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    Good Manufacturing Practice Guidance - Shellfish Cooking

    This document provides guidance to seafood processors on good manufacturing practice (GMP) for shellfish cooking ashore. Its purpose is to help both small and larger businesses produce safe, high quality products. It is targeted at the needs of processors carrying out basic cooking operations.
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    Quay Issues: Issue 2

    This magazine presents some of the stories behind the data, emerging from our Economic Survey of the UK Fishing Fleet. It highlights the main issues identified by fishermen during the survey and features case studies on individual fishing businesses demonstrating how they have overcome barriers to success. The magazine also features interviews with other experts describing recent changes in the industry and the adaptive management taking place in their sectors. The aim is to encourage fishing vessel owners to think critically and creatively about how they can solve problems facing their businesses to enhance their overall performance and profitability.
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    Development of a Generic Shellfish Hatchery Design with Associated Spatting Ponds

    The SIP project output examines opportunities for aquaculture in/around enclosed marine water bodies, as well as the development of a generic design for a shellfish hatchery - the proposed Tidal Lagoon in Swansea Bay (TLSB) case study is a significant focus
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    Aquaculture Hyperbooks Oyster (Pacific and Native) Economic model

    These pages are a Microsoft Excel based economic modelling tool that will enable you to explore how a potential oyster business may function. Technical pages containing a wealth of information and advice on cultivating Pacific and native oysters can also be downloaded.
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    2000 Survey of the UK Sea Fish Processing Industry

    In this detailed report the structure of the whole industry is revealed, highlighting trends and changes since 1995 and earlier. Tables, charts, and graphs illustrate the key points concerning how the industry is organised, how it is evolving, and how this affects the distribution of employment in the industry. Results are broken down by region, by company size, by fish type, and by type of processing carried out (primary, secondary, or mixed). There is detailed financial analysis of the primary and mixed processing sectors, showing the strengths and weaknesses of the industry as a whole, and highlighting regional and sectoral differences.
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    Annual Review of Feed Grade Fish Stocks September 2010

    Annual Review of the feed grade fish stocks used to produce fishmeal and fish oil for the UK market This review focuses on recent independent documentary assessments of these stocks. These are predominantly published by the United Nation’s Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) and the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES). It covers sandeel, sprat, capelin, herring, blue whiting, Norway pout, anchovy, jack mackerel, sardine and menhaden.
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    2017 Pilot Survey of Employment in the UK Fishing Fleet

    This report presents an overview and discussion of the methods and data collected during the 2017 pilot survey of employment in the UK fishing fleet, conducted by Seafish. The main purpose of the pilot survey was to test a methodology and questionnaire design for the collection of social data on the UK fishing fleet. The information presented in this report focuses on the sample collected and does not represent a complete picture of employment throughout the UK fishing fleet.
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    Fuel Flow Metering for Fishing Vessels Phase II - Fuel meter tests under laboratory conditions

    The Phase II testing of fuel flow measurement systems for fishing vessels investigated the performance of six flow metering devices. These were: i) the Macnaught M1 gear meter (£263 ex. VAT), ii) the Flowtech Oval MIII oval gear meter (£185 ex. VAT), iii) the Kobold DRZ oscillating piston meter (£258 ex. VAT), iv) the Kobold VKM variable aperture meter (£562 ex. VAT), v) the Floscan 65000 turbine inferential meter (£583 ex. VAT) and vi) the Emerson CMF025M coriollis meter (£3000-£4000 ex. VAT). The prices indicated for flow meters i) to iv) do not include signal processing, sensor energisation and display equipment, which will add another £330 + VAT to the total equipment cost if a DataTrack 284, dual-channel, panel mount indicator is used, as was done in this study.
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    Quantification of epibenthic fauna in areas subjected to different regimes of scallop dredging activity in Lyme Bay, Devon

    The aim of the study was to establish baseline conditions for the abundance and mean size of four species of interest (Pink seafans Eunicella verrucosa, dead men’s fingers Alcyonium digitatum, ross coral Pentapora fascialis and king scallop Pecten maximus) across Lyme Bay shortly after the implementation of four voluntary Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) inside which scallop dredging stopped in September 2006. The research undertaken was the initial stage of a proposed longer-term project to quantify the effectiveness of the reserves in the protection of the reef communities, to examine potential recovery rates in areas that had been exposed to scallop dredging, and to determine if there were fishery spill-over effects arising from increases in scallops within the areas protected from fishing. IPR for this report belongs to the University of Wales, Bangor.