, exclusive and clearly defined.
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    Crustacea processing waste management

    With changes in waste legislation, shellfish waste management has become increasingly difficult and expensive. This has significantly affected the shellfish processing sector, particularly the crustacea sector as there is a lack of cost-effective outlets for their waste. Disposal costs of £60 to 300 per tonne are common, which is not economically viable for many businesses. To establish whether it is possible for UK processors to generate an income or reduce the costs of crustacea waste disposal, Seafish initiated a project to look at the range of options available for crustacea waste management and identify which have potential for success. The project looked at all the crustacea species processed in the UK and the range of products or extracts that can be produced. This document summarises the findings of this work.
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    FS55-6.10_Utilisation and disposal of mollusc shell waste

    The utilisation and disposal of waste is highly regulated and processors need to ensure their waste is responsibly dealt with. Changes in legal requirements have resulted in outlets for the disposal of waste becoming increasingly restricted and expensive. And it is not necessarily straightforward to utilise shell for other products. This factsheet summarises the key facts about mollusc shell use and disposal.
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    Economic Impact Assessment of the 2005 TAC Final agreement on the North Sea and West of Scotland Whitefish Fleet

    This report looks at the likely earnings and profits for vessels primarily fishing for whitefish, such as cod and haddock, in the North Sea and West of Scotland. It takes into account the fish quotas agreed at the December 2004 meeting of the European Union’s Fisheries Council and reflects the changing nature of the UK fishing industry.
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    Procedural Requirements for Seafish Certification

    (48) Documentation and Procedural Req (Seafish Cert for NV) Issue 8
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    Seafish response to Defra’s UK Marine Policy Statement: A Draft for Consultation

    This is the Seafish response to Defra’s UK Marine Policy Statement: A Draft for Consultation, of 21 July 2010. The consultation papers are available here:
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    Seafish response on Defra’s Strategy for Marine Protected Areas, Delivering Marine Conservation Zones and European Marine Sites Consultation

    Seafish response to draft strategy setting out Defra's proposed vision and framework for marine protected areas (MPAs) in territorial waters adjacent to England and UK offshore waters over the next 10 years. To read the consultation go to:
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    Seafish response to Consultation on the operation of the Gangmasters Licensing (Exclusions) Regulations 2006

    The Defra consultation is a second look at the Exclusions Regulations. Having received feedback on the 2006 Regulations, Defra feel that "some refinement may be necessary to widen the range of excluded circumstances". To read the consultation go to:
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    Seafish response to Consultation on the Review of the Animal By-Products Regulation (EC) No. 1774/2002

    Defra invited views on the European Commission’s proposal to replace the Animal By-Products Regulation 1774/2002/EC, which lays down health rules as regards animal by-products not intended for human consumption. Parallel consultations are being undertaken in Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. To read the consultation go to:
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    Defining free of flesh shell

    In preparation for a review of the ABPR this factsheet summarises the results of trials to define free of flesh shell.
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    Exploring the Italian market for Nephrops from Scotland

    In 2003 the Sea Fish Industry Authority (Seafish), in association with Seafood Scotland and Scottish Development International commissioned a study to explore the market for Scottish Nephrops in Italy. This key features document provides an overview of the study's findings.
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    Review of king scallop dredge designs and impacts, legislation and potential conflicts with offshore wind farms

    Review of king scallop dredge designs and impacts, legislation and potential conflicts with offshore wind farms.
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    Minutes of the eighth meeting of the Seafish Domestic and Export Sector Panel

    Minutes of the eighth meeting of the Seafish Domestic and Export Sector Panel. Held at The Wesley Hotel, 81-103 Euston Street, London on Monday 19 October 2015.
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    Seafish response to the Commission Proposal on the Review of the Fisheries Control Regulation consultation

    Defra's Marine and Fisheries Agency carried out a consultation on the Commission Proposal on the Review of the Fisheries Control Regulation, including a preliminary Impact Assessment. The basic idea of the Commission proposal was to improve the efficiency of fisheries control by encouraging Europe-wide standardisation and coordination, and to reduce the administrative burden by introducing new technologies. In the response, it is stressed that the administrative requirements constitute an unwelcome increase in the burden to operators in the supply chain. To read the consultation, go to:
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    Final ACIG minutes 15 September 2015

    Final minutes of the Aquaculture Common Issues Group meeting held in London on 15 September 2015.
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    Final ACIG minutes 23 September 2014

    Final minutes of the Aquaculture Common Issues Group meeting held in London on 23 September 2014.
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    Final Pelagic Industry Issues Group minutes for 9 October 2015

    Final minutes of the Pelagic Industry Issues meeting held in Aberdeen on Friday 9 October 2015.
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    SR695 UK Shellfish Production and Several, Regualting and Hybrid Orders

    The Contribution and Value of Orders in Relation to the Sector’s Past Development and Future Growth
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    Diesel Fuel additives - Summary Report

    This document provides a non-technical summary of fuel consumption tests on red diesel fuel additives, and comparison of these results with those from identical tests using red diesel alone. The test cycle used simulated a trawler operating a 20 hour 40 minute excursion from Newlyn and within this involved 3, 4 hour long trawl stages. This test cycle was established after discussion with local skippers from the Newlyn fleet and SeaFISH representatives. The tests were conducted at the Camborne School of Mines engine dynamometer test facility installed in the Holman’s Test Mine in Cornwall.
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    Labour and Employment in UK seafood processing April to June 2018

    Quarterly survey on employment and labour issues with UK seafood processing businesses from April to June 2018
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    Trials to Determine the Fat Content of Fish and Chips

