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    A feasibility study of native oyster (Ostrea edulis) stock regeneration in the United Kingdom

    Throughout much of the UK, the native oyster remains in a severely depleted state in the wild, having suffered for two centuries with over-exploitation, pests, disease, pollution and harsh winters. The native oyster is a Biodiversity Action Plan Species. Native oyster beds can form a flourishing part of the ecosystem, with many associated species. A significant driver for restoration of native oyster beds should therefore be re-creating and conserving an ecological resource in order to re-establish a biotope that was once common and covered wide areas of the UK inshore seabed.
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    UK Shellfish Biotoxin Database Development - Summary Report 1_IPF_B037

    This report sets out the results of a consultation to scope the requirement for an on-line marine biotoxins database and website designed to be operated by the shellfish industry. From a consultee list of 560, 289 contacts were made using a combination of email and telephone calls, resulting in 41 responses – a 14% response rate.
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    Guidance for Fish Processors on Water and Effluent Minimisation

    Fish processors are facing dramatic increases in costs for discharging their effluent. This results from EU environmental legislation and may threaten the viability of many processing businesses. However, there is scope for processors to considerably reduce both the quantity and strength of their effluent and so minimise the increases in costs.
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    2016 Seafood Processing Industry Report

    The 2016 Seafood Processing Industry Report presents accurate up-to-date economic data and commentary to serve, where appropriate, as an evidence base for business decisions, policy discussions, and further research. This report provides details on the structure and size of the industry such as regional distribution, size of firms, type of broad fish species processed, type of processing activity undertaken and financial performance.
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    Aquaculture Hyperbooks Seabed Mussels Economic Model

    These pages are a Microsoft Excel based economic modelling tool that will enable you to explore how a potential seabed mussel business may function. Technical pages containing a wealth of information and advice on cultivating mussels on the seabed can also be downloaded.
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    Aquaculture Hyperbooks Seabed Mussel Technical Pages

    These pages contain technical advice on the cultivation of mussels on the seabed. They are complimented by an economic modelling tool that enables you to explore how a potential seabed-grown mussel business might work. Key words: Aquaculture; Mussel; Scallop; Oyster; Clam; Halibut; Turbot; Cod; Manila; Pacific; Hyperbook; Economic; Model; cultivation; farming; King; Queen; algae; trestle, rope; cage; seabed; suspended; hatchery; nursery; production;
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    Appraisal of the opportunity for offshore aquaculture in UK waters. Report of project FC0934, commissioned by Defra and Seafish from FRM Ltd.

    The report provides an assessment of the potential for open ocean, offshore finfish aquaculture in UK waters using candidate species which would have similar growth and performance characteristics to Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) and Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua)and with due reference to other potential species candidates.
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    Fuel Systems Testing - Determinations of the effect of (electro-) magnetic installations, a fuel additive and a lubricant additive on diesel fuel consumption

    On 6th March 2008 representatives from SeaFISH and the University of Exeter met to discuss testing of fuel economy enhancement technologies at the CSM dynamometer test cell facility. These discussions resulted in an order for testing of various technologies to determine their effectiveness. The proposed technologies were varied in nature, ranging from the use of permanent and electromagnets installed on fuel lines to performance exhaust systems and engine lubricant conditioners. For each of these technologies, engine performance and fuel consumption tests were undertaken once without the technology deployed, then once with the technology installed. The results from the two tests were compared.
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    Rearing of the Harpacticoid Copepod Tisbe holothuriae and its Application for the Hatchery Production of Atlantic Halibut Hippoglossus hippoglossus

    At the Marine Farming Unit, Ardtoe, a system was developed for the intensive culture of Tisbe holothuriae, based on the tray batch culture system described by Støttrup & Norsker (1997). Culture was carried out in 20l plastic trays stored in racks, lit by fluorescent lights and maintained at a temperature of approximately 20ºC.