Web pages | Seafish

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We found 271 results for "" in Web pages
  • Minimising greenhouse gas emissions by importing super-frozen tuna

    Imports of super-frozen tuna products can be transported by sea rather than air freight, which reduces the carbon footprint.
  • Reducing greenhouse gas emissions from the seafood supply chain at Nomad Foods

    Nomad Foods, a leading producer of frozen seafood, has set ambitious targets to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
  • Improving safety at sea through vessel design in the pelagic sector

    The Scottish pelagic fishing sector is making changes to the design of new fishing vessels to further improve safety at sea.
  • Working to carbon neutrality at The Bay fish and chip shop

    A climate change business case study looking at how The Bay fish and chip shop in Stonehaven has reduced its carbon emissions.
  • Vessels of the Future Forum

    The Vessels of the Future Forum brings together industry, researchers and government to help our fishing and aquaculture fleet transition to net zero.
  • Assessing the carbon footprint of seafood

    We are providing practical resources to support the UK seafood sector’s response to Climate Change.
  • Seafood Carbon Emissions Profiling Tool Terms and Conditions of use

    This page outlines the terms and conditions for using the Seafood Carbon Emissions Profiling Tool.
  • Steaming on sunshine: The UK’s first solar powered fishing vessel

    Inshore lobster potter and boat builder, Hans Unkles, converts the Lorna Jane into the UK's first fully approved electric commercial fishing vessel.
  • Driving a circular economy in seafood supply chains

    Iceland Ocean Cluster’s 100% Fish Project is closing the loop on waste and inefficiency.
  • Social responsibility in seafood

    We are helping the seafood industry understand what a business commitment to socially responsible seafood means in practice.
  • Modern Slavery Statement guidance

    The Modern Slavery Act aims to prevent all forms of labour exploitation and increase transparency of labour practices in supply chains.
  • Why social responsibility matters

    Social responsibility is the idea that businesses balance profit-making activities with activities that benefit society.
  • Seafish work on social responsibility

    Seafish works proactively to improve supply chain integrity across the seafood sector and has a number of key work areas.
  • Follow six steps to social responsibility

    Follow six steps to social responsibility.
  • Seafood Ethics Action Alliance

    The Seafood Ethics Action Alliance brings businesses together to ensure seafood supply chains are ethical. Find out who is involved and what they do.
  • Assessment of Worker Welfare Issues

    We have published various research studies to assess risk and help seafood businesses respond to labour and worker welfare issues.
  • Social License to Operate

    A social license to operate indicates the level of approval from the community that an industry has to operate. Seafish facilitated a workshop to explain the concept, how it works and the reasons for attaining and building high quality stakeholder relationships in this way.
  • Tools for Ethical Seafood Sourcing

    Tools for Ethical Seafood Sourcing (TESS) is a one-stop-shop signposting users to numerous online resources and initiatives that support socially responsible business practices.
  • Responsible Fishing Ports Scheme

    The Responsible Fishing Ports Scheme (RFPS) certifies responsible UK fishing ports and harbours. It is now open to ports of all sizes.
  • Applying for Responsible Fishing Ports Scheme certification

    There are six steps involved in the process of applying for Responsible Fishing Ports Scheme (RFPS) certification.
  • Responsible Fishing Ports Scheme Governance Structure

    We’ve adopted a formal governance structure to ensure the Responsible Fishing Ports Scheme (RFPS) is credible and robust.
  • Seafood Issues Groups

    We run regular discussion groups for people interested in environmental and socially responsible sourcing of seafood in the UK and globally.
  • The Fisheries Management and Innovation Group

    The Fisheries Management and Innovation Group brings people together to discuss and share knowledge on catching sector issues.
  • The Seafood Ethics Common Language Group

    A group which brings people together to find out more about ethical sourcing and issues concerning labour and worker welfare.
  • The Pelagic Industry Issues Group

    The group brings people together to discuss and share knowledge on issues affecting the UK pelagic fishing and processing industry
  • The Common Language Group

    A group to bring together people who want to know more about the environmental, legal and production issues facing the UK seafood supply chain.
  • Aquaculture Common Issues Group

