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    The Ecology of Seed Mussel Beds

    • Mussel (Mytilus edulis) cultivation is the main form of molluscan shellfish production in the UK, worth ~£4.7 million in 2001, about two thirds of which came from Wales. • The commercial mussel industry is dependent on harvesting wild seed mussel beds. Important areas for seed mussel harvest are Caernarfon Bay, Morecambe Bay, South Wales and the Wash.
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    Economic analysis of UK vessels dredging for king scallops in ICES Area 7

    Since 2012 there is a cap on the annual number of days at sea that 15m and over scallop vessels can dredge in ICES Area 7, as part of the Western Waters Management Regime (WWMR). In response to requests by industry and government, Seafish analysed the economic performance of UK vessels that dredge for king scallops in Area 7. The analysis uses fishing activity and economic data of UK vessels that landed any amount of king scallops from Area 7 during a calendar year from 2008 to 2015.
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    Composting Seafood Waste

    This report focuses on high temperature composting and follows a range of mixes of sea-food waste with household ‘green waste’ (i.e. grass clippings, hedge trimmings and garden vegetable residues), through the composting process as replicated treatments and concludes with bioassay and plant growing trials on the resultant composted material.
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    Seafish Summary of ICES assessed stocks - June and October 2012

    Summary of June and October 2012 ICES advice for cod, Dover sole, haddock, hake, herring, mackerel, megrim, monkfish, nephrops, plaice, saithe and whiting. Also limited advice for brill, dab, flounder, grey gurnard, lemon sole, ling, pollack, red gurnard, striped red mullet and turbot.
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    2012 Economic Survey of the UK Fishing Fleet - Key Features

    The 2012 Economic Survey of the UK Fishing Fleet provides a detailed insight into the financial and operational performance of the fleet during 2012 and 2013. This is the eighth edition of this annual report this year adding sections on employment, GVA and debt repayment. It is also the first of these reports to incorporate infographics. The information presented in this publication is a comprehensive and accurate reflection of the financial performance of the UK fishing fleet and is used by a wide range of people across industry, government and academia. We hope that availability of accurate economic data and expert analysis of fleet performance will be used to enhance fisheries management and benefit the UK fleet in the long-run especially now as we move toward the Landings Obligation.
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    The Good Practice Guide for Demersal Fishermen

    This booklet has been produced for fishermen who are engaged in the capture of demersal species from fisheries around the UK and the EU. The booklet is intended as a guide for the demersal catching sector, regarding applicable UK and EU regulations concerning food safety.
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    Greater North Sea ecoregion; demersal stock trends 2000-2015 and ICES advice 2015

    This information sheet provides a brief layman's description of stock trends derived from ICES adivce in the Greater North Sea ecoregion in 2015. It also discusses fishery management for this region in relation to effort control and multi-species assessment
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    The Good Practice Guide for Pelagic Fishermen

    This booklet has been produced for fishermen who are engaged in the capture of pelagic species from fisheries around the UK and the EU. The booklet is intended as a guide for the pelagic catching sector, regarding applicable UK and EU regulations concerning food safety. It has been compiled in accordance with the recommendations as prescribed in Regulation 852/2004/EC on the Hygiene of Foodstuffs (Articles 7 and 8) which provide for the development of national guides to good hygiene practice. Primarily fishermen, but also food businesses and industry stakeholders, can use these guides as an aid to compliance with food safety regulations.
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    A Study of Low Cost Recirulation Aquaculture

    The overarching goal of this study is to attempt to demonstrate a low-cost approach to recirculation aquaculture of turbot (Psetta maxima), a high value marine flatfish. The two main assumptions of the project are: • Recirculation aquaculture (for UK industry) is inherently desirable because it allows species diversification, enhances biosecurity and minimises environmental impact • Current recirculation systems are too expensive for the production of fish for human consumption, and would be vulnerable to price declines in the market as aquaculture expands in the future – and are thus not good investment propositions for the industry The project reared its own juvenile turbot at the Marine Farming Unit in Ardtoe, with eggs sourced from France Turbot.
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