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    Summary of Recent Work on the CAP of Fish

    Recent findings on the processing, distribution and retailing of fish commercially packaged in a controlled atmosphere are given. Temperatures were generally significantly above the recommended range of 0-2<sup>o</sup>C.
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    An Economic Assessment of Oyster on Growing Utilising the

    This report has been produced from a scanned original and may therefore contain some formatting and other inaccuracies. In cases where this affects the technical content, a paper copy of the original report can still be obtained from Seafish
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    A Report on the UK Herring Fisheries in the 1980s

    The British herring fishery has declined dramatically since the early part of the century. The ban in 1977 was a result of indiscriminate overfishing by all fishing nations in the post war period. Now that the ban has been eased, the Common Fisheries Policy sets out the UK quota clearly and in this there are opportunities for development of a more stable UK herring fishery. This report has been produced from a scanned original and may therefore contain some formatting and other inaccuracies. In cases where this affects the technical content, a paper copy of the original report can still be obtained from Seafish
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    Interviews with Fish Friers Selling Blue Whiting & Customers

    This report, prepared on behalf of the White Fish Authority (WFA) by David Elliott & Associates, describes the reactions of five fish friers in Wigan, Peterborough and Chatteris (Cambridgeshire), and their customers to block filleted blue whiting. It is the third report covering interviews held with fish friers selling blue whiting, and their customers. The first two reports, issued as TR 137 and TR 146 in 1976, dealt with a situation where frozen block filleted blue whiting was supplied to members of the Executive Council of the National Federation of Fish Friers who had volunteered to sell the fish on the WFA’s behalf. Since these reports were issued, the WFA have continued to sell blue whiting on a low key, but regular and fully commercial basis to a number of outlets – some 30 friers have now tried the fish. This report has been produced from a scanned original and may therefore contain some formatting and other inaccuracies. In cases where this affects the technical content, a paper copy of the original report can still be obtained from Seafish.
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    A Study to Forecast the Commercial Costs of Farming Turbot and Dover Sole

    The 1975 equivalent report (Technical Report 130) was based on research results obtained from the White Fish Authority’s (WFA) and the Ministry of Agriculture Fisheries and Food fish cultivation programmes. At that time, because, of course, industry’s involvement was not at the commercial stage, several of the important costing parameters had to be taken from fresh water trout farming. Predictions, however, were that such schemes were viable. Since 1975 the WFA’s Research and Development Programme has largely been directed to confirming the predictions and to establishing commercially appropriate costs. During the period, commercial participation has become more active, particularly with turbot. This report has been produced from a scanned original and may therefore contain some formatting and other inaccuracies. In cases where this affects the technical content, a paper copy of the original report can still be obtained from Seafish.
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    The Continued Development of a Larval Rearing Technique for Turbot

    Eggs of turbot, Scophthalmus maximus, were transported from the White Fish Authority’s Marine Farming Unit, Hunterston and the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries & Food Unit, Lowestoft at the eyed ova stage and hatched in tanks at the Authority’s Marine Farming Unit, Ardtoe. The tanks, with constant illumination and temperature control, were stocked with rotifers, Brachionus plicatilis and algae (mainly Phaeodactylum sp) before the eggs were installed. The larvae were fed successively on rotifers, various stages of the brine shrimp, Artomia salina, and mysid shrimps, Leptomysis gracilis. A total of 1,764 metamorphosed fish were produced, the survival of the best batch of eggs being 1.1%. This report has been produced from a scanned original and may therefore contain some formatting and other inaccuracies. In cases where this affects the technical content, a paper copy of the original report can still be obtained from Seafish.
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    Reducing the depuration time of bivalve molluscs: assessing risk based reductions in depuration times

    Bivalve molluscs harvested from ‘B’ classified areas which are to be delivered to market alive need to be ‘depurated’.
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    South West Advisory Committee (SWACC) Minutes - November 2022

    Minutes from Seafish South West Advisory Committee (SSWAC) meeting held on 15 November 2022.
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    FMIG Presentation 1. Fisheries data and REM. 15 March 2023

    Colin Faulkner, Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) talked about the Government and legislative process. This file may not be suitable for users of assistive technology. If needed please request an accessible format.
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    CLG Presentation 3. Fish stock status in the North East Atlantic. 5 December 2023.

    Neil Auchterlonie spoke about the North Atlantic Pelagic Advocacy (NAPA) Group advocacy in action. This file may not be suitable for users of assistive technology. If needed please request an accessible format.
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    Seafish – a year in review

    Under our current Corporate Plan Seafish made a range of commitments to industry across its various workstreams. Contained in this publication are some of the achievements made in that time (March 2013 to 2014) by Seafish under each heading.
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    Project 50%

    In 2009–10, an innovative partnership between scientists and Devon beam trawlermen – nicknamed ‘Project 50%’ – was set-up with an aim to help to protect fish stocks by reducing the amount of juvenile fish discarded overboard by over 50%.
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    Recent developments in depuration (England and Wales)

    Thick trough shell (Spisula solida) & cockles (Cerastoderma edule) Change to Conditions of Approval stipulations; sand gaper / soft shell clam (Mya arenaria) depuration
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    Importance of Region of Origin

    Following speculation from industry about the importance of region of origin to consumers when purchasing seafood, Seafish, in association with Seafood Scotland, commissioned a study in February 2004 to explore the issue. The study also served as an update on the 1999 study by Seafish that explored the possibilities of labelling fish by its region of origin.
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    CLG Presentation 1. Seafood winners and losers in a warming world. 26 September 2023.

    Stuart McLanaghan, Seafish spoke about Seafish work to support the seafood industry response. This file may not be suitable for users of assistive technology. If needed please request an accessible format
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    FMIG Presentation 1. Decarbonisation of the UK fishing fleet. 23 January 2024.

    Stephen Mangi Chai, MRAG spoke about a Defra-funded project on different decarbonisation solutions for the UK fishing sector. This file may not be suitable for users of assistive technology. If needed please request an accessible format.
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    Seafood Consumption (2023 update)

    Defra Seafood consumption benchmark falls -3.9%.
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    Delivery report (2015-2018)

    Delivery report for the 2015-18 Corporate Plan
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    FMIG Presentation 9. UK fishing industry response to external pressures. 5 October 2023.