    Fish and chips are typically perceived as being high in fat along with other takeaway foods. Currently there is little quantifiable data on the actual fat content of commercially produced fish and chips. The currently accepted benchmark for the total fat content of commercially produced fish and chips is 15.4 g/100g and 12.4 g/100g, respectively. Composite samples of fish and chips were taken from 30 takeaways for analysis; in addition controlled trials were carried out under commercial conditions to investigate the optimum cooking conditions. The takeaway average meal portion size was found to be 507.9g, with an average total fat for the fish and chips at 9.8 g/100 g and 9.0 g/100 g, respectively. Under optimum commercial conditions the average total fat for fish and chips was 8.2 g/100g and 6.9 g/100 g respectively. This work represents a new benchmark for the total fat content of takeaway fish and chips, on average 32% lower than the currently accepted values. For samples cooked under optimal commercial conditions the benchmark for total fat was found to be even lower; an average 45% less than the currently accepted values. Fish and chips represent a nutritious meal which is relatively low in total fat compared to some takeaways. By removing the batter from the fish, healthconscious consumers can enjoy a very low fat meal (fish 0.7% fat).
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    Consumer attitudes to the environment and seafood

    Consumers’ environmental concerns have been a growing area of interest for various private and public sector bodies, with numerous studies conducted to measure public opinion. In recent years, the fishing industry has received considerable media exposure, especially regarding the sustainability of white fish stocks and the impact of fish farming. It has been diffi cult however to estimate the effect of this publicity on the purchase and consumption of seafood by consumers in Britain.
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    Key Features. Seafood Industry Value Chain Analysis. Cod, Haddock and Nephrops

    This study provides a close look at the UK seafood value chain for the species cod (Gadus morhua), haddock (Gadus aeglefinus) and nephrops (Nephrops norvegicus). This report treats each value chain separately, and the main findings from each analysis can be found below. In addition, the key points extracted from the interviews held with industry players and the implications of the main findings for the major stakeholders in this study are presented here. When seen as a whole, these observations provide a background for understanding some of the developments that are observed in the seafood industry today for the selected species. All figures presented are for year 2002.
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    Minutes of the Seafood Regulation Expert Group meeting held 19/01/2016

    Expert Group Review – Better Regulation Delivery Office (BRDO); Official Controls Review – hygiene charges; Traceability and consumer information; New minimum residue limits for biocides in the food chain; Primary Authority and Seafish guidance; Determination of deglazed net weight; Better Regulation Delivery Office Food Standards and Labelling and Food Hygiene Expert Panel reports; Imports; Tuna Treatment; Use of Desliming Agents; Chlorine dioxide; Codex Code of Practice for scallops; Hygiene regulations and scallops; Responsible Fishing Ports Scheme;Seafood Week
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    Key Features.The Clyde Inshore Fishery Study.

    The establishment of a local fishery management group is the route to a sustainable future for the Clyde inshore fishery.Although the Clyde inshore fishery has been in decline in recent years, the potential for a significant, sustainable and viable future does exist.
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    Handling and Holding Practices in the Production of Fresh Fish & Their Effect on Quality

    This report is the result of a study, sponsored within the 1982/83 MAFF research commission, of commercial practices of handling and holding fresh fish destined for human consumption, and the effect of those practices on quality.
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    Seafish Waste Survey 2004

    The survey was conducted between 30 November 2004 and 3 December 2004. The purpose of this survey was to: 1. Quantify the amount of shellfish and finfish waste being generated by the processing industry on a regional basis. 2. Identify the methods of waste disposal currently being used. 3. Quantify the current costs of disposal. 4. Identify regions where problems are being encountered (or are likely to encountered) in the disposal of waste when the Animal By-Products legislation is enforced. 160 sea fish processing companies (representing 30% of all such companies) from both the shellfish and finfish sectors and located throughout Scotland, England and Northern Ireland were selected at random and contacted by telephone. The interviewers used a questionnaire (appendix 1) to structure the interviews and to ensure that all the relevant information was obtained.
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    County Down Seafood

    This report was produced by tourism specialists BTS, supported by fish industry experts Poseidon Consulting. It is a market based business plan, commissioned by the Strangford Lough and Lecale Partnership (SLLP), with funding from the EU and the South East Area Fisheries Local Action Group (SEAFLAG), to provide economic benefit to the South East Area which includes the fishing ports at Portavogie, Ardglass and Kilkeel. The analysis is designed to help develop the local market for locally caught seafood and local quality agricultural produce within Area. The project examines the opportunities for food tourism in the Strangford Lough and Mourne Mountains destinations, building on the concentration of the Northern Ireland fishing industry in the area, the quality of other local food produce and the number and the quality of local eating places across the area.
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    Performance of a trawl codend made from 90º turned netting (T90) compared with that of traditional codends

    This paper describes a series of tests conducted in the SINTEF Flume Tank with different designs and constructions of codends.
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    Future of Our Inshore Fisheries - issues and ideas workshop report

    The workshop held on 5 June 2019 was the first opportunity for all parties to come together, from across the UK, to discuss the issues affecting inshore fisheries; to establish common ground, and to identify the problems that need to be addressed.
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    Final CLG minutes for 22 July 2013

    Final minutes of the Common Language Group meeting held at Fishmongers' Hall on Monday 22 July 2013, to which Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall and the Fish Fish production team were invited.
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    Final Pelagic Industry Issues Group minutes for 18 October 2016

    Final minutes of the Pelagic Industry Issues meeting held in Aberdeen on Tuesday 18 October 2016.
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    Final CLG minutes for 10 November 2016 meeting

    Final minutes of the Common Language Group meeting held in London on 10 November 2016.
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    Final Minutes DAG meeting 2 May 2013

    Final notes of the Discard Action Group meeting held at Fishmongers' Hall, London on 2 May 2013.
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    Yellow Haddock_A097

