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    Study Tour to Iceland 13 - 17 May 1998

    This report has been produced from a scanned original and may therefore contain some formatting and other inaccuracies. In cases where this affects the technical content, a paper copy of the original report can still be obtained from Seafish.
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    An Analysis of Fish Quality & Temperature Data from a Survey of UK Ports

    This report, prepared as supplementary information for an MSc thesis describes the methodology used for the 1985 SFIA Port quality survey, presents a model of quality change at varying temperatures, analyses the survey data for the effects of the various handling practices in use aboard vessels and at the ports, and presents an estimate of the UK distribution of the quality of fish at first sale (see also IR 1294).
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    Static Fishing Nets - Experiments to reduce unwanted bycatch and bottom debris

    In August 1987, Seafish carried out sea trials to assess the efficiency of trammel nets constructed of a number of alternative materials IR1341 refers. One of the main objectives of the work was to assess the effectiveness of monofilament nylon used in the construction of trammel nets with the aim of reducing net clearing time by making it more easy to remove crabs and bottom debris.
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    Evaluation of Technical Conservation Measures in UK Nephrops Fisheries - New Trawl Designs

    This report has been produced from a scanned original and may therefore contain some formatting and other inaccuracies. In cases where this affects the technical content, a paper copy of the original report can still be obtained from Seafish.
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    Quality Audit of the Port of North Shields - August 1997

    This report presents the findings of a Quality Audit of the fishing port of North Shields. The audit examined the quality of raw material supplied to the port, standards of physical infrastrcture, operating practices and management controls.
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    Subsea Strathspey Project Analysis of Risks from Fisheries Activities

    This report contains the findings of a study carried out by Seafish to assess the risks to a proposed underwater wellhead/manifold assembly to be established by the client at a defined location. A feature of the assembly is the relatively short expected operating life and the proposed absence of surface installations for much of the operating period of the installation. The study addresses itself to identifying current and future levels of fishing activitiy in the area, the loads to be carried by the underwater assembly should fishing gears come into contact with it, and possible means of preventing such contact. As part of the study Seafish have produced a chartlet which it is proposed could be circulated widely to fishing vessel skippers likely to operate in the area.
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    A Review of the First International Conference on Molluscan Shellfish Safety

    The First International Conference on Shellfish Safety was held in New South Wales, Australia on 13-17 November 1994. It followed two successful conferences on Shellfish Depuration in 1988 and 1992 in the USA and France. This report contains the abstracts of the papers, a brief summary of the presentations, the conference recommendations and some interpretation of these with regard to the UK industry. An appendix outlining some of the illness associated organisms detailed in the papers is included. This report has been produced from a scanned original and may therefore contain some formatting and other inaccuracies. In cases where this affects the technical content, a paper copy of the original report can still be obtained from Seafish.
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    Laboratory Trials of a prototype indirect ice chilled, shelved display cabinet

    This report is concerned with the development and laboratory trials of a shelved indirect ice chilled display cabinet for use in mobile fishmongers vans. Four trials were carried out to monitor product temperature and ice melt rate under simulated commercial conditions.
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    The Highland Region. The Prospects for Fisheries and Aquaculture in the 1990's

    Part of the Highland Regional Council's structural policy is to make the best use of its natural and human resources. This includes investments in both fishing and aquaculture as well as encouraging development of these industries through the provisions in its Structure Plan 1990-99. Previously the White Fish Authority prepared an advisory paper for the Council in 1980 entitled 'The Fisheries in the Highland Region - A study in conservation and development.
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    The Fisheries of Eastern Scotland - A Regional Review

    The South Eastern Region of Scotland has always had a long tradition of fishing and many communities have become dependant on the sea for a living. The depletion of North Sea stocks and the decline of local processing have caused severe difficulties in recent years. This report has been produced from a scanned original and may therefore contain some formatting and other inaccuracies. In cases where this affects the technical content, a paper copy of the original report can still be obtained from Seafish.
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    Study to forecast the commercial cost of farming plaice