    Suzannah Walmsley, ABPmer, talked about adaptations to offshore wind farms and fishing methods to enable co-location. This file may not be suitable for users of assistive technology. If needed please request an accessible format.
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    Map of Seafish Approved Training Providers around the UK 2023

    A map of the UK showing Seafish Approved Training Providers' locations and information.
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    UK Seafood Value Chain 2015 4 Sections

    Breakdown of the UK's top traded species, total seafood supply, top export markets, top import markets and total seafood sales in 2015.
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    Form L3 Fishmeal

    Levy return form
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    Whelk Management Group Minutes - September 2023

    Meeting minutes for the 13th meeting of the Whelk Management Group (WMG) which took place on 11th September 2023 via Microsoft Teams.
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    Classification of bivalve harvesting and production areas

    Legislation in place to ensure shellfish sold into the supply chain meet strict food safety (health and hygiene) standards and that they are obtained from classified harvesting and production areas.
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    FMIG Presentation 2. UK fishing industry response to external pressures. 5 October 2023.

    Mike Kaiser, Heriot-Watt University, compared the sustainability and environmental impacts of trawling with other food production systems. This file may not be suitable for users of assistive technology. If needed please request an accessible format.
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    UK Seafood Industry Dashboard 2016 (PDF Slides)

    The UK Seafood Industry Dashboard contains a convenient and comprehensive overview of the recent business performance of the main sectors of the UK seafood industry. These slides feature infographics detailing industry performance in the fleet, processing, aquaculture, safety and training, responsible sourcing, industry reputation and the supply chain.
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    Eminent UK salmon retailers step forward to highlight consequences of inaction on North East Atlantic blue whiting management

    The salmon-producing sector steps forward to echo calls for politicians to seize a rare, golden opportunity to reduce their blue whiting quota allocations.
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    Fuel Economy

    The cost of fuel is one of the major running costs of a fishing vessel. It is important that the vessel be operated as economically as possible. Large savings in fuel costs can be made by following a few simple rules.
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    2014 Quotas for pelagic stocks used in fishmeal production

    This summarises the 2014 quota allocations for pelagic stocks used in fishmeal production for the North East Atlantic and South America.
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    Water Quality in Purification (Depuration) Systems. Guidance for Purification Plant Operators

    Only ‘clean seawater’ should be used in the depuration system. Cefas has issued advice on water quality in terms of turbidity and microbiology. The seawater used should carry no risk of contaminating the shellfish (including the risk from ‘harmful substances’ or toxic marine plankton). Further advice on issues relating to the statutory requirements for clean seawater and purification system operation is available by contacting Cefas. Technical advice relating to purification system design is available from Seafish.
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    FMIG Presentation 1. UK fishing industry response to external pressures. 5 October 2023.

    Leah Buckley, Global Fishing Watch spoke about transparency and technology to support sustainable fisheries management. This file may not be suitable for users of assistive technology. If needed please request an accessible format.
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    Seafish Wales Advisory Committee (SWAC) Minutes - May 2023

    Minutes from Seafish Wales Advisory Committee (SWAC) meeting held on 17 May 2023.
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    Presentations given at Seafish Landing Obligation Panel. Malta. February 2016

    Seafish facilitated a Landing Obligation panel at the Seaweb Seafood Summit in Malta on Monday 1 February 2016. The aim of this session was to share the impacts of the LO on fisheries and fishers and to describe some of the tools that have been developed to minimize any adverse impacts. The session was facilitated by Mike Park, Scottish White Fish Producers Association. There were three additional speakers: Liane Veitch, ClientEarth; Hazel Curtis, Seafish; and Helen Duggan, Seafish.
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    Presentations given at Seafish Data Deficient Fisheries Panel. Malta. February 2016.

    Seafish facilitated a Data Deficient Fisheries panel at the Seaweb Seafood Summit in Malta on Wednesday 3 February 2016. A number of new risk assessment methods have been developed in recent years, with the intention of providing data deficient fisheries with alternative ways of assessing their impacts on stocks and ecosystems. The aim of the session was to explore these methods and to share knowledge to allow for increased data collection and to move more fisheries towards ‘data rich’. The session was facilitated by Phil MacMullen, Seafish and there were four speakers: Simon Jennings, Cefas; Tom Pickerell, Seafish; Stewart Crichton, Orkney Fisherman’s Society and Dawn Dougherty, SNAP Data Limited Fisheries Working Group, The Nature Conservancy.
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    Strategic Investment Fund Factsheet

    An introduction to the Seafish Strategic Investment Fund (SIF). Establised at the request of our Sector Panels and Board, it will provide us with a flexible, 'light touch' means of commissioning research and development, helping us to deliver our 2015/2018 Corporate Plan ligh level objectives.
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    SECLG Presentation. Worker-Driven Social Responsibility. 19 April 2023.

    Greg Asbed, Coalition of Immokalee Workers and Judge Laura Safer Espinoza, Fair Food Standards Council spoke about WSR and how it works. This file may not be suitable for users of assistive technology. If needed please request an accessible format.
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    Fish as Food review (2024 update)

    A review of developments in UK seafood consumption which looks at implications and practical responses.
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    Non-Target Species Caught in Tuna Fisheries

    Preliminary study of the relative fishery impacts on non-tuna species caught in various tuna fisheries.
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    CLG Presentation 6. Digitilisation of seafood supply chains. 27 June 2023.

    François Mosnier, Planet Tracker spoke about the financial benefits of seafood traceability. This file may not be suitable for users of assistive technology. If needed please request an accessible format.
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    Flip-Up Ropes for Otter Trawls

    This fact sheet provides fisherman with information on Flip-Up Ropes for Otter Trawls. The fact sheet shows one design and fitting routine that has proved successful with many UK skippers.
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    Fishmeal and Feed Fisheries Group. News alert. October 2023.

    Quarterly news alert sent to fishmeal and feed fish news subscribers on 16 October 2023.
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    CLG Presentation 1. The role of Fishery Improvement Projects (FIPs). 29 March 2023.

    Jo Pollett, Marine Stewardship Council, talked about the current status of FIPS within Project UK. This file may not be suitable for users of assistive technology. If needed please request an accessible format.
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    Market Data terms of use 2020

    Market Data terms of use 2020
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    Seafish Summary - Global picture of fishmeal production July 2016

    Seafish summary showing the global picture of fishmeal production based on the United Nations Food and Aquaculture Organisation report: The State of Fisheries and Aquaculture 2016. Published July 2016.
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    Social Media and Seafood

    Humber Seafood Summit 2017
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    ACIG Presentation 4. Government and policy initiatives to support UK aquaculture. 23 November 2023.