    The Aquaculture Common Issues Group (ACIG) brings people together to discuss environmental, legal and production issues facing UK/overseas aquaculture
  • Managing end of life fishing gear and aquaculture equipment

    Fishing gear or aquaculture equipment lost in our oceans creates a challenging problem. We’re working with industry and government to find solutions.
  • Aquafil’s ECONYL® yarn: Taking nylon from high water to high fashion

    ECONYL® regenerated nylon is created from nylon waste that could otherwise have ended up in landfill or oceans around the world. This repurposed material is the same quality as brand new nylon and can be recycled and remoulded again and again, unleashing infinite possibilities for manufacturers and consumers.
  • Plastix: Providing a unique solution to a complicated problem

    Plastix is a Danish recycling company which aims to provide more sustainable solutions for cleaner environments and oceans. It specialises in converting fibres - primarily from used fishnets and ropes - that could previously have ended up in the ocean or on landfill into high-grade raw materials which can be used to create new products.
  • Odyssey Innovation: Developing a circular solution to give recycled gear a new life

    Odyssey Innovation was born out of owner Rob Thompson’s passion to rid the seas of plastic pollution. The company works with a range of stakeholders in South West England to find a circular solution to end-of-life and recovered abandoned, lost or otherwise discarded fishing gear. It arranges for material to be collected and processed so that recycled plastic can used to create a range of kayaks and accessories.
  • Fishing For Litter: Partnering with the fishing industry to clean up our seas

    KIMO International's Fishing For Litter project aims to reduce marine litter by working with the commercial fishing industry.
  • Fishy Filaments: Turning end-of-life nets into a raw material for 3D-printing

    Fishy Filaments recycles end-of-life fishing nets into engineering grade filaments for 3D-printing. From its base in Cornwall, the company aims to help make the local fishery more sustainable through minimising waste and more efficient net recycling, as well as creating an innovative solution to reducing the use of virgin materials in 3D-printed products.
  • Brixham Trawl Makers: Working locally to make fishing gear more sustainable

    Brixham Trawl Makers manufacture 90% of all beam trawls used by the port’s fishing vessels. Owner, founder and director Darren Edwards (known as Edd) is working with the local fishing industry to make fishing gear more sustainable.
  • Animal sentience and welfare

    We’re working with industry and government to provide advice and guidance on animal welfare issues.
  • What you need to know about TESS

    TESS is a website that points you to useful (and free) resources to help businesses address social responsibility challenges in seafood supply chains.
  • How to make the most of TESS

    TESS points you to useful (and free) resources which can help businesses address social responsibility challenges in their supply chains.
  • TESS Glossary

    Search below to find the definitions of some TESS-related terminology.
  • UK seafood supply chain overview

    Performance of the UK seafood supply chain. Data includes landings, aquaculture, processing, imports, exports and seafood consumption.
  • Fishing data and insight

    We collect and analyse data to provide information and insight on fish landings and performance of the commercial fishing fleet in the UK.
  • UK Fishing Fleet Survey

    Every year we talk to fishing vessel owners around the UK to capture economic and employment data. We also ask about the issues affecting businesses.
  • Seafood processing data and insight

    Seafood processing is an important regional industry in the UK. We collect and analyse data on processing including performance and employment.
  • Seafood processing sector survey

    We collect information from seafood processing businesses in the UK each year. This page explains how businesses can take part in regular surveys.
  • Seafood trade data

    The UK imports and exports most of its fish and shellfish. We use HMRC data to analyse the performance of seafood trade routes in and out of the UK.
  • Seafood trade and Brexit

    Most of the seafood caught in UK waters is exported and most of that export goes to the EU. We publish research and data on seafood trade in the EU.
  • Latest Quarterly UK Seafood Trade Data

    An analysis of UK Seafood Trade for October to December 2023 from our economics and insight team.
  • Seafood in foodservice data and insight

    We analyse data on seafood sold in restaurants, hotels, takeaways and more to share the latest trends and insights on seafood eaten out of home.
  • Seafood retail data and insight