    Much of the Authority’s early work in rearing marine fish was concentrated on plaice, however as the trials data accumulated over the late 60’s and early 70’s, it became apparent that, despite its suitability as a farm animal, the plaice could not under the market conditions prevailing recover its costs of production. This was demonstrated by a joint study with the Central Electricity Generating Board (ref 1) using 1971 data, which concluded that the estimated production cost of farmed plaice per ton, would be nine times the then value per ton of current trawler landings. This report has been produced from a scanned original produced in April 1977 and may therefore contain some formatting and other inaccuracies. In cases where this affects the technical content, a paper copy of the original report can still be obtained from Seafish.
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    Mussel Spat Collection and Cultivation Trials in Wales using Bouchots 1987-89

    This report describes an investigation into the viability of using the French bouchot pole and Italian pergolai net stocking method for cultivating mussels in South Wales. A modified trial was established in North Wales to accommodate reduced tidal ?. Seed was collected from Morecambe Bay and Caemarfon and monitored over a two year growing period. A computer program was developed to compare growth performance at each site. After a T. Wrayo year growing cycle the mussels averaged 47 mm; 38% meat yield and trade opinion indicated a minimum price of 450/tonne. Costings suggest that for an investment of 20,000 a return of 45,000 per annum is projected. This report has been produced from a scanned original and may therefore contain some formatting and other inaccuracies. In cases where this affects the technical content, a paper copy of the original report can still be obtained from Seafish.
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    Findings of a Basic Water & Effluent Survey Carried Out at French Fish Limited

    As part of the North East Scotland Strtegic Study, Seafish has been involved in briefly visiting representative companies in the region to survey water use and effluent production. The purpose of these visits is to estimate the general reductions in both water use and effluent strength which could be made by introducing waste minimisation. This report summarises the findings of the brief visit to French Fish Limited carried out on 5 May 1999.
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    A Profile of the South Coast Fisheries - Lyme Regis to Selsey Bill

    The fishing sector of the Southern Sea Fisheries District, of Lyme Regis to Selsey BIll, is typified by small-boat (below 12m) operators who collectively lack organisation and representation. It is estimated from anecdotal evidence (see p.2) that in the order of 350 fishing boats operate full time from numerous bases seriously lacking in infrastructure support. Most boats are owner operated, with the only fleet operation being that of Johnson’s Sea Enterprises of Portsmouth who operate four large beam trawlers. In excess of 300 other craft, all less than 12m operate on a part time or casual basis. This report has been produced from a scanned original and may therefore contain some formatting and other inaccuracies. In cases where this affects the technical content, a paper copy of the original report can still be obtained from Seafish.
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    Proceedings of the Humber Waste Seminar, 12 June 1997

    These are the papers submitted at the Seafish Humber Waste Seminar, held at TC's club in Grimsby on 12 June 1997. Recommendations and findings are based on surveys carried out at a number of fish processing companies in the Humberside region. This collection of papers aims to provide an introduction to relevant waste issues and highlights some areas where waste minimisation can be put into practice. This report has been produced from a scanned original and may therefore contain some formatting and other inaccuracies. In cases where this affects the technical content, a paper copy of the original report can still be obtained from Seafish.
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    An Investigation into the Conditions Required for the successful Shucking of Wash Mussels

    Wash mussels taken from intertidal beds have exhibited problems during the shucking process to obtain good quality meats. The problem is identified as relting to rapid heat transfer to loosen the meats and the thinner shelled mussels from sub-littoral zones are likely to be more suitable for processing. This report has been produced from a scanned original and may therefore contain some formatting and other inaccuracies. In cases where this affects the technical content, a paper copy of the original report can still be obtained from Seafish.
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    Improving the post harvest care of small shrimp

    Initial investigations have shown that it is possible for shrimp cooked at sea to meet the temperature requirements of both the Food Hygiene (Amendment) Regulations for cooked products and E.C. Fishery Products Directive, which willcome into force in January 1993. This is by the use of direct and indirect icing and insulated fish boxes to hold the cooked shrimp, on board vessel. Icing the cooked shrimp at sea also significantly extends the subsequent storage life of the product. It has also been shown possible to hold uncooked brown shrimp in ice onboard and then transfer the cooking operation ashore and produce a satisfactory product. However, during these initial trials this practice was not found to be satisfactory with pink shrimp.
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    Lyme Bay plaice sampling trip 13-14 March 1999