    Rod Cappell, Poseidon, spoke about the impacts of EMFF funding, externalities and future needs. This file may not be suitable for users of assistive technology. If needed please request an accessible format.
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    FMIG. Notes on bite-size meeting. Fisheries Management Plans (FMPs). 17 January 2023.

    This meeting took a close look at the ‘frontrunner’ FMPs, which are being prioritised for delivery in 2023 in England and Wales (Scotland and Northern Ireland have a different approach).
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    ACIG Presentation 1. The growth of RAS projects in the UK. 12 September 2023.

    Mike Berthet, Aquasea Limited spoke about what is driving more and more land based RAS and flowthrough Aquaculture projects globally. This file may not be suitable for users of assistive technology. If needed please request an accessible format.
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    Papur ymgynghori ar yr adolygiad o ardoll Seafish – fersiwn Gymraeg

    Mae’r Papur Ymgynghori yn nodi pam mae angen cynnal adolygiad o’r ardoll, y diwygiadau arfaethedig, sut bydd yr ardoll ychwanegol yn cael ei defnyddio, manylion y gwerth y mae Seafish yn ei ddarparu o’r ardoll, a sut mae cymryd rhan yn y broses
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    FMIG Presentation 3. Fisheries data and REM. 15 March 2023.

    David Hill, Marine Scotland, spoke about the picture in Scotland. This file may not be suitable for users of assistive technology. If needed please request an accessible format.
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    CLG Presentation 2. The role of Fishery Improvement Projects (FIPs). 29 March 2023.

    Daniel Whittle, Whitby Seafoods spoke about the next steps for the Nephrops FIP (North Sea, West of Scotland and Irish Sea). This file may not be suitable for users of assistive technology. If needed please request an accessible format.
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    Introduction to the Skilled Worker Visa - explaining the fundamentals

    An overview of the sponsorship and recruitment process, the preparation you should take before you start the application process and the costs involved in sponsoring a person under a Skilled Worker Visa. Guide 1 of 5.
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    Fishing Vessel Hygiene Checksheet

    Seafish, in collaboration with the Food Standards Agency, industry and enforcement representatives, has produced a number of hygiene checklists and associated documents for checking whether fishing vessels comply with minimum hygiene requirements.
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    FisheryProgress. Seafood Ethics Action Alliance (SEA Alliance) update meeting. 11 June 2021.

    Amber Stewart, FishChoice, spoke about the FisheryProgress’ Human Rights and Social Responsibility Policy, which has just been launched.
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    Seafish interactive workshop on understanding and reporting on Modern Slavery. 10 March 2016.

    Seafish facilitated an interactive workshop on understanding and reporting on Modern Slavery. This looked at the wording of the legislation and the practical steps which companies in the seafood sector should take to consider the appropriate levels of risk assessment, and action, that they should put in place to address potential modern slavery issues, both in their supply chain and their direct operations. The workshop also included a presentation on Ergon's review of the first publicly available batch of Modern Slavery Statements, and on the guidance Seafish has produced on drafting MSA statements. At the end of the workshop participants had a clear understanding of the scope and challenges related to drafting a statement and the likely content of their company’s statement.
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    USA Export Guide

    A market research report on the seafood sector in USA.
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    FLEG Update July 2010

    The scheduled Food Legislation Expert Group meeting for 20 July was cancelled. This document provides an update on the issues to have been discussed, including: Fisheries control regulation; FSA two a week and shellfish; Nutrition and health claims regulation; Imports; Origin guidance; Hygiene regulation review; Food composition review; Revision of the code of practice on the declaration of fish content in fish products; and other issues.
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    Summary of FIP for Atlantic Mackerel and Atlanto-Scandian Herring in the North-East Atlantic Ocean

    A progress summary of the NAPA Policy Fishery Improvement Programme (FIP).
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    Tangle Net Fishery for Spider Crabs (Maia Squinado)

    A description of the biology of the Spider Crab is given. This is a trials narrative covering 10 days of fishing with tangle nets in the English Channel. Handling practices are described along with a short narrative on marketing. This report has been produced from a scanned original and may therefore contain some formatting and other inaccuracies. In cases where this affects the technical content, a paper copy of the original report can still be obtained from Seafish.
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    Squid - A review of their biology and fisheries

    LABORATORY LEAFLET NO. 48 - LOWESTOFT Worldwide interest in squid fisheries remained at a low level until shortly after the second world war when the Japanese developed their fishery for Todarodes pacificus into a major industry. In 1960 this produced a peak catch in excess of 690,000 tonnes. Subsequently the Japanese have exploited squid in several other parts of the world and over the last two decades a major fishery has developed in the North-west Atlantic involving distant-water fleets from most of the major fishing nations. This report has been produced from a scanned original and may therefore contain some formatting and other inaccuracies. In cases where this affects the technical content, a paper copy of the original report can still be obtained from Seafish.
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    Letter from DAG to Maria Damanaki 24 May 2011

    Letter from Discard Action Group Chairman, Mike Park, to Commissioner Maria Damanaki dated 24 May 2011.
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    CLG Presentation 4. Seafood winners and losers in a warming world. 26 September 2023.

    Cathy Haenlein, RUSI, spoke about future IUU fishing trends in a warming world. This file may not be suitable for users of assistive technology. If needed please request an accessible format.
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    Board Minutes - 25 May 2023

    Minutes from the Seafish Board meeting on 25 May 2023.
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    Fact Sheet: Seafish activities in relation to the Landing Obligation. December 2017

    Under the revised Common Fisheries Policy a Landing Obligation (LO) is being introduced gradually, between 2015 and 2019 for all commercial fisheries (species under TACs, or under minimum sizes) in European waters. Seafish’s work on the LO is diverse and cuts across a number of work streams. We are providing valuable services to industry and government and our coordination role in communicating about ongoing projects is limiting duplication of work. This paper summarises our recent, current and future activities. These activities have been agreed by Seafish’s three Sector Panels and demonstrate a commitment to help industry meet the challenges of the LO. Key work areas for Seafish are: economic implications; gear selectivity; the Seafish Discard Action Group; briefings and guidance; outreach; a project to assess the impact of the LO on the UK supply chain; sectoral support; and marketing and communications.
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    Seafish Northern Ireland Advisory Committee (SNIAC) Minutes - April 2023

    Minutes from Seafish Northern Ireland Advisory Committee (SNIAC) meeting held on 5 April 2023.
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    UK Seafood Supply Chain Overview: April-June 2023

    This report takes a high-level view of the whole of the seafood supply chain to explore factors impacting UK seafood markets, seafood business operations and consumer behaviour during April to June 2023.
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    SECLG Presentation 1. Driving improvements in human rights and labour standards. 5 July 2023.

