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    Quick summary of June 2012 ICES advice re discards

    This quick summary looks at the June 2012 ICES advice with reference to discards.
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    Casualties to fishing Vessels and Deaths to Fishermen. A Review up to 1985

    The report analyses the trends in marine casualties and the lives of fishermen up to 1985. Two clear trends emerge. Vessels covered by the 1975 Fishing Vessels (Safety Provisions) rules are apparently experiencing as much as 38% reduction in total or serious casualties. Vessels generally under 12m not covered by the rules show an alarming increase in losses. The published data is not wholly satisfactory and measures are being taken to obtain more facts on accidents and causes.
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    Consumer Perceptions of Frozen and Chilled Seafood

    This research study set out to try to explain the differing consumer perceptions of frozen seafood relative to chilled seafood and what is influencing attitudes towards frozen food and seafood.
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    Environmental Data Gathering for Environmental Assessments_Basic Seabed Habitat Mapping using Acoustic Ground Discrimination Sonar and Underwater Video

    A lack of information on the precise location of a protected marine habitat or refuge for a protected marine species has caused considerable delays in environmental impact assessments and at worst led to applications to develop shellfish farms being refused or withdrawn as regulators are unable to decide whether the farm site and/or access arrangements will or will not have a potential impact on a protected wildlife site (Seafish 2006 & 2007).
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    PAH's - Report on Seafish survey of UK seafood smoking businesses and products

    Polycylic aromatic hydrocarbons (PaH's) form a large group of chemicals, some of which are known to be toxic. They are produced largely by combustion processes and are present in smoked foods. The European Commission is proposing a maximum permitted limit of 5ppb for the PaH benzo(a) pyrene (BaP) in smoked foods. To determine the potential impact of this, Seafish has carried out a survey of the size and nature of the fish smoking industry in the UK and has gathered representative samples of its products for analysis. The survey found the value of smoked fish production in the UK to be over £120 million per annum. A wide variety of products are produced from a range of fish species using modern and traditional kilns, smoked over a variety of woods. PaH analyses of 33 products showed them all to be well within the proposed EU limit of 5ppb for BaP. Only 2 products exceeded 0.5ppb and the highest level found was 1.34ppb.
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    Seafood thawing

    The seafood industry uses a large amount of frozen raw material. Much of this requires thawing before further use or processing. Companies typically thaw seafood in-house using a range of different methods. These vary from using water, air or steam through to microwave and radio frequency systems. The type of thawing method used is dependent on many factors including cost, throughput, timescale, size, efficiency and effect on quality amongst other things. Currently there is a lack of comprehensive, up to date information on seafood thawing, making it difficult for processors to understand the process, the relative merits of each type of available system and how and where the process can go wrong. This document is a compilation of available information on the thawing of seafood. It includes; - A summary of the key scientific principles of seafood thawing - An overview of relevant UK and EU legislation - A description of current UK thawing practice, highlighting good manufacturing practice and problem areas. - Information on different thawing systems and methods - A review of new technologies, and - Sources of further information and advice.
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    The Sea Fish Industry Authority - Annual Report and Accounts 2013/2014

    The Annual Report provides a detailed Management Commentary and financial review of the activities undertaken by Seafish during 2013/2014 and information on future developments.