    According to local sources the Lyme Bay area usually supports a plaice (Pleuronectes platessa)fishery through the month of April, exploited by beamers working from Brixham. During the first quarter of this year however, vessels reported significantly larger catches from mid-February through to early March. Following approaches by the SWFPO, CEFAS arranged with Sea Fish for a Discard Officer (DO) to carry out a sampling trip to examine the current plaice catch in the Lyme Bay area.
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    Building a 15m Multi-Purpose Fishing Boat for West Summatra SFDP

    This is a boat building manual describing the entire process from lofting to completion of all timber work on a wooden 15m vessel built in a yard with limited resources. Sketches are included. This report has been produced from a scanned original and may therefore contain some formatting and other inaccuracies. In cases where this affects the technical content, a paper copy of the original report can still be obtained from Seafish
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    A summary of the Illness Associated Organisms which can affect Molluscan Shellfish Safety

    This report describes the main causative agents and the testing and control measures routinely adopted to protect the public. This report was originally written as an appendix to a report on the first International Converence on Molluscan Shellfish Safety, to provide background information on the illnesses discussed during the conference. This conference, at which Seafish presented a paper on some of their recent work on Mollusc Depuration, was held in November 1994 at the University of New South Wales, Sydeney, New South Wales, Australia.
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    Double Rig & Separator Trawl Trials held in Firth of Forth

    The principle of separating the catch within a trawl has been studied for some time by the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries for Scotland (DAFS) and by the Sea Fish Industry authority (SFIA). It is particularly valuable as a means of separating demersal fish from prawns Nephrops Norvegicus and sea bed debris since the latter two tend to damage the former. The SFIA see value in such a trawl both to improve the quality fo the catch and to make for easier work in the sorting of the catch on deck.
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    Gill Net and othr Set Net Fisheries in Cornwall

    'Set Nets' constructed of various man-made materials offer a highly efficient means of catching fish. The majority of vessels under 10m in length around the Cornish peninsula are at some time of the year actively engaged in the use of set nets.
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    Selectivity Trials using Square Mesh Panels in a Scottish Seine

    This report is part of a continuing series of sea trials examining different methods of fish capture in an attempt to improve and standardise the design and position of square mesh panels or windows within the trawl to reduce the levels of discards whilst retaining acceptable proportions of marketable fish. On these trials double panels were tested in a Scottish seine net in order to decide on the preferred position for further trials.
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    A short study on the marketing of pilchards in the UK

    SFIA contracted Eurographic to work on a study of the market for Cornish pilchards. This was to consist of an assimilation and analysis of data and the results of discussion with the trade in connection with the market for Cornish pilchards and the preparation of a report based on those findings.
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    Squid Jigging Trials Aboard FRV G A Reay

    Squid fishing trials involving the use of bottom and midwater trawls, and hand and automatic jigging techniques with light attraction were conducted at various locations between the north east coast of Scotland and the Faroe Islands during September/October 1983.
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    Findings of a Basic Water & Effluent Survey Carried Out at D. Couper Ltd

    As part of the North East Scotland Strategic Study, Seafish has been involved in briefly visiting representative companies in the region to survey water use and effluent production. The purpose of these visits is to estimate the general reductions in both water use and effluent strength which could be made by introducing waste minimisation. This report summarises the findings of the brief visit to D. Couper Limited carried out on 27 April 1999.
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    Squid Fishing Trials Aboard MFV Joker in Cornwall

    A small Cornish inshore vessel has been rigged with gas lamps and jigging equipment for catching squid. Unfavourable weather conditions prevented a proper assessment of the equipment during the Author's visit, however, a report is expected from the fishermen in due course. This report describes the installation and includes background information. This report has been produced from a scanned original and may therefore contain some formatting and other inaccuracies. In cases where this affects the technical content, a paper copy of the original report can still be obtained from Seafish.
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    Trials to Investigate the Effect of Onboard Hopper & Conveyor Systems on Fish Quality

