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    An overview of sea trials with the alternative beam trawl

    An overview of sea trials with the alternative beam trawl.
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    Seafood Imports - Legislation and Official Procedures - Questions and Answers

    Import controls are in place to protect human and animal health. Food originating outside the UK may have been produced to different standards to the ones in force throughout the EU. Border controls ensure that only food that meets national food safety legislation, and therefore poses no risk to public health, is allowed into the country. Examples of food that would be stopped at the border are fish containing unacceptable levels of mercury, or shellfish containing natural toxins.
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    Comparing Industry Sector Values, With a Case Study of Commercial Fishing and Recreational Sea Angling

    This report evaluates and recommends different economic analysis methods for comparing the value of industry sectors and informing policy questions about allocation of resources to achieve efficiency or fairness of distribution.
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    Shellfish flesh waste in bait

    Shell waste is a major problem with UK production of waste from calcareous shellfish (excluding Nephrops and shrimp) of around 75,000t/yr of which potentially ~20,000t is flesh. Although there are many theoretical options for the use of waste shell few are commercially viable, often due to the costs of separation and cleaning. Previous work has shown it is possible to separate the flesh from the shell and supply the ‘free of flesh shell’ for use in aggregates; however this leaves the problem of what to do with the fleshy material. The current “Proof of Concept” project has focused on the use of shellfish waste derived flesh waste in commercial bait. A comprehensive set of trials with bait sticks prepared from scallop (King & Queen), whelk, and crab waste demonstrated that the fleshy waste from shell is a suitable material for baits. Whelk and crab waste formed very good baits for lobster attraction and were comparable to standard baits for whelk attraction
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    Options for improving fuel efficiency in the UK fishing fleet - key features

    The key features leaflet contains a summary of the full report. Our intent in providing this summary is to clearly illustrate practical options to improve fuel efficiency to UK vessel owners and skippers. By providing this information we hope to encourage fuel efficient practices and provide guidance on evaluating investment in new equipment needed to adopt new practices, thereby enhancing the profitability of vessel business.
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    Fisheries Management Issues Report

    The Fisheries Management Issues Report summarises some of the current issues affecting the UK fishing industry. Information is collated from regional, UK and European sources and regular topics include discussions at the EU Fisheries Council meetings, official landings into the UK relative to allocated quotas and the extent of bans on fishing due to shellfish poisoning around the UK.
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    Invitation to Tender TD2022-003 - Hosting, support and maintenance of (corporate website)

    Tender number TD2022-003 outlines Seafish’s requirements for a digital agency to host, support and maintain (corporate website).
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    Sail Power (Part II)

    This reports the development and testing a means of integrating sail power for use on commercial fishing vessels. This report is part two of the Seafish report SR630 and describes work carried out on the construction, deployment and testing of an innovative foresail on a 21 meter commercial fishing vessel, the MFV Nova Spero (CN 187). The sail was initially tested during instrumented sea trials in Mounts Bay in Cornwall and subsequently deployed during three commercial Tuna trips to the Bay of Biscay. This report includes details of the: • Construction and fitting of the Forestay and Foresail • Initial seal trials • Modifications made to the foresail and rigging • Results of instrumented sail performance trials • Commercial trials results • Future developments
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    The Possibilities of Labelling Fish by its Region of Origin

    This report is a response to speculation shown in the industry regarding consumer reaction to the ability to identify fish by its area of origin within Britain, and whether, and to what degree, consumers would favour fish landed locally as opposed to non-local fish. SEAFISH commissioned a survey among a structured sample of principal shoppers, and this report presents statistics and resultant conclusions from this survey.
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    Environmental Management Systems - A Fisheries Perspective

    This report discusses environmental management systems in the context of fisheries to evaluate their utility to achieve the same aims. The findings indicate that the fishing industry contain the requisite elements (suitable management structures and the ability to collect relevant information) that would enable them to operate such systems.
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    UK seafood supply base to 2030

    An initial review of developments, implications and practical responses from industry and Seafish.
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    Drift netting for tuna; the feasibility and costs of alternative fishing methods

