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    Scallop Cocoon System

    Relay one year old king scallops onto the seabed. At present, experience has shown that only two year old, 50mm, stock will survive being re-laid onto the seabed in Scotland. This innovation may alleviate the need for the second year of longline culture. The cocoons should be commercially viable.
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    The Seafood 2040 Programme Annual Report for Year 3

    The Seafood 2040 Programme Annual Report for Year 3 documents the achievements and progress from September 2020 to September 2021.
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    Freezer Vessel Hygiene Checksheet

    Seafish, in collaboration with the Food Standards Agency, industry and enforcement representatives, has produced a number of hygiene checklists and associated documents for checking whether fishing vessels comply with minimum hygiene requirements.
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    Seafish Responsible Sourcing Guide - Nephrops - October 2013

    This Responsible Sourcing Guide to Nephrops contains information on sustainability issues, stock assessment, conservation measures and management worldwide for the individual stocks of this species updated to 2013. There is a short section on the product characteristics of the species. The information was obtained from scientific, industry and governmental sources and appropriate references are given
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    Response to Defra on Draft European Commission proposal concerning parasites in fishery products

    If adopted the draft text of SANCO/11487/2010 rev1 (cis) will amend the current public health requirements concerning parasites in fishery products contained in Regulation 853/2004 and bring them into line with the latest scientific evidence. This follows an EFSA Scientific Opinion available at: The draft proposal sets out revised freezing requirements for fishery products intended to be consumed raw, cold smoked or which are not subject to a processing treatment sufficient to destroy any parasites that may be present before consumption, revised freezing exemptions, and the conditions under which appropriate monitoring programmes and documentation may be required. While Seafish welcomes the new proposed time/temperature conditions for parasite inactivation, Seafish comments about the practical consequences of monitoring, labelling and documentation that will result if the proposal is adopted.
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    Seafish Brussels Brexit Update 03/09/2018 – 10/09/2018

    European Parliament to vote on UK’s EU exit just two weeks prior to ‘Brexit day’; Barnier reportedly describes PM’s Chequers Proposal as “dead”; PM could appeal directly to EU leaders at Austrian summit; ‘No-deal’ EU Exit would necessitate cross-Whitehall budget cuts, reveals leaked paper; Scottish business and public to be consulted on post-EU Exit trade policy
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    Seafish Brussels Brexit Update 16/10/2017 – 23/10/2017

    Thesaurus on Brexit; Press statement by Michel Barnier following fifth round of Article 50 negotiations with UK; Joint statement by Theresa May and EC President Jean-Claude Juncker; European Council (Art. 50) conclusions; Economic Survey of UK 2017; Brexit: a reading list of post-EU Referendum publications by Parliament and Devolved Assemblies; Designing new UK preferences regime post-Brexit; How Africa can benefit; Special Feature: Possible impacts of post-Brexit UK trade policy on canned tuna trade; Academics discuss devolution after Brexit; Eleven NI Local Authorities Launch Report on ‘Brexit’; Industry groups call for a clear and predictable transitional arrangement in the Brexit process
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    Seafish Brussels Seafood Regulation Update 26/04/2018 – 03/05/2018

    European Food Consumption Database; EP resolution calls to extend control regulation on imported fishery products; Workshop on Landing Obligation and Choke Species in Multispecies and Mixed Fisheries
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    Project Trawlight

    A presentation given by David Parker, Young’s Seafood at the Discard Action meeting on 21 April 2016
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    Seafish response to Consultation to the FSA Foodborne Disease Strategy 2010-15

    This is Seafish’s response to the Food Standards Agency’s consultation on its Foodborne Disease Strategy 2010–2015. Seafish asks for greater emphasis on the prevention of infection with norovirus and warns against a move towards zero tolerance for Listeria. The consultation can be seen at:
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    Stock Assessment of Small and Medium Pelagics: Status of Ring Net and Reef Seine Fisheries along the Kenyan coast

    This report is prepared by Kenya Marine and Fisheries Research Institute; in collaboration with the State Department of Fisheries. The World Bank through Kenya Coastal Development Project (KCDP) funded the production of the report.
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    Seafish Species Guide - Megrim - 2014

    This Species Guide to megrim contains information on sustainability issues, stock assessment, conservation measures and management worldwide for the individual stocks of this species updated to January 2014. There is a short section on the product characteristics of the species. The information was obtained from scientific, industry and governmental sources and appropriate references are given.
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    Vietnam Seafood Ethics Profile

    Seafish commissioned a study to assess the ethical issues impacting on seafood species landed into, and imported to the UK from a wide range of countries. This Vietnam profile looks at the main seafood products; seafood exports to UK; employment in seafood; human trafficking and forced labour indicators and rankings and research reports; ratification of international human rights and labour instruments; fisheries policy and management structure/administration; control of IUU fishing and related labour abuse; measures to protect migrant fishers; partnerships and improvement projects; and an overall assessment or criteria for overall risk assessment for Vietnam.
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    Indonesia Seafood Ethics Profile

    Seafish commissioned a study to assess the ethical issues impacting on seafood species landed into, and imported to the UK from a wide range of countries. This Indonesia profile looks at the main seafood products; seafood exports to UK; employment in seafood; human trafficking and forced labour indicators and rankings and research reports; ratification of international human rights and labour instruments; fisheries policy and management structure/administration; control of IUU fishing and related labour abuse; measures to protect migrant fishers; partnerships and improvement projects; and an overall assessment or criteria for overall risk assessment for Indonesia.
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    Russia Seafood Ethics Profile

    Seafish commissioned a study to assess the ethical issues impacting on seafood species landed into, and imported to the UK from a wide range of countries. This Russia profile looks at the main seafood products; seafood exports to UK; employment in seafood; human trafficking and forced labour indicators and rankings and research reports; ratification of international human rights and labour instruments; fisheries policy and management structure/administration; control of IUU fishing and related labour abuse; measures to protect migrant fishers; partnerships and improvement projects; and an overall assessment or criteria for overall risk assessment for Russia.
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    Processing Price List

    This price list contains details and costs of our training materials and courses for the processing sector.
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    Seafish Brussels Brexit Update 09/04/2018 – 07/05/2018

    Draft Resolution to wind up the debate on framework of future EU-UK relationship; Topics for discussions on future framework at forthcoming meetings; Notice to stakeholders: withdrawal of UK and EU rules in the field of copyright; Agenda General Affairs Council, Monday 14 May 2018; POLITICO "leaks" Fisheries White Paper; Dispute resolution and enforcement after Brexit; UK importers unprepared for customs changes post-Brexit; British ports comments on BCC/Port of Dover survey on preparations for post Brexit trading arrangements with the EU; Can CETA-Plus Solve the UK’s Services Problem?; Backstop v2: A solution to trade with the EU post-Brexit; UK-US Trade Relations
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    Seafish Brussels Brexit Update 04/04/2018 – 09/04/2018

    Draft Resolution to wind up the debate on the framework of the future EU-UK relationship; Notice to stakeholders withdrawal of the United Kingdom and EU rules on fisheries and aquaculture; Notice to stakeholders: withdrawal of the United Kingdom and EU rules in the field of copyright; European Council (Art.50) (23 March 2018) Draft guidelines; Brexit: Gibraltar update; The future UK-EU relationship; New Brexit Think Tank to lobby for consumer protection; Devolution post-Brexit; Can CETA-Plus Solve the UK’s Services Problem?; Brexit: the exit bill
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    The nutritional and healthy facts about shellfish_Scallops

    There are two species of scallops consumed in the UK; the King scallop and the Queen scallop.
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    Russia Export Guide

    A market research report on the seafood industry in Russia.
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    The Sea Fish Industry Authority - Annual Report and Accounts 2015/2016

    The Annual Report provides a detailed Management Commentary and financial review of the activities undertaken by Seafish during 2015/2016 and information on future developments.
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    Frozen Seafood in Multiple Retail (2018)

    In the 52wks to June 2018, frozen seafood was the only seafood sector in volume growth as shoppers looked to save money in the current economic climate. UK frozen retail seafood sales were worth £910m (+5.6%) with a volume of 135,980 tonnes (+0.4%); with an average price of £6.69/kg (+5.2%). This factsheet examines the detail behind the performance of the frozen seafood sector including historic and current frozen retail seafood sector trends, frozen seafood key performance indicators (KPIs) and frozen segment and species performance
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    Seafish Brussels Brexit Update 02/07/2018 – 11/07/2018

    Statement by Brexit Steering Group on UK paper on EU citizens in UK; Impact of UK’s withdrawal on EU integration; Amendment of common rules and standards for ship inspection and survey organisations; Speech by Michel Barnier at European American Chamber of Commerce; European Council establishes composition of European Parliament; Brexit and European Citizenship; The Brexit White Paper: what it must address; The UK in a changing Europe; Dominic Raab replaces David Davis as Brexit secretary; Open consultation - Fisheries white paper: sustainable fisheries for future generations; There will be food supply issues in the event of a cliff edge Brexit
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    Seafish Brussels Seafood Regulation Update 14/02/2018 – 21/02/2018

    FVO audit report on Vietnam unveils lack of controls on brine frozen tuna destined for canning industry; India: Quality control lab for seafood opened in BBSR; Update on EU/US agreement on live bivalve molluscs; Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2018/233 of 15 February 2018 on the approval of plans submitted by third countries in accordance with Article 29 of Council Directive 96/23/EC; Standing Committee on Plants, Animals, Food and Feed. Section Import Controls; Codex Committee on contaminants in food
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    Seafish Brussels Brexit Update 15/01/2018 – 22/01/2018

    Exchange on state of play of the negotiations on Brexit; Hearing on “Citizens’ rights after Brexit” 1.2.18; Brexit – guidance to stakeholders on impact in the field of public procurement; Internal EU27 preparatory discussions on the framework for the future relationship: "Fisheries"; General Affairs Council (Art. 50), 29/01/2018; Brexit: devolved legislature business; Brexit and the environment; The Impact of Brexit on UK Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises; After Brexit- Alternate forms of Brexit and their implications for the United Kingdom, the European Union and the United States; The UK and European Competition Law; Joint article: a deep and special partnership.
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    Seafish Brussels Seafood Regulation Update 13/12/2017 – 10/01/2018

    Western Sahara dispute should invalidate EU-Morocco fish deal, EU court adviser says; Brazil suspends fish exports to EU; Public consultation - voluntary indication of origin or place of provenance of foods; Europe and Mercosur scheduled to resume trade negotiations this month; Market Advisory Council; Codex Committee on contaminants in food.
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    Seafish Brussels Seafood Regulation Update 29/11/2017 – 06/12/2017

    Vietnam and India fishery products under the spotlight of the European Commission; ASEM SPS Seminar on Food Safety new policies, new challenges and new cooperation and technical aspects, 5-6 December 2017; Public consultation: guidance on the assessment of the efficacy of feed additives; Weaknesses and loopholes in customs controls
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    Seafish Brussels Brexit Update 06/11/2017 – 13/11/2017

    Brexit Literature Update 10/2017; Brexit: EP outlines its red lines on latest UK citizens’ rights proposals; Speech by Michel Barnier following the sixth round of Article 50 negotiations with the United Kingdom; Brexit: a reading list of post-EU Referendum publications by Parliament and the Devolved Assemblies; The economic consequences for the Danish fishery following the United Kingdom’s decision to leave the European Union; Written Submission to: ‘Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee - Brexit: Trade in food inquiry; Trade Bill 2017-19; FVE Brexit negotiation plea
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    Seafish Brussels Seafood Regulation Update 14/03/2018 – 04/04/2018

    Thailand prepares fisheries sector for EU inspection this week; NOAA publishes global list of fisheries and their risks to marine mammals; EU monitoring of metals and iodine in seaweed, halophytes and products based on seaweed
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    Seafish Brussels Seafood Regulation Update 04/07/2018 – 24/09/2018

    Vella visits Faroes for high-level event on sustainable ocean governance; DG ENV – Plastics: refuse recycling and marine litter report published; DG SANTE – Health and food safety audits (Fisheries products) – Japan; India – Commission audit results to be discussed in standing committees; Thailand – Commission retains Thailand’s ‘yellow card’ status; Parliamentary Question on infringement procedures against Portugal for IUU fishing; EP motion for resolution – Classifying the American lobster as an invasive species; ENVI – Reduction of the impact of certain plastic products on the environment; PECH Committee holds exchange of views on Commission’s proposal for a new European Maritime Fisheries Fund
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    Seafish Responsible Sourcing Guide - Pangasius - 2011

    This Responsible Sourcing Guide to Pangasius contains information on sustainability issues, stock assessment, conservation measures and management worldwide for the individual stocks of this species updated to 2011. There is a short section on the product characteristics of the species. The information was obtained from scientific, industry and governmental sources and appropriate references are given.
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    Best Practice Guidance for Assessing the Financial Effectiveness of Fishing Gear: Scientist-led Trials

    Seafish has developed Best Practice Guidance for industry- and scientist-led gear trials to help vessel owners choose the right gear for their business. Seafish has developed these guides alongside a Financial Assessment Spreadsheet for vessel owners and trial supervisors to provide a straightforward, standardised way for users to collect, analyse and compare gear trial results and assess the financial effectiveness of fishing modifications.
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    Kingfisher Talking Points 2023

    Annual publication from the Kingfisher team at Seafish about offshore industries in the UK. Topics include mobile oil and gas moorings and highly protected marine areas.
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    Seafish response to Draft Statutory Instrument to amend provisions of the Water Resources Act 1991 for Water Protection Zones and related Draft Statutory Guidance for the Environment Agency consultation

    Consultation on Draft Statutory Instrument to amend provisions of the Water Resources Act 1991 for Water Protection Zones, and related Draft Statutory Guidance for the Environment Agency. To read the consultation go to:
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    Gear Technology Note - Selectivity

    This gear technology guidance note covers the background and practical aspects relating to selectivity.
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    Distribution of the Slipper Limpet (Crepidula fornicata) within the limits of the Truro Oyster Fishery Order

    The slipper limpet (Crepidula fornicata) is a North American species, accidentally introduced to Europe and now found from Norway to the Mediterranean. Young slipper limpets can move freely but at about two years of age they start to accumulate into chains, with individuals gripping tenaciously to the dorsal surface of the shell below. As slipper limpets interfere with dredging operations and are believed to compete for space and food with oysters, their presence is of concern to shellfishery managers.
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    Seafish Responsible Sourcing Guide - Whiting - May 2013

    This Responsible Sourcing Guide to whiting contains information on sustainability issues, stock assessment, conservation measures and management worldwide for the individual stocks of this species updated to 2013. There is a short section on the product characteristics of the species. The information was obtained from scientific, industry and governmental sources and appropriate references are given.
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    Seafish Brussels Seafood Regulation Update 18/04/2018 – 26/04/2018

    Europol/Interpol OPSON VII Operation - Tuna intended for canning being fraudulently sold as fresh; EU harmonised methodology for assessing quality related characteristics of foods; EU talks on front-of-pack nutrition labels
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    Seafish Brussels Brexit Update 23/10/2017 – 30/10/2017

    Latest thinking on Brexit; Speech by President Juncker at the EP Plenary Session on the Conclusions of the European Council meeting of 19 and 20 October 2017 and presentation of the Leaders' Agenda; Brexit: the October negotiations; Declaration of Santiago de Compostela by the European fishing communities on the future of the fisheries sector in Europe after Brexit; Negotiating Brexit: what do the UK’s negotiating partners want?; 325% rise in veterinary certifications needed for trade post-Brexit; BREXIT Briefing - Sector by sector: The trade cost of new deal; Brexit comes to Lorient
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    Seafish response to draft Endorecemtn Policy consultation

    This consultation concerned Natural England's approach to enforcement, the principles that it applies to enforcement work and whether the draft Enforcement Policy will achieve Natural England's aims. To read the consultation go to:
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    Seafish Annual Plan 2021-2022

    The Seafish Annual Plan for 2021-2022 outlines our priorities, goals and work programme for the year.
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    Seafood Week evaluation

    Seafood Week 2015 results summary
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    Seafish Species Guide - Brill - 2014

    This Species Guide to brill contains information on sustainability issues, stock assessment, conservation measures and management worldwide for the individual stocks of this species updated to January 2014. There is a short section on the product characteristics of the species. The information was obtained from scientific, industry and governmental sources and appropriate references are given.
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    DAG Terms of Reference May 2011

    Terms of Reference for the Seafish Discard Action Group. Revised May 2011.
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    Seafish response to Consultation – Food Standards Agency guidance on the application of date marks to food

    This is Seafish's response to the Food Standards Agency's consultation on its guidance on the application of date marks to food. Seafish comments included that when a food is past its ‘best before date’, account should be taken of whether it is of the quality expected, and also that it becomes the seller's responsibility at this point. The original consultation documents are available here:
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    Sea Fish Industry Authority - Board Meeting

    Minutes of Seafish Board meeting held in January 2010.
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    SFIN 12 - Hatch drains

    Seafish Information Note 12. An amendment to the standards in relation to hatch drains.
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    Invitation to Tender TD2022-004 - NI Seafood Trails Development Tender

    Tender number TD2022-004 outlines Seafish’s requirements for a contractor to deliver further development of the Northern Ireland Seafood Trails.
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    Factory Vessel Hygiene Checklist

    This checklist has been written to assist operators of vessels subject to approval under Regulation 853/2004 to assess their vessels for compliance prior to inspection for approval. You should be aiming to be able to answer ’yes’ to all applicable questions. The hygiene requirements of Regulation 852/2004, particularly Annex I on primary production, will also apply. Where necessary these should be discussed with the health inspection officer.
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    Application for Inspection