    With concern that the deep fish reception hoppers and associted elevators for mechanised handling of the catch on whitefish vessels could be affecting fish quality two sea trips were carried out on Scottish seners/trawlers during September 1997 to take fish samples for assessment at processing. This report has been produced from a scanned original and may therefore contain some formatting and other inaccuracies. In cases where this affects the technical content, a paper copy of the original report can still be obtained from Seafish.
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    Site Visit to Inspect Oyster Depuration Tanks at la Rocque Fisheries Ltd

    La Rocque Fisheries Ltd on the island of Jersey have installed three purification tanks to depurate Pacific Oysters (Crassostrea gigas) taken from their nearby oyster growing lays. The tanks, which had been built to a French design, require approval from the States of Jersey Department of Agriculture and Fisheries. Seafish were asked by La Rocque to make a site inspection and given an opinion on the suitablity of the tanks for depurating Pacific and Native (Ostrea edulis) Oysters. Peter Wilson, Senior Fish Technologist Engineer at Seafish visited on 15 April 1998.
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    Mechanisation of Longlinning Autoclip System on MFV Sarah 'H'

    This report has been produced from a scanned original and may therefore contain some formatting and other inaccuracies. In cases where this affects the technical content, a paper copy of the original report can still be obtained from Seafish.
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    Visit to Irvin & Johnson Limited Trawling Division, Cape Town, South Africa

    In April 1992 Seafish were contacted by Rob Whitehead, Operations Manager, for Irvin & Johnson, for advice on the use of square mesh panels as means of improving selectivity in trawl gear. As a result of the initial contact a visit was made to Cape Town where my services were employed by Irvin & Johnson in an advisory capacity. I was asked to brief senior management on current research generally regarding the use of square mesh, as well as making recommendations and observations on the probable effects of square mesh on catch rates, fish quality, selectivity etc., in the South African Hake Fishery. This report has been produced from a scanned original and may therefore contain some formatting and other inaccuracies. In cases where this affects the technical content, a paper copy of the original report can still be obtained from Seafish.
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    Deep Water Fisheries of the North Atlantic Slope

    Until recently the Continental Shelf areas of the North Atlantic have provided adequate fish stocks for the purposes of professional fishermen. Today most of these stocks are fully exploited or over exploited and commercial fisheries are, of necessity, severely restricted. Inevitably this has led to a search for new resources and, in particular, there is an increasing interest in the deep water species of the Atlantic Slope (circa 500m to 2000m). Although the biology of the fishes of the deeper water has been extensively studied by scientists for a century or more, there has been very little work in stock sizes. There is very little information to give to fishermen, or indeed to legislators who must exercise some restraint on these fisheries if the mistakes arising from too much effort on the Continental Shelf are to be avoided in deeper water. Up until now there has been only a limited amount of effort directed at these fisheries and for only a few species such as roundnose grenadier Coryphaenoides rupestris), roughhead grenadier (Macrourus berglax), blue ling (Molva dipterugia), orange roughy Hoplostethus atlanticus), black scabbard (Aphanopus carbo) and the more familiar Greenland halibut (Reinhardtius hippoglossoides). This report has been produced from a scanned original and may therefore contain some formatting and other inaccuracies. In cases where this affects the technical content, a paper copy of the original report can still be obtained from Seafish.
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    Cockle Dredging/Improve Performance Using a Solids Pump

    This report describes the development of an improved cockle dredging system for the small (about 12 metres) vessels in the UK fleet carried out under MAFF R&D Commission 1988/89, Project Code IAG16. The major change was to use a solids handling pump for pumping water and cockles from the dredge head as opposed to the former method of a water jet pump incorporated within the dredge, which was the principle of the WFA cockle dredge developed in the 1960’s. Four different solids pumps were shore tested and three found to give satisfactory performance running at a restricted speed. The dredge head design was altered to resemble a smaller version of the standard Dutch suction dredge which has incorporated the solids pump principle for some years. The Dutch dredgers, however, are much larger than those in the UK and for this reason it was not possible to transfer the technology from one fishery to the other. Two separate shipboard installations were completed at Kings Lynn and subsequent trials in the Wash were most successful. This report has been produced from a scanned original and may therefore contain some formatting and other inaccuracies. In cases where this affects the technical content, a paper copy of the original report can still be obtained from Seafish.
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    Review of Technical Conservation Measures in UK Nephrops Fisheries