    Some frozen at sea haddock develops a yellow discolouration. This is a major problem for the UK fish industry; resolution of the problem would potentially protect and make available £145M worth of legally caught haddock to a total haddock market worth £288M in the UK alone. A series of trials were carried out to try to replicate the conditions causing yellowing to enable recommendations to be made to solve the problem. Although the trials failed to yellow the fish, in depth biochemical analyses were performed on potential mechanisms for the production of yellow colour in the muscle tissue. It has been clarified that most likely the enzyme phospholipase A2 (PLA) splits off a fatty acids from the PL phosphatidylethanolamine (PE), which consecutively reacts with muscle proteins forming yellow complexes.
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    Final Minutes DAG meeting 24 October 2012

    Final minutes of the Discard Action Group meeting held in London on 24 October 2012.
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    Final Minutes DAG meeting 20 February 2012

    Final minutes of the Discard Action Group meeting held in London on 20 February 2012.
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    Sensory assessment scoresheets for fish and shellfish - Torry & QIM

    Several sensory assessment methods have been used in the UK over the years including the Torry Sensory Assessment scheme, the European E-A-B scheme and the Quality Index Method. Sensory assessment schemes use the physical characteristics of raw seafood to determine a score indicating the freshness quality of the seafood. Schemes are developed using seafood that has been produced according to good manufacturing practice. This makes it possible to identify the ‘days on ice’ of seafood i.e. how fresh it is. This document provides copies of available Torry Assessment and QIM schemes and may be updated when new schemes become available.
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    Fish Handling at Sea

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    Quick summary of 2013 ICES advice for six key pelagic species

    Seafish continues to support the fishmeal industry through the provision of news and factual information. This quick summary of the 2013 ICES advice covers blue whiting, capelin, herring, Norway pout, sandeel and sprat.
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    Report of the Study Group on Turned 90° Codend Selectivity, focusing on Baltic Cod Selectivity (SGTCOD) 2011

    A report of the third meeting of the ICES Study Group on Turned 90° Codend Selectivity, focusing on Baltic Cod Selectivity (SGTCOD), May 2011.
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    The development of larval cod head morphology and aggression and boldness in cod

    The report details experiments in 2004 and 2005 that were funded by NERC and Seafish towards a Phd project carried out at the SAMS marine laboratory in Ardtoe. The morphological development of the head in cod larvae and the effect of prey size on the development were studied as well as aggression in cod juveniles and the effects of prey density on aggression. Some of the key results from these experiments are summarized in this report. Each section of the report eventually formed a chapter of the final thesis (through the University of Glasgow).
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    Seafood Regulation Expert Group Minutes – September 2017

    Primary Authority 3; Brexit; IUU Fishing; Fish Name Designations; Official Controls; Fish Trade; Code of Practice for Smoked Fish; Expert Group on Food Hygiene and Control of Food of Animal Origin; Freezing Treatment for Killing Viable Parasites; Brexit Priority Work Areas; Seafood Traceability; Work with FSS and Local Authorities; Shellfish Review; Regulatory Strategy; Shellfish Classification and Risk Assessments; Official Controls; Animal By Products Scottish Case Study Discussion; Regulating our Future; Acrylamide Regulation; Changes to Seafish’s Primary Authority; India and Veterinary Residues; Crystal Violet; End Use; Importers Forum; Superchilling; Markets Advisory Council; Tuna Treatment with Nitrate; US Marine Mammal Protection Act
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    Crab & Lobster Live Holding Systems,Part 1 - Tanks & Buildings

    The increased demand for crabs and lobsters, and the requirement to export live shellfish has led to the Industry needing better methods and information about live holding. This data sheet is part of a new series forming a guide to the selection of equipment needed to successfully store and transport live crabs and lobsters. These data sheets should be used in conjunction with data sheets produced in 1987 Handling Crabs for the Live Trade, Parts I and II. This sheet provides a guide to the selection of a suitable building, and the construction of holding tanks for crabs and lobsters.
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    Fisheries Management Issues Report

    The Fisheries Management Issues Report summarises some of the current issues affecting the UK fishing industry. Information is collated from regional, UK and European sources and regular topics include discussions at the EU Fisheries Council meetings, official landings into the UK relative to allocated quotas and the extent of bans on fishing due to shellfish poisoning around the UK.
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    Why has the cod stock recovered in the North Sea?

    This industry guidance note describes the history of exploitation of cod and other whitefish in the North Sea in the context of changes in the North Sea environment. It discusses the role of fisheries management under the EU-Norway agreement in the cod stock's recovery
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    Enforcement authorities relevant to UK-EU trade: Competent authorities responsible for the enforcement of veterinary and IUU controls on seafood trade with the UK, and with seafood trade in the EU

    This note provides a list of competent authorities responsible for the enforcement of veterinary and IUU controls on seafood trade with the UK, and with seafood trade in the EU.
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    Composting Trial for Seafish

    With increasing environmental controls and restrictions on the disposal of animal byproducts, the seafood industry is in urgent need of alternative disposal outlets. Trials in 2003 showed that composting was a suitable process for treating different types of seafood waste. Since then, commercial scale trials with composting companies have been carried out. In 2005, Seafish commissioned a project in North-West England to assess the suitability of commercial scale composting for the disposal of cooked whelk waste. Cooked whelk waste, comprising flesh and shell, was provided by AM Seafoods of Fleetwood. TEG Environmental carried out the composting, using their commercial facility near Preston. Cooked whelk processing waste was delivered to the TEG site during March and April 2005 and mixed with amendment material comprising shredded green waste, draff (spent grain), broiler litter and recycled compost. The mixed material was then composted in the TEG system. The project found that whelk waste is suitable for treatment in a commercial composting system and, providing it is properly mixed with other materials, can be used in land based applications. Composting is a potential solution for shellfish waste but it is preferable to use soft shell, shell with high levels of flesh attached or ensure shell is well ‘diluted’ with other feedstocks to prevent elevated calcium levels.
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    Final CLG minutes for 29 June 2015 meeting