    Form 27 (Issue11) - Application for inspection for existing vessels less than 24m RL.
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    Seafish Industry Authority - Board Minutes

    Minutes of Seafish Board meeting held on 16 January 2008.
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    Singapore Export Guide

    A market research report on the seafood sector in Singapore.
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    Climate change adaptation - Watching Brief 2017

    A Seafish/MCCIP Watching Brief report on how the seafood industry in the UK is adapting to climate change.
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    Invitation to Tender TD2022-005- Seafish Creative Brand Development

    This document outlines the requirements for a creative partner to support our Seafish brand development and campaign activity.
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    Seafish Responsible Sourcing Guide - Crabs and lobsters

    This Responsible Sourcing Guide to crabs and lobsters contains information on sustainability issues, stock assessment, conservation measures and management worldwide for the individual stocks of this species updated to 2013. There is a short section on the product characteristics of the species. The information was obtained from scientific, industry and governmental sources and appropriate references are given.
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    Sea Fish Industry Authority - Board Meeting

    Minutes of Seafish Board meeting held on 30 October 2008.
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    Sea Fish Industry Authority - Board Meeting

    Minutes of Seafish Board meeting held in December 2009.
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    DAG Terms of Reference May 2015

    Terms of Reference for the Seafish Discard Action Group. Updated May 2015.
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    Response to the Proposed Byelaw in relation to Mooring, Anchoring and Diving in Strangford Lough

    Seafish has contributed towards the development of management plans for pot fisheries in Strangford Lough and would like to ensure that these activities are not unnecessarily restricted. Seafish responded to the consultation by raising three main issues: 1) Is there any evidence of mooring, anchoring or diving causing damage to Modiolus modiolus within Strangford Lough? 2) Will laying down a fishing pot marker constitute an offence? 3) What is the justification for allowing mooring, anchoring and diving in the waters of Ringhaddy Sound, westward of Island More and Dunsy Island, where live horse mussels have been mapped?
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    Seafish Brussels Update – 20 March 2015

    Brussels update of seafood legislation developments, including: Ongoig discussions on a WELMEC guide update; EFSA anti-fraud strategy; Parliamentary question to the European Commission (DG Mare) on tinned tuna labelled as FAD free
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    The effects of square mesh panel mesh size and position on the selectivity of high and low powered Nephrops trawlers

    Assessing the differences in performance between square mesh panels (SMPs) placed in the straight extension or in the taper, between 110 and 120 mm SMPs, and between gears towed by vessels of different horsepower.
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    2023 Fish as Food review appendices

    Appendices to support the full report on our review of developments in UK seafood consumption looking at implications and practical responses.
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    Seafish Brussels Brexit Update 13/11/2017 – 20/11/2017

    EP questions on Brexit; settlement of disputes arising from the UK's Withdrawal from the European Union; Barnier’s Brexit timeline: No transition deal until October 2018; Remarks by President Donald Tusk in Gothenburg after his meeting with Theresa May; Environment Secretary Michael Gove announces plans to consult on a new independent body for environmental standards; Home Office delivery of Brexit: customs operations; The economic impact of Brexit across UK fishing fleets; Fisheries inquiry launched; Trade Bill 2017-19; Brexit – the Voices of European Business; AmCham EU response to the House of Lords EU Select Committee Inquiry on, "Brexit: deal or no deal?
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    Seafish Brussels Seafood Regulation Update 25/01/2018 – 01/02/2018

    Generalised tariff preferences; FVO audit: Morocco; Evaluation of the marketing standards framework for fishery and aquaculture products; List of potential marine contaminants; Standing Committee on Plants, Animals, Food and Feed. Section Biological Safety of the Food Chain; Codex Committee on contaminants in food
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    Seafish Brussels Seafood Regulation Update 01/02/2018 – 14/02/2018

    Assessment of a decontamination process for dioxins and PCBs from fish meal by replacement of fish oil; Fact-finding mission carried out in the United Kingdom concerning synergies of official controls with food business operators' own-checks and third party certification schemes; Market study on date marking and other information provided on food labels and food waste prevention - Final Report; EU Auditors to examine food safety policy; Standing Committee on Plants, Animals, Food and Feed. Section Novel Food and Toxicological Safety of the Food Chain; Codex Committee on contaminants in food
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    Seafish Brussels Brexit Update 27/11/2017 – 04/12/2017

    VAT fraud scandal in the UK; Brexit Impact Studies; EU Commission assess Brexit progress on Wednesday; European Council, 14-15/12/2017; The Local Economic Impacts of Brexit; MARQUES publishes Brexit position paper; British Irish Chamber of Commerce launches its big principles for a strong Brexit Partnership; The EU meat industry Hard Brexit scenario; Towards a Belgian position on Brexit: Actively reconciling national and European interests; Commission calls for new public service funding formula post Brexit; Future of UK Trade and Customs Policy Debate; EU, Ireland tell UK to come up with Brexit border plan; Joint FoodDrinkEurope – FDF statement on Brexit negotiations
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    An assessment of ethical issues impacting on the UK seafood supply chain: Strategic report

    Seafish commissioned a study to assess the ethical issues impacting on seafood species landed into, and imported to the UK. This strategic report is one of the key outputs. This includes a discussion of the issues and challenges in applying ethical concepts, particularly those set out in international standards on human and labour rights, to the seafood industry; an overview of the main issues for risk assessment, by country and region, by forms of employment, and to some extent by species; and the remedies and responses, drawing on the recent experience from Thailand.
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    DAG Presentation to ICES Annual Science Conference. 20 September 2012.

    Presentation on the UK cross-industry Discard Action Group (DAG) championing a joined-up approach to tackling discards. Given by Mike Park on Thursday 20 September at the ICES Annual Science Conference.
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    2021 Employment in the UK Fishing Fleet

    This report presents a snapshot of employment in the UK fishing fleet from a sample of 788 workers taken in summer 2021.
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    Seafish Species Guide - Ling - 2014

    This Species Guide to Ling contains information on sustainability issues, stock assessment, conservation measures and management worldwide for the individual stocks of this species updated to January 2014. There is a short section on the product characteristics of the species. The information was obtained from scientific, industry and governmental sources and appropriate references are given.
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    Seafish response to HPA draft guidelines for assessing ready-to-eat foods consultation

    The Health Protection Agency asked for comments on its draft Guidelines for Assessing the Microbiological Safety of Ready-to-Eat Foods. The guidelines are aimed at food examiners and local authority enforcement officers. To read the consultation go to:
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    UK Seafood Value Chain 2016 Detail

    Breakdown of the UK's Seafood Value Chain, including: top traded species, total seafood supply, top export markets, top import markets and total seafood sales in 2016.
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    United States of America Seafood Ethics Profile

    Seafish commissioned a study to assess the ethical issues impacting on seafood species landed into, and imported to the UK from a wide range of countries. This United States profile looks at the main seafood products; seafood exports to UK; employment in seafood; human trafficking and forced labour indicators and rankings and research reports; ratification of international human rights and labour instruments; fisheries policy and management structure/administration; control of IUU fishing and related labour abuse; measures to protect migrant fishers; partnerships and improvement projects; and an overall assessment or criteria for overall risk assessment for the United States.
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    Seafish response to Consultation on secondary legislation for England and Wales under the marine and coastal access Bill: Part 4 marine licensing

    This Seafish's response to the first consultation on some of the secondary legislation that will be produced under ‘Part 4: Marine licensing’ of the Marine and Coastal Access Bill. The consultation sets out some initial ideas for how applications for a marine licence should be processed and determined; what the appeals process for appealing decisions of the marine licensing authority should look like; and which activities should be exempt from the need for a marine licence and on what conditions. The original consultation documents are available from
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    Climate change adaptation - Watching Brief 2018

    A Seafish/MCCIP Watching Brief report on how the seafood industry in the UK is adapting to climate change.
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    Review of the application of the Official Control Regulations for shellfish

    The Shellfish Stakeholder Working Group (SSWG) commissioned Seafish to undertake a review of the application of the Official Control Regulations that apply to live bivalve production in EU Member States, with a focus on the microbial requirements.
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    Seafish Brussels Update – 9 October 2015

    Brussels update of seafood legislation developments, including: Public consultation - Towards a new partnership between the EU and the ACP countries after 2020; Event organized by EU NGOs on IUU Regulation; FVO audit in Denmark
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    Seafish Brussels Update – 24 July 2015

    Brussels update of seafood legislation developments, including: EU public consultation on endocrine disruptors, "Is sustainable aquaculture possible", FVO report fishery products in Macedonia, antimicrobial restrictions in animal feed, proposed ATQs 2016–2018
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    Seafish Species Guide - Gurnard - 2014

    This Species Guide to gurnard contains information on sustainability issues, stock assessment, conservation measures and management worldwide for the individual stocks of this species updated to January 2014. There is a short section on the product characteristics of the species. The information was obtained from scientific, industry and governmental sources and appropriate references are given.
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    Trials of Nephrops/Fish Separator Trawl and survey of New Prawn Grounds in Southern North Sea

    Chartered commercial trips to the Silver Pits area in South Central North Sea have confirmed the existence of a viable prawn fishery. Trials on these grounds proved the success of the DAFS designed separator trawl in directing fish swimming just off the bottom such as whiting into a separate codend away from D.A. Massonaging contact with prawns and rubbish taken in the lower codend.
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    Seafish Brussels Brexit Update 13/03/2018 – 19/03/2018

    Brexit; Resolution on the framework of the future EU–UK relationship; Programme of EU–UK Article 50 negotiations; European Council (Art. 50) (23 March 2018) Draft guidelines; EUFA welcomes draft guidelines on future trade agreement; Brexit and rules of origin; Joint Ministerial Committee communiqué; An opportunity to set new standards; Brexit border problem; UK Parliament research briefing on the exit bill
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    Seafish Brussels Brexit Update 10/09/2018 – 18/09/2018

    Barnier – deal a ‘realistic’ possibility within two months; Commission President Juncker strikes uncompromising tone during keynote speech 12 September 2018; Government publishes second tranche of ‘no-deal’ technical advisory notices; Chancellor Philip Hammond echoes IMF in highlighting the cost of a ‘no-deal’ EU Exit; Scottish Parliament committee launches inquiry to scrutinise article 50 negotiations
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    Seafish Brussels Update – 2 October 2015

    Brussels update of seafood legislation developments, including: IUU fishing–Taiwan and Comoros warned with a yellow card; Finfish Study reinforces adequate ATQ system; The Commission approves one new Traditional Speciality Guaranteed product from the Netherlands
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    Seafish Brussels Brexit Update 10/08/2018 – 17/08/2018

    PM May Denied Opportunity to Negotiate Directly with EU 27 at Salzburg Summit; Barnier: UK’s EU Exit a ‘lose-lose’ Situation; First Minster Convenes Summit on EU Exit and the Scottish Seafood Sector; Expat Group Launch Legal Challenge to ‘nullify referendum vote’; UK Ministers to Press Pharmaceuticals Companies to Stockpile Drugs as ‘no deal’ Contingency Plan
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    Seafish Brussels Brexit Update 29/08/2018 – 03/09/2018

    Barnier indicates potential for unprecedented future relationship post-EU exit; Barnier - ‘Geographical Indicators’ present stumbling block to EU exit agreement; Raab appears before House of Lords Committee; Lidington consults with Scottish Fishermen over post-EU exit fisheries policy; Scottish Government seeks future role in developing post-EU exit trade arrangements
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    Seafish Brussels Update 28/07/2017 – 04/08/2017

    Implications of Brexit for EU structural funds; 23 cities offer to host UK-based EU agencies; Union's tariff quotas for certain prepared or preserved fish originating in Thailand; FVO audit report on fishery products from Cape Verde; Outcome of Study visits to certain Member States to collect information and gain essential knowledge on the aquaculture sector; Compilation of seven fisheries subsidies proposals circulated to WTO members; Importance of trade with EU for UK industries; Employment of other EU nationals in UK; Bridging the Brexit Gap Options for transition; Brexit: the implications for UK ports; How might Brexit affect food prices
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    Economics of the Fishing Fleet 2022

    This report presents economic estimates at UK, home nation and fleet segment level for the UK fishing fleet. The estimates are calculated based on samples of fishing costs and earnings gathered by Seafish as part of the 2022 Annual Fleet Economic Survey.
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    Seafish Brussels Update 26/05/2017 – 16/06/2017

    Brexit: MEPs want EU and UK to take care of citizens’ rights first; The impact of Brexit in relation to the right to petition and on the competences, responsibilities and activities of the Committee on Petitions; The Consequences of Brexit for the Customs Union and the Internal Market Acquis for Goods; The Role and Powers of the European Parliament in the Brexit Process; General Affairs Council (Art. 50); Big fish in big trouble in Europe; EFSA explains risk assessment: nitrites and nitrates added to food; EU-China Food Safety Project Ramps Up fight against food fraud
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    Seafish Brussels Update –28 August 2015

    Brussels update of seafood legislation developments, including: Common project SANTE-MARE on traceability and labelling for fishery and aquaculture products; EP question on Food Information to consumers; New information on the Rules of Origin at tariff line level in the Market Access Database
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    Seafish comments on Marine Conservation Zone Project Ecological Network Guidance

    This is Seafish's response to the call for comments on the draft Marine Conservation Zone Project Ecological Network Guidance to the Regional Stakeholder Groups on Identifying Marine Conservation Zones, put out by Natural England and the Joint Nature Conservation Committee. The original consultation document is available from Seafish is concerned with the lack of transparency in the development of the draft guidance and with the weak scientific evidence on which the draft guidance is based.
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    Ecuador Seafood Ethics Profile

    Seafish commissioned a study to assess the ethical issues impacting on seafood species landed into, and imported to the UK from a wide range of countries. This Ecuador profile looks at the main seafood products; seafood exports to UK; employment in seafood; human trafficking and forced labour indicators and rankings and research reports; ratification of international human rights and labour instruments; fisheries policy and management structure/administration; control of IUU fishing and related labour abuse; measures to protect migrant fishers; partnerships and improvement projects; and an overall assessment or criteria for overall risk assessment for Ecuador.
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    Chile Seafood Ethics Profile

    Seafish commissioned a study to assess the ethical issues impacting on seafood species landed into, and imported to the UK from a wide range of countries. This Cile profile looks at the main seafood products; seafood exports to UK; employment in seafood; human trafficking and forced labour indicators and rankings and research reports; ratification of international human rights and labour instruments; fisheries policy and management structure/administration; control of IUU fishing and related labour abuse; measures to protect migrant fishers; partnerships and improvement projects; and an overall assessment or criteria for overall risk assessment for Chile.
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    Seafish Brussels Seafood Legislation Update 25/10/2017 – 02/11/2017

    Risks for public health related to the presence of furan and methylfurans in food; EU team to visit Paradip fishing harbour next month; Future climate change may not adversely impact seafood quality, research suggests; Requirements concerning the official controls on fishery products caught by vessels flying the flag of Member States entering the EU after being transferred in third countries.
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    Domestic Processors Issues Group Terms of Reference July 2015

    Terms of Reference for the Seafish Domestic Processors Issues Group.
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    Clam Cultivation

    This leaflet is intended to offer a summary of the methods used to cultivate native, Manila and American hard shell clams in the UK. More detailed information about specific aspects of the business may be found in Seafish publications, technical publications from other agencies and books. Prospective cultivators are advised to consult these in addition to this sheet. Preliminary business planning assistance can be found in the associated Seafish economic model and ‘Hyperbook’ publications.
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    Supply Chain & Consumer Panel Minutes - October 2021

    The Minutes of the Supply Chain & Consumer Panel meeting, held on Wednesday 27 October 2021.
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    Corporate Plan 2015-2018 Infographic

    The Corporate Plan Infographic details the Seafish operational delivery model and high level objectives for 2015-2018.
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    FS1-10 07-Fishboxes

    Seafish has carried out trials to investigate the thermal properties of four types of non-reusable fish boxes for comparison (six kg or one stone capacity). These trials were carried out because it is important to keep fish as close to the temperature of melting ice as possible in order to maintain freshness quality. Fish boxes can help with temperature control as they help retain product integrity and offer some protection against changes in the ambient temperature. Over time, fish box designs and materials have changed and new products have been developed. The distribution chain has also seen changes, including the use of gel-ice packs and improved temperature control. This document summarises the results of those packaging trials, providing an overview of how the fish boxes perform under different conditions. This can help seafood businesses make informed choices about the type of packaging used.
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    Covid-19 impacts on the UK catching sector in 2020

    The report is part of the series of Covid-19 impact analyses produced by Seafish. It presents results of the annual fleet survey, conducted by post (rather than in ports and harbours), during the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020.
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    Philippines Seafood Ethics Profile

    Seafish commissioned a study to assess the ethical issues impacting on seafood species landed into, and imported to the UK from a wide range of countries. This Philippines profile looks at the main seafood products; seafood exports to UK; employment in seafood; human trafficking and forced labour indicators and rankings and research reports; ratification of international human rights and labour instruments; fisheries policy and management structure/administration; control of IUU fishing and related labour abuse; measures to protect migrant fishers; partnerships and improvement projects; and an overall assessment or criteria for overall risk assessment for the Philippines.
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    Seafish response to Consultation on the Marine Strategy Framework Directive; Putting in place the legal framework for implementation

