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    2012 Survey of the UK Seafood Processing Industry

    This report provides an overview of the UK seafood processing industry. The report describes the industry structure, employment and characteristics, the supply and sales situation along with issues such as business management and the environment. The report also provides an analysis of the financial performance of the processing industry. This report is the latest in a series of reports undertaken every four years by Seafish.
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    Targeted approaches towards controlling the microbial gut flora in first feeding fish larvael

    Vibrio splendidus isolated from turbot larvae in a Spanish hatchery were shown to be virulent to cod larvae from UK hatcheries. V. splendidus, isolated from cod and halibut larvae in UK hatcheries also carried similar toxic genes to the Spanish isolate. It was shown that mortalities of larvae were best controlled by effective disinfection of live feed. Bronopol was a very effective disinfectant. Disinfection of eggs was also investigated.
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    The Longliner_Issue 3

    Special focus on EU regulations to combat IUU that come into force on 1 January 2010.
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    SR632_UK Shellfish Biotoxin Database Development_Summary Report 2_IPF B037

    This report documents the development of a website designed to provide information which would assist scallop processors in biotoxin risk assessment. The website provides information from four reference sources: Food Standards Agency Scotland biotoxin and phytoplankton monitoring results; an industry biotoxin database; a biotoxin risk calendar and the Met Office chlorophyll map for UK waters. Each information source was presented in an easily interpreted graphical format together with a laymen’s explanation of how the reference information should be used and interpreted. In addition, online training videos were provided.
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    Ecological Risk Assessment of the effects of fishing for South West fisheries; ICES Divisions VII e,f,g & h

    This report describes an assessment of the ecological effects of commercial fishing in waters off Southwest England (ICES Divisions VII e,f,g & h).
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    Quay Issues: Issue 4

    Quay Issues is a magazine for the fishing industry. It tells some of the stories unearthed during our annual Economic Survey of the UK Fishing Fleet. The aim is to share inspiring stories about innovative and best practice solutions to industry challenges and to disseminate our economic data amongst a wider audience. In this edition we look at ways fishermen can test the financial viability of selective fishing gear, the improtance of making sure gear set-up is correct, factors influencing fish price, including vessel reputation, fishermen's health and the lobster sector.