    Final minutes of the Common Language Group meeting held at Friends House, London on Monday 29 June 2015.
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    Final CLG minutes for 3 July 2013

    Final minutes of the Common Language Group meeting held at Billingsgate on Wednesday 3 July 2013.
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    Seafish response to Defra's "Consultation on a marine planning system for England"

    This is a response to Defra's consultation on a marine planning system for England of 21 July 2010. The consultation papers are available here:
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    Scottish Fleet Financial Performance_2005 Mid Year Review

    Average gross earnings for North Sea and West of Scotland whitefish vessels are fairly stable compared to 2004. The marked increase in fuel costs, and high spend on leasing days at sea and quota have diminished average net profits for vessels in this segment compared to 2004. On average, over 24 metre whitefish vessels are expected to make a small loss or break- even, while under 24 metre vessels are expected to just cover their operating costs. Nephrops vessels struggled with poor weather early this year, and landings have varied by area, with North Sea landings up. Nephrops vessels also encountered higher fishing expenses than last year and therefore net profits are expected to be lower.
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    SR630_Sail Power (Part 1)_D110

    The aim of the project is to develop and test a means of integrating sail power for use on commercial fishing vessels, by combining traditional Cornish long liner sail designs with modern materials and technologies. The sail system will be used to enhance the propulsion supplied by the engine in a motor sail application. The vessel chosen to carry out these trials, the MFV Nova Spero will be equipped with modern sail and deck handling equipment. Initial trials will be carried out using the technology with an assessment of the sails performance in terms of handling and fuel saving. If initial trials prove successful the sail design and rig will be tested during a full commercial tuna fishing trip sailing from Newlyn, Cornwall to the Bay of Biscay.
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    FS7-11.08 Nov 2008 Options to improve catch quality on inshore vessels

    The catch quality from vessels landing daily should be of superior freshness to the catch from vessels fishing longer trips. However many small boats have very little onboard equipment to chill and stroe their catch. This often leads to losses in catch quality despite the catch being oly one day old and appearing very fresh. This fact sheet looks at the benefits of using alternative methods to chill and maintain temperature control including insulated tubs, insulating the hold, 'slush ice' and by using insulated containers on deck.
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    Discards article In Fishing New (3 of 6). Square mesh panels.

    In the third of a series of six articles, Mike Montgomerie, gear technologist at Seafish, gives his perspective on the discards issue and the work that Seafish, along with industry, has been doing to help develop new selective technologies and net-based fishing activities to reduce discards. In this third article he starts to look at specific devices, starting with square mesh panels, to see how effective they have proved to be in various fisheries. Published in Fishing News on 20 October 2011.
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    Project Inshore - Stage 3 Strategic Sustainability Review Kent & Essex Inshore Fisheries & Conervation Authority

    This report presents stage 3 of Project Inshore where findings of stage 1’s data gathering on fisheries within each IFCA and the results of stage 2’s MSC pre-assessment conducted for fisheries around England’s coast (involving over 400 different species, stock and gear combinations) are considered to provide a Strategic Sustainability Review tailored to the Kent & Essex IFCA.
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    Final CLG minutes for 5 November 2014

    Final minutes of the Common Language Group meeting held at Billingsgate market, London on Wednesday 5 November 2014.
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    ICES 2006

    ICES 2006, Fishing Technology in the 21st Century, was a five-day symposium that held in Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.A., focusing on the theme of integrating commercial fishing and ecosystem conservation.
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    Final Minutes DAG meeting 23 March 2015

    Final notes of the Discard Action Group meeting held at the Wesley Hotel, London on 23 March 2015.
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    Guide to Food Safety Management for Fishmongers

    A Guide to Food Safety Management for Fishmongers has been developed specifically for people who manage a typical independent fishmonger shop or operate a mobile fishmonger vehicle.
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    Final Minutes DAG meeting 14 October 2013

    Final notes of the Discard Action Group meeting held at The Wesley Hotel, London on 14 October 2013.
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    Water Framework Directive - Technical Briefing

    The Water Framework Directive (WFD) will revolutionise the way that the water environment is managed and protected. It replaces today’s piecemeal legislation with integrated management of water quality, quantity, physical habitat and ecology. The WFD has far-reaching implications for fisheries managers and the industry. Its main effect will be an improvement in environmental quality – but it may also result in new controls on fishing and new duties for regulators. This technical briefing summarises the key feature of the WFD, highlights key issues, and gives the background information to help industry find out more about it.
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    Discarding in fishing: making sense of a complex issue - February 2009

    This note explains what discards are, why they occur, their significance and what can be done about them. The idea came from the Discard Action Group, one of the ‘issue forums’ that Seafish runs in order to resolve problems affecting the whole seafood supply chain. This group was established to start a cross-industry dialogue in response to the European Commission’s proposals to minimise or ban discarding. This is an updated edition of February 2008 briefing note. Discarding has moved up the political agenda again: in a global context European discards are still disproportionately high; the Commission is further developing its policy aimed at minimising discards across Europe; and the wasteful nature of discarding is increasingly seen as unacceptable throughout the supply chain. This briefing note includes an appendix that describes the initiatives introduced over the last couple of years, many initiated by the fishing industry, in order to reduce discarding in UK fisheries.
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    Report from an international workshop on seine net fishing held in Keflavik, Iceland, May 08