    We analyse data of seafood sold through supermarkets and other retailers in the UK. Find out the latest trends and insights on seafood eaten at home.
  • Aquaculture data and insight

    Aquaculture is the fastest growing food supply sector globally and is important to the UK seafood industry. We collate research on the UK industry.
  • Value and importance of aquaculture

    Aquaculture is the fastest growing food supply sector globally and is important to the UK seafood industry. We collate research on the UK industry.
  • Aquaculture production scales

    Aquaculture is a global industry, and farming now provides half of all our seafood.
  • Consumer research

    The first step in changing behaviour is knowing what really drives consumers. We commission research into attitudes towards buying and eating seafood.
  • Market Insight

    We provide data, trends, and insight relating to the UK seafood market. This content is for seafood businesses only and requires registration.
  • Register for market insight

    Use this form to request access to indepth seafood market reports on retail, foodservice and trade. Please note this is for seafood businesses only.
  • Current and future trends impacting the UK seafood industry

    We help seafood businesses in the UK understand the trends and changes in the world which may affect them now or in the future.
  • Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation

    We produce climate change adaptation reports and keep a watching brief on how climate change impacts on UK seafood supply chains.
  • Seafood supply and food security in UK seafood

    We’ve conducted horizon scanning reviews of seafood supply and food security relating to the UK seafood industry.
  • The future of UK seafood consumption

    Through horizon scanning we’re looking at how seafood consumption in the UK is changing and exploring key drivers and potential industry impacts.
  • Automation and the UK seafood industry

    Through horizon scanning we’ve explored how developments in labour and automation might affect the UK seafood industry.
  • Ecosystem services – why seafood is about more than the food on our plates

    Our work on public goods and benefits from commercial seafood species and how seafood production can maintain and enhance ecosystem services.
  • Research and expert groups

    Seafish works with experts in seafood and beyond to coordinate groups that commission and undertake research to support the seafood industry.
  • UK Fisheries Economist Network (UKFEN)

    We founded UKFEN in early 2011 in order to promote professional exchange between fisheries economists and analysts.
  • Who we are and what we do

    Seafish is a public body supporting the UK seafood sector to thrive. Find out how our work can help you and your business.
  • Businesses and people supported by Seafish

    We support lots of seafood businesses who use our services, advice and campaigns. Read stories from some of the people we’ve recently helped.
  • The Clark brothers' story

    International Fish Canners produce quality canned mackerel and sardine products. Find out how our marketing work helped them with their customers.
  • Sarah the fisherwoman and businesswoman's story

    When the Covid-19 crisis hit the fishing industry last year, Sarah moved quickly to find a new market for their fish. Find out how we helped.
  • Mark the Skipper's story

    Mark is a relief skipper on the FV Chloe Ella. Find out how our training support helped him in to take the courses he needed to do his dream job.
  • Bob the restaurant owner's story

    Bob McCoubrey owns Mourne Seafood and the Belfast Cookery School. Find out how we work locally with businesses to help them and the regions thrive.
  • Governance and performance

    Seafish is led by an Executive team and governed by a Board and three seafood industry sector panels. We publish annual accounts on our performance.
  • Seafish Executive Team

    Seafish is led by our Executive team with our Chief Executive Officer having overall accountability for Seafish.
  • Seafish levy review

    We held a formal consultation on changes to the Seafish Levy review, where we invited responses to the proposed amendments.
  • Sector Panels

    We have three industry panels covering each sector of the seafood industry in the UK. The panels provide input and advice on the work we deliver.
  • Domestic and Export Sector Panel

    The Domestic and Export Sector Panel guides our work in catching, farming and processing seafood for consumption in the UK or for export.
  • Processing and Importers Sector Panel

    The Processing and Importers sector panel guides our work for importers of international seafood and processors of seafood products in the UK. 
  • Supply Chain and Consumer Sector Panel

    The Supply Chain Consumer sector panel guides our work on getting seafood to the consumer through distribution, foodservice and retail.
  • Seafish Board

    Details of the Seafish Board including biographies, minutes and register of interest.
  • The Seafish levy