    This is Seafish's response to Defra's consultation on the draft transposing regulations with which the Government and Devolved Administrations propose to transpose the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) (Directive 2008/56/EC).The MSFD entered into force in July 2008 and its requirements must be transposed into UK law by 15 July 2010. It requires Member States to develop a marine strategy, including determining Good Environmental Status (GES) for their marine waters, and designing and implementing programmes of measures aimed at achieving it by 2020, using an ecosystem approach to marine management. The original consultation papers are available from
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    CLG Terms of Reference May 2015

    Terms of Reference for the Seafish Common Language Group. Presented and discussed at the November 2011 CLG meeting. Revised in May 2015.
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    Final ACIG minutes 26 September 2017

    Final minutes of the Aquaculture Common Issues Group meeting held in London on 26 September 2017.
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    Pelagic Industry Issues Group Terms of Reference May 2015

    Terms of Reference for the Seafish Pelagic Industry Issues Group. Updated May 2015.
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    Seafish Brussels Update 16/06/2017 – 23/06/2017

    Brexit negotiations kick off European Parliament reactions; Workshop on Common Fisheries Policy and Brexit; Hearing Constitutional Challenges and Implications; General Affairs Council; Next steps of UK’s withdrawal from EU; Decision on procedure for relocation of EU agencies in UK; Brexit: What next for UK fisheries?; UK agrees to EU conditions on Brexit talks; key dates; EUFA to closely follow EU-UK negotiations; Brexit: what challenges for the Hauts-of-France; New sustainable indicators to protect fish stocks and economy; Hearing on fish consumption in Europe: new forms of nutrition education; New EU rules on sustainable and transparent external fishing activities
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    UK Seafood Value Chain 2015

    UK consumers purchased £6.34bn of seafood in 2015 +0.2% v 2014
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    Seafish Delivery Report 2016 - 2017

    The Seafish Delivery Report 2016 - 2017 looks back at performance against KPIs in the 2016- 2017 Annual Plan and includes case studies and key achievements.
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    Q3 2009 Trade summary

    Source: BTS and HM Customs & Revenue Key words: Top line figures, currency markets, imports by country, top import species, exports by country
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    Seafish response to Invasive Non-native Species draft policy consultation

    Natural England consulted on draft policy on invasive non-native species. It explains Natural England’s belief regarding the threat posed by invasive non-native species in England; it sets out an approach to dealing with invasive non-native species; and it sets out that, where feasible, populations, habitats and ecosystems adversely affected by invasive non-native species should be restored. To read the consultation go to:
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    Seafish Brussels Brexit Update 11/07/2018 – 16/07/2018

    Statement by Brexit Steering Group on UK White paper; Impact of UK’s Withdrawal on EU Integration; State of play of Brexit negotiations; Ad-hoc meeting of Advisory Group on the Food Chain and Animal and Plant Health on issues related to withdrawal of UK; Why Brussels is keeping quiet on May's White Paper; The PM's Brexit white paper: what does it mean?; Implementing Brexit: Customs; US rounds on Britain over food quotas as post-Brexit trade woes deepen; Two years after the vote, there is little certainty where the UK-EU relationship is heading; International Meat Trade Association view of UK White Paper
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    Seafish Brussels Seafood Regulation Update 25/06/2018 – 04/07/2018

    EU set to lift ‘yellow card’ on Vietnam fisheries next year; Codex Alimentarius Commission July 2018
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    Seafish Brussels Brexit Update 25/06/2018 – 02/07/2018

    Brexit: product conformity assessment during the transition period; Amendment of common rules and standards for ship inspection and survey organisations; Ad-hoc meeting of the Advisory Group on the Food Chain and Animal and Plant Health on issues related to the withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the Union pursuant to Article 50 of the Treaty on European Union; Art. 50 meeting (29 June 2018) Conclusions; The European Council establishes the composition of the European Parliament
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    Seafish response to Consultation on North West Sea Fisheries

    This Seafish response was to a Defra consultation on interim provisions for North West England inshore fisheries management. An interim management plan was needed for the period following the Welsh Assembly Government taking inshore fisheries management in house on 1 April 2010 and Inshore Fisheries and until Conservation Authorities jurisdiction comes into force on 1 April 2011. The original consultation documents are available from
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    MELEG Minutes 7 February 2012

    Marine Environmental Legislation Expert Group Minutes: Several and Regulating Orders; Future management of fisheries orders in Wales; The Future of Seafish; Red Tape Challenge; Common Fisheries Policy; Marine Protected Areas; Marine Planning; Shellfish Waters Directive; consultations
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    India Seafood Ethics Profile

    Seafish commissioned a study to assess the ethical issues impacting on seafood species landed into, and imported to the UK from a wide range of countries. This India profile looks at the main seafood products; seafood exports to UK; employment in seafood; human trafficking and forced labour indicators and rankings and research reports; ratification of international human rights and labour instruments; fisheries policy and management structure/administration; control of IUU fishing and related labour abuse; measures to protect migrant fishers; partnerships and improvement projects; and an overall assessment or criteria for overall risk assessment for India.
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    Seafish response to Consultation_Food Hygiene (England) (Amendment) (No.2) Regulations 2010

    Seafish responded to the Food Standard Agency's consultation on the Food Hygiene Amendment Regulations 2010. Seafish supported the changes, which were: •To allow clean water to be used to clean fishery products in land based establishments; •The reinstatement of the 10% allowance for samples exceeding 4600 CFU of E. coli in class B shellfish beds; and •The requirement that the approval number reflects the place of production of products of animal origin. The full details of the consultation can be found here
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    UK Seafood Value Chain by Region 2016

    The UK value chain provides information on the main supply for seafood landed or imported into, or exported from the UK, as well as sales to consumers. In this document, the UK data is separated into England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland where specific information is available.
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    Development of the FisherMap methodology to map commercial fishing grounds and fishermen's knowledge

    The FisherMap protocol has been revised in order to map out commercial fishing grounds, main target species and gear contribution to fishermen’s livelihood. The initial version developed by Finding Sanctuary, the Marine Conservation Zone (MCZ) project for the South-west of England, used a questionnaire and mapping survey followed by validation meetings to describe the extent of fishing grounds. The revised protocol, used by the three new MCZ regional projects, links individual grounds to percentage gross earnings. Using data from the Seafish annual fisheries economic survey data by fleet segment, it will now be possible to convert individual percentage values into a common currency across fisheries, in a way similar to the 100 pennies approach pioneered by Ecotrust in California. The revised protocol also uses a simplified and standardised gear description directly compatible with the codes used by the Marine and Fisheries and other Agencies. This will make it easier to cross-validate data from various sources. However, the coarse time scale (overall average over last 5 years) and precise local spatial definition used in FisherMap provide unique and rich information that are not collected elsewhere. With the revised FisherMap, the validation group meetings will also have to discuss and finalise the overall economic value of composite maps of local fishing grounds. The same, or subsequent, group meetings presenting the regional conservation priorities will ask fishermen to share their expert local knowledge of essential fish habitats, features and species targeted by the conservation objectives. Local knowledge will be essential to obtain meaningful estimates of both economic and environmental impacts (positive and negative) that the MCZ regional projects need to estimate for their Impact Assessment (IA) of each proposed network and associated management regime. MCZ regional projects would greatly benefit from using Seafish species guides and information on basic fishing methods, and from collaborative work with Seafish, especially Seafish economists to devise a sampling strategy for fishing vessels along the coast and use the best economics data available to conduct their Impact Assessments.
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    Seafish response to Consultation on Food Handlers Fitness to Work: A Practical Guide for Food Business Operators

    To read the consultation go to:
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    Final ACIG minutes 6 July 2011

    Final minutes of the ACIG meeting held in London on 6 July 2011.
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    Seafish Brussels Brexit Update 06/08/2018 – 10/08/2018

    Poll Predicts Rise of Anti-EU Sentiment at 2019 European Parliament Elections; Commission Proposes Rerouting Post-Brexit Irish Maritime Freight to Benelux Ports, Sparking French Objections; Environmental Coalition to Campaign on Fisheries White Paper; Prime Minister to Step-up ‘no deal’ Contingency Planning; Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt Calls on Paris and Berlin to Assist in Breaking Brexit Deadlock
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    The Seafood 2040 Programme Annual Report for Year 2

    In the Seafood 2040 Annual Report for Year 1, six ambitions were presented for the second year of the programme. This document, the Annual Report for Year 2, details progress toward the achievement of those ambitions.
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    Northern Ireland Knowledge Gathering Trip November 2006 (Prawn Net Selectivity Devices)

    This report describes a visit to Northern Ireland to look into the type and use of selectivity devices in gear being used by Northern Irish prawn fishermen working from the ports of Kilkeel, Portavogie and Ardglass.
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    Seafish response to Review of FSA advice on fish consumption consultation

    The Food Standards Agency is reviewing its dietary advice to consumers on fish consumption to take into account nutrition, food safety and wider sustainability issues. We were asked to comment about the FSA's proposed approach to include these wider aspects in future advice on fish consumption. Consultations were run in England, Northern Ireland, Wales and Scotland. To read the consultation go to: and click on the area you are interested in.
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    Reducing fuel costs by converting to burning Heavy Fuel Oils

    Fuel costs are now a major influence in CPUE (cost per unit effort) on most fishing vessels in the UK, with record fuel prices being experienced. In the late 80’s/early 90’s fuel prices experienced short term increases usually in response to geopolitical problems or cut backs in production by OPEC countries. These short term increases were easily absorbed because sufficient quota was available, and the industry was in a relatively “buoyant” state. As a result of tighter quota and effort controls the industry has come under pressure – resulting in decreased earnings – whilst the last few years has saw a steady and sustained increase in marine fuel oil prices, particularly marine diesel and gas oil.
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    FS4-07.08 - Autoclaving shellfish waste

    Shellfish waste is a major financial and operational burden to the seafood processing industry. In theory there are many uses for shell, but to date there is no one solution to treating and subsequently using these materials as by-products. Most processors rely on disposal outlets costing up to £150 per tonne of waste. Shellfish processors want simple, local, cost-effective solutions for managing shellfish waste. Equally they want to yield a shell that is completely free of flesh and malodour, so they can access secondary markets for clean shell. The extent of treatment depends on the how the shell is ultimately going to be used. Autoclave technology has been identified as a potential solution for shellfish waste treatment. The technique produces sterile, clean, free of flesh shell that could be suitable for a wide range of applications. This factsheet summarises the results of a basic trial to evaluate the suitability of autoclaving followed by anaerobic digestion.
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    Beach Seining

    Seining is a fishing technique traditionally done in areas with large schools or groups of fish.
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    Aquaculture e-alert April and May 2017

    Monthly aquaculture e-alert highlighting news items, legislation and reports.
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    Seafish Brussels Brexit Update 19/02/2018 – 26/02/2018

    Brexit; Resolution on the framework of the future EU-UK relationship; Brexit Literature Update 02/2018; Transitional Arrangements in the Withdrawal Agreement; Indicative Programme - General Affairs and General Affairs (Art. 50) Council meeting, Brussels 27 February 2018; Draft Text for Discussion: Implementation Period; Changes to EU Withdrawal Bill to be discussed at Joint Ministerial Committee meeting; Future UK fisheries policy; Brexit: who has said what about transition; Brexit: Council Directives for Negotiations on Transition; UK could opt to apply same trade tariffs as EU after Brexit: EU lawmaker; Seafood industry's workforce exposure to hard Brexit 'worse than earlier thought'
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    Seafish Brussels Brexit Update 04/12/2017 – 11/12/2017

    Sufficient progress in first-phase Brexit talks; Brexit impact on environment, public health, food safety; Joint technical note detailed consensus of UK and EU positions on Citizens’ Rights; Joint report from negotiators on progress during phase 1 negotiations; Communication from Commission to Council on state of progress of negotiations; Statement President Donald Tusk on draft guidelines for second phase of Brexit negotiations; Consequences of cliff-edge Brexit company; UK trade with Ireland; Brexit: reading list of post-EU Referendum publications; business view of Brexit progress; Discussion paper: Launching Satellite Britain; Second Brexit briefing paper; Brexit and Public Procurement Reform: What Next?
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    Seafish Brussels Brexit Update 29/01/2018 – 05/02/2018

    Brexit devolved legislature business; Council (Article 50) adopts negotiating directives on transition period; Barnier and Davis meet in London; Notice to stakeholders withdrawal of UK and EU Food Law; Consequences of Brexit for all British and Belgian EU officials; EP fighting to fully protect rights of EU-UK citizens; Brexit & Ireland: The Dangers, Opportunities, and Inside Story of Irish Response'; CBI calls for greater clarity and urgency on Brexit trade transition; Britain drowning trying to land trade deals; Trade Policy: the issues for Wales; Brexit borders’ negotiations, Gibraltar, Spanish and British politics on sovereignty; Key dates in Brexit process
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    United Kingdom Seafood Ethics Profile

    Seafish commissioned a study to assess the ethical issues impacting on seafood species landed into, and imported to the UK from a wide range of countries. This United Kingdom profile looks at the main seafood products; seafood exports to UK; employment in seafood; human trafficking and forced labour indicators and rankings and research reports; ratification of international human rights and labour instruments; fisheries policy and management structure/administration; control of IUU fishing and related labour abuse; measures to protect migrant fishers; partnerships and improvement projects; and an overall assessment or criteria for overall risk assessment for the United Kingdom.
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    The Seafish Guide to Omega-3 health claims

    As part of a series of guides covering topical issues affecting the seafood industry, Seafish looks at the Omega-3 health claims for seafood, what are Omega-3 oils, the best sources of Omega-3, guidelines on consumption, the health benefits and the legislative framework for making claims.
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    Seafish Brussels Brexit Update 30/10/2017 – 06/11/2017

    German Trade associations start Brexit compendium; Brexit Brief - November; Living abroad: dynamics of migration between the UK and the EU27; Brexit border control concerns; Brexit impact: 58 sectors assessed; Responses to Brexit: Elite perceptions in Germany, France, Poland and Ireland - Research Note; Brexit: the October negotiations; Joint statement by the Department for Exiting the European Union and the European Commission; Latest thinking on Brexit
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    Seafish Brussels Brexit Update 05/02/2018 – 12/02/2018

    Hearing on the impact of Brexit on maritime transport; Transitional Arrangements in the Withdrawal Agreement; Speech by Michel Barnier following this week's round of Article 50 negotiations; Withdrawal of the United Kingdom and EU rules for the use of EU Ecolabel; Brexit: Council (Article 50) adopts negotiating directives on the transition period; European Parliament: More representative post-Brexit; Technical note on international agreements; Brexit: a reading list of post-EU Referendum publications by the UK Parliament and the Devolved Assemblies; How will Brexit affect the UK’s manufacturing industry; Brexit: Where are we now?
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    Minutes of the ninth meeting of the Supply Chain and Consumer Panel

    Ninth meeting of the Supply Chain and Consumer Panel.
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    Seafish response to Introduction of HPLC as a replacement for the mouse bioassay for the detection of paralytic shellfish poisoning (PSP) toxins

    From 5 May 2008, an HPLC method for PSP will replace the mouse bioassay for the detection of PSP toxins in mussels submitted as part of the statutory biotoxin monitoring programme. To read the consultation go to:
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    Seafish response to Consultation on draft regulations for an exception from alcohol limits for non-professional mariners

    This consultation concerned the draft Regulations and Impact Assessment on the proposed exception for non-professional mariners on smaller and slower vessels from the offence of exceeding the prescribed alcohol limits. To read the consultation go to:
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    Seafish Brussels Update – 26 January 2015

    Monthly Brussels update of seafood legislation developments, including: Sri Lanka – IUU fishing; Potential sanctions on imports from Vietnam due to the detection of residues of antibiotics; EFSA Statement on the benefits of fish/seafood consumption compared to the risks of methylmercury in fish/seafood; Exchange of views with Karmenu Vella, Commissioner for the Environment, Maritime Affairs and Fishing at the PECH Committee on 22 January 2015
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    Seafish Brussels Update – 6 June 2015

    Brussels update of seafood legislation developments, including: Court of Justice ruling regarding labelling such as could mislead the purchaser as to the composition of foodstuffs — List of ingredients; Commission response to a parliamentary question regarding the declaration of the weight of a glazed food inclusive of the glaze (total/gross weight); Oyster mortality; Weaknesses in the Georgian control system for fishery products intended for the EU; Moroccan seafood health certification procedure.
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    EU Alert Monitoring – 31 December 2015

    Brussels update of seafood legislation developments, including Report on food and food ingredients treated with ionising radiation (2014); DG MARE Commissioner congratulates Ghana on progress made against illegal fishing; Draft Report on Union framework for the collection, management and use of data in the fisheries sector and support for scientific advice regarding the Common Fisheries Policy; Question for written answer on the consultation of advisory councils in the process of drafting regionalised delegated acts and implementing acts under the CFP; Written question on problems in implementing Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) No 2015/242 of 09 October 2014 under the CFP: functioning of Advisory Councils; Discard plan for certain demersal fisheries in north-western waters; Question for written answer on Prevention of parallel markets in juvenile fish in the context of the application of the landing obligation; Commission Implementing Regulation concerning the classification of certain a seafood mix in the Combined Nomenclature.
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    Seafish Brussels Update – 30 January 2015

    Monthly Brussels update of seafood legislation developments, including: Sri Lanka – IUU fishing, Indonesian Crab and lobster – clarification on the Impact on trade of the new Indonesian sustainability rules, DG MARE questionnaire: New Regulation on autonomous tariffs quotas for certain fishery products to Union processors from 2013 to 2015, Minutes of the Fisheries Committee EP, 21–22 January 2015
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    Final note on the England Aquaculture Consultaiton Group meeting 29 July 2014