    With the growing interest in this relatively fuel-efficient method of fishing, the college invited speakers from Iceland and across Europe to share their experience and expertise in seine netting (also known as Danish seining, as this technique has its origins in Denmark). Lárus Thór Pálmason, the college’s senior lecturer in fishing gear technology and principal organiser of the event explained that rising fuel prices had driven a growing interest in seine net fishing and the college had been approached informally on several occasions to show groups of fishermen and vessel owners from other countries how seine net fishing works. The visits allowed an insight into how fishermen from other countries were dealing with the problems related to high fuel costs and looking to methods such as seine netting as one way of mitigating the problem. Programmes for visiting fishermen included visits to fishing gear suppliers, some gear simulation sessions in the small flume tank which the college has, and the chance to spend a day at sea with a working boat. These visits have been so popular that it was decided that it would be a good idea to try and pool a lot of the information that has been gathered into a workshop, and hence the international workshop was arranged.
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    Seafish Summary of agreed TACs for 2014 compared with ICES scientific advice

    Seafish summary of TACs agreed by the EU in December 2013 and March 2014 for 2014, compared with ICES scientific advice.
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    B19_Henry Colbeck Ltd_Marketing Campaign

    A one year campaign to profile the nutritional benefits of fish & chips, in comparison to other take-away food products, on local radio stations throughout the main urban areas of Scotland or North East England. The fundamental basis of this campaign will be to very positively educate the public about the nutritional benefits of consuming fish compared to other take-away food products. In addition to the advertisements, health based competitions and features will be run by the participating radio stations. To further endorse the campaign, all Henry Colbeck vans and lorries will carry the clear health message on them.
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    Fish stock assessesment models and ICES reference points

    This information sheet provides a brief layman's description of stock assessment models and the reference points used to describe stock status.
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    Fisheries Management Issues Report

    The Fisheries Management Issues Report summarises some of the current issues affecting the UK fishing industry. Information is collated from regional, UK and European sources and regular topics include discussions at the EU Fisheries Council meetings, official landings into the UK relative to allocated quotas and the extent of bans on fishing due to shellfish poisoning around the UK.
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    Seafish Roadmap to the UK, Scotland and NI Marine Bills and the UKMPA Network - October 2009

    The aim of the UK, Scottish and Northern Ireland Marine Bills is to create a more strategic and holistic approach to the marine environment.
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    Review of Covid-19 impacts on the UK seafood industry: January-March 2021

    The fourth report in a series of reviews on the impacts of Covid-19 on the UK seafood sector. It provides a high-level view of the impact of Covid-19 on the whole of the UK seafood supply chain in the first three months of 2021.
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    The UK Cold Water Prawn Market

    In September 2006, Seafish undertook market research to gain a better understanding of attitudes and behaviour in the UK Cold Water Prawn market.
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    Final Note on Seafood Ethics Common Language Group meeting on 11 July 2018

    Final note on the Seafood Ethics Common Language Group meeting held at Friends House, London on Wednesday 11 July 2018.
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    Corporate Plan 2015-2018 Executive Summary

    A summary of the Seafish Corporate Plan for 2015-2018, including details of our high level objectives and operational delivery model.
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    The Seafish Guide to DNA Testing of Seafood

    This is one of a series of guides in which Seafish explores topical issues affecting the UK seafood industry. Here we look at how DNA testing is being used by the seafood supply chain, what it can detect, where DNA analysis is carried out and the development of comprehensive DNA databases.
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    Seafish Comments on Welsh Assembly’s Strategy for Marine Protected Areas: Protecting Welsh Seas

    These are Seafish's comments on the Welsh Assembly Government's draft Strategy for Marine Protected Areas in Wales. The original consultation is available from
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    Quay Issues: Issue 1

    This magazine presents some of the stories behind the data, emerging from our Economic Survey of the UK Fishing Fleet. It highlights the main issues identified by fishermen during the survey and features case studies on individual fishing businesses demonstrating how they have overcome barriers to success. The magazine also features interviews with other experts describing recent changes in the industry and the adaptive management taking place in their sectors. The aim is to encourage fishing vessel owners to think critically and creatively about how they can solve problems facing their businesses to enhance their overall performance and profitability.
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    Final Note on Seafood Ethics Common Language Group meeting on 21 July 2016

    Final note on the Seafood Ethics Common Language Group meeting held at Friends House, London on Thursday 21 July 2016.
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    Quick summary of 2014 ICES advice re discards

    This quick summary looks at the June and autumn 2014 ICES advice with reference to discards. It covers North Sea, Celtic Sea and West of Scotland, and Baltic Sea stocks.
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    Cod Farming in the Marine Environment

    Key words: Husbandry; hydrographic survey; modelling; benthic survey
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    Quick summary of 2017 ICES advice for the seven key pelagic species

    Seafish continues to support the fishmeal industry through the provision of news and factual information. This quick summary of the 2017 ICES advice covers blue whiting, capelin, herring, mackerel, Norway pout, sandeel and sprat.
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    Seafish response to Defra Consultation on measures to protect the Fal & Helford Special Area of Conservation (SAC) from the impacts of fishing with dredges and other towed gear.

    This consultation concerned PROPOSED measures to protect Fal and Helford Special area of Conservation (SAC) from the impacts of fishing with scallop dredges and other bottomtrawls. To read the consultation go to:
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    The Frozen Fish Chain

    his open learning module deals with the more commonly used freezing processes. This module may be of interest to individuals invoved in the freezing, storage, transport or retaiiling of fish and shellfish. . Available as a printed open learning module for £15 plus P&P. Contact or 01472 252302 for more information.
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    Response to the Welsh Government Marine Conservation Zone consultation

    Seafish is convinced that the Welsh Government has not put forward a sound scientific or legal basis for setting up the proposed Marine Conservation Zones (MCZs). The proposal does not satisfy the criteria for the grounds for designating a MCZ as set out in Section 117 of the Marine and Coastal Access ACT 2009. An adequate marine protected area in any case already exists in Welsh waters. Other grounds for the establishment of the MCZs are not underpinned by evidence - e.g. although there is no evidence that the area needs ecosystem recovery and remediation, these are stated as grounds for setting up the MCZ. Seafish also points out that No Take Zones are not advisable in this situation and suggests better collaboration with fishermen to formulate ecosystem-based management strategies.
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    Final CLG minutes for 6 November 2013

