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    Seafish Annual Plan 2015-2016

    Our Annual Plan is taken from our 2015-18 Corporate Plan and details the programmes of work we will deliver in 2015/16 . The Plan sets out the costs associated with our work programmes as well as our Key Performance Indicators for the year.
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    Analysis and suggested modifications for Queen Scallop dredge net_IPF C100

    This report will look at alternative materials and then consider design modifications for the mat.Secondly, it will investigate possible alternative materials and heat treatments for the net and finally design modifications to the net to capitalise on any advantage these materials may offer. This report should be read in conjunction with SR612_Testing Materials used in Queen Scallop dredge Construction_IPF C100
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    Seafish Summary of ICES assessed stocks - June and October 2011

    Summary of June and October 2011 ICES advice for cod, Dover sole, haddock, hake, herring, mackerel, megrim, monkfish, nephrops, plaice, saithe and whiting. Also limited advice for brill, dab, flounder, grey gurnard, pollack, red gurnard, striped red mullet and turbot.
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    Trials to Reduce Water and Effluent Charges in Fish Processing

    The recent implementation of the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive (91/271/EEC) has led to many processors facing a significant increase in trade effluent disposal charges. Aware of this problem, Seafish initially carried out a series of detailed company audits of businesses covering a wide range of industry practices. These audits were used to determine where problems occur and identify possible solutions to reduce water and effluent costs. This report details a series of technical trials carried out in collaboration with processors to develop simple, inexpensive, practical modifications to key equipment in order to reduce water and effluent costs.
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    B40_UK Legislative Status for Abalone Culture

    South West Abalone Growers Association (SWAGA) aims to promote the sustainable development of abalone culture in the South West of the UK. In 2003 SWAGA undertook a FIFG Networking Project (FitzGerald 2003) to establish the limitations to the development of the industry of which legislative barriers were a significant feature.This legislative review has been produced as a guidance document for potential operators. Although it signposts the major legislative issues it is not exhaustive and prospective operators will need to establish site specific issues and requirements. It is also notable that there is considerable movement at present in a number of legislative areas and that any opinions provided in this report will be subject to change as interpretations evolve and regulations are updated.
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    B40_Abalone Feed Requirements

    Abalone naturally eat seaweed of which some less abundant species are preferred. In culture situations where seaweed sources are considered it will be necessary to demonstrate that operations are sustainable to ensure no significant impact on the marine ecosystem. Furthermore, when abalone culture is proposed in Special Areas of Conservation (SAC’s) a higher level of ‘Appropriate Assessment’ will be required. This report is a guidance document to help address some of these issues and present options for individual scheme consideration.
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    Lipids, egg and larval quality in cod

    The project consisted of two studies on lipid quality and performance of cod broodstock (wild and farmed), eggs and larvae. Data suggested that arachadonic acid and carotenoid pigment concentrations in eggs from farmed fish may be sub-optimal. In trials where larvae were fed on enriched rotifers, the lipid profile of larvae reflected that of the live feed. Results of this and other studies indicate that relatively high DHA concentrations and DHA/EPA ratios, low EPA concentrations and EPA/ARA ratios and high ARA concentrations are advantageous.