    Seafish are proposing a programme of work aimed at optimising whitefish selectivity through the more effective use of technical conservation measures (TCMs) in Nephrops trawls. This report covers the first stage of that work. Representative members of the UK Nephrops catching sector were canvassed for their views on current and possible alternative TCMs. The results of this industry survey are presented on a regional basis incorporating the main centres of Nephrops landings in England, Scotland and Northern Ireland. As well as analysis on a regional basis, responses have been examined by power category and by comparing single trawl and twin trawl operations. The report highlights a general dissatisfaction with current legislation regarding TCMs. There is a willingness to support work aimed at further reductions in discards but with little enthusiasm for the suggested options which include rigid selection devices and separator trawls. The report concludes with a number of recommendations for further work on TCMs as the next stage to the development programme. This report has been produced from a scanned original and may therefore contain some formatting and other inaccuracies. In cases where this affects the technical content, a paper copy of the original report can still be obtained from Seafish.
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    Regional Study - The Fishing Industry in North East England

    A review of the fishery and trends since 1986 includes records of landings with values at the main landing places. There is discussion of the changing fortunes of the producer in terms of income during this period with reference to the main white fish species and Nephrops in particular. The problems associated with the business at the main port of North Shields are discussed as is the related tendency of some vessels to land fish at non traditional ports such as Blyth. Positive indications on the white fish scene are reported from Whitby and Hartlepool and in general lobster landings are holding up well though crab landings are down. In parallel with decreasing landings of whitefish, Nephrop landings and effort are up. The fleet is listed and facilities reported on for all landings. This report has been produced from a scanned original and may therefore contain some formatting and other inaccuracies. In cases where this affects the technical content, a paper copy of the original report can still be obtained from Seafish.
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    Inland Wholesale Fish Markets - 3. Distribution of Fresh Fish

    This is the final report of the Joint study of the inland wholesale fish markets in Great Britain undertaken by Sarah Maddock (Humberside College of Higher Education), John Tower (Seafish) and David Symes (University of Hull). Previous reports have described the position of the markets as seen first by the merchants and then by their customers’ relying heavily upon the analysis of questionnaire data. The nature and scope of this final report is different. It takes a much broader look at the inland distribution of fresh fish; it offers a critical analysis of the inland wholesale markets; and it outlines a basic strategy and programme of action for coping with the pressures of increasing competition in the 1990s. This report has been produced from a scanned original and may therefore contain some formatting and other inaccuracies. In cases where this affects the technical content, a paper copy of the original report can still be obtained from Seafish.
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    Norfish: Nordic Fish Supplies in the Context of International Trade

    The 1990s are a period of massive changes in fish supplies especially into the European Community. The Community as a whole is the largest single importing block in the World but there is keen international competition to secure supplies in the future. A major source of supply for EC and the UK in particular are the Nordic countries with whom traditional links have been long in place. The report explores these in the context of the changing situation. This report has been produced from a scanned original and may therefore contain some formatting and other inaccuracies. In cases where this affects the technical content, a paper copy of the original report can still be obtained from Seafish.
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    A Review of Handling Practices for Mussels in the UK, Holland and New Zealand

    Handling practices for mussels in the Wash Fishery have been compared with those of the Dutch Fishery. Further comparisons have been made with a New Zealand code of practice and information from Tasmania. In general the UK mussel fishery is shown to be poorly organised and producing a relatively low grade raw material. Quality control practices including purification and post harvest temperature and live holding conditions leave room for immediate improvement but the report shows the importance of an integrated development of the mussel industry. This report has been produced from a scanned original and may therefore contain some formatting and other inaccuracies. In cases where this affects the technical content, a paper copy of the original report can still be obtained from Seafish.
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    Fleet Structures Model - Overview and its Use in Decision Support

    The Fleet Structures Model (FSM) is a predictive model with the purpose of simulating aspects of the structural development and operation of a national sea fishing fleet in order to make comparative assessments of fleet management policy scenarios. This report has been produced from a scanned original and may therefore contain some formatting and other inaccuracies. In cases where this affects the technical content, a paper copy of the original report can still be obtained from Seafish.
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    Scallop Spat Collection 1984, with Comparison of Methods of Spat Sorting