    Final minutes of the Common Language Group meeting held at Billingsgate on Wednesday 6 November 2013.
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    Liferafts for the Fishing Industry

    This report discusses the failures that have occurred recently with liferfts and the measures being taken to combat the problem. A proposal by Seafish is put forward and further research is advocated.
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    Utilisation of 2016 European Union - Faroe Islands Bilateral Fisheries Agreement

    The Seafish Pelagic Industry Issues Group (SPIIG) asked Seafish to undertake an independent analysis of the utilisation by the UK and rest of EU of the 2016 EU-Faroe bilateral agreement and the utilisation of the agreement by Faroe Islands. This report is the third project undertaken by Seafish for PIIG and follows similar approach as the previous reports (published in 2016 and 2015).
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    FS29_05.09 Use of anaerobic digestion for food waste treatment in Orkney

    Shellfish waste is a major financial and operational burden to the seafood processing industry. Current estimates show that around 63,000 tonnes of shellfish waste is sent for disposal each year at a cost of almost £3,000,000. In theory there are many uses for shell, but to date there is no one solution to treating and subsequently using these materials as by-products. Most processors rely on disposal outlets costing up to £150 per tonne of waste. Shellfish processors want simple, local, cost-effective solutions for managing shellfish waste. Anaerobic digestion (AD) has been identified as a potential solution. The process produces methane which can be used to generate electricity, and create digestate (fertiliser) which has applications in agriculture and horticulture. Heat and Power Ltd. were part funded by Seafish to evaluate the potential of AD as a solution to the shellfish waste disposal problem for Orkney based shellfish and food processors. The main aims of the project were to consider whether AD could reduce commercial waste disposal costs, and if it could be a sustainable waste management solution for the island. It included a small-scale batch digester trial on crab shells. This factsheet summarises the results of the project.
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    Cod to 2030 (full report)

    A review of the UK’s cod supply base and 10 year forward view.
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    First year survival of bivalves on newly flooded managed realigned sites.

    This study was undertaken to determine whether the length of existence of a stretch of intertidal foreshore created by managed realignment impacted the growth of Cerastoderma edule (cockle). Comparative growth as determined by average length was monitored for a periodof 48 weeks at three Essex foreshore sites. At the end of the trial, no significant differences between the sites were found. Keywords Shellfish; Cockle; Managed Realignment; Regulated Tidal Exchange; Foreshore;
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    Seafish roadmap to the UK, Scotland and NI Marine Bills and the UK MPA network_July 2009

    The aim of the UK, Scottish and Northern Ireland Marine Bills is to create a more strategic and holistic approach to the marine environment.
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    Crab & Lobster Holding Part III - Filters & Instrumentation

    The rapid development of the British Shellfish Industry and the requirement to export live shellfish has lead to the industry needing better methods and information about live holding. This data sheet is part of a series forming a guide to the selection of equipment needed to successfully store and transport live crabs and lobsters. These data sheets should be used in conjunction with data sheets: Handling Crabs for the Live Trade: Part I and II. This sheet is a guide to both the filters, and instrumentation requirements of live holding and vivier systems.
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    Final Minutes DAG meeting 12 March 2014

    Final notes of the Discard Action Group meeting held at Fishmongers' Hall, London on 12 March 2014.
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    Final ACIG minutes 9 April 2014

    Final minutes of the Aquaculture Common Issues Group meeting held in London on 9 April 2014.
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    Final CLG minutes for 2 March 2017 meeting

    Final minutes of the Common Language Group meeting held in London on 2 March 2017.
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    Report of the Study Group on Turned 90° Codend Selectivity, focusing on Baltic Cod Selectivity (SGTCOD) 2010

    Report of the Study Group on Turned 90° Codend Selectivity, focusing on Baltic Cod Selectivity (SGTCOD), September 2010.
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    Seafish Standard Design Purification Systems: Operating Manual for the Small Scale Shallow Tank Purification System

    Manual for developing and operating Seafish standard design for shellfish purification system: Shallow Tank System
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    Cold Water Prawns - consumer usage and attitudes

    In 2004 the Sea Fish Industry Authority (Seafish) commissioned research to investigate the prawn market, specifically looking at consumers’ usage of, and attitudes towards, cold water prawns. This document focuses on outlining current consumption patterns and investigating consumer attitudes towards the consumption of cold water prawns against warm water prawns. It also looks to determine whether or not consumers distinguish between different prawn types, as well as the importance of benefits to health and the ethical issues of prawn supplies. Finally the report identifies potential new product development opportunities.
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    An Assessment of D.A. Massonage and Mortality of the Brown Crab Vivier Transport

    Examination made on two consignments of brown crab exported from the UK to Spain. The aim was to assess the loads for quality, marketability and mortality and to account for the differences observed. In particular the relationship between physical D.A. Massonage and mortality was investigated and the causes of D.A. Massonage were discussed at some length.
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    Frozen Seafood in Multiple Retail 2017

    Frozen seafood has been in decline since 2007, with frozen sauce and frozen seafood meals being the hardest hit, losing over -50% volume. Over the short term (52 wks. to 25th March 2017) many frozen segments remained in decline, but frozen batter, natural, fingers, dusted and sushi segments are back in growth.
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    Final Note on Seafood Ethics Common Language Group meeting on 10 February 2016

    Final note on the Seafood Ethics Common Language Group meeting held at Friends House, London on Wednesday 10 February 2016.
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    Minutes of the Seafish Food Legislation Expert Group Meeting, London, 21 January 2014