    Final note on the England Aquaculture Consultation Group meeting held in London on 29 July 2014.
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    Factsheet - Haddock (2018 Update)

    This factsheet provides a summary of the UK value chain for haddock. It is intended to inform stakeholders of the UK seafood industry about the performance of the haddock product. In 2017 the volume of UK haddock supply increased through both a rise in import volume and UK vessels increasing their volume of landings. Export volume of haddock also increased. In 2018 (up to latest available data) sales of haddock in retail and commercial foodservice increased.
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    EU Alert Monitoring – 27 November 2015

    Brussels update of seafood legislation developments, including EFSA opinion on ethoxyquin; Guidance Document related to import requirements and the new rules on food hygiene and official food controls; EU-Philippines free trade; Free Trade Agreement with Thailand; Sri Lankan fish ban; EU credits Sri Lanka on progress made on IUU fisheries issue; Imports of tuna products from Thailand into the European Union; Nestlé admits to forced labour in its seafood supply chain in Thailand; Question for written answer on the decline in pilchard and anchovy stocks in connection with the tuna recovery plan; New funds to promote our wild and farmed fish; Working Party on Internal and External Fisheries Policy (November 26-27); Sustainable Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries in the Bioeconomy - A challenge for Europe - 4th SCAR Foresight Exercise
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    Final Minutes DAG meeting 29 June 2011

    Final minutes of the Discard Action Group meeting held in London on 29 June 2011.
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    Taiwan Seafood Ethics Profile

    Seafish commissioned a study to assess the ethical issues impacting on seafood species landed into, and imported to the UK from a wide range of countries. This Taiwan profile looks at the main seafood products; seafood exports to UK; employment in seafood; human trafficking and forced labour indicators and rankings and research reports; ratification of international human rights and labour instruments; fisheries policy and management structure/administration; control of IUU fishing and related labour abuse; measures to protect migrant fishers; partnerships and improvement projects; and an overall assessment or criteria for overall risk assessment for Taiwan.
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    Climate change adaptation in aquaculture sourced seafood - summary report

    This summary report concerns UK seafood supply chains reliant on domestic and international aquaculture production. It sets out major impacts from key climate change drivers and major areas of adaptation action, from production to processing.
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    Seafish response to consultation on Selection of Offshore SAC's

    Seven areas of sea around Britain have been proposed as possible Special Areas of Conservation, aimed at protecting offshore species and habitats. Following consultation the Joint Nature Conservation Committee will consider whether to recommend to government that the sites are submitted to the European Commission for approval. To read the consultation go to:
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    South West Separator Trawl Trials aboard MFV Our Ocean Harvester

    A series of four commercial voyages have been monitored onboard the Newlyn based trawler MFV Our Ocean Harvester in an attempt to evaluate the performance of a demersal trawl fitted with a Seafish designed horizontal separator panel in a highly mixed species fishery. Unfortunately due to the randomness of the voyages, seasonably many of the species of interest such as John Dory, mullet, pollack, hake and squid, were in short supply. However, good separation levels were perceived on cod, haddock, whiting and flatfish generally which did support our previous work in the North Sea. A few anomalies were highlighted with these species, the scientific reasons for which are extremely difficult to analyse with any confidence since these trials were not in any way scientifically controlled. Some evidence appears to exist upon the selectivity of the gadoid (white fish) species by the presence of flatfish in the lower codend. The phenomenon needs to be examined more thoroughly via controlled experiments and possible introduction of the Seafish underwater camera.
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    Seafish response to Consultation on Marine Historic Environment Policy

    The consultation on the Scottish Historic Environment Policy on the Marine Historic Environment set out proposals for Scottish Ministers policy for the Marine Historic Environment and proposals for new legislation in this area. To read the consultation go to:
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    A Scallop Cultch Ccocoon System, in Raasay Sound, Isle of Skye

    King scallop cultivation depends upon two years of long-line culture to produce a 50mm shell height animal, large and robust enough to be re-laid in a fishery with a relatively high survival rate of 50-90% dependant on depth of seawater. It is proposed to develop and deploy a number of cultch filled habitats (six) in an area of Loch Sligachan in 18m of seawater then monitor for spat and predator settlement and survival.
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    MELEG Minutes 22 November 2012

    Marine Environmental Legislation Expert Group Minutes: Marine Licensing; Shellfish Waters Directive; Scottish Aquaculture and Fisheries Bill; Common Fisheries Policy; Reforming Wildlife Management Legislation ; MarineStrategy Framework Directive; Marine Protected Areas
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    Seafish Brussels Seafood Regulation Update 15/11/2017 – 23/11/2017

    Welfare of farmed fish; Tackling mercury pollution in the EU and worldwide; US: changes affecting US stakeholders that export fishery products directly to the European Union; Open public consultation on the initiative to limit industrial trans fats intakes in the EU; Understanding fish digestion for improved aquafeed; PECH committee; bluefin tuna fraud
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    Seafish Brussels Update 22/09/2017 – 29/09/2017

    Safeguarding Italian and European protected geographical indications (PGI) after Brexit; UK products on list of geographical indications EU-China bilateral agreement; Negotiations with UK on fisheries policy; Workshop: impact and consequences of Brexit on devolved administrations and Gibralta; Draft motion for resolution winding up debate on state of play negotiations with UK; Press statement Michel Barnier following fourth round negotiations; General Affairs Council; FVO audit: Fishery products Zimbabwe; Food hygiene guidance in all EU languages; Mercosur Sustainability Impact Assessment Draft Inception Report; Joint technical note comparison EU-UK positions on citizens; UK's contribution to EU budget; Stocktaking after Theresa May’s speech Florence
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    Seafish Brussels Seafood Regulation Update 06/12/2017 – 13/12/2017

    UN General Assembly designates 5 June as the ‘International Day for the Fight against IUU fishing; US Draft Guidance for Industry: Refusal of Inspection by a Foreign Food Establishment or Foreign Government; EU Council invites the Commission to explore with Thailand the possibilities for resuming talks on an EU-Thailand Free Trade Agreement (FTA); First EU GSP business guide for Lankan exporters published; Council agreement on 2018 fishing quotas in the Atlantic and North Sea
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    Seafish Brussels Seafood Regulation Update 17/01/2018 – 25/01/2018

    EU risk assessments in food sector: EC launching public consultation on transparency; EFSA Listeria monocytogenes contamination of ready-to-eat foods and the risk for human health in the EU; Commission report on the implementation of the Union Customs Code; South Korea - importation of Live Animals and Animal Products
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    Seafish Brussels Seafood Regulation Update 21/02/2018 – 28/02/2018

    ECJ concludes Fisheries Agreement between EU and Morocco is valid in so far as it is not applicable to Western Sahara and to its adjacent waters; Call for interest to become a member of EU Domestic Advisory Group for CETA; Vietnam initiates WTO complaint against United States over seafood import measures; FVO Audit reports on Vietnam and Peru - weaknesses revealed; European Market Observatory for Fisheries and Aquaculture Products; The Trawler - PECH Committee News; Meeting of SPS Committee Communication from World Organisation for animal health (OIE); impact of EU IUU Regulation on seafood trade flows
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    Seafish Brussels Seafood Regulation Update 22/11/2017 – 29/11/2017

    Changes in the EU reference laboratory for monitoring the viral and bacterial contamination of bivalve molluscs; Combating Transnational Organised Crime in the fishing industry: Global Challenges and International Cooperation;US: changes affecting US stakeholders that export fishery products directly to the European Union; India, EU hold discussions on proposed free trade agreement; The life history puzzle of body size and temperature; Possible illegal bluefin tuna imports; Import controls on Vietnamese Panga
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    Germany seafood market guide

    A market research report on the seafood sector in Germany.
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    Seafish response to Consultation on the Environmental Liability Directive

    To read the consultation go to:
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    Seafish Brussels Seafood Regulation Update 01/03/2018 – 14/03/2018

    Official controls update. Trade negotiations with Indonesia. The EU Knowledge Centre for Food Fraud and Quality. Seafood Expo Global 2018
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    Seafish Brussels Update 04/08/2017 – 11/08/2017

    Legal Implications of Brexit; Opportunity to Give Evidence on Impact of EEA Workers in UK Labour Market; Employment of other EU nationals in the UK; Keidanren (Japan Business Federation) & Japan Business Council in Europe (JBCE) joint statement on the UK’s withdrawal from the EU; The UK's contribution to the EU budget; David Davis Updates Lords committee on Brexit Negotiations; New EC expert group on European Ports Forum; FVO audit report on fishery products from Cape Verde; New certified reference material for arsenobetaine
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    A Business Study of the N. Ireland Fish Industry

    This study, carried out in 1982/83, describes the fisheries of the County Down coast centred on the three ports of Kilkeel, Portagovie and Ardglass. The costs and earnings of fishing vessels are given and the report points out that the catching capacity of the Northern Ireland fleet is in excess of the resources available to it and alternative opportunities must be sought. Included are assessments of the Northern Ireland consumer market. This report has been produced from a scanned original and may therefore contain some formatting and other inaccuracies. In cases where this affects the technical content, a paper copy of the original report can still be obtained from Seafish.
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    Seafish Brussels Update 14/07/2017 – 20/07/2017

    Speaking points by Michel Barnier at the press conference following the second round of Article 50 negotiations with the United Kingdom; Brexit Steering Group; Outcome of the EU Council on Agriculture and Fisheries; Fishing opportunities for 2018; Rules on the functioning of the Advisory Councils under the Common Fisheries Policy; Initiation of a partial interim review of the countervailing measures applicable to imports of certain rainbow trout originating in Turkey; CODEX ALIMENTARIUS; EU and Canada agree to set a date for the provisional application of CETA.
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    Seafish Brussels Update 01/09/2017 – 08/09/2017

    Brexit: joint statement by EP President and Brexit coordinator; Michel Barnier statement on Guiding Principles on Ireland and Northern Ireland; Position paper on Public Procurement; Guiding principles for the Dialogue on Ireland/Northern Ireland; Position paper on Customs; Position paper on Use of Data and Protection of Information Obtained or Processed before Withdrawal Date; Position paper on Intellectual property rights (including geographical indications); Indonesia: Fishery products from tuna species; Evaluation of EU legal framework on food irradiation; Meeting of Standing Committee on Plants, Animals, Food and Feed "Controls and import conditions"; Belgium seeks EU court opinion on EU-Canada free trade deal
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    SFIN 15 - Use of scantling tables

    Seafish Information Note 15 - Use of scantling tables.
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    Seafish Brussels Update 07/07/2017 – 14/07/2017

    EU and UK positions on citizens’ rights: First phase of Brexit negotiations; EP Constitutional Affairs Committee exchange of views with Guy Verhofstadt Parliament's coordinator for the negotiations on UK withdrawal from the EU; Speaking points by Michel Barnier after College meeting; State of play of Article 50 negotiations with the UK; Seychelles Fishery products derived from tuna species; EC Update on GSP+ countries; Sri Lanka; Philippines; European Commission start debate on Trade and Sustainable Development in EU Trade Agreements; EU and Canada agree to set date for provisional application of CETA; Sustainable Fisheries Partnership Agreement and protocol with Côte d'Ivoire
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    Characterisation of Vibrio spp in marine aquaculture

    This PhD project looked at serotyping Vibrio anguillarum using monoclonal antibodies. Methods for the safe and efficient extraction of V. anguillarum lipopolysaccharides were investigated. An extensive Vibrio culture collection of more than 150 bacterial strains was set up from isolates taken from a variety of wild and farmed fish species. The virulence of the isolates was also studied in cod using live and dead cells.
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    Seafish Brussels Update 23/06/2017 – 30/06/2017

    Brexit negotiations kick off European Parliament reactions; Terms of Reference for the Article 50 TEU negotiations; Decision on the procedure for relocation of EU agencies currently located in the UK; Public consultation on the implementation of the Atlantic action plan; Summary of the Standing Committee on plants, animals, food and feed 17 May; Reshaping aquaculture with healthier, cleaner ocean farms; Brexit: how does the Article 50 process work?; Brexit Fisheries Discussion highlights importance of unity at EU level; Future of fisheries post-Brexit; UK Brexit business advisory group; EFTA countries discussed about Brexit
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    Seafish response to FSA hygiene legislation (fishery products)

    The European Commission has proposed changes to current provisions for fishery products and live bivalve molluscs in Regulation 853/2004. Two letters from the Food Standards Agency seek initial views on the proposed UK position on each of these proposals to assist discussions and negotiate a UK position at the next Working Group meeting. To read the consultation go to:
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    Freezer Vessel Hygiene Checklist

    This checklist has been written to assist operators of vessels subject to approval under Regulation 853/2004 to assess their vessels for compliance prior to inspection for approval. You should be aiming to be able to answer ’yes’ to all applicable questions. The hygiene requirements of Regulation 852/2004, particularly Annex I on primary production, will also apply. Where necessary these should be discussed with the health inspection officer.
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    The value of Irish Sea Marine Conservation Zones to the Northern Irish fishing industry

    This report is by Poseidon Aquatic Resource Management Ltd at the request of the Seafish Northern Ireland Advisory Committee (SNIAC) and was funded by Seafish.
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    Labour and Employment in UK seafood processing January to March 2018

    Quarterly survey of employment and labour issues in UK seafood processing businesses from January to March 2018
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    Labour and Employment in UK seafood processing July to September 2018

    This report presents the findings of the fourth quarterly survey on recruitment in the seafood processing sector.
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    Labour in UK seafood processing January to March 2019

    This report presents the findings of the sixth Seafish quaterly survey of recruitment in the seafood processing sector.
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    Economics of the UK Fishing Fleet 2021

    This report presents economic estimates at UK, home nation and fleet segment level for the UK fishing fleet. The estimates are calculated based on samples of fishing costs and earnings gathered by Seafish as part of the 2021 Annual Fleet Economic Survey.
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    Response to the Marine Management Organisation's Compliance and Enforcement Strategy

    Seafish welcomes the approach in many ways. The commitment to making the new marine licensing system more streamlined and reducing the burden of the licensing procedure particularly on small businesses is most encouraging. Overall, Seafish believes this strategy is the right approach and hope that it will be followed in practice.
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    Sodium Metabisulphite Alternatives

    Sodium metabisulphite has been used in the UK fishing industry for many years to control the effects of melanotic blackening in prawns (Nephrops norvegicus). Recent requirements for allergen labelling and court cases resulting from high levels of sulphite residue have prompted interest to secure alternative treatments to control melanosis. Further motivation has come from the highly corrosive nature of sodium metabisulphite. This causes extensive damage to vessels and processing equipment and has serious operational health and safety issues. A number of treatments were trialled in a commercial environment to determine a viable alternative to sodium metabisulphite. Prawns were treated at sea and then assessed for shelf life and sulphite residue by processors in NE Scotland. 5 treatments were competitive with sodium metabisulphite, these include sulphite based and non sulphite based treatments. As such, vessels and factories are provided with a variety of treatment options depending on their own product requirements. Alternative sulphite based treatments exhibit reduced operational hazards and lower sulphite residues in the tail meat while selected non sulphite based treatments are classified as ‘processing aids’ and are exempt from any form of food additive labelling.
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    Seafish response to Consultation – 2009 Non-Statutory Surveillance Plan for Veterinary Residues

    The Veterinary Residues Committee (VRC) requested comments on the foods of animal origin that the VRC proposes to recommend for inclusion in the Non-Statutory Surveillance Scheme for 2009. The scheme focuses mainly on imported foods. To read the consultation go to:
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    North–East Atlantic Mackerel A Review of Stock Status & Prognosis

    Presentation at CLG November 2012
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    Seafish Brussels Update – 5 December 2014

    Monthly Brussels update of seafood legislation developments, including: Market Access Advisory Committee 28 November: EARLY WARNING CASES: US - Potential import restrictions of sturgeons and derivatives, Fisheries Partnership Agreements, Ecuador closer to obtaining GSP+ equivalence, “Health at a Glance: Europe 2014” (increasing obesity in Europe)
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    ACIG Terms of Reference May 2015

    Terms of Reference for the Seafish Aquaculture Common Issues Group. Updated May 2015.
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    Seafish Brussels Update – 22 May 2015

    Brussels update of seafood legislation developments, including: Advisory Group on the Food Chain, Animal and Plant Health on Food Hygiene Issues, 28 May 2015; Meeting with Head of the Fisheries Team within DG TRADE – EU-Vietnam, TIPP, EU-Canada, EU-Morocco; EC Report regarding the mandatory indication of the country of origin or place of provenance for unprocessed foods, single ingredient products and ingredients that represent more than 50% of a food.
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    Seafish Brussels Update – 1 June 2015

    Brussels update of seafood legislation developments, including: Seafish meet the Latvian Presidency to discuss the review of the Official Controls Regulation, including the inspection responsibilities of official veterinarians; The traceability and labelling of fishery products; IUU fishing update on Thailand, Korea and Philippines; EFSA's new dioxins risk assessment
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    Seafish Brussels Update – 10 July 2015

    Brussels update of seafood legislation developments, including: EU stakeholders allege bias in DG Mare's public consultation on International Ocean Governance & IUU; Priorities of the new Luxembourg Presidency; Fishery deal with Mauritania
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    Seafish Brussels Update – 9 January 2015

    Monthly Brussels update of seafood legislation developments, including: Sri Lanka – IUU fishing; Priorities Latvian Presidency; Antibiotic warning to Vietnam; New organisational charts of Directorates-General (DGs)
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    Q1 2009 Trade Summary

    Source: BTS and HM Customs and Revenue Key Words: Top line figures, currency markets, imports by country, import species, exports by country.
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    Seafish Strategic Review 2021_Invitation to Tender

    Invitation to Tender (ITT) to contract an external, independent supplier(s) to lead the industry consultation process of the Seafish Strategic Review in 2021
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    (1) Application for Survey & Certification

    Application for Survey & Certification
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    Construction Standards for fishing vessels 15m length overall to 24m registered length - drawings, markings and trials.