    Huw Thomas, 3 Pillars Seafood spoke about ratifications (CTA, PSMA, ILO 188) and recent reports. This file may not be suitable for users of assistive technology. If needed please request an accessible format.
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    Twin Rig with Three Warps towed from Centre Point

    Twin Rig with Three Warps towed from Centre Point.
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    EU Alert Monitoring – 22 January 2016

    Brussels update of seafood legislation developments, including: Denmark acrylamide; FSS survey of fish authenticity; Radioactive Contamination of Food and Feed; mislabelling in restaurants; EFSA guidance on health claims; EU-Canada negotiations for a Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA); EU IUU fishing team visits Thailand; vessel numbering scheme; bluefin tuna in the eastern Atlantic and the Mediterranean; landing obligation; aquaculture at Green Week
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    Cod Seafood Industry Factsheet

    The three species, tuna salmon and cod dominate the UK retail seafood market by volume. This report summarises both the UK imports and exports of cod and cod sales in both retail and foodservice channels
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    FMIG Presentation 8. UK fishing industry response to external pressures. 5 October 2023.

    Geoff Tingley, Gingerfish Ltd talked about Benthic Protected Areas in New Zealand to proactively protect marine areas from bottom trawling. This file may not be suitable for users of assistive technology. If needed please request an accessible format.
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    The UK Seafood Company Directory

    Discover the UK seafood suppliers who are exhibiting on the UK seafood pavilion at the 2023 China Fisheries & Seafood Expo in Qingdao.
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    FMIG Presentation 4. Decarbonisation of the UK fishing fleet. 23 January 2024.

    Skipper Hans Unkles spoke of his quiet revolution, as the u10 metre Lorna Jane becomes the first electric vessel to join the UK fishing fleet. This file may not be suitable for users of assistive technology. If needed please request an accessible format.
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    Q3 2023 Q3 Seafish Foodservice Channels

    This Market Insight factsheet provides a full picture of each channel that make up the Great Britain (GB) foodservice market.
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    FMIG Presentation 3. UK fishing industry response to external pressures. 5 October 2023.

    Alastair Philp, Scottish Creel Fishermen's Federation, spoke about the case for spatial management in Scotland's inshore waters. This file may not be suitable for users of assistive technology. If needed please request an accessible format.
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    Kingfisher Fortnightly Bulletin Issue 24 2001 Cable

    News of offshore activities for the Oil & Gas, Subsea Cable and Wind Farm industries
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    PAS 1550:2017 Implementation guidance and flow charts

    The PAS 1550:2017 provides guidance on exercising due diligence to establish the legal origin of seafood products and marine ingredients. The implementation guidance allocate PAS asks into: 'Base', 'Best Practice' and 'Aspirational' principles.
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    Fishmeal and Feed Fisheries Group. News alert. July 2023.

    Quarterly news alert sent to fishmeal and feed fish news subscribers on 2 August 2023.
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    Seafish Northern Ireland Advisory Committee (SNIAC) Minutes - October 2022

    Minutes from Seafish Northern Ireland Advisory Committee (SNIAC) meeting held on 5 October 2022.
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    Net Positive Fishing: Disruptive Seafood Harvesting Workshop

    A report calling on industry to invest in new fishing net technology to reduce the impacts of bottom-trawling.Net Positive: Disruptive Seafood was supported by Seafish through the Strategic Investment Programme and delivered by Espersen, Icelandic Seachill, and Nomad Foods. The report follows a workshop hosted at FAI Farms in Oxford, which brought together seafood industry actors, scientists and technology developers from across a variety of disciplines, with the goal of creating and building support for innovative selective harvest design concepts, with the potential to transform the wild-caught seafood sector.
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    Line Ripping Trials with Automated Equipment (Jigging)

    Ripping (or Jigging) is the fishing method in which a weighted line with a number of hooks is lowered into a shoal of feeding fish. The hooks are disguised with colouired lures to attract the fish and the line is moved rapidly up and down. This has traditionally been a handline fishery, but new equipment from Scandinavia has now fully automated the process at very reasonable cost. This report has been produced from a scanned original and may therefore contain some formatting and other inaccuracies. In cases where this affects the technical content, a paper copy of the original report can still be obtained from Seafish.
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    The Seafish Guide to GHG Emissions in Seafood

    This is one of a series of guides in which Seafish explores topical issues affecting the UK seafood industry. In this guide we define greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and the different terminology used, the standards that are in place for seafood and aquatic food products and look at the tools available to measure and manage emission levels.
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    Global Seafood Assurances (GSA) worker voice on fishing vessels project

    This was presented at the Seafood Ethics Action Alliance meeting on 24 November 2020.
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    Seafish Summary - Current FAO posiiton on ecolables. August 2012

    Seafish summary showing the FAO position on ecolabels based on the United Nations Food and Aquaculture Organisation report: The State of Fisheries and Aquaculture 2012 published in July 2012.
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    FS 77. Industry Briefing Note. The Landing Obligation.

    A key element of the reformed Common Fisheries Policy (CFP), effective 1 January 2014, is the progressive elimination of discards in EU fisheries through the introduction of the new landings obligation. The landing obligation is effectively a ban on discarding fish overboard. This briefing note explains what is meant by the landing obligation and the legislative framework, and the issues it is raising for the seafood industry.
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    About Tools for Ethical Seafood Sourcing (TESS)

    Tools for Ethical Seafood Sourcing (TESS) is a website that provides information for businesses who want to manage social risks in their supply chains. It is aimed at seafood businesses who want to understand social responsibility and ‘what to do’ to address any issues in their supply chain. It is a ‘signposting’ tool providing a gateway to the wide range of helpful resources that Seafish is aware of. This factsheet provides more information about TESS including a series of questions and answers about the site
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    ACIG Presentation 2. Government and policy initiatives to support UK aquaculture. 23 November 2023.

