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    Findings of a Basic Water & Effluent Survey Carried Out at Andrew Leiper Ltd

    As part of the North East Scotland Strategic Study, Seafish has been involved in briefly visiting representative companies in the region to survey water use and effluent production. The purpose of these visits is to estimate the general reductions in both water use and effluent strength which could be made by introducing waste minimisation. This report summarises the findings of the brief visit to Andrew Leiper Limited carried out on 29 April 1999.
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    Study of the Southern Section of the English East Coast Fishing Industry

    A comprehensive overview of the fishery and associated industry is included. The current fish stock situation in the North Sea in particular as it affects the cod quota allocation emerges as a vitally important local issue to the majority of inshore fishers. The Wash fishery is heavily dependant upon shellfish resources and there are two areas of concern there viz. the impact of impending EC fish hygiene regulations and the serious decline of molluscan shellfish stocks in 1989. Lowestoft's offshore fishery dependent mainly on the plaice is buoyant and indeed the frustration there is that of constraint investment owing to the overall UK fleet's perceived over production. There are problems with regard to repayment of investment with the new fish market.
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    English channel Towed Gear Discard Study 1997/98 ICES Areas VIId and VIIe

    Seafish have been funded by MAFF to carry out a pilot study to determine the feasibility of establishing a discard sampling regime in the English Channel, ICES (International Commission for the Exploitation of the Sea) Areas VIId and VIIe (see Figure 1). This report sets out to explain what a discard survey is, why it is necessary, how it is carried out and the potential benefits of such a survey to the industry. An important part of this study will also be to assess the feasibility of a self-sampling programme carried out by fishermen themselves. This report has been produced from a scanned original and may therefore contain some formatting and other inaccuracies. In cases where this affects the technical content, a paper copy of the original report can still be obtained from Seafish.
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    North of Scotland Box Pool Proposal - A feasibility study

    The study examined the way in which a box pool could be established in the N.E. Scotland taking advantage of the introduction of plastic boxes to replace the traditional wooden box. Two alternative systems are costed - one in which the entire stock of boxes is held by the box pool and the other in which the ownership of the boxes is shared between the pool and users. This report has been produced from a scanned original and may therefore contain some formatting and other inaccuracies. In cases where this affects the technical content, a paper copy of the original report can still be obtained from Seafish.
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    Opportunities for Composite Fillet Portions of Blue Whiting in Inst. Catering.

    A market research study carried out on behalf of the White Fish Authority (WFA) in may 1979 (Ref) to determine the acceptability of sample composite fillet portions of blue whiting in fried fish outlets in the north west of England, indicated that although the portions were well received, there was unlikely to be a demand for the product in the frying trade in current circumstances. The composite fillet concept appeared to be perfectly acceptable to the friers interviewed, but potential usage in the trade would be governed by factors such as attitudes towards frozen fish and the supremacy of cod as the main selling species. It was therefore decided to conduct a similar exercise in the non commercial sector of the catering market. Composite fillet portions of blue whiting, manufactured on a trial basis at Torry Research Station as before, were demonstrated at personal interviews with caterers in hospitals, schools and industrial canteens. The research, carried out in the early summer of 1980, indicated that there could well be potential for composite fillet portions of white fish in institutional catering. This report has been produced from a scanned original and may therefore contain some formatting and other inaccuracies. In cases where this affects the technical content, a paper copy of the original report can still be obtained from Seafish.
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    Scrabster harbour. Advise on Future Fishing Port Facilities

    Landings at Scrabster in 1985 of fish and shellfish were valued at nearly £2.0 million. The range of services offered by this small port are good and are steadily being improved. Seafish staff have assisted Scrabster Harbour Trust with future planning which takes into account the opportunities in the area but also recognises the close relationship the port shares with Wick some 22 miles away.
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    Biological Criteria for the Depuration of Pacific Oyster

    The criteria for depuration plant design are discussed; minimum and maximum temperature are defined and target minimum oxygen levels set. Results of experiment work on oyster density, water floor rates and bacteriological results using model systems and a prototype commercial design are presented. The results obtained in the experimental work were similar in terms of oxygen consumption and depuration to those obtained in the prototype. This report has been produced from a scanned original and may therefore contain some formatting and other inaccuracies. In cases where this affects the technical content, a paper copy of the original report can still be obtained from Seafish.
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    Study Tour of UK Fish Industry Representatives to Ijmuiden and Urk 26/28 Sept

    There are considerable traditional links between the Dutch and British Fishing and processing industries and in many areas the two countries are competing in the same markets. Today there is investment by Dutch companies in UK processing firms and similarly investment by UK firms in the Netherlands Fish Industry. Both countries have to face changes brought about by the new health and hygiene standards based on the EC Directives. The purpose of the Study Tour was mainly to see how the two countries were making progress towards putting into place these standards. This report has been produced from a scanned original and may therefore contain some formatting and other inaccuracies. In cases where this affects the technical content, a paper copy of the original report can still be obtained from Seafish.
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    An Evaluation of Six Alternative Compounded Diets for Juvenile European Lobsters (homarus gammerus L)

    The high cost of feeding juvenile lobsters at Ardtoe on natural food leads to trials of proprietary palletised foods developed for other fish which can be dispersed automatically. Batches of juveniles have been fed on various palletised foods and monitored for growth and mortality and compared with a control sample fed on natural fresh food.
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    Analysis of the impact of proposed hygiene legislation on Billingsgate Fish Market

    Although Billingsgate Fish Market was established on its current site in 1982 its physical design, layout and operation reflect traditional practices and standards that may no longer be appropriate in the modern food industry. This report provides an analysis of the impact of proposed EU Food Safety Regulations upon the market and makes recommendations with regard to compliance.
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    Digital First Aid at Sea Handbook - Welsh Language Version

    A bespoke ‘First Aid at Sea’ handbook for the fishing industry. This digital handbook covers 12 of the most serious health incidents at sea on a mobile-friendly platform, to ensure fishers have access to essential first aid information at all times.
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    An Introductory Guide to Cultivation of the Queen Scallop

    This manual was prepared for a course in shellfish cultivation held at the MFU in March 1987. It is aimed at the new entrant into fish farming giving advice on the basic biology of queen scallops, the equipment needed and some of the problems which will be encountered in marketing farmed products. This report has been produced from a scanned original and may therefore contain some formatting and other inaccuracies. In cases where this affects the technical content, a paper copy of the original report can still be obtained from Seafish.