    Includes sections on: Drawings and specification, Markings and Trials and completion.
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    Seafish Brussels Seafood Regulation Update 04/04/2018 – 18/04/2018

    FVO Audit report on Solomon Islands - Fishery products derived from Tuna species; Evaluation of the Eel Regulation; EU Japan Economic Partnership; Outcome of the Agriculture and Fisheries Council 16/04/2017
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    EU Alert Monitoring – 15 January 2016

    Brussels update of seafood legislation developments, including: PECH Committee exchange of views with Martijn Van Dam on the priorities of the Netherlands Presidency; New tool to map fishing activities in Europe; DG SANTE: Public consultations foreseen in 2016; Duncan demands discard ban protection for cod fishermen; Common Fisheries Policy (CFP recast) – Consideration of draft report EP PECH; EESC - From the Outer Banks to the Food Banks; Thai junta promises illegal fishing crackdown ahead of EU ban decision
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    Investigation of Reports of Semi-Pelagic White Fish in the Clyde

    This Marine Scotland Science Report is a series of reports that publish the results of research and monitoring carried out by Marine Scotland Science. These reports are not subject to formal external peer-review.
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    Seafood Week 2016 Evaluation

    Evaluation of Seafood Week 2016.
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    Notes on Skates and Rays webinar 4 November 2015

    Final notes on the Skates and Rays group webinar held on Wednesday 4 November 2015.
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    The nutritional and healthy facts about Shellfish_Mussels

    Mussels are popularly eaten in 'Moules marinieres' or with chips as 'Moules Frites' on the Continent and are becoming increasingly popular in the UK.
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    Short Report 2009 Economic Survey of the UK Fishing Fleet

    A comprehensive and detailed analysis of UK fleet financial performance in 2009 showing key segment and fleet figures.
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    Response to the Welsh consultation on the compulsory Good Agricultural Environmental Condition (GAEC) standard to introduce buffer zones alongside water courses

    Seafish welcomes the introduction of measures that restrict the amount of nutrients being introduced into the soil near water courses. A reduction in the discharge of nutrients near water courses will improve the health and quality of the water courses by reducing eutrophication and reducing the incidence of potentially toxic algal blooms.
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    Seafish Species Guide - Red mullet - 2014

    This Species Guide to red mullet contains information on sustainability issues, stock assessment, conservation measures and management worldwide for the individual stocks of this species updated to January 2014. There is a short section on the product characteristics of the species. The information was obtained from scientific, industry and governmental sources and appropriate references are given.
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    Seafish response to Consultation on Scotland's First Marine Bill

    Consultation response to the management of the sea around Scotland. to read the consutlation go to:
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    Final ACIG minutes 6 April 2011

    Final minutes of the ACIG meeting held in London on 6 April 2011
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    Gear Technology Note - Gear design, construction and materials

    This gear technology guidance note covers the background and practical aspects relating to gear design, construction and materials.
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    Response to the Defra Consultation on Biodiversity Programme Response Indicators

    Seafish has responded to Defra's Technical Discussion Paper "Biodiversity 2020: Developing indicators for measuring success".
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    Seafood Ethics Common Language Group Terms of Reference May 2015

    Terms of Reference for the Seafood Ethics Common Language Group, facilitated by Seafish. Initially discussed at the 17 July 2014 inaugural meeting and revised following the January 2015 meeting. Updated May 2015.
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    Fish is the Dish

    The Fish is the Dish initiative was designed as a hard-working digital campaign to showcase to families that seafood is a healthy, quick and easy choice to feed the family. Since its launch in October 2011 it has enjoyed increased success year-on-year with growing communities and heightened digital presence..
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    EU Alert Monitoring – 4 December 2015

    Brussels update of seafood legislation developments, including Foreign Affairs Council meeting; Nairobi conference; TTIP; Pangasius water content; Official Controls Update; Landings Obligation – Storage of Undersized Fish; A new CFP structure for technical measures and multiannual plans; Alien Species; Commission results of control plan on labelling of fishery products; SCOPAFF; Food crises workshop; Mislabelling
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    Cod (2016 update) - Seafood Industry Factsheet

    Cod consumption in retail has been growing since 2013, as supply eases and prices soften. In 2015, cod total retail sales (excluding discounters) were worth £364m (+2.4%) at 44,887 tonnes (+3.6%), with an average price of £8.10 (-1.1%).
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    Seafish Brussels Update – 17 July 2015

    Brussels update of seafood legislation developments, including: Public Consultation on the future of EU-Mexico trade and economic relations; Open call for tender: Study on the establishment of a framework for processing and analyzing maritime economic data in Europe; WELMEC guide; Proposal for classification of A production areas for LBM according to Codex criteria; Planned sanitary survey on Norovirus in oysters.
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    Seafish Brussels Update – 15 May 2015

    Brussels update of seafood legislation developments, including: Update on TTIP and Peru; EU-Vietnam Relations: Roundtable with EU stakeholders on Trade, Sustainable Development and Human Rights; Public consultation on a draft Scientific Opinion on Dietary Reference Values for magnesium
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    Seafish Brussels Update – 27 February 2015

    Monthly Brussels update of seafood legislation developments, including: Symposium on the new EU-Philippine partnership to fight against IUU fishing; EJF event in Brussels on IUU fishing; Seafish discusses heavy metals (arsenic, lead, mercury) developments with the Commission; International trade committee debate on TTIP recommendations
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    Seafish Brussels Update – 13 February 2015

    Monthly Brussels update of seafood legislation developments, including: The European Commission has granted six month extensions to the Philippines, Papua New Guinea, and Ghana as they work towards eradicating illegal fishing in their countries; European Court rules on shellfish safety test; labelling gross weight of glazed fishery products; Japan Import quotas for fisheries products; EU NGOs encourage the European Commission to develop a Communication on the sustainability of the food system.
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    EU Alert Monitoring – 6 November 2015

    Brussels update of seafood legislation developments, including forced labour, ILO protocols, external dimension of the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP), European Maritime and Fisheries Fund, Convention for the Conservation for Southern Bluefin Tuna (CCSBT), China International Food Safety & Quality Conference, ICCAT, IUU fishing, food fraud, Transatlantic Trade & Investment Partnership (TTIP) Advisory Group meeting
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    Seafish response to ELD Draft Regulations Consultation

    This is a consultation on the draft regulations for England and Wales to implement Directive 2004/35 on environmental liability and including the prevention and remedying of environmental damage. To read the consultation go to:
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    How can we monitor inshore fishing activity? MF1214:Inshore Vessel Monitoring System trial

    Historically fishermen have had unrestricted access to the seas but as other activities stake a claim and formal spatial management planning becomes a reality, it is critical that fishermen record where and when they fish. Such information will help managers to better understand fishing practices and ensure that their stake in the planning process is appropriately represented. Also by monitoring fishing activity fishermen will be able to demonstrate that their activities can coexist with the many competing activities in the marine environment. Vessel Monitoring Systems (VMS) have been employed on the over 15 metre fleet for many years now, however the activities of a large number of under 15 metre vessels have never been monitored and thus, are poorly understood. To apply the standard VMS to inshore vessels is not straight forward due to the cost and need for frequent records so there is clearly a need for a low cost option for inshore fisheries, moreover a system which will add value to fishing business as well as regulators and managers.
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    Seafish Brussels Update – March 2014

    Monthly Brussels update of seafood legislation developments, including: Management of sandeel ; Coastal States consultations on ILLEGAL, UNREPORTED AND UNREGULATED FISHING: Council adopted trade measures against 3 countries for illegal fishing; INVASIVE ALIEN SPECIES ; Minutes of the DG SANCO Stakeholders Workshop on COOL for unprocessed foods, single ingredient products and ingredients that represent more than 50% of a food; niacin; MEPs urge Thailand to address fishing industry forced labour; INTA Committee
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    Aquaculture e-alert February 2014

    Monthly aquaculture e-alert highlighting news items, legislation and reports.
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    Seafish Brussels Update – 12 June 2015

    Brussels update of seafood legislation developments, including: DG MARE Expert Group for Markets and Trade in Fishery and Aquaculture Products; New Sustainable Fisheries Partnership Agreement with Liberia; EFSA scientific opinion on Pacific oyster mortality (ostreid herpesvirus, Vibrio aestuarianus, water treatment, effectiveness of the disease prevention and control measures)
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    Seafish Brussels Update – 18 September 2015

    Brussels update of seafood legislation developments, including: FVO audit – Italy; EU harmonized method in determining drained weight of glazed seafood products; DG MARE study on consumers’ habits
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    Seafish Brussels Update – 4 September 2015

    Brussels update of seafood legislation developments, including: FVO audit – Thailand: Fishery Products; Changes on Generalized Scheme of Tariff Preferences; India: Draft Amendments on the Biotoxins Limit in Fish and Fish Products; Standing committee on plants, animals, food and feed section biological safety of the food chain - 15 September 2015
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    Response to Marine Scotland's Consultation on Extension of Permitted Development Rights and Changes of Use to Finfish and Shellfish Developments

    Seafish welcomes the Scottish government’s commitment to aquaculture and its recognition of the industries importance to food security, a healthy diet for the population and Scotland’s economy. Seafish supports all the proposals and makes no further comments.
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    Seafish Regulation Alert Monitor 19/03/2016 – 25/03/2016

    Brussels update of seafood legislation developments, including: SCOPAFF Toxicological safety (February 4); Acrylamide; European Parliament Committee on Fisheries; EP PECH - New framework for technical measures; TTIP Report of the 12th round of negotiations; Information on illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing received by the Member States; Slave labour in fishing; FSA assessment of Food Crime in the UK
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    Seafish Brussels Update 15/09/2017 – 22/09/2017

    EEA Agreement; Speech Michel Barnier Committees of Foreign Affairs and Committees of European Affairs of Italian Parliament; General Affairs Council (Art. 50); Fisheries “adjustment variable” of Brexit; Brexit: reading list of post-EU Referendum publications by Parliament and Devolved Assemblies; Oliver Robbins moves to No 10; Brexit Transitional Period: solution is Article 50; UK would raise annual bilateral pacts to allocate fishing quotas, affecting Falklands; EU-Canada trade agreement in force; international research consortium calls for fisheries and aquaculture management to tap into the power of genomics; New Group of Experts on EU Trade Agreements meet in January 2018; Advisory Council recommendations;
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    Seafish Brussels Update 20/07/2017 – 28/07/2017

    Statement by Guy Verhofstadt and EP Brexit Steering Group; Both sides want to speed up Brexit talks by meeting more frequently; Brexit: devolved legislature business; Reality bites: Brexit negotiations seen from other side of the Channel; Brits can stay in Commission if no conflict of interest; Milestones in Brexit Negotiations; Brexit and the Sunset of European Influence in Asia-Pacific; Public consultation on draft scientific opinion on Listeria monocytogenes contamination of ready-to-eat foods and risk for human health in EU; Dyes used in aquaculture; New Standard to Combat Food Fraud; TRACES REPORT 2016; Commission publishes initiative to improve agri-food supply chain
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    utlook for European brown crab: Understanding brown crab production and consumption in the UK, Republic of Ireland, France, Spain and Portugal

    This report provides information on the production systems and consumption patterns in the UK, Republic of Ireland, France, Spain and Portugal. Information covers: Stocks (the geographical and ecological context for the source of brown crab – waters of the North East Atlantic concerning the UK, Rep of Ireland, France mainly). Capture production. Transport and distribution (concerning the movement of brown crab between stages of production: road, sea and air). Processing/storage (concerning receiving/preparation/preservation and packing of brown crab) Market/Sales outlet (concerning export/retail/food service/wholesale – UK, Rep of Ireland, France, Spain, Portugal and external export markets). Consumption (concerning in-home and out of home consumption). Waste (concerning the collection/treatment of waste products – including packaging to landfill, incineration, recycling, or composting).
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    Seafish response to SITPRO Review of Port Procedures consultation

    SITPRO, the body responsible for simplifying international trade, undertook a review of procedures at UK ports for the international and intra-EU movement of goods. This was in part a reaction to the 2009 World Bank Doing Business report that judged the UK as only the 28th easiest to trade with. To read the consultation go to:
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    Seafish Summary of UN FAO SOFIA 2010 Report

    Summary of the UN Food and Agriculture Organisation State of World Fisheries and Aquaculture (SOFIA) report 2010, published January 2011.
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    Final Minutes DAG themed meeting 17 July 2012

    Final minutes of the Discard Action Group themed meeting held in London on 17 July 2012.
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    Investigating technical measures for the improvement of Nephrops size selectivity in trawls

    Financial Instrument for Fisheries Guidance (FIFG) Ref: 03/ENG/46/04.
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    Seafood Scotland response to consultations on A strategy for Marine Nature Conservation in Scotland and Guidelines on the selection of MPAs and development of the MPA network

    As a representative organisation that works on behalf of the seafood industry in Scotland, Seafood Scotland strongly supports and endorses the detailed response made by the Sea Fish Industry Authority (Seafish) on these consultations. In addition, we lend our support to the concerns expressed by the Scottish Fishermen’s Federation (SFF) in their responses. The original consultation papers can be found here: A Strategy for Marine Nature Conservation in Scotland: Marine Protected Areas in the Seas around Scotland:
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    Seafish Brussels Update 18/08/2017 – 25/08/2017

    Third Round of Brexit Negotiations; Commission Response to UK Position Papers; Enforcement and Dispute Resolution; Continuity in the Availability of Goods for the EU & UK; Confidentiality and Access to Documents; Exchange and Protection of Personal Data; Statistics on UK-EU Trade; Brexit Customs Vision- Frictions and Fictions; FVO audit report on fishery products from Chile; Small-Scale Fisheries Guidelines: Global Implementation; Guidance on food safety management systems for small food retailers fish shops; Regional Ocean Governance in Europe: The Role of Fisheries; Draft Report Technical Amendment to the CFP; New EFSA Guidance on ‘Weight of Evidence’ and ‘Biological Relevance’; Codex; CETA
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    EU Alert Monitoring – 18 December 2015

    Brussels update of seafood legislation developments, including ILO human rights and labour rights; Eurojust fighting human trafficking for labour exploitation; Written question on importation of fisheries products from suppliers using slave labour; TTIP Negotiations; EFSA advice on bivalve molluscs; Question for written answer on Legislative requirements for the labelling of seafood products; Horizon 2020; European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF); Common Fisheries Policy (CFP); Community Fisheries Control Agency; Questions for written answer on IUU; Written question on shellfish farming.
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    EU Alert Monitoring – 11 December 2015

    Brussels update of seafood legislation developments, including Better Training Safer Food Annual Report 2014; Increasing the maximum permissible mercury content of fish; Official controls - Live bivalve molluscs, echinoderms, tunicates and marine gastropods; Fair and quality fish on your plate: ALDE calls for a European Eco-label; "The EU fish market” 2015; "The EU fish market” 2015; Dutch flatfish fleet; Support for fishermen; Council Regulations suspending the autonomous Common Customs Tariff duties; New proposals to improve transparency and monitoring of EU fleet fishing internationally; Statement on the adoption of tariff quotas for certain imported fish and fish products; List of invasive alien species; “How to make fisheries controls in Europe uniform”
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    The Omega 3 Guide

    Information regarding Omega 3
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    Seafish response to Regulatory Framework (England) consultation

    Consultation on stakeholders' perception of the FSA as a regulator. Similar consultations are running in Northern Ireland and Wales. To read the consultation go to:
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    Sustainable discard reduction in the Farne Deeps Nephrops fishery

    There is a recognised problem surrounding the issue of discarding whitefish in the Farne Deeps Nephrops fishery. Both local fishermen and DEFRA are aware of the need to make changes to current operations and are committed to reducing discards while encouraging the take up of technical conservation methods. This project explores the potential for reducing the fishing effort on cod, haddock and whiting by increasing the earning potential for the Nephrops catch component with a live (tubed) landing regime. Overall, this project was an industry lead responsible fishing initiative leading to a more sustainable fishery. <sup>Keywords</sup>: Nephrops, Farne Deeps, whitefish discard reduction, sustainable fishery
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    Lobster Cultivation Leaflet

    Leaflet on Lobster Cultivation
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    Final ACIG minutes 14 April 2016

    Final minutes of the Aquaculture Common Issues Group meeting held in London on 14 April 2016.
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    Final Minutes DAG meeting 27 Sepember 2011

    Final minutes of the Discard Action Group meeting held in Grimsby on 27 September 2011.
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    EU Alert Monitoring – 30 October 2015

    Brussels update of seafood legislation developments, including TTIP, Third Country Fishing, Sustainable Fishing Partnership Agreements (SFPAs), Official Controls, REFIT of General Food Law, European Parliament question on legislative requirements for the labelling of fishery and aquaculture products, European Commission Work Programme 2016, Parliamentary committee members
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    EU Alert Monitoring – 20 November 2015

