Web pages | Seafish

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We found 1024 results for "" in Web pages
  • Focus on Labour Exploitation (FLEX)

    Focus on Labour Exploitation (FLEX) works to end human trafficking for labour exploitation.
  • Food Network for Ethical Trade (FNET)

    The Food Network for Ethical Trade (FNET) was established in 2016 by a number of major UK food companies to improve human rights in global food supply chains through a common approach to managing ethical trade.
  • Forced Labour Risk Determination & Mitigation (FRDM) toolkit

    A business intelligence tool that gives companies data about the risk of forced labour in their supply chain and strategies for addressing it.
  • Freedom Fund

    A philanthropic initiative designed to bring much-needed financial resources and strategic focus to the fight against modern slavery.
  • Friend of the Sea

    A leading international certification project for products originated from sustainable fisheries & aquaculture.
  • Geneva Declaration on Human Rights

    Raising global awareness of the abuse of human rights at sea and to mobilise a concerted international effort to put an end to it.
  • Global Aquaculture Alliance Best Aquaculture Practices (BAP)

    An international, non-profit organisation committed to feeding the world through responsible, sustainable aquaculture.
  • Global Fishing Watch

    They create and publicly share knowledge about human activity at sea to enable fair and sustainable use of the ocean.
  • Global Freedom Network

    The Global Freedom Network unites faith leaders from around the world to end modern slavery.
  • Global Seafood Assurances (GSA)

    The primary goal of GSA is to create a comprehensive group of certification schemes that address existing gaps in the seafood certifications universe.
  • Global Slavery Index

    A map of the estimated prevalence of modern slavery, together with information about the steps each government has taken to respond to this issue.
  • Global Social Compliance Programme (GSCP)

    The Global Social Compliance Programme (GSCP) is a business-driven, open-source platform working towards and promoting the harmonisation of efforts for the improvement of working and environmental conditions in global supply chains.