    The annual collection of Pecten and Chlamys spat is a routine aspect of the Ardtoe scallop cultivation development programme. In 1984 three types of collection systems were used to give further information on the timing of settlement, which took place in early July. This report has been produced from a scanned original and may therefore contain some formatting and other inaccuracies. In cases where this affects the technical content, a paper copy of the original report can still be obtained from Seafish.
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    Scallop Predation by Crabs, in Relation to the Development of On-Bottom Cultivation

    The feeding success of four species of crabs (Crustacea : Brachyura) which are potential predators of the scallop Pecten maximum (L) was studied under laboratory conditions. Liocarcinus depurator was the only species not to prey on scallops of 4 and 5 cm shell height, whereas Liocarcinus puber. Carcinus maenas and Cancer pagurus showed the greatest potential to prey on scallops and further experiments were carried out with this species using a wide size range of bivalve. Presented with scallops within the range 3-9 cm shell height resulted in the following trends : as prey size increased, the proportion of crabs feeding decreased, male and female crabs showed similar predatory behaviour, and marine fouling on scallop shells had no significant effect on crab feeding. These findings are discussed in relation to the potential for bottom culture of P. maximus. This report has been produced from a scanned original and may therefore contain some formatting and other inaccuracies. In cases where this affects the technical content, a paper copy of the original report can still be obtained from Seafish.
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    The Performance of High Speed Fishing Vessels in Service

    The report describes a series of speed/load/fuel consumption trials on a group of commercial fishing vessels, and from the results, comments on the need to identify the correct operating criteria when drawing up specifications for such vessels. This report has been produced from a scanned original and may therefore contain some formatting and other inaccuracies. In cases where this affects the technical content, a paper copy of the original report can still be obtained from Seafish
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    The Effect of Soak Time on the Quality of Cod in Set Nets

    The quality of cod resulting from net immersion periods (soak times) of between 3 and 48 hours was investigated. The trials were carried out on a 9 m boat along the Yorkshire coast during July and September 1991. The fish which were alive when brought on board were in excellent condition. After 9 hours soak the freshness of the cod progressively reduced as the physical damage increased. Over half the cod from the 48 hour soak time were spoiled beyond marketability. Recommendations to help assure quality are made.
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    FMIG Presentation 3. Marine spatial squeeze and intelligent fishing. 29 September 2022.

    David Warwick, Seafish, talked about Seafish gear work and the new research trawl for the International Bottom Trawl Survey.
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    Seafish Insight: Global Slavery Index 2018 summary of social risk factors in fisheries by country. August 2019.

    Seafish summary of 2018 Global Slavery Index risk factors associated with modern slavery in fisheries by country.
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    Trials of a Net Grid for the UK Nephrops trawl fisheries

    This report provides data for Gear trials, which were performed on the Net Grid by Cefas and the crew of the MFV Avocet in May and June 2012.
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    Estuary Profile. Teign Estuary - Devon

    The Teign Estuary, which is situated on the south Devon coast, is long and narrow and opens into the English Channel at Teignmouth. Local fisheries are managed by the Devon Sea Fisheries Committee under their byelaw regulations. There is a regulated order area, allocated by MAFF to the Teign Musselmen's Society Ltd., covering a large part of the seabed, granting their exclusive rights to the mussels.
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    Investigation on 'Maranatha II' (UL33)

    The vessel was delivered in 1989 and, since that time, has suffered a number of partial failures of the propulsion engine, a Caterpillar 3508, rated at 765hp at 1440 revs/min. The failures have taken the form of premature failure of inlet and exhaust valves. At or about the time of failure, excessive lub oil consumption has been noted.
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    Instrumented Trials on 'Sharona II'

    The vessel is a 22.62 metre (74 feet) wooden trawler from the yard of J & G Forbes at Sandhaven. The vessel has a propulsion engine which drives a five bladed fixed pitch propeller through a reverse reduction gearbox.
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    Artificial Lobster Habitats - A review