    Ruth Allin and Antony Overs, Defra talked about aquaculture policy in England. This file may not be suitable for users of assistive technology. If needed please request an accessible format.
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    CLG Presentation 2. Fish stock status in the North East Atlantic. 5 December 2023.

    Steve Mackinson, Scottish Pelagic Fishermen's Association (SPFA), spoke about pelagic fish stock status in the North East Atlantic. This file may not be suitable for users of assistive technology. If needed please request an accessible format.
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    Consumer attitudes to sustainability

    Sustainability - Meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.
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    Farmed seafood in retail (2023 Update)

    This factsheet covers the key global trends in aquaculture, focusing on the changing shopper trends and consumption patterns of farmed species in UK multiple retail to May 2023.
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    ACIG Presentation 1. Government and policy initiatives to support UK aquaculture. 23 November 2023.

    Julien Lake, Marine Scotland spoke about Vision for Sustainable Aquaculture in Scotland. This file may not be suitable for users of assistive technology. If needed please request an accessible format.
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    Zero hour for Northeast Atlantic pelagics: Waitrose repeats call for Coastal States to fish responsibly

    Waitrose, one of the UK’s leading food retailers, has added its voice to the chorus of supply chain businesses and retailers calling for the collaborative and sustainable management of mackerel, herring, and blue whiting in the Northeast Atlantic.
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    Final Note of DPIG meeting 23 September 2015

    Final note on the Domestic Processors Issues Group meeting held at the Jury’s Inn Hotel, Plymouth on 23 September 2015.
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    CLG Presentation 5. The role of Fishery Improvement Projects (FIPs). 29 March 2023.

    Stephanie Bradley, WWF-US and Martha Pybus, Finance Earth talked about a new financing model for FIPs. This file may not be suitable for users of assistive technology. If needed please request an accessible format.
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    FMIG Presentation 5. Fisheries data and REM. 15 March 2023.

    John Reidar Mathiassen, SINTEF, Norway, spoke about the EveryFish Project. This file may not be suitable for users of assistive technology. If needed please request an accessible format.
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    Glazed Seafood Weight Indication Guidance

    Frozen seafood or fishery products which are presented for sale to the final consumer or to mass caterers with a protective ice-glaze should only have their ‘net’ weight indicated. This should be the weight of the product itself i.e. product without the glaze. Indications of the size of the individual food products, for example the size of prawns within the package, should also be given net of glaze, referring to only the drained product. Products traded between businesses (other than caterers) are subject to different rules. Businesses should be aware that the products, once they are placed on the market to caterers or the final consumer, will require this information. There are also requirements for the price marking of goods offered for sale to consumers. Price marking must also be based on the net drained weight of the product.
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    CLG Presentation 10. Digitilisation of seafood supply chains. 27 June 2023.

    Stuart McLanaghan, Seafish provided an update on the Seafood Emissions Profiling Tool project. This file may not be suitable for users of assistive technology. If needed please request an accessible format.
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    Notes from BSCI event on "Labour conditions in Thai Fisheries and Food" 28 February 2014

    The Business Social Compliance Initiative (BSCI) and the ILO have joined forces to seek for pragmatic solutions and synergies to improve working conditions in the Food Processing industry in Thailand. This meeting gives continuity to the previous discussions conducted with the relevant stakeholders last year in Thailand. International brands and retailers working with this industry are invited to join forces in an open debate to identify the major bottlenecks and find solutions together. The meeting will provide a good understanding of the current labour situation and the work of different initiatives. Furthermore, it will provide an open platform for discussion towards an action plan for Thailand.
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    Chinese standard: Determination of Cadmium in Foods

    GB5009.15-2014 NATIONAL STANDARD OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA (Zhenghua Renmin Gongheguo Guojia Biaozhun) Food Safety National Standard: Determination of Cadmium in Foods (replaces GB/T 5009.15-2003). Atomic absorption spectrophotometry.
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    Seafish Summary of UN FAO Aquaculture 2010

    Seafish summary of the United Nations Food and Aquaculture Organisation report: World Aquaculture 2010, published 9 November 2011.
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    Seafish Regulation Alert Monitor 11/03/2016 - 18/03/2016

    Brussels update of seafood legislation developments, including: Communicating during a food crisis (EFSA guidelines); Levels of consumer trust in seafood; Tackling fake foodstuffs; Ongoing interinstitutional negotiations on Official Controls Review; Marine Protected Areas (as required by Article 21 of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive); Slavery in the fishing sector in Thailand; TTIP negotiations; Consultation on a FTA with the Philippines; Shipping container weight verification; Waste duty of care guidance
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    2022 Q3 Seafish Fish and Chips Factsheet

    Fish and chips performance in foodservice, 2 year ending data, September 2020 - September 2022.
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    Understand the EU’s decision-making process. Part 2

    The concepts of public participation in decision-making, and consultation with interested and affected stakeholders, have an important place in EU governance. Consultation is a process through which the Commission collects opinions and views from citizens and stakeholders about its policies in line with Treaty obligations. Advisory Councils consist of representatives from fishing and aquaculture organisations, plus interest groups such as environmental and consumer NGOs, covering a number of geographical areas and fields of competence. The new Common Fisheries Policy strengthens the role of the Advisory Councils and Member States and the Commission have a duty to take their views into account.
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    CLG Presentation 2. Digitilisation of seafood supply chains. 27 June 2023.

    Kara Brydson, Fisheries Innovation and Sustainability (FIS) and Frank Fleming, Verifact spoke about digitilisation pilots. This file may not be suitable for users of assistive technology. If needed please request an accessible format.
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    Further investigations into selectivity and separator trawls

    This report describes the most recent in a series of trials investigating the selectivity performance of separator trawls. The twin warp nets were deployed simultaneously on a twin rig trawler in the Moray Firth over a two week period. Four different cod end mesh sizes were used in a number of combinations. The catch from each of the four cod ends were identified and measured. The catch data were analysed to determine the extent of vertical separation for each species and the size selectivity of each codend. Good separation was found and some useful observations made as to the influence of fish size on separation and cod end position on selectivity. This report has been produced from a scanned original and may therefore contain some formatting and other inaccuracies. In cases where this affects the technical content, a paper copy of the original report can still be obtained from Seafish.
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    Seafood Guide sales flyer - Mar 14

    The new 2014 Seafish Seafood Guide, a comprehensive 64-page guide to fish and shellfish available in the UK. Information on species, sustainability, traceability, recipes and techniques. A great educational tool, it is available to order at a price of £5 per copy, or £2.50 per copy for orders of 50 or more.
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    Statement to the Press: Norway Mackerel Unilateral Quota

    A North Atlantic Pelagic Advocacy (NAPA) Group press statement criticising Norway for their recent action to set a unilateral quota for North East Atlantic mackerel.
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    CLG Presentation 4. The role of Fishery Improvement Projects (FIPs). 29 March 2023.