    This report describes work carried out under contract to MAFF. It examines the implications of the impending ban on high seas drift netting on that sector of the Cornish fleet that is currently licensed to fish for albacore tuna. More specifically, it covers investigations in the UK, Ireland and northern Spain into alternative fishing methods, the potential for converting the vessels in question and some of the market aspects of these changes. It is concluded that conversion to the trolling system of towed lines is the most appropriate option for the Cornish vessels, that this conversion could be carried out at a realistic cost, that crews could adapt to the necessary changes quite readily and that market opportunities would be open to re-equipped vessels. Given the current volatility of the global market for albacore tuna it is not possible to predict whether the converted vessels would be commercially viable. Indications are that, in the long term, conditions in Europe could be favourable to vessels that converted to trolling.
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    Deep Water Fishing Along the North Atlantic Slope - Fishing Trials Onboard MFV 'Marantha III'

    This report describes the findings of an experimental voyage of the MFV 'Marantha III' to the deep water grounds of the North Atlantic Slope. The primary objective of the voyage was to conduct a series of instrumental trials to assess the performance and power demands of both the propulsion engine and trawl winches when fishing at depths from 200-1000 metres. Fishing gear performance, the post harvest care of the catch and the results of quality assessments of the main deep water species are also discussed.
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    The UK shellfish industry’s role in supporting shellfish ecosystem services and public goods and benefits

    This report considers the role that fishing and aquaculture play in maintaining and enhancing shellfish ecosystem services and delivering public goods and benefits. The relevance of this to future marine policy development is also considered.
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    Seafish Standard Design Purification Systems: Operating Manual for the Large Scale Multi Layer System

    Manual for developing and operating Seafish standard design for shellfish purification system: Large Scale Multi Layer System
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    Discarding in the English Channel, Western approaches, Celtic and Irish seas (ICES subarea VII)

    Discarding is a common feature throughout global fisheries and of widespread management concern. The Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science (CEFAS) catch and discard data collection programme has been conducting sampling operations on English and Welsh registered fishing vessels in the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) subarea VII since 2002. Within this subarea, these vessels were found to mainly operate in the English Channel, Western approaches, Celtic and Irish sea. We present the findings of this work and estimate the annual quantities of discards (fish and cephalopods) in terms of numbers and weights between 2002 and 2005 Keywords: Discards; By-catch; English Channel; Western approaches; Celtic sea; Irish sea
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    Final Note on Seafood Ethics Common Language Group meeting on 13 July 2015

    Final note on the Seafood Ethics Common Language Group meeting held at Friends House, London on Monday 13 July 2015.
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    Seafood thawing

    The seafood industry uses a large amount of frozen raw material. Much of this requires thawing before further use or processing. Companies typically thaw seafood in-house using a range of different methods. These vary from using water, air or steam through to microwave and radio frequency systems. The type of thawing method used is dependent on many factors including cost, throughput, timescale, size, efficiency and effect on quality amongst other things. Currently there is a lack of comprehensive, up to date information on seafood thawing, making it difficult for processors to understand the process, the relative merits of each type of available system and how and where the process can go wrong. This document is a compilation of available information on the thawing of seafood. It includes; - A summary of the key scientific principles of seafood thawing - An overview of relevant UK and EU legislation - A description of current UK thawing practice, highlighting good manufacturing practice and problem areas. - Information on different thawing systems and methods - A review of new technologies, and - Sources of further information and advice.
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    Utilisation of 2015 EU Faroe Bi-lateral Agreement

    The Seafish Pelagic Industry Issues Group (SPIIG) asked Seafish to undertake an independent analysis of the utilisation by the UK and rest of EU of the 2015 EU-Faroe bilateral agreement and the utilisation of the agreement by Faroe. An estimate of the sales value of landings made under the agreement was also requested. The analysis of the 2015 agreement repeats a project undertaken by Seafish for SPIIG in 2015, which analysed utilisation of the 2014 bilateral agreement
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    B13_Control Techniques for Larval Rearing Technical Report

    Commercial-scale evaluation of advanced microbiological control techniques for marine finfish larval rearing in the UK.
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    2012 Survey of the UK Seafood Processing Industry

    This report provides an overview of the UK seafood processing industry. The report describes the industry structure, employment and characteristics, the supply and sales situation along with issues such as business management and the environment. The report also provides an analysis of the financial performance of the processing industry. This report is the latest in a series of reports undertaken every four years by Seafish.
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    Quick summary of June 2012 ICES advice re discards

    This quick summary looks at the June 2012 ICES advice with reference to discards.
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    A Demonstration Project Examining High Quality and Selective Haddock Fishing by Scottish Vessels