    Brussels update of seafood legislation developments, including TTIP; EU and Mauritania sign a new 4-year Sustainable Fisheries Protocol; The EU food chain and its contribution for health: how to overcome the challenges; Commission launches IT tool to underpin cooperation on possible fraudulent practices; Unfair trading practices in the food supply chain – Adoption of draft opinion; Blue Economy; Answer to written question on the Fisheries Control Agency; Ethics; Council Decision 2015/2037 authorising Member States to ratify ILO Protocols relating to social policy; EU Social Partners in the fishing sector encourage Spanish authorities to swiftly ratify ILO Work in Fishing Convention C188; EP INTA Committee Holds Initial Debate on Social and Environmental Standards, Human Rights and CSR; Fisheries Policy
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    Seafood Consumption Industry Factsheet

    In the UK, shoppers and consumers have a unique relationship with seafood. Unlike most other European countries, seafood can be a daunting choice. Since 2007 seafood consumption has been falling; approaching the second lowest level since records began. This report summarises seafood consumption in both retail and foodservice from the 1940's to the present day.
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    Chilled seafood in retail 2017

    Chilled seafood in retail 2017: The chilled seafood sector continues to take the largest share of the multiple retail seafood market with a wide range of segments and species. It is the only seafood sector in growth since 2007. Opportunities to grow the category exist around product formats, flavours, mission and channel.
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    Seafish Brussels Update 06/10/2017 – 13/10/2017

    No more fisheries management after Brexit?; Press statement by Michel Barnier following fifth round of Article 50 negotiations; Address by President Donald Tusk to European Committee of Regions; Trade and Customs White Papers; Brexit: trade aspects; Brexit and data protection; Exiting the EU and data protection; Opinion of the European Banking Authority on issues related to the departure of UK from EU; Joint EU-UK letter to WTO outlines intentions for tariff-rate quotas; EP discussion on Dual Quality Foods with Commission; Outcome of EU Council on Agriculture and Fisheries; The European Union to evaluate Taiwan's efforts to curb illegal fishing
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    Response to the horse mussel management proposals

    Seafish has responded to the Welsh Government's consultation on management proposals for Horse Mussel (Modiolus modiolus) reef off the North Wales coast. Amongst othe comments, Seafish questions the recommended “appropriate” buffer zone of 500m. The commonly accepted size of a buffer zone (JNCC UK Guidance on defining boundaries 2008) is four times the depth of the water in the area, for this depth of water. As the maximum depth of water in that area is around 22m, this suggests an appropriate size for the buffer zone would be 88m.
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    Final ACIG minutes 3 November 2011

    Final minutes of the Aquaculture Common Issues Group meeting held in London on 3 November 2011.
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    Yellowfin tuna - A Global and UK supply chain analysis

    A global and UK supply chain analysis of Yellowfin tuna.
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    Retail Overview 3rd Quarter 2010

    Total seafood value fell -5% in Q3, principally driven by a -7% and -9% fall in the value and volume of Salmon, respectively. Caused by the aftermath of the ISA affecting Chilean supply earlier in the year. Compared to Q2, the value of chilled sector fell by -7% in Q3, with frozen and ambient falling by -1% and -4% respectively. Compared to Q3 2009, the value of the chilled sector is up +3%, with both frozen and ambient falling by -2%. These trends are in line with consumers switching to staples, as the consumer confidence index falls to its lowest level since Dec 2008.
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    Preliminary trial of super-intensive tropical production in recirculating shallow raceway system

    The project was conceived as a preliminary trial to grow Peneus vannamei, the tropical pacific white legged , prawn which is traditionally grown in extensive outdoor ponds in the tropics. If a system and techniques can be developed to grow premium quality at our site in N. Wales then these will be in great demand by top end restaurants and consumers specifying a fresh (same day as harvest), sustainably grown (zero water exchange & emmissions) and low food miles traceable product.
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    FS23-0209 Feb 2009 Pacific oyster aquaculture – developing a protocol

    Naturally settled (wild) Pacific oysters are being found in our coastal waters, especially in the south east and along the south coast of England. This is causing concern from environmental organisations particularly where the natural spatfalls have occurred in Marine Protected Areas (MPAs). When setting up new businesses, when expanding existing businesses and when renewing permissions to cultivate Pacific oysters in MPAs, an Appropriate Assessment may have to be carried out. The information in this Fact sheet should help anyone involved in such a process and provide them with a link to additional information.
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    Seafish response to Pre-consultation on the draft UK Marine Policy Statement

    Seafish's response to Defra's Pre-Consultation on the draft UK Marine Policy Statement. The pre-consultation document is available from
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    Alternative Species Study in Northern Ireland

    The rationale for the Alternative Species originates from a concern over two key issues that are prevalent within the fishing industry. The first is by-catch, which inevitably occurs within fishing activity as non-targeted species are caught simultaneously with other more prized or sought after species. Secondly, these non-targeted fish generally don’t hold any market value and therefore are either discarded or used as fishing bait. The primary aims are to investigate the feasibility of using alternative species, to reduce wastage and develop the potential to establish commercial revenue for such species. The success of the project also has wider implications for the promotion of local product, environmental footprint and sustainability.
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    Seafood in Retail 2017

    Over the past nine years, total seafood - the sum of total chilled, frozen and ambient seafood sectors - has been in price driven growth, with value up 18.6% and volume down 18.9%. In March 2017, total seafood became the highest value protein category, pushing total red meat into second place.
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    FS33 - 08.09 Aug 2009 Codend weigher trials

    A prototype codend weigher was commissioned by Seafish to investigate the practicalities of using an electronic weighing device to assess the total catch of a vessel in the codend. If successful the device could provide a means of improving the assessment, by fishermen and scientists, of the total catch weight, and determine the level of discards. This fact sheet presents the results of the trials undertaken in a number of UK fisheries.
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    Seafish Brussels Update 24/06/2016 – 01/07/2016

    Brussels update of seafood legislation developments, including: UK referendum (Brexit).
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    Independent Fishmongers Study

    In the summer of 2005, The Sea Fish Industry Authority (Seafish) commissioned research to examine the independent retail seafood market. This research sought to establish the true value share of this sector and understand how independent fishmongers have adapted in order to remain competitive. The findings show that the sector consists of a number of strong, thriving independent fishmongers and despite difficult trading conditions in recent times, many have carved a niche position within their locality. Seafood in general and specifically independent seafood retailers are in a strong position to capitalise on the well documented trend towards healthier lifestyles being pursued by consumers.
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    Seafish Responsible Sourcing Guide - Sea bass - September 2013

    This Responsible Sourcing Guide to sea bass contains information on sustainability issues, stock assessment, conservation measures and management worldwide for the individual stocks of this species updated to 2013. There is a short section on the product characteristics of the species. The information was obtained from scientific, industry and governmental sources and appropriate references are given.
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    Final note on the England Aquaculture Consultaiton Group meeting 14 July 2015

    Final note on the England Aquaculture Consultation Group meeting held in London on 14 July 2015.
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    MELEG Minutes 17 May 2013

    Marine Environmental Legislation Expert Group Minutes: Marine Licensing; Shellfish Waters Directive; Common Fisheries Policy Reform; Marine Strategy Framework Directive; Marine Protected Areas Scotland, England and Wales; European Marine Sites Scotland and England; Marine Planning EU and UK formal position
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    Gear Technology Note - Towed gear

    This gear technology guidance note covers the background and practical aspects relating to using towed gear.
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    EU Alert Monitoring – 8 January 2016

    Brussels update of seafood legislation developments, including TTIP; DG MARE update for 2016; 8th Annual Commission Report on the Implementation of the European Fisheries Fund (2014); European eco-label for fishery and aquaculture products; Food chain safety; Globalisation; Intention of the Commission to prolong the possibility to use non-organic juveniles and seed from non-organic bivalve shellfish hatcheries; Handling Choke Species in View of the EU Landing Obligation.
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    Aquaculture e-alert May 2015

    Monthly aquaculture e-alert highlighting news items, legislation and reports
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    Seafish response to Request for Comments on the Draft Impact Assessment of Policy Options for Listeria monocytogenes Microbiological Criteria in Ready-to-Eat Foods Consultation

    the FSA's draft Impact Assessment is available at
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    Seafish Brussels Update – 15 December 2014

    Monthly Brussels update of seafood legislation developments, including: Commission warns the Solomon Islands, Tuvalu, Saint Kitts and Nevis, and Saint Vincent and the Grenadines in fight against illegal fishing; AGRIFISH Council; Belize delisting; Official Controls Regulation; Maximum levels of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in traditionally smoked meat and meat products and traditionally smoked fish and fishery products
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    Final Common Language Group minutes 20 July 2011

    Final Common Language Group minutes of meeting held on 20 July 2011
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    UK shellfish export supply chains for scallops, Nephrops, brown crab and blue mussels

    This note provides a description of the current supply chain arrangement for UK exports of selected shellfish. It provides a summary of the main stages of export supply, from source to market, together with supply chain characteristics.
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    Q2 2009 Trade Summary

    Source: BTS and HM Customs & Revenue Key Words: Top line figures, currency markets, imports by country, import species, exports by country
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    Presentation to Discard Action Group on selectivity measures. 20 February 2012

    This presentation was given by Mike Montgomerie at the Discard Action Group meeting on 20 February 2012. It details two new selectivity trials currently being managed by Seafish. The first will investigate the reduction of discards in trawls used in the Irish Sea Nephrops fishery by trialling three different gear designs. The second, a nephrops grid project in Scotland, aims to develop a selectivity grid that will reduce discards to an acceptable level, is acceptable to legislators and fishermen and is practical and safe for the fishermen to use.
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    Seafish response to Proposal for a new regulation on the provision of food information to consumers consultation

    The European Commission has published a proposal on the provision of information to consumers when they buy food, and the Food Standards Agency then issued a consultation document on the proposals. General and nutritional labelling for all pre-packed foods and food sold loose are covered in this proposal. To read the consultation go to:
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    EU Alert Monitoring – 29 January 2016

    Brussels update of seafood legislation developments, including: EC Comitology – EMFF; Ship owners and seafarers guidance on shipboard harassment; Fraud in the labelling of fish; Manual for reporting on food-borne outbreaks; Support to EU Reference Laboratories; Europêche Multi-annual Management Plans; Dutch flatfish fleet; Use of data in the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP); Trade policy promotes sustainability and human rights.
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    EU Alert Monitoring – 13 November 2015

    Brussels update of seafood legislation developments, including International Trade,,Trans-Pacific Partnership, EU's Future Trade and Investment Strategy, Consumer Protection, Answer to Written Question on Need for full transparency regarding consumer products, Exchange of views with the European Commission on Fitness check of General Food Law, Unfair trading practices in the food supply chain, Hearing on the New External Dimension of the Reformed CFP, Understanding fisheries technical rules
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    Improving Selectivity in Towed Fishing Gears - Guidelines on the Rigging of Square Mesh Panels

    These guidelines are intended to assist fishermen with the rigging and use of square-mesh panels in compliance with current fisheries regulations (Square-Mesh Panel Council Reg. (EC) No 850/98. The Sea Fish (Specified Sea Areas) (Regulation of Nets and Other Fishing Gear) (Scotland) Order 2000 No.227)and The Sea Fish (Specified Sea Areas) (Regulation of Nets and Other Fishing Gear) Order 2001 No.649).
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    Final Note of DPIG meeting 24 June 2015

    Final note on the Domestic Processors Issues Group meeting held at the Menzies Dyce Hotel, Aberdeen on 24 June 2015.
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    Final Pelagic Industry Issues Group minutes for 16 February 2015

    Final minutes of the Pelagic Industry Issues meeting held at the Doubletree Hotel, Aberdeen on Monday 16 February 2015.
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    Discard survival rates of commercially caught ray

    All ray and skate species are commonly marketed as skate. The status of several skate and ray stocks in the Northeast Atlantic is of concern, with some species classified as depleted while others are locally extirpated. The objective of this study was to estimate the short-term discard survival rate of rays.
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    Seafish Brussels Update 30/06/2017 – 07/07/2017

    Brexit and university degrees; Negotiations with UK on fisheries policy; UK's contribution to EU budget in 2007-2013 budgetary cycle; Speech by Michel Barnier at European Economic and Social Committee; Provisional agendas for General Affairs Council (Article 50) meetings, during the second semester of 2017; Decision on procedure for relocation of EU agencies currently located in UK; State of Play of the Common Fisheries Policy and Consultation on the Fishing Opportunities for 2018; Summary report Expert Group meeting on veterinary import controls; Re-enforced controls; Super-chilling; Status of Western Sahara; Listing of approved vessels from non-Union countries; EU fishing vessel operation Guinea-Bissau
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    Seafish response on the Food Standards Agency Strategy for 2010 to 2015 consultation

    This response is to the consultation on the Food Standards Agency Strategy for 2010 to 2015. This response is on behalf of the Seafish Food Legislation Expert Group, a cross-sectoral group composed of representatives from the various trade organisations of the UK seafood industry, from catchers through to retailers. To read the consultation go to:
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    Seafish Regulation Alert Monitor 26/03/2016 – 01/04/2016

    Brussels update of seafood legislation developments, including: Question for written answer on Member State responsibilities in the management of non-marketable catches landed at ports and docks EFSA annual activity report EFSA - Study identifies key topics for future work in food safety Largest-ever seizures of fake food and drink in INTERPOL–EUROPOL operation Amendments to draft report on CSR
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    Fish Frying Price List

    This price list contains details and costs of our training materials and courses for the fish frying sector.
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    Effects of Codend Mesh Size and Twine Number on Nephrops Selectivity

    Report of Fishing Industry Science Alliance (FISA) Project 03/13
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    Quality of trawled Nephrops using the coverless trawl

    h by-catch is usually unmarketable due to small size, poor quality or lack of quota. With increasing pressure on limited resources the industry needs to maximise quality and reduce environmental costs. Recent trials have shown that the coverless trawl reduced the by-catch of whiting by 70%, reduced severe Nephrops damage by 18%, caught 10% more Nephrops and increased earnings.
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    Appropriate Assessments Case Study 8_Cockle fishery in the Wash

    An industry application was made in conjunction with Eastern Sea Fisheries Joint Committee (ESFJC) to open the Friskney Sand cockle bed to fishing by suction dredging, and to open all other cockle beds in the Wash fishery to hand working, with the dredge fishery quota (TAC) set at 2,500 tonnes. This was to start 1 July 2006, and the hand-worked fishery quota at 1,450 tonnes, to start 1 June 2006. ESFJC and English Nature (EN) agreed that the plan or project was likely to have significant effects on the European marine site (EMS), in particular because the proposed cockle quota represented a significant proportion of the Wash cockle stocks. Possible impacts on the EMS included: - Physical loss of the habitat. - Biological disturbance due to selective extraction of cockles. - Physical damage (abrasion) of sediments. - Disturbance to benthic communities. - Disturbance of common seals and birds by noise or visual presence. - Impact on birds of removal of prey species.
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    Final Minutes DAG Marketing Focus Group 4 April 2011

    Final minutes of the Discard Action Group Marketing Sub-Group meeting held in London on 4 April 2011.
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    Appropriate Assessments Case Study 6_Clam Fishery in Poole Harbour

    An industry application was made in conjunction with Southern Sea Fisheries Committee (SSFC) to remove commercial quantities of Manila clams from the Poole Harbour fishery for approximately eleven weeks, at five days a week October 2005 to January 2006, by the use of small pump scoop dredges English Nature (EN) was consulted on the 28 February 2005 and 25 May 2005. They indicated that the plan or project was likely to have significant effects on the Poole Harbour Special Protected Area by: - Causing direct or indirect change to the physical make up of the seabed by the use of a pump scoop dredge. - Increasing the level of disturbance to bird species. - Removing prey availability for wintering birds.
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    Motivation and training guide for employers

    This guide is aimed at small and medium sized seafood businesses including fish & chip shops and independent fishmongers. It covers aspects of staff motivation including teamwork and having fun. Real life examples are provided by seafood businesses. The training section includes guidance on how to deliver in-house training in an effective manner. To order a copy for £5, please email or telephone 01472 252302. Alternatively, you can download this document for free.
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    Live prawn tubing

    Tubing prawns is a tried and tested method of landing langoustine to the live market. This technique is widely adopted by creel boats although it can, with the correct set up, be a feasible strategy for trawlers landing daily.
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    Non-tariff measures relevant to seafood with examples

    This note provides a description of non-tariff measures relevant to seafood. Measures most pertinent to seafood are provided, with examples.
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    UK-EU seafood trade under World Trade Organisation conditions

    This note provides a description of World Trade Organisation (WTO) trade conditions, which has been highlighted as a potential trading situation for the UK under a no deal EU exit.
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    France seafood market guide

    A market research report on the seafood sector in France.
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    Seafish response to Scottish Government’s consultation on Wildlife and Natural Environment Bill

    This consultation sought views on potential reform of a number of areas of existing wildlife and natural environment legislation. It proposed changes to legislation covering the aquaculture and release of non-native species. To read the consultation go to:
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    Seafish response on the River Basin Management Plans Consultations

    This is a generic response which applies equally to all the plans. It is made on behalf of Seafish following discussions with its Marine Environmental Legislation Expert Group. This group consists of cross sector industry representation, as well as country government departments and agencies. To read the consultation go to:
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    Part 5 Welding 01Jan2013

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    Seafish response to Consultation on secondary legislation enforcement – monetary penalties and appeals against statutory notices

    The Seafish response to Defra's consultation on the secondary legislation for Marine Licensing Enforcement – Monetary Penalties and Appeals Against Statutory Notice. Consultation documents are available from
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    FS62 - 03.11 March 2011 Maximum Sustainable Yield

