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    A preliminary investigation on Shelf Edge and Deepwater Fixed Net Fisheries to the West and North of Great Britain, Ireland, around Rockall, and Hatton Bank. This report has been produced from a scanned original and may therefore contain some formatting and other inaccuracies. In cases where this affects the technical content, a paper copy of the original report can still be obtained from Seafish.
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    A Preliminary Study of the Costs of Operating a Lobster Hatchery in Orkney and the Development of an Economic Model for Future Hatchery Programmes

    As part of the UK Lobster Stock Enhancement programme, the Sea Fish Industry Authority (Seafish) conducted a series of juvenile lobster (Homarus gammarus) releases in Scapa Flow, Orkney. Hatchery operations and the results of the different trials have been summarised in several reports and articles (Burton 1992, Beard & Wickins 1992, Bannister et al 1994, Burton 1994, Anon 1995, Cook 1995, Burton 1999, Burton in press).
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    Further Investigations into the Use of Low Diameter Twines for the Construction of Square Mesh Panels

    The report is one of a series describing the potential to reduce discarding by the use of technical conservation measures. It covers the second phase of work undertaken to improve the performance of the square mesh panels that are now mandatory in a number of towed gear fisheries.
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    B18_Cod egg fatty acids project - Final report

    Production of good quality juveniles from cod hatcheries relies heavily on the quality of eggs produced. However, egg quality can be highly variable and identifying, at an early stage, which eggs are likely to generate good hatch rates and larval survival can save time and money that could be wasted incubating poor quality eggs. Evidence suggests that the egg fatty acid composition, especially arachidonic acid (ARA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) concentrations, as well as the ARA/eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) ratio are vital for good egg quality. Similarly the egg carotenoid, principally astaxanthin, (Ax) content is also correlated with improved egg and larval quality in other fish species.
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    Fisheries Management Issues Report

    The Fisheries Management Issues Report summarises some of the current issues affecting the UK fishing industry. The Fisheries Management Issues Report summarises some of the current issues affecting the UK fishing industry. Information is collated from regional, UK and European sources and regular topics include discussions at the EU Fisheries Council meetings, official landings into the UK relative to allocated quotas and the extent of bans on fishing due to shellfish poisoning around the UK.
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    Appraisal of Marine Environmental Regulatory Developments

    This paper concerns the current position of marine environmental legislation in the UK. There is, of course, a large amount of legislation in the marine area, but much of this is irrelevant to the scope of this paper. The concern here is the marine environment so legislation relating to transport, fishing etc will not be covered. Also when talking about the environment there is a large amount of legislation in the marine area about pollution. This is not covered in any depth either because this is not a concern to the industry. The focus here then is the rapidly increasing amount of legislation which does impact and has the potential to impact on the industry. This includes protection of wildlife, habitats and biodiversity, the proposals for marine spatial planning, coastal zone management and environmental liability and assessments.
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    Short Report 2010 Economic survey of the UK Fishing Fleet

    A comprehensive and detailed analysis of UK fleet financial performance in 2010 showing key segment and fleet figues.
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    Biofuel for the Fishing Industry Final Report

    Since 2004 the price of diesel fuel oil has increased significantly, causing many fishing vessels to become unprofitable. At the same time biofuels has increased in prominence as a long-term replacement for non renewable fossil fuels. This report details a research and development project to investigate the potential of biofuels for the fishing industry, which took place between October 05 and Jan 08. In the project two types of fuel are studied, biodiesel and pure plant oil. Over the course of the study both fuels were tested on land and at sea and proved to be technically successful. The main driver for uptake of the alternative technology in the fishing industry is economic and our study found that in most cases fossil fuels will remain more cost effective for fishing business in the short to medium term. That said there may be some opportunities in more remote communities where used vegetable oil is available and the cost of transporting diesel oil into the area push the price above that of locally produced biofuels. In terms of environmental credentials biofuels are generally sustainable but there are a number of issues which perspective purchasers need to consider which may overall green credentials of their biofuel.
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    Live Handling & Transport of Crustacean Shellfish: An Investigation of Mortalities

    The export of live crab to the Continental European markets represents a growing opportunity for catchers and exporters. Previous studies of mortality of velvet crab are also appropriate to brown crab and this study concentrates on the latter species analysing those factors during transport which are likely to cause mortality. This report has been produced from a scanned original and may therefore contain some formatting and other inaccuracies. In cases where this affects the technical content, a paper copy of the original report can still be obtained from Seafish.
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