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Drift netting for tuna; the feasibility and costs of alternative fishing methods
This report describes work carried out under contract to MAFF. It examines the implications of the impending ban on high seas drift netting on that sector of the Cornish fleet that is currently licensed to fish for albacore tuna. More specifically, it covers investigations in the UK, Ireland and northern Spain into alternative fishing methods, the potential for converting the vessels in question and some of the market aspects of these changes. It is concluded that conversion to the trolling system of towed lines is the most appropriate option for the Cornish vessels, that this conversion could be carried out at a realistic cost, that crews could adapt to the necessary changes quite readily and that market opportunities would be open to re-equipped vessels. Given the current volatility of the global market for albacore tuna it is not possible to predict whether the converted vessels would be commercially viable. Indications are that, in the long term, conditions in Europe could be favourable to vessels that converted to trolling. -
Guide to Recent Developments in European Food Law for the Seafood Industry
There has been a major overhaul of food law by the European Commission in the last few years; this has lead to some confusion and misunderstandings about the burdens this will place on food businesses. The aim of this guidance is to clarify any new requirements for the seafood industry. -
Quick summary of June 2012 ICES advice re discards
This quick summary looks at the June 2012 ICES advice with reference to discards. -
A Demonstration Project Examining High Quality and Selective Haddock Fishing by Scottish Vessels
A detailed project was undertaken to examine the abilities of a group of vessels to selectively target haddock under their normal fishing practices and patterns. The study was carried out by the SFIA between August 2003 and September 2004. The data for the study was collected during a number of observation trips undertaken between August 2003 and August 2004. The focus of the study was to ascertain whether such vessels could successfully target haddock at a commercial level, avoiding the catch of large numbers of the pressurised cod stock. Data was collected from each participating vessel in order to quantify the actual volume of haddock and cod being fished during the observed trip. -
Designation of Auction Centres and Registration of Buyers and Sellers of First Sale Fish
A new scheme is being introduced that will require buyers and sellers of first sale fish and shellfish landed into the UK to register with Fisheries Departments. It will also require the designation of auction centres and fish markets at which such fish is sold. Fisheries Departments have established a joint implementation advisory group with stakeholders to provide advice on implementing the new scheme. This guide has been produced with the aim of providing informal, non-statutory guidance for businesses of what is required of them in order to register (whether a fish auction centre, or as a buyer or seller of fish), submit sales notes and maintain appropriate records of first sale fish. This guide is advisory and does not have any legal status. Ultimately, only the courts can decide whether, in particular circumstances, an offence has been committed. -
Environmental Data Gathering for Environmental Assessments_Basic Seabed Habitat Mapping using Acoustic Ground Discrimination Sonar and Underwater Video
A lack of information on the precise location of a protected marine habitat or refuge for a protected marine species has caused considerable delays in environmental impact assessments and at worst led to applications to develop shellfish farms being refused or withdrawn as regulators are unable to decide whether the farm site and/or access arrangements will or will not have a potential impact on a protected wildlife site (Seafish 2006 & 2007). -
Fishing spatial-temporal pressures and sensitivities analysis for MPA Fish-ing Industry Collaboration Pilot FES 252: Report on Seafish workshop on the physical effects of fishing activities on the Dogger Bank
This workshop, which is part of a larger project; Fishing Spatial-Temporal pressures and sen-sitivities analysis for MPAs (FES 252) carried out by NFFO and funded by EFF, is designed to review knowledge of physical actions on the seabed of fishing gear components and their envi-ronmental effects in order to contribute to this process of risk assessment.