    This industry guidance note explains the concept of Maximum Sustainable Yield (MSY), how it applies to individual fish stocks and the ICES approach.
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    Seafish response to consultation on the Revision of the FSA Guidance - Criteria for the Use of the terms fresh, pure, natural etc. in food labelling

    The Food Standards Agency is seeking to issue improved guidance on the use of marketing terms. The guidance sets out legislative requirements relevant to misleading labelling, and best practice advice on the use of the terms. To read the consultation go to:
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    Seafish Brussels Update – 29 July 2015

    Brussels update of seafood legislation developments, including: A “simpler, more modern and integrated” EU customs system; Responses to public consultation on an EU ecolabel for fishery and aquaculture products; outcomes of FVO audits of the Faroe Islands and France, new IUU vessel blacklist
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    FS41-12.09_French Fork Rig

    This type of trawl rig is used mainly on high opening demersal trawls in the English Channel by both UK and French fishermen. In the UK it is sometimes referred to as the French fork rig. This fact sheet explains the reasons for using the trawl and how to keep the trawl square using an extension.
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    Crustacea Processing Waste

    With changes in waste legislation, shellfish waste management has become increasingly difficult and expensive. This has significantly affected the shellfish processing sector, particularly the crustacea sector as there is a lack of cost-effective outlets for their waste. Disposal costs of more than £60 per tonne are common, which is not economically viable for many businesses. To establish whether it is possible for UK processors to generate an income or reduce the costs of crustacea waste disposal, Seafish initiated a project to look at the range of options available for crustacea waste management and identify which have potential for the UK processing sector. The project looked at all the crustacea species processed in the UK and the range of products or extracts that can be produced. The project identified two main options for crustacea waste management; use or disposal as ‘waste’ off-site or making it available for use in other products. Each option has its own issues; legalities, technical feasibility, outlets for the products etc. On the basis of the information collected, it will continue to be difficult for the crustacea processing industry to cost-effectively meet the demands of waste disposal legislation for the foreseeable future. Many different routes have and are being explored, but no breakthrough technology or solution has emerged. There are some opportunities to generate a financial return from crustacea waste, but investments in capital and the requirements for effective management remain a significant hurdle to achieving a return on investment. There is no single, simple, cost-effective solution for crustacea waste management. This key features summarises the main findings of the project. Further detailed information is available on the Seafish B2B website (Gaining Value from Crustacea Waste Project). This includes an Excel workbook which will be periodically updated with new information as it becomes available. The spreadsheet can be accessed at
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    Marine (Scotland) Act

    This information note details the main provisions of the Marine (Scotland) Act. The Marine (Scotland) Act 2010 applies to the inshore area in Scotland, and to some functions in the Scottish offshore area. The powers in the Act complement the provisions of the UK Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009, which created new responsibilities for Scottish Ministers on marine planning and conservation in offshore waters outside 12 nautical miles (nm). A separate information note is available covering the Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009, which applies primarily to England and Wales, and in part to Scotland and Northern Ireland.
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    Seafish Discards Q&A

    Seafish answers the key questions being raised about the issue of discards in fishing. This publication covers what are discards, what causes discarding, initiatives in place to address discard levels, how the EU is addessing the issue through the CFP, what is being done to improve survival rates and what the fishing industry can do to reduce discard levels.
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    Final Minutes DAG meeting 4 April 2011

    Final minutes of the Discard Action Group meeting held in London on 4 April 2011
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    Final Common Language Group minutes 20 October 2010

    Final Common Language Group minutes from 20 October 2010 in London
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    Sea Fish Industry Authority - Board Minutes

    Minutes of Seafish Board meeting held on 23 January 2009.
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    FS72 October 2012 Fully Documented Fishery

    Electronic monitoring has been employed by fisheries managers around the world over the past 20 or so years. Electrically powered technologies tend to be a cost effective means of monitoring activity and currently all (EU) fishing vessels over 15 metres are required to have a Vessel Monitoring System (VMS). This fact sheet presents the key details on a new and developing electronic fisheries monitoring tool - onboard video cameras as part of a fully documented fishery. Updated October 2012.
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    IUU - Guide for 3rd country exporters

    This guide is written for exporters in third countries who wish to export fishery products to the European Union (EU) under the new EU IUU Regulation (1005/2008) which came into force on 1 January 2010. This guide explains the new rules governing exports to the EU, the importance of the new catch certificate and how to obtain, complete and transmit it, the new procedures that have to be followed, product-specific issues and enforcement issues.
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    Aquaculture e-alert September 2016

    Monthly aquaculture e-alert highlighting news items, legislation and reports.
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    Appropriate Assessments Case Study 3_Mussel fishery in Carmarthen Bay

    South Wales Sea Fisheries Committee (SWSFC) carried out a Test for Likely Significance (Preliminary Assessment) with regard to dredging for ephemeral sublittoral seed mussels in Carmarthen Bay in August and September 2005, with the dredging lasting for one week. This fishery activity would take place within the Carmarthen Bay and Estuaries Special Area of Conservation (SAC) site and the Carmarthen Bay Special Protected Areas (SPA). Key features of these sites were, respectively: large shallow inlets and bays and sandbanks slightly covered by seawater at all times; and the common scoter. Potential hazards to these features posed by the fishery included: The impact of both subtidal and intertidal dredge tracks. The disturbance of the top 10-15cm of substrate and creation of sediment plumes. Changes in benthic flora and fauna resulting from repeated dredging. Disturbance of common scoter ducks and removal of benthic prey.
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    Final Minutes DAG Selectivity Focus Group 4 April 2011

    Final minutes of the Discard Action Group Selectivity Sub-Group meeting held in London on 4 April 2011.
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    FS 79. Industry Briefing Note. The Pelagic Landing Obligation.

    A key element of the reformed Common Fisheries Policy (CFP), effective 1 January 2014, is the progressive elimination of discards in EU fisheries through the introduction of the new landing obligation. To be introduced progressively from 1 January 2015. The landing obligation is effectively a ban on discarding fish overboard. This briefing note explains what is meant by the pelagic landing obligation, which came into effect on 1 January 2015, the legislative framework, and the issues it is raising for the seafood industry.
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    Climate change adaptation in UK seafood (wild capture) Annex 10 - International

    The annex concerns UK seafood wild capture supply chains reliant on international production. It covers major impacts from key climate change drivers, from production to processing, highlighting key opportunities and threats.
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    Seafish Brussels Update 20/05/2016 – 27/05/2016

    Brussels update of seafood legislation developments, including: IUU fishing – Thailand; FVO audit report – Denmark; EFSA – re-evaluation of food additive usage level; Food Information to Consumers – new requirement by Finland; European Parliament questions
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    IUU - Guide for Importers

    This Seafish guidance note for importers highlights the main provisions of the new IUU Regulation 1005/2008 which came into force on 1 January 2010. All importers will need to take steps to ensure the goods they import have been legally caught, and that his export partner provides a validated catch certificate for every consignment. The guidance note covers: the authorities involved; the process for submitting catch certificates and charges for checking them; how to obtain Approved Economic Operator (APEO) status and customs formalities.
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    Climate change adaptation in the UK (wild capture) seafood industry 2018

    This report from Seafish and the Marine Climate Change Impacts Partnership (MCCIP) considers recent advances in understanding and industry experience of climate change drivers and impacts.
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    Quick summary of aquaculture proposals under CFP reform proposals - July 2011

    This quick summary looks at the CFP Reform proposals published in July 2011 with reference to aquaculture.
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    Seafish certification services - Guidance for boat builders and outfitters

    Seafish certification services - Guidance for boat builders and outfitters
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    EU Alert Monitoring – 19 February 2016

    Brussels update of seafood legislation developments, including: Management of external fishing fleets; Tuna in British Waters; Action needed to protect coastal fishing; 2010 recommendations of Parliament on social and environmental standards, human rights and corporate responsibility; European Fisheries Control Agency; Expert group on fisheries data collection; TTIP; Scrutinising the new GSP+ mechanism; Official Controls Review; Food chain safety; Eco-labelling at EU level
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    Seafish Guide to RFS

    Overview of the RFS including context for reasons for redevelopment, information on new structure, processes and indication of benefits from each sectors view point
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    Climate change adaptation - Watching Brief 2019

    A Seafish/MCCIP Watching Brief report on how the seafood industry in the UK is adapting to climate change.
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    Seafish Brussels Update – 25 September 2015

    Brussels update of seafood legislation developments, including: A new online Information System on EU and national labelling rules; Question & Answer on Regulation (EU) No 1169/2011; Update on mercury in fish and fishery products
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    Effect of Bio-Mos on the growth and survival of cultured European lobster (Homarus gammarus)

    In agricultural studies, Bio-Mos® (Mannan Oligosaccharide) has been shown to enhance the growth and survival of domestic livestock. Bio-Mos® does this by increasing the efficiency of the digestive tract, so improving food breakdown and nutrient uptake. Bio-Mos® is a prebiotic with immunostimulant properties which could potentially reduce bacterial diseases. Therefore, increasing survival in Homarid lobster culture. Objective The objective of this trial was to evaluate the use of Bio-Mos® as a dietary immunostimulant for improving European lobster culture. The two main aims were to; 1. Determine the effect of Bio-Mos® on the survival of larvae. 2. Determine the effect of feeding Bio-Mos® at the larval stage on the growth and survival during subsequent juvenile stages.
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    B40 Abalone Culture in the UK - SAC Biotope Comparison

    In 2002 South West Abalone Growers Association (SWAGA) was formed as a registered co-operative to help promote the sustainable and responsible development of ormer culture in the region. Since 2002 a number of the SWAGA members have conducted hatchery trials in Cornwall, Devon and Dorset. From 2003 a Networking Objective 1 project was undertaken by SWAGA with the support of a number of agencies to identify the limitations to the development of the industry. A number of environmental, technical, legislative and economic limitations were identified of which the SAC biotope comparison was a major consideration.
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    DAG letter to Maria Damanaki 13 January 2012

    DAG letter to Maria Damanaki with comments on discards in the context of the proposed CFP and CMO regulations.
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    Seafish response to Consultation on Our Seas – A Shared Resource

    To elaborate the marine vision, the UK Government and Devolved Administrations have worked together to set out a number of high level Marine Objectives which articulate the outcomes they are seeking for the UK marine area as a whole. To read the consultation go to:
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    Final Notes on DAG catching sector meeting 20 November 2012

    Final notes of the Discard Action Group catching sector meeting held in Brussels on 20 November 2012.
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    China Export Guide

    A market research report on the seafood sector in China.
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    Fish & Chips in Foodservice - Seafood Industry Factsheet

    Since austerity began to bite in 2007 fish and chips have had a rocky time in foodservice. However, the next few years should see foodservice pick up, with a positive impact on fish & chip traffic.
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    Seafish Summary - Environmental Law Institute report. July 2012

    Seafish summary of Environmental Law Institute report – Seafood Certification based on FAO Guidelines and Code of Conduct: A Credible Approach? Published 11 July 2012.
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    FS59-01.11 January 2011 Seafood Freshness Quality

    The purpose of this fact sheet is to cover the key points of fish freshness quality with the aim of raising standards and increasing the overall consumption of fish.
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    Seafish Species Guide - Lemon sole - 2014

    This Species Guide to Lemon sole contains information on sustainability issues, stock assessment, conservation measures and management worldwide for the individual stocks of this species updated to January 2014. There is a short section on the product characteristics of the species. The information was obtained from scientific, industry and governmental sources and appropriate references are given.
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    MELEG Minutes 21 September 2011

    Marine Environmental Legislation Expert Group Minutes: Several and Regulating Orders; Future management of fisheries orders in Wales; New Group Terms of Reference; Marine Strategy Framework Directive; Common Fisheries Policy; Marine Protected Areas; Nitrate Buffer Zones; consultations
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    Appropriate Assessments Case Study 2_Oyster fishery in the Solent

    An industry application was made in conjunction with Southern Sea Fisheries Committee (SSFC) to open and remove commercial quantities of oysters from the Solent using oyster dredges during 2005 and 2006. English Nature (EN) were consulted on 4 May 2005. They indicated that the plan or project was likely to have significant effects on: - Intertidal mudflats and sand flats within the Special Area of Conservation (SAC), Special Protected Area (SPA) and Ramsar sites should boats be used over the intertidal areas at or around high water. - The sub-tidal sediment communities sub-feature of the estuary feature for the following SAC estuaries – Yar Estuary, Beaulieu Estuary, Newtown Harbour Estuary and Kings Quay Estuary – and, in particular, any impacts upon the biological communities upon the tidal deltas at the mouths of these estuaries within the SAC boundary. - The ‘sub-tidal gravely sand and sand’ and ‘sub-tidal eelgrass Zostera marina beds’ sub-features of sub-tidal sand bank features. - Offsite impacts upon intertidal areas used by SPA birds below mean low water but above highest astronomical tides. - Possible disturbance caused by boats operating for prolonged periods close to intertidal areas used by SPA birds.
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    Appropriate Assessments Case Study 4_Cockle dredging in the Solway

    Cumbria Sea Fisheries Committee (CSFC) applied to open a cockle bed situated on a subtidal sandbank on the south side of the England/Scotland boundary line in the upper Solway Firth, close to an area known as North and Middle Banks. The proposal was to allow the removal by hydraulic suction dredging of a 410 tonne (25% of the stock) TAC of cockles above the CSFC minimum removal size from December 2005 to mid-April 2006. The maximum blade width of the dredge would not exceed one metre and the minimum bar spacing would be 20mm. The riddle drum was also subject to specification. The cockle bed fell within the Solway Firth Special Area of Conservation (SAC) site, which was designated for its estuaries, mudflats and sandflats that are not covered by seawater at low tide, and its sandbanks, which are slightly covered by seawater at all times; and within the Upper Solway Special Protected Area (SPA) and Ramsar Site, designated for its internationally important populations of regularly occurring Annex 1 species, assemblage of waterfowl, populations of regularly occurring migratory species, and over-wintering populations of migratory waterfowl. Suction dredging can potentially impact on sandbank features within these European marine sites (EMS). Given this, preliminary discussions with English Nature (EN) took place in October 2005 and it was agreed that the opening of the cockle bed would require an appropriate assessment under the Habitats Directive. To support the Appropriate Assessment findings, CSFC used a 2005 preliminary sublittoral survey conducted by Dr Jane Lancaster, a consultant marine biologist scientific to determine the extent of the proposed fishery. They also used a 15-year time-series of cockle stock data for the Solway Firth, which indicated a significant stock variation year on year.
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    Discards New Developments 2008

    Update on latest developments relating to discards in fishing. Covers 2008
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    The Seafish Guide to Towed Gear

    As part of a series of guides covering topical issues affecting the UK fishing industry, Seafish looks at bottom trawling. Bottom trawling involves towing a roughly cone-shaped net across the the seabed catching fish in it's path. Trawls may be used on very fine ground or be rigged to ride over very hard, rocky areas of seabed. The guide provides a history of bottom trawling, diagramatic references, looks at the importance of bottom trawling and how it fits into domestic and international fisheries and looks ahead to how the industry is changing. It also provides reference sources for further information.
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    Seafish response to Defra consultation on the English inshore fleet – looking to the future

    This follow-up consultation added detail and a new impact assessments to an earlier proposal aimed to secure a sustainable future for the under 10 metre fleet. To read the consultation go to:
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    FS57-09.10_Guide to the use of Authorised Nutrition and Health Claims

    The European Nutrition and Health Claims Regulation EC 1924/2006 (NHCR), came into force on 1 July 2007. It controls any nutrition, health and disease reduction claims made about a food. There was a transition period for the implementation of this Regulation. Officially, the list of nutrient claims permitted under the Regulation became effective on 19 January 2010, meaning that claims not on the Regulation annex are now illegal. The document has been produced to give guidance on the health and nutrition claims that have been approved, or are likely to be approved, and which may be useful in seafood promotion. It is intended as a guide to the rules and criteria related to making approved claims.
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    South Korea Seafood Ethics Profile

    Seafish commissioned a study to assess the ethical issues impacting on seafood species landed into, and imported to the UK from a wide range of countries. This South Korea profile looks at the main seafood products; seafood exports to UK; employment in seafood; human trafficking and forced labour indicators and rankings and research reports; ratification of international human rights and labour instruments; fisheries policy and management structure/administration; control of IUU fishing and related labour abuse; measures to protect migrant fishers; partnerships and improvement projects; and an overall assessment or criteria for overall risk assessment for South Korea.
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    Vietnam Export Guide

    A market research report on the seafood sector in Vietnam.
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    SIPF Collaboration application form (for applications over £5,000)

    This form is for applications over £5,000 when applying to the Seafish Industry Project Fund (2011 call).
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    Seafish response to the proposal for a Council regulation on the protection of animals at the time of killing

    Defra consulted on the proposed introduction of an EU regulation to protect the welfare of animals at the time of slaughter.
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    Implementing the new IUU regulation in the UK

    This Seafish guidance note highlights the main provisions of the new IUU Regulation 1005/2008 which is due to come into force on 1 January 2010. It draws on a new Defra guidance note on the implementation of the new regualtion, as well as the advice issued by the Commission.
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    FS47-04.10 April 2010 Anisakis in salmon

    Anisakis is a marine parasitic worm (nematode) which is most commonly found in fresh water and anadromous fish, like wild salmon, which are born in fresh water, migrate to the ocean, then return to fresh water to reproduce. It is also common in certain small salt water fish, such as herrings and sardines. However, anisakis is rare in other salt water fish, such as tuna, swordfish and farm-raised salmon. This fact sheet details what anisakis is, symptoms of infection and incidences of anisakiasis.
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    Poland seafood market guide