    Seafish is funded by a levy on the first sale of seafood products in the UK, including imported seafood. This page explains who pays and how much.
  • Levy forms and submissions

    This page is for levy payers and explains how to pay the levy.
  • Information for Seafish levy payers

    The page contains important information for those who pay the Seafish levy including who is liable and how to calculate what you should pay.
  • Press Office and Media Content

    Our Communications team is here to help with questions and requests from the media. Get in touch for support.
  • Working locally in the UK

    We have Industry Engagement Managers throughout the UK. They offer the seafood industry local support and access to our information and services.
  • Working with the seafood industry in Northern Ireland

    We help the Northern Irish seafood industry thrive through seafood promotion, fisheries science, education and fishing safety initiatives.
  • Seafish Northern Ireland Advisory Committee (SNIAC)

    The Seafish Northern Ireland Advisory Committee (SNIAC) provides a forum for the seafood industry to input into the work of Seafish.
  • Celebrating the Northern Ireland Seafood Industry in Film: Fishers, Farmers & Our Coastal Communities

    From the fishermen who toil to bring home fantastic fresh seafood and the shellfish farmers who grow it; to the auctioneers and processors; fishmongers and fish fryers; these new films will look at the rarely-seen world of our seafood industry through interviews with those who are at its heart.
  • Working with the seafood industry in Scotland

    We help the Scottish seafood industry thrive through seafood promotion, onshore training, business support and providing industry information.
  • Scottish Seafish Advisory Committee (SSAC)

    The Scottish Seafish Advisory Committee was established in 2018 to enhance the work we carry out in Scotland.
  • Working with the seafood industry in Wales

    We help the Welsh seafood industry thrive through fishing safety initiatives, seafood promotion, education and provision of industry information.
  • Seafish Wales Advisory Committee (SWAC)

    The SWAC provides a forum by which the seafood industry in Wales, through its representatives, can input into the decision making process of Seafish.
  • Working with the seafood industry in England

    We help the English seafood industry thrive through fishing safety, sustainability initiatives and providing industry information.
  • South West England Advisory Committee

    Our work in the Southwest of England is guided by the South West Advisory Committee.
  • Seafood 2040 - Structure and Governance

    Seafood 2040 is a collaborative project that reaches across the English seafood industry.
  • Seafood 2040 - Research

    An all-sector road map of collaboration, innovation and best practice to ensure that the English seafood industry is thriving in the next 20 years.
  • Seafood Industry Leadership Group (SILG)

    Oversight and facilitation of the 25 recommendations are provided by the Seafood Industry Leadership Group (SILG), the Chair and the Project Manager.
  • Aquaculture Leadership Group

    The Aquaculture Leadership Group (ACG) will champion and govern the SF2040 recommendations that enhance the aquaculture sector.
  • English Aquaculture Strategy from Seafood 2040

    Seafood 2040 has published a strategy for the sustainable development of the aquaculture sector in England over the next 20 years.
  • Funding schemes for the UK seafood industry

    This page has information on grants and funds that are available to UK seafood and marine businesses and organisations.
  • Working with us

    Seafish is a public body supporting the seafood industry in the UK to thrive. View our current job vacancies and learn about life working at Seafish.
  • Industry Issues Groups Manager

    We’re seeking a motivated and seasoned networker to lead the planning and delivery of our programme of Industry Issues Groups. Apply by 15 September.
  • Contact Us

    If you have a question or query about Seafish or the seafood industry in the UK, there are various ways to get in touch with us.
  • Accessibility

    Our website aims to comply with accessibility regulations for public bodies. Find out what we are doing to make our website more accessible.
  • Website Terms and Conditions

    This page explains the terms of use for seafish.org. You must agree to these to use this website.
  • Privacy Policy

    This Privacy Policy describes how Seafish uses and takes care of the personal information that we collect.
  • Cookie policy

    Find out what cookies are and how they are used on this website.
  • Freedom of Information

    We are bound by the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOI). Find out how to make an FOI request and how we process requests.
  • Complaints Procedure

    If you are unhappy with the service you have received or the information you have been given by us, there are three steps in our complaints procedure.
  • Subscribe to news from Seafish

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