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    A Profile of the South Coast Fisheries - Lyme Regis to Selsey Bill

    The fishing sector of the Southern Sea Fisheries District, of Lyme Regis to Selsey BIll, is typified by small-boat (below 12m) operators who collectively lack organisation and representation. It is estimated from anecdotal evidence (see p.2) that in the order of 350 fishing boats operate full time from numerous bases seriously lacking in infrastructure support. Most boats are owner operated, with the only fleet operation being that of Johnson’s Sea Enterprises of Portsmouth who operate four large beam trawlers. In excess of 300 other craft, all less than 12m operate on a part time or casual basis. This report has been produced from a scanned original and may therefore contain some formatting and other inaccuracies. In cases where this affects the technical content, a paper copy of the original report can still be obtained from Seafish.
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    An Investigation into the Conditions Required for the successful Shucking of Wash Mussels

    Wash mussels taken from intertidal beds have exhibited problems during the shucking process to obtain good quality meats. The problem is identified as relting to rapid heat transfer to loosen the meats and the thinner shelled mussels from sub-littoral zones are likely to be more suitable for processing. This report has been produced from a scanned original and may therefore contain some formatting and other inaccuracies. In cases where this affects the technical content, a paper copy of the original report can still be obtained from Seafish.
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    Building a 15m Multi-Purpose Fishing Boat for West Summatra SFDP

    This is a boat building manual describing the entire process from lofting to completion of all timber work on a wooden 15m vessel built in a yard with limited resources. Sketches are included. This report has been produced from a scanned original and may therefore contain some formatting and other inaccuracies. In cases where this affects the technical content, a paper copy of the original report can still be obtained from Seafish
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    Guidance for delegation of Official Control sampling to third parties

    This guidance explains the processes and considerations required to enable Local Authorities to establish third party sampling programmes, and to ensure that the sampling meets the standards required for Official Controls.
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    Seafish Insight: Fishmeal production and trends. August 2022.

    This summary of global fishmeal production and trends is taken from the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) State of World Fisheries and Aquaculture (SOFIA) report 2022.
  • DOCX

    Seafish Framework Document

    Overarching framework for the sponsorship of the Sea Fish Industry Authority (Seafish) and the governance and accountability arrangements between the four Fisheries Administrations and Seafish.
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    UK Seafood in Numbers - 2021

    UK Seafood in Numbers 2021 is an interactive PDF with data on performance of the UK seafood industry in 2021. It covers landings, aquaculture, processing, imports, exports and seafood consumption in the UK.
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    2021 Q3 Seafish Fish and Chips Factsheet

    Fish and Chips in foodservice, performance summary including channel breakdown and trends, data to year two-year ending September 2021.
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    Position Statement: NAPA’s Reaction to 2022 Coastal States/NEAFC

    NAPA has released a position statement evaluating the outcomes of the 2022 negotiations on Northeast Atlantic pelagics, which set out what the likely scenarios will be in 2023, and reflects on the implications for consumers and the global marketplace.
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    A study of the lobster population of Poole Bay, Dorset

    As a part of the ongoing development of the Wytch Farm oilfield, British Petroleum are proposing to recover the offshore reserves by use of an artificial island which would house the drilling and extraction equipment. This would be sited in Poole Bay on seabed of low productivity. To enhance the fishery in the area BP are investigating the possibility of a lobster stock enhancement scheme centred on the island.
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    Stress Measurement during launch of the M.V. Bromley Pearl - H991

    In 1990, SFIA were invited by Richard Dunston (Hessle) Limited to submit a quotaion for the measurement of stresses induced at the launch of the above vessel. The stresses were to be measured by means of resistive strain gauges at nine locations (six on the main deck and three on the tank top) and records of strain levels maintained for subsequent analysis.