    Jeremy Rude, FishChoice talked about the current status and future for FisheryProgress. This file may not be suitable for users of assistive technology. If needed please request an accessible format.
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    Increasing codend mesh size and inserting a square mesh panel to reduce discards of haddock and whiting in a seine net

    Information on increasing codend mesh size and inserting a square mesh panel to reduce discards of haddock and whiting in a seine net, targeting haddock, whiting and cod species.
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    Seafish Welsh seafood business case studies and recipe cards quote

    An invitation to tender. Seafish Welsh seafood business case studies and recipe cards quote.
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    FMIG Presentation 6. Fisheries data and REM. 15 March 2023.

    Rebecca Skirrow, Cefas spoke about REM and Artificial Intelligence in fisheries science. This file may not be suitable for users of assistive technology. If needed please request an accessible format.
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    SECLG Presentation 4. Driving improvements in human rights and labour standards. 5 July 2023.

    Lia Hayman, Thai Union spoke about the worker voice model, challenges and best practice solutions. This file may not be suitable for users of assistive technology. If needed please request an accessible format.
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    SECLG/ACIG Presentation 1. Aquaculture and human rights. 1 February 2023.

    Birgitte Poulsen, Seafood Watch, spoke about equitable seafood supply chains and integrating social sustainability into aquaculture production. This file may not be suitable for users of assistive technology. If needed please request an accessible format.
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    Determination of cadmium in foods GB 5009.15-2014

    Food Safety National Standard of the People's Republic of China. Determination of cadmium in foods. using graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrophotometry. Method 2 Atomic absorption spectrometry, Method 3 Colorimetry, and Method 4 Atomic fluorescence spectrometry, have been deleted from this version of the standard which is effective from 28 July 2015.
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    Reopening Your Fish and Chip Shop

    Guidance for businesses closed due to COVID-19 restrictions
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    DAG letter to Maria Damanaki 21 October 2011

    DAG letter to Maria Damanaki proposing a means of improving the evidence base for managing discard reduction.
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    GSSI, the Global Sustainable Seafood Initiative

    GSSI is a global partnership that has established a benchmark for seafood certification schemes. It was set up by the seafood industry, governmental, intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations to build confidence in certified seafood. This note summarises background and acheivements of GSSI to March 2017
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    Food Standards Scotland (FSS) Allergy Poster handout

    Food Standards Scotland summary of key allergens
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    Seafish Domestic Aquaculture Advisory Committee (SDAAC) - Seafish Powerpoint presentation

    The Seafish Powerpoint presented at the SDAAC meeting, held in London 6th May 2016
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    Seafish letter to Defra in response to CFP/CMO reform proposals. 10 November 2011.

    Seafish letter in response to the Defra consultation on CFP/CMO reform proposals. It makes some general points, moves to the specific questions in the letter to consultees and then addresses some additional areas that Seafish believes to be significant.
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    Careers: Attracting Young People To The Seafood Sector

    Talent is vital for the future.
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    Retail and Foodservice e-alert December 2010

    Updates on retail and foodservice
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    Final notes on CLG Brexit Special meeting on 7 October 2016

    Seafish organised a Common Language Group (CLG) 'special' event, to explore the potential issues and opportunities that leaving the EU could have for the seafood sector. Seafish lined up expert speakers from across the seafood supply chain to talk about key areas such as trade, regulation, marine governance, public funding and access to labour. This meeting was all about knowledge-sharing and helping to inform the transition by bringing the seafood industry together to listen to the views of those who have been looking closely at this, to hear perspectives from different sectors of the industry and also to contribute to the discussion.
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    Discards article In Fishing New (4 of 6). Fitting square mesh panels.

    In the fourth of a series of six articles, Mike Montgomerie, gear technologist at Seafish, gives his perspective on the discards issue and the work that Seafish, along with industry, has been doing to help develop new selective technologies and net-based fishing activities to reduce discards. In this fourth article he examines the options for fitting square mesh panels. Published in Fishing News on 4 November 2011.
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    Responsible Sourcing Guide - Nephrops

    Responsible Sourcing Guide - Nephrops.
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    Superfishoil Toolkit

    Information on the Superfishoil campaign, pulled together in a handy toolkit
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    Separating fish from prawns in bottom trawls

    The Norway lobster, Nephrops norvegicus, commonly called the “prawn”, is widely distributed around the UK and is the main species for a number of important trawl fisheries. The animals are caught by specially designed light bottom trawls with a small mesh, on grounds where the seabed usually consists of fine cohesive mud in which they excavate burrows. But in many Nephrops fisheries because of the small mesh, there can be a significant by-catch of white fish, often of undersized commercial species. This is particularly true in the Irish Sea with whiting and the Bay of Biscay with hake. It would, therefore, make a lot of sense from the point of view of conservation if, when trawling for Nephrops, this catch could be separated from the undersized fish and moreover only those fish of marketable size retained.
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    Crab Management Group Meeting Minutes - September 2023

    Meeting minutes for the 12th meeting of the Crab and Lobster Management Group (CMG) which took place on 6th September 2023 via Microsoft Teams.
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    Using a horizontal separation panel to improve selection in a pulse beam trawl

    Information on using a horizontal separation panel to improve target species selection; marketable sole, plaice, turbot and brill, in a pulse beam trawl.
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    FMIG Meeting Notes. 15 March 2023.

