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    Defining free of flesh shell

    In preparation for a review of the ABPR this report provides the results of trials to define free of flesh shell.
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    Quay Issues: 2013 Economics of the UK Fishing Fleet - Key Features

    Part of the Quay Issues family of publications, the '2013 Economic Survey of the UK Fishing Fleet - Key Features' includes the most recent nationwide costs and earnings data on the UK catching sector. The study presents the latest economic data for 33 segments of the commercially active UK fishing fleet and includes chapters on income, costs, fuel, employment and profitability.
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    Factsheet - Prawn and Shrimp Industry 2015

    This fact sheet summarises the UK imports and exports of prawns & shrimps and their sales in both retail and foodservice channels.
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    Seafish Summary of ICES assessed stocks - June and October 2014

    Summary of June and October 2014 ICES advice for cod, Dover sole, haddock, hake, herring, ling, mackerel, megrim, monkfish, nephrops, plaice, saithe and whiting. Also limited advice for brill, dab, flounder, grey gurnard, lemon sole, pollack, red gurnard, striped red mullet and turbot.
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    Quay Issues: Issue 3

    Quay Issues is a magazine for the fishing industry. It tells some of the stories unearthed during our annual Economic Survey of the UK Fishing Fleet.
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    Aquaculture Hyperbooks Clam Technical Pages

    These pages contain technical advice on the cultivation of Manila and native clams. They are complimented by economic modelling tools that enable you to explore how a potential Manila or native clam cultivation business might work. There is a model for each species. Key words: Aquaculture; Mussel; Scallop; Oyster; Clam; Halibut; Turbot; Cod; Manila; Pacific; Hyperbook; Economic; Model; cultivation; farming; King; Queen; algae; trestle, rope; cage; seabed; suspended; hatchery; nursery; production;
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    Input Output Multiplier Study of the UK and Scottish Fish Catching and Fish Processing Sectors

    This study traces the linkages between the fish catching and processing sectors with other industries, and presents analysis of the economic importance of the fish catching and processing sectors to the UK and Scottish economies.
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    Project Inshore - Stage 3 strategic sustainability review - A National Overview

    This report provides a national strategic overview of the findings and recommendations 2. provided in the 9 IFCA specific Strategic Sustainability Reviews which were the primary focus of Stage 3 of Project Inshore. In addition, the national overview report provides the opportunity to highlight those stocks which straddle the inshore boundary (6nm) and have therefore not been the focus of the IFCA specific reports.
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    Lifejacket and Buoyancy Aid Acceptability Trials - A co-project between Seafish and the RNLI

    The following report describes the background and the acceptability trials that have been jointly conducted by Seafish and the RNLI, working with commercial fishermen. The trials were in two stages, a test tank assessment to ensure that the products are effective when worn with ‘sea gear’ plus long term assessments by fishermen in the course of their work. FIFG funding has been granted both by DEFRA and SEERAD, each providing fifty percent of the allowable grant.
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    Fuel Flow Metering for Fishing Vessels - Phase III Report: Fuel meter testing on a diesel engine

    The ‘target analogy’ introduced in the Phase II report is revisited to graphically indicate the relative performance of the fuel flow measurement systems incorporating the flow meters under investigation. On the targets, the distance of the centre of the circle for a given meter representsthe accuracy of the device, the size of the circle represents the repeatability of observations. The LHS target shows the relative situation before calibration of the devices, the RHS target shows the same, after calibration. The upper targets reflect the Phase II investigations, the lower targets reflect the Phase III investigations.