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    Evaluation of free of flesh shell criteria; implementation and uptake evaluation

    Following on from a previous study to develop test criteria for defining 'free of flesh' shell, further trials have been undertaken to see whether a leach based test methodology could be used as an alternative. Additional tests were carried out on a range of different processes to identify which may be commercially feasible for producing free of flesh shell. The results of the trials showed that the leach based testing methodology was not reliable as a method. Crushing shell is an important stage in difficult to clean products such as crab. A commercial hybrid shell cleaning system could be suitable for commercial use but further engineering is required to develop a suitable system and the commercial viability will be dependant on any value of the clean shell by-products.
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    Seafish Annual Plan 2016-2017

    Our Annual Plan is taken from our 2015-18 Corporate Plan and details the programmes of work we will deliver in 2016/17 . The Plan sets out the costs associated with our work programmes as well as our Key Performance Indicators for the year.
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    SIPF Guidance for Applicants (2011 call)

    This is the Guidance for Applicants for applying to the Seafish Industry Project Fund (2011 call).
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    Aquaculture Hyperbooks Suspended Mussel Technical Pages

    These pages contain technical advice on the cultivation of mussels on ropes. They are complimented by an economic modelling tool that enables you to explore how a potential rope-grown mussel business might work. Key words: Aquaculture; Mussel; Scallop; Oyster; Clam; Halibut; Turbot; Cod; Manila; Pacific; Hyperbook; Economic; Model; cultivation; farming; King; Queen; algae; trestle, rope; cage; seabed; suspended; hatchery; nursery; production;
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    Report of the Study Group on Electrical Trawling (SGELECTRA) April 2013

    A report of the Study Group on Electrical Trawling (SGELECTRA).
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    Scottish Industry Science Partnership_Technical Measures to Enhance Selectivity in Pelagic Fisheries

    During the autumn 2006 mackerel season a prototype selectivity grid was trialled on the Zephyr LK 394 and the crew reported that both the average size of mackerel increased and the by catch percentages of herring were reduced when compared to catches by its pair trawler Antares LK 419. Following these initial observations the fishers that were involved recognized the need for independent observation and analysis of results. This led to the current project being proposed and subsequently receiving funding through the Scottish Industry Science Partnership fund (SISP).
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    Aquaculture Hyperbooks Turbot On-growing Economic Model

    These pages are a Microsoft Excel based economic modelling tool that will enable you to explore how the on-growing aspects of a turbot cultivation business may function. There is another model covering the hatchery aspects. Technical pages containing a wealth of information and advice on cultivating turbot can also be downloaded
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    Pilot trials to determine the benefits of high pressure processing (HPP) for seafood in the UK Report on phase 2 studies:

    In the first phase of the project, high pressure processing studies were carried out on 11 species of fish and shellfish in order to determine whether there were any potential processing benefits for the UK seafood processing industry. The seafood products tested were nephrops, mussels, oysters, crab, cold water prawns, lobster, warm water prawns, unsmoked salmon, squid, mackerel and cod. The results from the first phase of the project can be found in report reference FMT/REP/95900/1. Five products were short-listed for further work; these were nephrops, warm water prawns, crab, salmon and cod. Trials on crab, warm water prawns and nephrops focused on large scale picking/peeling trials to determine whether product yield benefits identified in phase 1 were transferrable to larger scale processing. Trials on salmon and cod focused on pasteurisation and shelf-life evaluation.