    Notes on the Fisheries Management and Innovation Group meeting held on 15 March 2023. The topic was Fisheries Data and Remote Electronic Monitoring (REM).
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    Towing Power Efficiency

    This project has been undertaken with a view to establishing relationships between the different factors which might improve or impair the effectiveness of a fishing vessel in the trawling mode. The intention is to provide a set of factors which can be applied to the basic specifications of a fishing vessel to give an accurate indication of its towing performance. A possible application is seen in the transfer or aggregation of fishing vessel licences and in which the current indicator of towing performance (or vessel capacity) is expressed solely in terms of physical dimensions of the vessel and the installed power of its propulsion engine. No account is taken of the utilisation of power on the vessel. Similarly indices of total fleet ‘capacity’ are maintained on a basis of reference to total displacement or installed propulsion power and thus fail to take account of any factors which might alter the relationship between these parameters and actual performance of the fleet. In either case, a means of accurately modifying the traditional methods of assessing performance of individual vessels should provide an option of more accurately controlling the changes in structure of the fleet. This report has been produced from a scanned original and may therefore contain some formatting and other inaccuracies. In cases where this affects the technical content, a paper copy of the original report can still be obtained from Seafish.
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    Mollusc Purification Plant

    Viviers (UK) Limited have installed a new purification tank at their premises in Portsmouth to give more flexibility to their existing operation. They contracted Seafish, under their mollusc purification advisory service, to comment on the tanks ability to meet MAFF design criteria, a site visit being made on 5th March. Of G.R.P. construction the tank was found to meet most of the design criteria, the exceptions being a much higher water exchange rate than that normally required and the absence of a water heater. These were not considered to be problems with this particular design of tank. This report describes the purification tank design and operation and concludes that it meets the basic technical requirements and will cleanse bivalve molluscs to the required standard.
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    CLG Presentation 1. Digitilisation of seafood supply chains. 27 June 2023.

    A team from Defra, the FSA and the DHSC spoke about data and digital tools for traceability. This file may not be suitable for users of assistive technology. If needed please request an accessible format.
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    Seafood_Supplies, sustainability and consumer behaviour

    Key words: Seafood, consumer, sustainability
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    UK Gear Trial Review: What can we learn from past gear trial projects?

    The main aims in conducting this UK Gear Trial Review were to: 1) conduct a strategic evaluation of past UK gear trials projects; and 2) use the findings to help inform the relevant, effective and efficient delivery of future work in this area.
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    Responsible Fishing Ports Scheme Memorandum of Understanding template

    A template Memorandum of Understanding which can be used by applicants to the Responsible Fishing Ports Scheme (RFPS). It identified organisations committed to working together to achieve RFPS certification.
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    The Seafood Guide - 6 page preview

    The new 2014 Seafish Seafood Guide, a comprehensive 64-page guide to fish and shellfish available in the UK. You can view the first six pages here. Information on species, sustainability, traceability, recipes and techniques. A great educational tool, it is available to order at a price of £5 per copy, or £2.50 per copy for orders of 50 or more.
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    Seafish Summary - Global picture of fishmeal production June 2014

    Seafish summary showing the global picture of fishmeal production based on the United Nations Food and Aquaculture Organisation report: The State of Fisheries and Aquaculture 2014. Published May 2014.
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    Fishery for Velvet Swimming Crab (Macropipus Puber)

    The report is an information document describing the main features of the fishery for M. Puber and its markets. This report has been produced from a scanned original and may therefore contain some formatting and other inaccuracies. In cases where this affects the technical content, a paper copy of the original report can still be obtained from Seafish.
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    Guide to buying best quality seafood

    This guide provides guidance and handy tips, which consumers can use to ensure they know what to look for when purchasing quality fresh, chilled or frozen seafood.
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    Digital First Aid at Sea Handbook - English Language Version

    A bespoke ‘First Aid at Sea’ handbook for the fishing industry. This digital handbook covers 12 of the most serious health incidents at sea on a mobile-friendly platform, to ensure fishers have access to essential first aid information at all times.
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    C43 Bass Lured Long Lines

    This report describes work carried out on the North coast of Devon trialling a long line system using a range of artificial lures for bass; its evolution from conception to a full commercial application.
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    Market Insight Factsheet: Prawn and Shrimp - February 2024

    This Market Insight factsheet provides a full picture of prawns and shrimp in the retail, foodservice and trade markets.
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    Welsh Waters Scallop Strategy

    This document describes the scallop research being conducted by Bangor University’s Fisheries & Conservation Science Group over the next two years (2013-2015).
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    SECLG/ACIG Presentation 5. Aquaculture and human rights. 1 February 2023.

    Jake Norton, Heriot-Watt University spoke about a PhD including scoping studies on the Honduran shrimp and Scottish salmon supply chains. This file may not be suitable for users of assistive technology. If needed please request an accessible format.
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    FMIG Presentation 7. Fisheries data and REM. 15 March 2023.

    Jason Bryan, Archipelago Marine Research Ltd, spoke about fisheries monitoring and innovating for the future. This file may not be suitable for users of assistive technology. If needed please request an accessible format.
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    Changes to the analysis and reporting of Paralytic Shellfish Poisoning toxins and reporting of E coli results

    FSA Scotland interested parties letter informing of the forthcoming changes to analysis and reporting of results for the Paralytic Shellfish Poisoning (PSP) toxins testing and the recent changes to the reporting of E. coli results in Scotland.
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    CLG Presentation 3. The role of Fishery Improvement Projects (FIPs). 29 March 2023.

    Katie Keay, Co-op spoke about the supply chain expectations of FIPs. This file may not be suitable for users of assistive technology. If needed please request an accessible format.
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    FMIG Presentation 4. Fisheries data and REM. 15 March 2023.

    David Stevens, Crystal Seas spoke about relationship building between industry science and fisheries management. This file may not be suitable for users of assistive technology. If needed please request an accessible format.
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    Reporting of Paralytic Shellfish Poisoning toxins and reporting of E coli results ANNEX A

    ANNEX A to FSA Scotland interested parties letter informing of the forthcoming changes to analysis and reporting of results for the Paralytic Shellfish Poisoning (PSP) toxins testing and the recent changes to the reporting of E. coli results in Scotland
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    Seafood processing industry performance data: 2012-2022

    This report presents the latest UK seafood processing industry performance data as well as time series data back to 2012.
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    Separator trawls as a tool for improving selectivity for cod

    This paper describes the results of comparative fishing trials, under commercial conditions, using a standard trawl and a separator traw. The target species in the fishing area were cod, haddock, whiting, lemon sole and plaice. The separator trawl was fitted with a 120mm lower codend; the upper codend and that on this standard net were 100mm. The trials involved about 90 paired tows over a period of 10 weeks. This report has been produced from a scanned original and may therefore contain some formatting and other inaccuracies. In cases where this affects the technical content, a paper copy of the original report can still be obtained from Seafish.
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    Quick summary of 2021 ICES advice for the seven key pelagic species.