    FLEG Minutes: Official Controls Review – hygiene charges; Fisheries control regulation – traceability enforcement; Common Organisation of the Markets Regulation – consumer information; Imports and exports, GSP, China export certification, Animal Health Regulation, IUU fishing (Belize, Guinea and Cambodia); Hygiene regulations, Adoption of Codex E.coli criteria, Norovirus controls in live bivalve molluscs, Scallop shucking by trained chefs, French Classification of scallop Harvesting Waters, cadmium in brown meat of crabs; Labelling - Food Information to Consumers guidance, Label Fish Workshop, Elliott Review and Food Fraud; ethoxyquin; WELMEC guide; date of freezing
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    Biodiesel at Sea

    This document provides a non-technical summary of sea trials in a ~10 m class potting vessel running comparative fuel consumption tests using red (fossil) diesel and biodiesel. The vessel, FV Ma Gandole, is powered by a 20 year old Volvo MD70B 6 cylinder, normally aspirated, 120 hp diesel engine coupled to a 3:1 reduction gearbox, assumed to be fairly typical of many power plant of the Newlyn ~10 m class fleet. The sea trials demonstrated that both fuels started the engine equally well, and the vessel was felt to handle and perform equally well with either fuel.
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    Review of polyphosphates as additives and testing methods for them in scallops and prawns

    Seafish commissioned Campden BRI to conduct a desk-based literature review to provide information on the use of polyphosphates in seafood products, notably scallops and prawns. This report provides background information on polyphosphates including what they are, their presence, composition, how they interact with the product, how they break down over time and naturally occurring levels. A review of testing methodologies is also included.
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    Seafish Insight: Fishing references by country in 2017 U. S. TIP Report. June 2017.

    The Trafficking in Persons (TIP) report is the U.S. Government’s principal diplomatic tool to engage foreign governments on human trafficking. It is also the world’s most comprehensive resource of governmental anti-human trafficking efforts. The U.S. Department of State Trafficking in Persons report (TIP) 2017 was published on 27 June 2017. This document lists the references to fishing by country.
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    Remote Closure of Sea Inlets

    Over half of fishing vessel losses are attributed to flooding, mainly due to the failure of pipes and fittings in the engineroom. Often, when flooding is discovered the crew find it impossible to reach and close the sea inlet valves to stop the flow of water and the vessel is lost. John Buchan, a retired engineer from Peterhead, had an innovative idea to enable the remote closure of sea inlet valves and this report describes the development of his ‘Hydraclose’ concept and a demonstration installation on a 25.6m vessel. Companies in Peterhead and Fraserburgh have developed this system and the Scottish Executive has given major support by the provision of a FIFG grant towards the vessel demonstration costs.
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    Kingfisher Fortnightly Bulletin Issue 03 2011 Cable

    News of offshore activities for the Oil & Gas, Subsea Cable and Wind Farm industries
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    Final CLG minutes for 9 July 2014

    Final minutes of the Common Language Group meeting held at Fishmongers' Hall, London on Wednesday 9 July 2014.
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    Further North Sea fishing trials with the ‘Eliminator’ TM trawl (2008)

    In North Sea trials conducted during Nov /Dec 2008, the US designed Eliminator trawl caught 84% fewer cod while maintaining comparable catches of haddock, as compared to the catches of a control trawl (a standard industry demersal trawl). The comparative fishing trials were conducted with the aid of the Scarborough based pair-team (MFV’s Carousel and Eagernoon), skippered by Derek Tye and John Edmonds. These results are similar to those obtained in previous North Sea trials, conducted by Cefas (2007), and support the findings of US workers, who indicate that the Eliminator trawl can be used to selectively harvest haddock in a mixed demersal fishery, while allowing cod and other species to avoid capture. This work provides further evidence that the Eliminator trawl may have potential value as a selective gear within European demersal fisheries where cod protection is of management concern.
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    Final Minutes DAG meeting 17 July 2015

    Final notes of the Discard Action Group meeting held at the Wesley Hotel, London on 17 July 2015.
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    Final Minutes DAG meeting 21 April 2016

    Final notes of the Discard Action Group meeting held at Friends House, London on 21 April 2016.
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    Final Minutes DAG meeting 25 November 2014

    Final notes of the Discard Action Group meeting held at the Wesley Hotel, London on 25 November 2014.
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    Lobster hatcheries and stocking programmes: An introductory manual

    Drawing together the UK experience of lobster stocking as well as information from other programmes in Europe and North America, the report provides a sound knowledge base for anyone interested in setting up a lobster hatchery or stocking programme.
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    Seafood Consumption (2016 Update)

    This Factsheet provides an overview of both long and short term GB seafood consumption; contextualising sector, segment and species trends in retail and foodservice.
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    Final CLG minutes for 29 June 2016 meeting

    Final minutes of the Common Language Group meeting held at Friends House, London on Wednesday 29 June 2016
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    MCA Marine Guidance Note 411 (M+F)

    Training and Certification Requirements for the Crew of Fishing Vessels and their Applicability to Small Commercial Vessels and Large Yachts
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    FS25-03.09 March 2009 Fuel Flow Meters: Individual and Turnkey

    This work investigated the accuracy and precision of fuel flow meters that may be used on commercial fishing vessels to give real-time indication of engine fuel economy during operations. The study looked into the most accurate way to meter fuel consumption on a commercial fishing vessel, the cost of this to fishermen, how straightforward the device would be to fit on a fishing vessel and whether the sensors are suited to the demanding environmental conditions onboard fishing vessels. The study looked at the performance of six different individual fuel flow meters and four complete fuel monitoring solutions when tested on a marine diesel engine.
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    Response to the Consultation on Fisheries Management in Luce Bay SAC

    Seafish recognises the requirement to protect the environmental integrity of Luce Bay Special Area of Conservation (SAC), but is disappointed that no information was presented to substantiate the distribution and sensitivity of the seabed. The proposed fisheries management options should be considered in consultation with the fishing industry to ensure that they are truly effective and proportionate and to ensure they have an overall positive effect on the environment. The Scottish Government is reminded of the inshore vessel tracking project, run by Seafish and others, which is intended to demonstrate the potential of vessel tracking as a fisheries management tool.
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    Legislative Requirements for the Disposal of Seafood Waste