    A detailed project was undertaken to examine the abilities of a group of vessels to selectively target haddock under their normal fishing practices and patterns. The study was carried out by the SFIA between August 2003 and September 2004. The data for the study was collected during a number of observation trips undertaken between August 2003 and August 2004. The focus of the study was to ascertain whether such vessels could successfully target haddock at a commercial level, avoiding the catch of large numbers of the pressurised cod stock. Data was collected from each participating vessel in order to quantify the actual volume of haddock and cod being fished during the observed trip.
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    Casualties to fishing Vessels and Deaths to Fishermen. A Review up to 1985

    The report analyses the trends in marine casualties and the lives of fishermen up to 1985. Two clear trends emerge. Vessels covered by the 1975 Fishing Vessels (Safety Provisions) rules are apparently experiencing as much as 38% reduction in total or serious casualties. Vessels generally under 12m not covered by the rules show an alarming increase in losses. The published data is not wholly satisfactory and measures are being taken to obtain more facts on accidents and causes.
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    Report on the Current State of Driftnet Fisheries in the UK

    Report on the Current State of Driftnet Fisheries in the UK.
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    Jackson Low Drag Trawl Sea Trials - Trial 1 MFV Harvest Hope

    Sea trials were carried out to compare a single trawl constructed of Dyneema Ultra Cross knotless netting to that of one constructed of Polyethylene (PE) knotted netting. During the instrumented trials out of Peterhead measurements, of all the basic parameters of both trawls were recorded as well as total gear drag and net drag. Drag reductions of approximately 10% were recorded, this should result in a possible 10% fuel saving. The dyneema net was found to be taking up a different shape in the water. The Harvest Hope is underatking long term fishing trials on the trawl.
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    Trials to Assess the Effectiveness of Ionization, Chlorination and UV Irradiation for the Disinfection of Seawater

    Clean supplies of water are essential for the industry to maintain high standards of hygiene and quality. Where seawater is used, regulations demand that the water is free from microbiological contamination and that disinfection is carried out where required. In an operation such as shrimp processing where the product is cooled in seawater, cross contamination as a result of using contaminated seawater may result in food poisoning. It is thought that seawater containing a disinfectant residual may also be used to slow the microbiological spoilage of the product itself. For example using treated water in an RSW system may improve fish quality and extend shelf life. A series of practical trials were carried out to determine the effectiveness of electrolytic ionization, UV irradiation and chlorination for killing bacteria in seawater, with a view to the development of a commercial system for use on shrimp boats. A trial was also carried out to determine the effect on white fish quality of using ionized water in an RSW system. All treatments except chlorination using sodium hypochlorite proved to be unsuitable due to poor bacteriocidal performance and/or prohibitive costs. Sodium hypochlorite gave effective coliform bacterial kills at dose levels as low as 5 mg/1 of chlorine. A marginal improvement in quality was determined over a 7 day period with treated RSW versus untreated RSW.
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    Further Trials to Extend the Storage Life of Cod and Mackerel using Sodium Hypochlorite or Ozone

    This report details a series of laboratory trials which follow on from initial work reported in SR498. Trials were carried out to determine the effect of sodium hypochlorite and ozone on the quality of cod and mackerel in refrigerated seawater (RSW). In addition, trials were carried out to determine the effect of ozone on boxed and iced fish, held in a gas flushed hold or chill store. The rate at which ozone naturally decayed to a safe level was also determined, along with the effectiveness of ozone as a surface disinfectant. A trial was also carried out to determine the level of ozone in the hold of a fishing vessel fitted with an ozone generator, during a fishing trip.
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    PAH's - Report on Seafish survey of UK seafood smoking businesses and products

    Polycylic aromatic hydrocarbons (PaH's) form a large group of chemicals, some of which are known to be toxic. They are produced largely by combustion processes and are present in smoked foods. The European Commission is proposing a maximum permitted limit of 5ppb for the PaH benzo(a) pyrene (BaP) in smoked foods. To determine the potential impact of this, Seafish has carried out a survey of the size and nature of the fish smoking industry in the UK and has gathered representative samples of its products for analysis. The survey found the value of smoked fish production in the UK to be over £120 million per annum. A wide variety of products are produced from a range of fish species using modern and traditional kilns, smoked over a variety of woods. PaH analyses of 33 products showed them all to be well within the proposed EU limit of 5ppb for BaP. Only 2 products exceeded 0.5ppb and the highest level found was 1.34ppb.
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    Further Trials of the Pumpable Icing of Fish

    Pumpable ice is a slurry of fine crystals or particles of ice, suspended in brine or seawater. An excellent cooling medium, when applied to fish the slurry effectively envelopes or blankets the product and extracts heat quickly.
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