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    A Study of Mortality Rates of the Velvet Crab during Holding and Transport

    A study was made of the reasons for high mortality of velvet crabs during holding and transport. The investigations showed various water quality and animal condition parameters to be the cause of mortality. Recommendations are made which if implemented would significantly reduce mortality rates.
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    Construction Standards for fishing vessels 15m length overall to 24m registered length - scantling and equipment tables (steel and aluminium).

    Includes sections for Scantling and Equipment Tabes (Steel and Aluminium Alloy).
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    Overview of the evolution of the assessment and management of the Northern European skate and ray fishery. December 2014.

    The management of skate and ray fisheries has changed radically in the past 6 years with the implementation of Total Allowable Catches (TAC) in the Celtic Sea and West of Scotland as well as the North Sea and stock assessments using the ICES Data Limited Assessment methods. The purpose of this document is to outline and discuss the main trends in the assessment and management of stocks of skates and rays and the fisheries of them in the North Sea, Celtic Sea and West of Scotland over recent years. The assessment and management of these fisheries is discussed in the context of how science, government, fishers and the supply chain could contribute to the management of skate and ray fisheries thereby reducing the necessity for cuts across all stocks of these species. This report summarises some of these advances and it discusses possible further work in these fisheries.
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    Ecosystem Services, Goods and Benefits Derived From UK Commercially Important Shellfish

    Ecosystem services, goods & benefits encompass the food, raw materials, clean air & water that nature provides. This review summarises our knowledge of the ecosystem services provided by commercially important shellfish such as molluscs & crustaceans.
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    The Chilled Fish Chain

    This open learning module deals with the more commonly used chilling and handling methods. This module may be of interest to individuals involved in the chilled storage, transport or retailing of fish and shellfish. Available as a printed open learning module for £15 plus P&P. Contact or 01472 252302 for more information.
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    Scottish Fleet Financial Performance 2008 Mid-Year Review

    The Mid-Year Review combines the results of a survey and the update of the Seafish profit forecast model. The key findings are: # Increasing fuel prices have dampened expectations for the future in all fleet segments (whitefish and nephrops). # Fishing income in 2008 is expected to be between 10% - 20% higher than 2007 for most segments in this report. # Average forecast profits are decreasing significantly compared to previous years for all fleet segments. # Price for leasing cod quota has risen to £1,500 per tonne from £700 in 2007 and £300 in 2006. # Crew retention is a growing challenge for skippers.
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    Hydraulics in Fishing Vessels

    This work was produced under an Open tech contract with the Manpower Services Commission. The views expressed are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of the MSC or any Government Department. Seafish no longer uses this module for Open Learning purposes but it contains useful information.