    EU legislation on the disposal of animal by-products has and will continue to have major implications for the seafood industry. One effect of particular concern has been the ban on the use of landfill as a disposal route for most animal by-products and the additional inclusion of shell from shellfish as an animal by-product. To address industry concerns and develop a way forward Seafish established a Waste Working Group in April 2004 which brought together the various sectors of the seafood industry, the waste disposal and utilisation industries and industry regulators.
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    Handling Crabs for the Live Market, Part II Vivier Transport

    The rapid development of the British crab industry, and in particular the increasing interest in the export of live crabs to continental seafood markets, has resulted in many operators without previous experience turning to this side of the trade. Some species of crab, notably the velvet or swimming crab, are less robust than others and have proved difficult to transport alive from the main fishing areas to the markets. This data sheet therefore outlines some of the steps that can be taken by vivier truck operators to minimise death and maximise the quality of the live product.
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    Handling Crabs for the Live Market, Part 1

    The increased demand for crabs and lobsters, and the requirement to export live shellfish has led to the Industry needing better methods and information about live holding. This data sheet is part of a new series forming a guide to the selection of equipment needed to successfully store and transport live crabs and lobsters. These data sheets should be used in conjunction with data sheets produced in 1987: Handling Crabs for the Live Trade. Parts I and II. This sheet provides a guide to the selection of water pumps, air pumps and pipe work.
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    Crustacea Processing Waste Management

    With changes in waste legislation, shellfish waste management has become increasingly difficult and expensive. This has significantly affected the shellfish processing sector, particularly the crustacea sector as there is a lack of cost-effective outlets for their waste. Disposal costs of more than £60 per tonne are common, which is not economically viable for many businesses. To establish whether it is possible for UK processors to generate an income or reduce the costs of crustacea waste disposal, Seafish initiated a project to look at the range of options available for crustacea waste management and identify which have potential for the UK processing sector. The project looked at all the crustacea species processed in the UK and the range of products or extracts that can be produced. The project identified two main options for crustacea waste management; use or disposal as ‘waste’ off-site or making it available for use in other products. Each option has its own issues; legalities, technical feasibility, outlets for the products etc. On the basis of the information collected, it will continue to be difficult for the crustacea processing industry to cost-effectively meet the demands of waste disposal legislation for the foreseeable future. Many different routes have and are being explored, but no breakthrough technology or solution has emerged. There are some opportunities to generate a financial return from crustacea waste, but investments in capital and the requirements for effective management remain a significant hurdle to achieving a return on investment. There is no single, simple, cost-effective solution for crustacea waste management. This report summarises the main finding of the project. Further detailed information is available on the Seafish B2B website (Gaining Value from Crustacea Waste Project). This includes an Excel workbook which will be periodically updated with new information as it becomes available. The spreadsheet can be accessed at
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    SR683 Consumer perceptions of processed products in selected European markets

    This research is a broad review of consumer perceptions of brown crab processed products. The research is produced as a specific output of the wider Acrunet Activity 5 which seeks to understand the wider system of brown crab practices from production to consumption.
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    Seafish response to the European Commission Reform of the CFP

    This response to the Commission’s request for contributions towards the reform process builds upon the strategic view we have developed of the evolving relationship between natural resource harvesting and environmental protection. In the UK we have initiated a number of seafood industry-centred conservation schemes and we are keen to see the industry develop its role as stewards of the marine environment. To read the consultation go to:
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    Presentations given at Seafish 'Social Responsibility in Seafood' workshop. Malta. January 2016.

    Seafish facilitated the pre-summit workshop at the Seaweb Seafood Summit in Malta on Sunday 31 January 2016. The topic was ‘Social Responsibility in Seafood’. This workshop presented the ongoing or developing initiatives that aim to eliminate social and ethical concerns in the seafood industry, as well as map these initiatives throughout the supply chain. There were 14 powerpoint presentations which have been collated here. Please also see the handout and the summary note on the workshop.
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    Seafish Standard Design Purification Systems: Operating Manual for the Vertical Stack System

    Manual for developing and operating Seafish standard design for shellfish purification system: Vertical Stack System
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    SR617_Seafish VMS Project Report_SFA003

    The Inshore Vessel Monitoring Systems (VMS) project was initiated to pilot and assess inshore vessel tracking systems to instil confidence in fishermen’s compliance with local environmental management agreements (statutory and voluntary). Seafish was approached by the South West Inshore Fishermens Association (SWIFA) to look at a vessel monitoring system for inshore scallop vessels. This project objective was to provide a means of verifying that vessels fishing inshore where able to provide evidence of compliance with voluntary and statutory agreements.
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    Quick summary of June 2011 ICES advice re discards

    This quick summary looks at the June 2011 ICES advice with reference to discards.
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    2008 Economic Survey of the UK Fishing Fleet - Short Report

    The 2008 Economic Survey of the UK fishing fleet short report provides a summary of the financial and operational performance of the UK fishing fleet. This report summarises analysis of 33 segments of the UK fishing fleet, drawing on a combination of data collected by survey and data on landings and days at sea provided by the Marine Management Organisation (MMO), which covers every active vessel in the UK fleet.
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    Seafish Standard Sampling Operating Procedure_Basic Intertidal Habitat Mapping

    A lack of information on the precise location of a protected marine habitat or refuge for a protected marine species has caused considerable delays in environmental impact assessments and at worst led to applications to develop shellfish farms being refused or withdrawn as Regulators are unable to decide whether the farm site and/or access arrangements will or will not have a potential impact on a protected wildlife site (Seafish 2006 & 2007).
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