    Covers blue whiting, capelin, herring, mackerel, Norway pout, sandeel and sprat which are used in the production of fishmeal. Covers the Barents Sea, the Celtic Sea, the North Sea, and Icelandic and Norwegian waters.
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    The Ideal Purse Seine Vessel

    A Guide to Demonstrating Best Practices & Meeting ISSF Conservation Measures.
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    Fishing Industry: Key Issues

    A range of facts and figures on key areas within the seafood industry are contained within this publication. Areas covered include: scallops, MPAs / MCZs, discards, environment / sustainability and social.
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    Assessing the true cost of farmed seafood

    Humber Seafood Summit presentation 2012
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    Seafood traded between the UK and EU in 2019

    This factsheet contains key statistics relating to the trade of seafood between in the UK and the EU in 2019.
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    FMIG Presentation 2. Fisheries Management Plans (FMPs). 17 January 2023.

    Lewis Tattersall, Seafish, spoke about the crabs, lobsters and whelks FMPs in English waters. This file may not be suitable for users of assistive technology. If needed please request an accessible format.
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    MPA and Fishing Restriction Mapping Project

    This document explains the background for the MPA and Fishing Restriction Mapping project, as well as the objectives, deliverables and timeline.
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    Boxing at Sea

    Progress report on the development of an Integrated Boxing at Sea System. Apr '84- July'85.
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    Form 47 (Issue 4) – Electrical Completion Certificate

    Electrical Completion Certificate
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    Using a horizontal separator panel to separate by-catch from the catch in the beam trawl fishery

    Information on using a horizontal separator panel to separate by-catch; target species sole and plaice, from the catch in the beam trawl fishery.
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    Form 23 (Issue 4) – Tank Testing Certificate

    Tank Testing Certificate.
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    Chilled Seafood in Multiple Retail (2023)

    Salmon continues to dominate the chilled seafood sector, increasing its value share of the top ten chilled species to 48.7% (+0.9pp), selling around four times its nearest competitor, warm water prawns.
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    The Clyde Inshore Fishery Study

    This study was carried out to investigate the performance of the Clyde fishery and present a picture of the issues currently facing the local industry. Key features of the report can be downloaded free of charge.
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    Nutritional Profile - Ling

    The ling nutritional profile provides the macronutrient, vitamin and mineral value of the fish caught in English waters.
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    SECLG Presentation 7. Driving improvements in human rights and labour standards. 5 July 2023.

    Mike Park, Scottish White Fish Producers Association spoke about a Worker Driven Social Responsibility (WDSR) pilot. This file may not be suitable for users of assistive technology. If needed please request an accessible format.
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    Quick summary of latest ICES advice for the seven key pelagic species. April 2023.

    Covers blue whiting, capelin, herring, mackerel, Norway pout, sandeel and sprat which are used in the production of fishmeal. This file may not be suitable for users of assistive technology. If needed please request an accessible format.
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    Final ACIG minutes 15 April 2015

    Final minutes of the Aquaculture Common Issues Group meeting held in London on 15 April 2015.
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    SECLG Presentation 6. Driving improvements in human rights and labour standards. 5 July 2023.

    Andy Hickman, Seafood Ethics Action (SEA) Alliance spoke about supply chain actions. This file may not be suitable for users of assistive technology. If needed please request an accessible format.
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    How to employ migrant workers under a Skilled Worker Visa

    Covers the process of sponsoring migrant workers via the Skilled Worker route, once your sponsor license has been approved. Guide 3 of 5.
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    Sources, fate, effects and consequences for the Seafood Industry of microplastics in the marine environment

    Microplastics is the term for a wide range of particles made from manmade polymers ranging in size from 10-9 m to 5 mm. This information sheet contains a gap analysis, from the seafood industry’s perspective, of knowledge concerned with the consequences of microplastic pollution of the marine environment.
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    Cohorting - Good Practices Identified by Industry | Food Resilience Industry Forum

    Produced by the Food Resilience Industry Forum, this document explains cohorting and its use as a secondary line of defence against the spread of infection.
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    48 Documentation and Procedural Req Seafish Cert for NV Issue 10

    48 Documentation and procedural requirements for Seafish new build Certification.
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    Board minutes - 8 September 2020

    Seafish Board minutes
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    Consumer information under the EU Common Organisation of the Markets Regulation

    As part of the recent reform of the EU Common Fisheries Policy, consumer information requirements were reviewed and extended. Commercial designation, scientific name, production method and catch area continue to have be made available and now include date of minimum durability, if previously frozen, method of capture and more detail for some catch areas. This applies mainly to fresh and not processed products. This document explains what information is required and provides current guidance on the application to fish and shellfish.
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    CLG Presentation 3. Digitilisation of seafood supply chains. 27 June 2023.

    Rachel Hanbury from Poseidon explored the benefits and challenges of traceability. This file may not be suitable for users of assistive technology. If needed please request an accessible format.
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    Frozen Seafood in Multiple Retail (2023)

    As the financial crisis intensifies it’s the cheapest frozen species showing the highest volume growth. ‘Other’ seafood which is unnamed on pack with an average price of £2.83/kg compared to the £8.01 frozen seafood average, grew volume sales by 118%.
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    Fishing Activities in Ecological or Biologically Sensitive Areas in the Barents Sea and adjacent waters

    Certain NGOs are recommending the supply chain not to buy fish from Ecologically or Biologically Sensitive Marine Areas (EBSAs) exposed by receding ice in the Arctic. This report is intended to inform the understanding of the extent of the ice vs the fishing grounds and any trends in northward migration of fish
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    Norovirus and Bivalve Molluscs

    Noroviruses are a group of viruses that are the most common cause of gastroenteritis or stomach bugs, often referred to as the ‘winter vomiting virus’. Food borne transmission via bivalve shellfish (mainly contaminated raw oysters) is one (but the least likely) way of contracting norovirus. The number of people in the UK who contract norovirus from eating live bivalve molluscs is very small and numbers are not increasing. This fact sheet looks specifically at the harvesting of live bivalve molluscs, routes of norovirus contamination and treatment options available to reduce contamination levels.
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    What effect have prices on retail sales?

    This fact sheet reviews the effects of changing prices and promotions on retailer performance.
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