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    Innovative sensors to rapidly and non-destructively determine fish freshness_C017

    Freshness is recognized as a main element of fish quality. The direct key functions of storage time and temperature have a significant influence on fish freshness. Therefore, objective assessment has been applied to find a reliable method to determine the fish freshness. Sensory methods such as Quality Index Method (QIM) or Torry assessment are commonly used; however, these techniques rely on skilled assessors and scoring can drift without regular re-training. As a result, a number of instrumental methods have been studied to evaluate fish freshness. Early studies of Nilsen et al. (2002) used a near infrared (NIR) spectroscopic technique applied to specific regions of cod fillets. In this study, imaging methods have been used to study several sections of cod to assess which have the greatest potential for discrimination of changes related to storage time. The appearance and changes in the NIR reflectance spectra of whole fish, fillets and gills during storage on ice have been measured with several instruments to assess their suitability for objective freshness evaluation. This report summarises the results of the research.
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    The Sea Fish Industry Authority - Annual Report and Accounts 2008/09

    The Annual Report provides a detailed Management Commentary and financial review of the activities undertaken by Seafish during 2008/2009 and information on future developments.
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    The UK seafood industry - sustainability and profitability - Seafish Annual Report & Accounts 2005/06

    The 2005/06 operational year at Seafish was marked by balancing delivery with planning for the future. We delivered a significant number of projects in support of our industry whilst undertaking a detailed Board and Management review of industry needs and the competencies required of Seafish as an organisation to deliver solutions.
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    Aquaculture Hyperbooks Halibut Onshore on-growing economic model

    These pages are a Microsoft Excel based economic modelling tool that will enable you to explore how the onshore on-growing aspects of a halibut cultivation business may function. There are other models covering the hatchery, nursery and cage-based on-growing aspects. Technical pages containing a wealth of information and advice on cultivating halibut can also be downloaded.
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    Annual Review of Feed Grade Fish Stocks March 2012

    Annual Review of the feed grade fish stocks used to produce fishmeal and fish oil for the UK market This review focuses on recent independent documentary assessments of these stocks. These are predominantly published by the United Nation’s Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) and the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES). It covers sandeel, sprat, capelin, herring, blue whiting, Norway pout, anchovy, jack mackerel, sardine and menhaden.
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    Biofuels: An investigation into the use of Pure Plant Oil as a replacement for Marine Diesel

    The use of pure plant oil (PPO), also known as vegetable oil, as a diesel fuelextender or as a total fuel substitute is known. The concept gained popularity during the fuel crisis in the 1970’s although engine technology at this time was relatively basic. The concept today has two primary drivers for land transportation: cost reduction and environmental footprint. The use of recovered and suitably processed used cooking oil (UCO) can offer further substantial atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) mitigation together with a reduction in other regulated exhaust pollutants, such as sulphur dioxide, as well as additional cost savings compared to virgin PPO,.Regenatec has developed technology which retro-fits to diesel engines and allows them to be fuelled by diesel or PPO or UCO. This technology is found in products being sold to owners of land based vehicles, both commercial and domestic. Initial trial work performed by Regenatec on land based vehicles has shown promising results. This project investigated the use of PPO in a trawler, the Jubilee Quest, based in Grimsby, UK, operated on PPO during the Autumn of 2006. The aim of this trial was a technical investigation of the technology and PPO: it was not designed to be a commercial deployment. The use of PPO (and even UCO) is currently commercial unviable in UK marine applications due to the economies of scale enjoyed by the petrochemical industry. (The use of PPO and UCO is only viable for land based vehicles because of a duty rebate currently enjoyed by bio-fuels.) As biofuels start to scale and when the environmental costs of fossil fuels are fully reflected in the cost of the product, it is anticipated that biofuels will become economically viable. As a key part of this project, Regenatec developed their technology into a system to be used at sea by a trawler. Their dual tank system is under electronic control to automate the use of PPO in a diesel engine. This has significant advantages over existing, less sophisticated technology. The engine is started on conventional marine diesel (or biodiesel) and then automatically switches over to the lower cost, more environmentally friendly PPO. The automation greatly improves the ease of use for unskilled operators and removes the potential for engine damage when compared to manual control. Additionally, Regenatec is heavily involved in fuel additive work investigating what fuel additives commonly used to enhance the technical and environmental performance of mineral diesel are applicable to PPO and UCO. This work is being undertaken under Confidentiality Agreement in conjunction with a leading mainstream additive manufacturer. An ‘additive pack’ was not fully developed and therefore not available for field deployment during this project. However, lab work and land based field trials in this area have provided encouraging feedback.
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    Profitable Futures for Fishing Second Interim Report

    This report is intended give a preliminary overview of the last five consultation events held for nephrops, crab and lobster, demersal (Shetland) and pelagic sectors of the fleet. Which was then considered together during the final analysis and evaluation phase of the project and the outcomes of that are included in the final report.
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    Profitable Futures for Fishing First Interim Report

    This report is intended to give a preliminary overview of the first three consultation events held for scallops, nephrops and demersal sectors of the fleet for inclusion. Which was then considered together during the final analysis and evaluation phase of the project and the outcomes of that which were included in the final report.
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    Fish Waste Production in the UK - The quantities Produced and Opportunities for Better Utilisation

    The options for fish waste utilisation and disposal are becoming increasingly restricted, creating a significant problem for the UK fish industry. From capture through to processing, the industry generates a significant quantity of fish waste. This report estimates the types and quantities of fish waste generated in the different sectors, from catching to processing. It then describes many of the potentially higher value utilisation opportunities for fish waste and identifies some of those that may be most suitable for the UK industry.
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    Utilising discards not destined for human consumption in bulk uses

    Further to the Defra ‘Fishing for the Markets’ initiative, this study explores whether discards not destined for human consumption can be utilised by commercial outlets in the UK. The availability of commercial outlets for discards not used in the human food chain is a key factor in the development and success of a potential utilisation programme in the event of a total discard ban. The report provides an overview of the potential quantities of discards potentially available under a discard ban, options available for the bulk use of discards, their availability to the catching sector and associated issues. The project was funded by Defra, commissioned by Seafish and undertaken by Cefas.
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