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    Aquaculture Hyperbooks Manila Clam Economic Model

    These pages are a Microsoft Excel based economic modelling tool that will enable you to explore how a potential Manila clam business may function. Technical pages containing a wealth of information and advice on cultivating Manila and native clams can also be downloaded.
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    Project Inshore - Stage 3 strategic sustainability review - A National Overview

    This report provides a national strategic overview of the findings and recommendations 2. provided in the 9 IFCA specific Strategic Sustainability Reviews which were the primary focus of Stage 3 of Project Inshore. In addition, the national overview report provides the opportunity to highlight those stocks which straddle the inshore boundary (6nm) and have therefore not been the focus of the IFCA specific reports.
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    Lifejacket and Buoyancy Aid Acceptability Trials - A co-project between Seafish and the RNLI

    The following report describes the background and the acceptability trials that have been jointly conducted by Seafish and the RNLI, working with commercial fishermen. The trials were in two stages, a test tank assessment to ensure that the products are effective when worn with ‘sea gear’ plus long term assessments by fishermen in the course of their work. FIFG funding has been granted both by DEFRA and SEERAD, each providing fifty percent of the allowable grant.
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    Aquaculture Hyperbooks Halibut Cage on-growing economic model

    These pages are a Microsoft Excel based economic modelling tool that will enable you to explore how the cage-based on-growing aspects of a halibut cultivation business may function. There are other models covering the hatchery, nursery, and onshore on-growing aspects. Technical pages containing a wealth of information and advice on cultivating halibut can also be downloaded.
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    Fuel Flow Metering for Fishing Vessels - Phase III Report: Fuel meter testing on a diesel engine

    The ‘target analogy’ introduced in the Phase II report is revisited to graphically indicate the relative performance of the fuel flow measurement systems incorporating the flow meters under investigation. On the targets, the distance of the centre of the circle for a given meter representsthe accuracy of the device, the size of the circle represents the repeatability of observations. The LHS target shows the relative situation before calibration of the devices, the RHS target shows the same, after calibration. The upper targets reflect the Phase II investigations, the lower targets reflect the Phase III investigations.
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    Ussing Socio-Economic information in European Marine Site management: UK Shellfisheries

    There is a general governmental commitment in the UK to prioritising social and economic aspects of fisheries within policy-making relating to the marine environment. This is embodied by various recent strategy documents, such as Net Benefits, Safeguarding Our Seas and A Sea Change: the Marine Bill. The UK government has variously proposed the ecosystem approach, integrated coastal zone management, regional and social policy, the development of social and economic objectives, data provision, impact assessments, stakeholder involvement, and ‘marine conservation zones’ as means of addressing the socio-economic deficit in inshore fisheries management.
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    Northern Ireland Scallop Larval Dispersal Background Study

    he Agri-Food and Biosciences Institute (AFBI), Seafish and the Northern Ireland (NI) Scallop Association have recently completed a report investigating the optimal areas for scallop reseeding in the Irish Sea. This work was commissioned due to an increase in exploitation of scallops around the NI coastline and a desire by industry to be proactive in enhancing long-term sustainability of stocks. Sites selected through industry engagement as proposed reseeding sites were examined by AFBI scientists to ensure that they met the characteristics required for successful settlement of scallops. Seabed habitat maps were combined to provide information for the full sea area under consideration. Scallop catches from the annual AFBI scallop survey were mapped with the full habitat map to determine the areas where scallops were present and identify the underlying habitat type. This allowed a map to be created which showed the suitable habitat for adult scallops within NI waters. All of the proposed reseeding sites fell within areas of suitable habitat. To examine further characteristics of the proposed sites, a combination of measured and modelled data was used. Salinity, food availability, bed stress (natural physical disturbance of the seabed by wave action and/or tidal currents), particulate inorganic matter, suspended particulate matter, abundance of predators, spawning season, larval dispersal and hydrodynamic models were all considered. The above information was presented to the project steering group, and using the data provided, the steering group selected the most suitable sites for reseeding from the original 13 proposed sites. Three reseeding sites (Whitehead, Drumfad Bay and South Bay) have initially been proposed, with a fourth, Roaring Rock, having potential for any future reseeding plans. The NI Scallop Association will now present the results of this work to DAERA to ask for regulation to assist in the protection of these new areas through a ban on mobile fishing gear.
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    The Sea Fish Industry Authority - Annual Report and Accounts 2011/2012

    The Annual Report provides a detailed Management Commentary and financial review of the activities undertaken by Seafish during 2011/2012 and information on future developments.
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    Seafish Summary of ICES assessed stocks - June and October 2013

    Summary of June and October 2013 ICES advice for cod, Dover sole, haddock, hake, herring, ling, mackerel, megrim, monkfish, nephrops, plaice, saithe and whiting. Also limited advice for brill, dab, flounder, grey gurnard, lemon sole, pollack, red gurnard, striped red mullet and turbot.
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    2006 Economic Survey of the UK Fishing Fleet

    The 2006 economic survey of the UK fishing fleet is the most recent nationwide costs and earnings survey of the sector and continues to build upon the work carried out by the Seafish Economics team in 2005. This study presents the latest economic information on up to 35 segments of the commercially active UK fishing fleet. Survey results suggest that despite increases in vessel earnings across a number of segments, rising operating costs and reduced fishing opportunities meant that achieving profitability was still a major challenge for most of the UK fishing fleet in 2006.
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    Aquaculture Hyperbooks Halibut Nursery Economic Model

    These pages are a Microsoft Excel based economic modelling tool that will enable you to explore how the nursery-based aspects of a halibut cultivation business may function. There are other models covering the hatchery, onshore and cage-based on-growing aspects. Technical pages containing a wealth of information and advice on cultivating halibut can also be downloaded.