    A market research report on the seafood sector in Poland.
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    Sea Fish Industry Authority - Board Minutes

    Minutes of Seafish Board meeting held on 4 September 2008.
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    Assessment of Stress and Mortality of the Prawn During Live Handling from Vessel to Market

    Assessment of Stress and Mortality of the Prawn During Live Handling from Vessel to Market.
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    Response to Marine Scotland's consultation on Scottish Marine Regions - Defining their Boundaries

    This is a response to Marine Scotland's consultation on Scottish Marine Regions - Defining their Boundaries. Seafish welcomes the separation between marine and terrestial planning and that the plans will be produced across inshore and offshore areas. Seafish recommends that the number of marine plan regions is limited.
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    Quick summary of June 2010 ICES advice re discards

    This quick summary looks at the June 2010 ICES advice with reference to discards.
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    UK shellfish – regional profile and current trade arrangements (including live trade)

    This note provides a description of UK shellfish production. It provides a summary of sites, employment, trades and end markets. Regional profiles are provided.
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    The nutritional and healthy facts about shellfish_Prawns

    Both coldwater and warmwater prawns are widely consumed in the UK. The coldwater varieties are small (often found in sandwiches) while warmwater prawns are larger.
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    Covid-19 analysis Impacts on the UK seafood processing sector

    This report analyses the impacts of Covid-19 on the UK seafood processing sector from March to July 2020.
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    Shellfish, cholesterol and cardiovascular health

    A leaflet explaining why eating shellfish can help prevent heart problems was produced by the Shellfish Association of Great Britain. A total of 90,000 leaflets were published and distributed to doctors’ surgeries, medical centres, etc. to provide more information to the medical profession and the public on why shellfish should be part of a healthy diet. It helps to dispel the widely held myth that shellfish are high in cholesterol.
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    Delivery Report 2012-2015

    The Seafish Delivery Report 2012-2015 looks back at performance against KPIs over the previous period and contains details of case studies and key achievements.
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    Project 50 Per Cent_Cefas trials to reduce discards among Devon beam trawlers

    Discarding is an important issue for the fishing industry. We need to find ways to reduce discard levels if we are to keep fish stocks in tact for future generations and develop a sustainable fishing industry. The aim of Project 50 Per Cent is to halve the level of discards from Devon beam trawlers. Beam trawler crews from Brixham and Plymouth have volunteered to work with Cefas over the coming months to experiment with changes to nets, designed to reduce discards. The changes may also help to increase profits by reducing chafing of fish giving higher market prices and reducing fuel consumption.
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    Response to the consultation on the Alien and Locally Absent Species in Aquaculture Regulation (NI) 2012

    Seafish responded by welcoming the efforts to avoid duplication in administrative procedures as in shellfish movement notifications. Seafish suggests that since the industry is already heavily regulated, further precautionary measures are unlikely to be necessary, and would work against the creation of an environment that is conducive to the expansion of aquaculture.
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    Seafish answers key questions on the new IUU regulation

    This Seafish paper answers key questions on the main provisions of the new IUU Regulation 1005/2008 which is due to come into force on 1 January 2010. It draws on a Defra Q&A paper on the implementation of the new regulation, as well as the advice issued by the Commission.
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    Final ACIG minutes 5 April 2017

    Final minutes of the Aquaculture Common Issues Group meeting held in London on 5 April 2017.
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    Marine and Coastal Access Act

    This information note details the main provisions of the Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009 which applies primarily to England and Wales, and in part to Scotland and Northern Ireland. A separate information note is available covering the Marine (Scotland) Act 2010.
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    Factsheet - Fish and Chips in Foodservice 2016

    Over the last two years, servings of fish and chips increased 4.2% to 333.6m. The majority, of servings (53.1%) were in fish and chip shops. These servings increased by 10m; 6% more than the previous period.
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    Gear Technology Note - Encircling gear

    This gear technology guidance note covers the background and practical aspects relating to using encircling gear.
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    Factsheet - Seafood Trends in Foodservice 2016

    The Foodservice market continues to grow. Over the last year, overall seafood servings have increased in the face of continued strong competition from other protein and non-protein meal options. This factsheet provides a summary of the recent trends and oportunities for seafood within the different foodservice channels.
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    Fishbox: Satisfying consumer demands under varying supply

    Fishbox is a business aiming to supply fresh fish from Scottish fishing vessels and give everyone in the UK the opportunity to have quality fish products delivered directly to their door. It received Strategic Investment Programme Funds to develop a novel method for packing fish into boxes for home delivery according to the consumers' individual preferences. This case study outlines how the idea was developed and implemented a commercial business
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    Rearing of wrasse (Labridae) as a source of disease-free cleaner fish for control of sea lice in marine finfish farming_Report and article

    Fish farmers have enquired if wrasse can be reared for use as cleaner fish on fish farms to control sea lice. Although the focus of this control technique has been on salmon farms in the past, marine finfish species such as cod could also be subject to sea lice infection.The objective of the approved project was to source wild caught wrasse as a potential broodstock, to domesticate the fish, and to set up separate dedicated rearing facilities and to obtain disease-free certification.
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    Seafish response to consultation on Aquatic Animal Health

    This consultation concerned the implementation of Directive 2006/88, the Aquatic Animal Health Directive. The main thrust of the legislation is to control fish and shellfish disease. To read the consultation go to:
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    MELEG Minutes 19 June 2012

    Marine Environmental Legislation Expert Group Minutes: Marine Planning; Shellfish Waters Directive; Red Tape Challenge; Common Fisheries Policy; MarineStrategy Framework Directive; No Take Zones; consultations
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    Seafood in foodservice 2017

    Seafood servings continue to grow in foodservice despite a challenging economic and political climate, breaking the 1bn mark again in 2017. Quick service restaurants continue to dominate the foodservice market, whilst fried fish remains the most popular type of seafood eaten out of home. Seafood featured highly in new starters and main dishes in 2017. Gourmet seafood sandwiches including, Maine lobster rolls, Louisiana style street food sandwiches with blackened fish and Cajun shrimp & crawfish balls are on trend.
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    The next NGO priority: An initial review of developments, implications, and practical responses 

    This report focuses on emerging priorities for NGOs. It considers major industry impacts arising from NGO areas of focus and sets out areas where a response from industry and Seafish may be required and identifies areas of potential collaboration.
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    Creating New Markets for Coley

    Coley is the second most abundant white fish species (by weight) landed into Scotland, yet the Scottish seafood industry has around 9,000 tonnes by-catch which at present does not have a home. This report will examine new markets for this product, to increase the value of this catch.
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    Final Minutes DAG meeting 25 November 2016

    Final notes of the Discard Action Group meeting held at the Wesley Hotel, London on 25 November 2016.
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    Minutes of the Seafish Food Legislation Expert Group Meeting, London, 17 September 2013

    FLEG Minutes: Official Controls Review – hygiene charges; Fisheries control regulation – traceability enforcement, electronic information transfer, supply chain complexity, integration with existing traceability systems, retail, working group; Common Organisation of the Markets Regulation – consumer information; Imports and exports, Faroese herring and mackerel, IUU, trade agreements with Central American countries; Hygiene regulations, date of freezing, FSA updates, parasite guidance, Codex E. coli standard, norovirus, brown meat of crab, yessotoxin limits, French request regarding preservation of fisheries products and temperature of melting ice ; The Food Safety and Hygiene (England) Regulations 2013; Asthma risk of workers in fish processing; shellfish registration documents; food fraud; Labelfish workshop.
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    Seafish Summary of UN FAO 2010 Regional Review Europe (Aquaculture)

    Seafish summary of the United Nations Food and Aquaculture Organisation report: Aquaculture 2010 Regional Review - Europe, published 9 November 2011.
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    Timetable mapping CFP reform process from February 2012 to 1 January 2014.

    Timetable mapping CFP reform process from February 2012 to 1 January 2014 with particular emphasis on the discard elements.
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    Seafish Domestic Aquaculture Advisory Committee (SDAAC) meeting minutes July 2016

    The meeting minutes from the inaugural SDAAC meeting, held in London, 6th May, 2016
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    Presentation to Discard Action Group on Monday 14 October 2013

    Chilean Law 20.625 Regulating Discards at Sea; Its implementation in National Fisheries Presented by Luis Cocas, Discard Program & Fisheries Observer Program, Undersecretariat for Fisheries, Chilean Government
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    A Summary of Bycatch Issues and ISSF Mitigation Activities To Date in Purse Seine Fisheries, with Emphasis on FADs

    This document summarises the main bycatch issues in tropical purse seine fisheries, with emphasis on FAD sets (including natural log sets, since the available data does not always allow for a separation of the two).
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    Trials to Assess the Viability of Purifying Cockles - Three Phases of Trials Conducted between 1990-1992

    There is a small but significant percentage of cockles sold live 'in shell' in the UK mainly in South Wales and the North West and also a very large market for live 'in shell' cockles in France and Spain. Unfortunately there is no history of cockle purification in the UK and no scientific evidence upon which the design and operation of a cockle purification system could be based. Therefore, Seafish considered it necessary to carry out investigative trials to assess the viability of purifying cockles. Subsequent re-analysis of the data in 2010 resulted in a change to the recommended time delay between harvesting and re-immersion and is included at the end of this report. This report details the trials work that was carried out to ascertain under what conditions cockles can be purified. This report has been produced from a scanned original and may therefore contain some formatting and other inaccuracies. In cases where this affects the technical content, a paper copy of the original report can still be obtained from Seafish.
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    Seafish Responsible Sourcing Guide - Haddock - May 2013

    This Responsible Sourcing Guide to haddock contains information on sustainability issues, stock assessment, conservation measures and management worldwide for the individual stocks of this species updated to 2013. There is a short section on the product characteristics of the species. The information was obtained from scientific, industry and governmental sources and appropriate references are given.
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    UK seafood industry response to WTO conditions – UK shellfish exporters and others

    This note provides a summary of potential responses shellfish exporters and others can take in response to WTO conditions. This is based on desk research and consultation with 16 UK shellfish exporters during October-December 2018.
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    The Good Practice Guide for Nephrops Fishermen

    This booklet has been produced for fishermen who are engaged in the capture of nephrops from fisheries around the UK and the EU.
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    Final Discard Action Group minutes 8 February 2011

    Final minutes of the Discard Action Group meeting held in London on 8 February 2011.
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    EU Alert Monitoring – 12 February 2016

    Brussels update of seafood legislation developments, including: Eco-label scheme for fishery and aquaculture products; Household fish consumption in Spain; food infections; First octopus fishery achieves MSC certification; Marketing of genetically modified salmon; drafting regionalised delegated acts and implementing acts under the common fisheries policy (CFP); hearing on harmonisation of fisheries controls in Europe; 'Dormant' agreements and fisheries protocols; small-scale incidental fishing; TTIP; Crayfish tariffs; non-tariff barriers for food exporters on the internal EU market; UK Animal By-Product Regulations 2011: Post Implementation Review of changes in England
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    Potting Roller

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    Lobster Escape hatches in Selsey

    There exists an important lobster (Homarus gammarus) fishery, inshore, off Selsey (West Sussex). A fleet of fourteen full-time fishing vessels operates from the fishing station utilising offshore moorings which are afforded protection from the prevailing south-westerly wind by Selsey Bill. The fleet chiefly targets lobsters and crabs and, recently, whelk. In addition, 20 or so part-time boats occasionally use pots. This fishery is managed locally by a byelaw of the Sussex Sea Fisheries District Committee whereby 300 pots per vessel maximum are permitted within the 0-3nm. part of the District. Previous studies by the Sea Fisheries Committee have shown that a high proportion of the pot caught lobsters at Selsey are less than the minimum legal size of 87mm carapace length and are subsequently returned to the sea when the pots are retrieved and cleared. Evidence suggests that the entrapment and subsequent return of lobsters can result in damage and mortality.
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    Response to Consultation on Sustainable development for Welsh seas: Our approach to marine planning in Wales

    This Seafish response was made after consultation with the Marine Environmental Legislation Expert Group. Seafish welcomes several aspects of the proposals, including the intention to plan inshore and offshore areas together. Some aspects are however of concern. These include the planning of highly protected marine areas and the apparent organisation of fishing activities, which is already determined by the Common Fisheries Policy.
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    Invitation to Tender - International Exhibition Support 2022-23

    This document outlines Seafish’s requirements for a full-service exhibition contractor to manage and deliver all aspects of a ‘UK Seafood Pavilion’ at agreed international trade show(s).
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    Seafish Regulation Alert Monitor 04/03/2016 - 11/03/2016

    Brussels update of seafood legislation developments, including: Combating illegal fishing; Action plan on Dutch fisheries control system; Super trawlers in EU waters; Friend of the Sea - EU National Accreditation Body; Question for written answer on fishing limits and multiannual plans; Simplification of technical conservation measures; Transparency in the Commission's gathering of scientific advice concerning the common fisheries policy (CFP); Gentamicin MRLs; Recommendation on human rights and business; Unfair Trading Practices; EU Food Fraud Network
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    Final CLG minutes for 22 March 2016 meeting

    Final minutes of the Common Language Group meeting held at Friends House, London on Tuesday 22 March 2016.
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    South Korea Export Guide

    A market research report on the seafood sector in South Korea.
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    Supply Chain & Consumer Panel Minutes - September 2020

    The Minutes of the Supply Chain & Consumer Panel meeting, held on Monday 28 September 2020.
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    Seafish response to ACMSF consultation on draft report on the increased incidence of listeriosis

    The Advisory Committee on the Microbiological Safety of Food (ACMSF) sought views on its draft report on the increased incidence of listeriosis in the UK. To read the consultation go to:
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    Seafish Guidance Note - Parasites in fish. January 2012.

    Fish and fish products have known health benefits. The UK Government advice is that adults should consume at least two portions of fish a week, one of which should be oily. Research shows that the known benefits of eating fish and fish products hugely outweigh any possible risks, however there are concerns that fish and fish products may contain parasites that pose risks to human health if not processed or handled correctly. This guidance note looks at processing control methods, fish that are exempt from treatment and the differences between wild and farmed fish. Revised January 2012.
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    A Summary of a Packaging Audit of Billingsgate Fish Market

    The producer responsibility obligations (packaging waste) regulations will require some large businesses to maintain detailed records of packaging handled and to be responsible for the recovery and recycling of some packaging waste. The Packaging (Essential Requirements) Regulations define certain design features that must be incorporated into all packaging in order to reduce its environmental impact. These will affect packer/fillers, brand owners and importers of products. Seafish contacted PIRA to review the impact of these sets of regulations on the fish industry, using Billingsgate as a case study.
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    To demonstrate the traceability of line caught bass through a new tagging scheme offering full traceability back to the individual vessel

    Following negative reports in the media surrounding wild sea bass , the project set out to improve the traceability and visibility of the sustainable line caught bass fishery. The project set-out to do this through individual tagging of each fish caught and with each vessel engaged in the fishery having its own recognised number which would be shown on a publicly accessible website.
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    Chilled Seafood in Multiple Retail 2016

    Chilled natural seafood (plain fillets or shellfish) dominates the British retail seafood market. Chilled seafood has grown over both the long and short term, expanding market share at the expense of frozen and ambient. Chilled sushi, dusted, and fingers are the rising stars of the chilled sector
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    Appropriate Assessments Case Study 1_Cockle fishery in the Solway

    Cumbria Sea Fisheries Committee (CSFC) applied to allow the removal of cockles by hydraulic suction dredging and hand-gathering from the cockle bed situated at Beckfoot. The view of the CSFC was that significant impacts on the integrity of the area would be unlikely, particularly given the 2003 Fisheries Research Services (FRS) survey of grounds on the northern side of the Solway that showed a vast increase in total biomass in excess of 33,000 tonnes.
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    IUU - Guide for UK exporters

    This guide is written for UK exporters who wish to export fishery products to a third country, for reasons such as processing, and then re-export back to the EU, under the new EU IUU Regulation (1005/2008), which came into force on 1 January 2010. This guide explains the new rules governing exports, when you need a UK catch certificate , how to obtain, complete and transmit the UK catch certificate and the different roles of the UK Authorities.
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    B2_NFF_Fish Craft_Final Report

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    Minutes of the Food Legislation Expert Group meeting held 13/5/15

    Topics included Official Controls Review – hygiene charges; Fisheries control regulation – traceability enforcement; Common Organisation of the Markets Regulation (CMO) – consumer information; Grimsby consumer labelling and traceability seminar; imports and exports; Hygiene regulations (temperature of melting ice, norovirus, shucking scallops, French classification of harvesting waters); Food Law Regulation 178/2002 fitness check; WELMEC guide on deglazed drained weight
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    Seafish guidance on modern slavery statements for the seafood industry. March 2016.

    To help the seafood industry better understand the reporting requirements Seafish ran a workshop on 10 March 2016 to help seafood companies understand the wording of the legislation, but also the practical steps which companies in the seafood sector should take to consider the appropriate levels of risk assessment, and action, that they should put in place to address potential modern slavery issues, both in their supply chain and their direct operations. This guidance note has been produced to provide more specific information about how companies in the seafood sector might think about the content of their statement.
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    Final note on the England Aquaculture Consultation/Working Group meeting 3 March 2016

    Final note on the England Aquaculture Consultation/Working Group meeting held in London on 3 March 2016.