    This paper reviews current knowledge on lobster (Honarus sp) life cycle and habitats. The information is intended to assist in the planning of an artificial island in Poole Bay with a view to ensuring that the habitat would be suitable for lobster habitation.
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    Fresh Fish Supplies from Iceland

    Following concerns expressed on Humberside about the future trade with Iceland and the loss of quality experienced with container fish, a mission was made to Iceland on October 1991. This report examines future trading patterns and identifies several reasons for the quality loss. This report has been produced from a scanned original and may therefore contain some formatting and other inaccuracies. In cases where this affects the technical content, a paper copy of the original report can still be obtained from Seafish.
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    Review of the Dorset Coast

    This report has been produced from a scanned original and may therefore contain some formatting and other inaccuracies. In cases where this affects the technical content, a paper copy of the original report can still be obtained from Seafish.
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    Shellfish Licensing - The French Experience

    This is one of a series of reports Seafish are initiating to assess the possibilities of a shellfish licensing scheme for the UK. It looks at schemes in France, notably those for scallops for which there is experience going back to the early 1970s. These schemes are restricted to the territorial limits of up to 12 miles and are administered by the local Comite Interprofessionel des Peches Maritimes.
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    Estuary Profile Conwy N. Wales

    The Conwy is the most westerly of the major estuaries in North Wales. The main shell fishery is for mussels valued at £34,000 in 1986. The fishery is under threat from a massive road tunnel scheme to be dug under the estuary in 1987.
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    Cuttlefish Quality and Handling Trials

    In conjunction with the Marine Technology department's cuttlefish capture trials, the Fish Technology department conducted trials to investigate factors affecting cuttlefish quality. The trials studied the effects of both icing delay and gutting delay upon cuttlefish quality. Although the extent of the trials was limited they showed that cuttlefish spoil rapidly if not chilled and that even a short delay of 6 hours between bringing them aboard and icing has a significant effect on quality. The gutting delay trials have shown that the gut membrane of the cuttlefish is very strong, and for cuttlefish stored from capture at chill temperatures, it takes approximately 9-10 days before this membrane weakens, ruptures and effects the cuttlefish's quality. Some D.A. Massonage to cuttlefish was noted, caused by certain capture methods used, especially pots. See also Seafish Report SR467. This report has been produced from a scanned original and may therefore contain some formatting and other inaccuracies. In cases where this affects the technical content, a paper copy of the original report can still be obtained from Seafish.
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    Regional Study - South West Scotland

    The fisheries of South West Scotland are encompassed by the Ayr and Campbeltown statistical districts. Geographically they cover the Scottish Solway coast, the Firth of Clyde and Kintyre and the Inner Hebrides as far North as Colonsay. The Solway is dominated by the Queen scallop fishery centred on Kirkcudbright. The Clyde’s centres are Ayr, Campbeltown and Tarbert with a mix of white fish, shellfish and herring. The white fish include valuable hake but the herring fishery is tiny compared with a few years ago mainly due to a scarcity of the typical large fish much sought after by kipperers. Nephrops dominate the shellfish trade contributing some 30% of the Ayr district total value landed. Campbeltown district including the Inner Hebrides is dominated by shellfish landings in terms of total value. These contribute about 90% of the total of which 50% is from Nephrops. Though much of the shellfish is trucked out of the region, there are Nephrop processors in Campbeltown, Ayr and Scotland’s central belt. White fish is processed in Campbeltown and Ayr and Queen scallops at Campbeltown, Kirkcudbright and Newton Stewart. There are major concerns at the time of writing over disappointing levels of Queen scallop landings. The conflicting interests of trawlers and exercising submarines were highlighted by the tragic incident involving the Carradale vessel ‘ANTARES’. This issue is still of major concern in the area despite much effort towards a resolution. This report has been produced from a scanned original and may therefore contain some formatting and other inaccuracies. In cases where this affects the technical content, a paper copy of the original report can still be obtained from Seafish.
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    Wash Development Group Progress Report

    The Wash Development Group completed its first year of activity in December 1986. Much progress has been made with demonstrations of the continuous hydraulic suction dredge, but there is now a shortage of mature cockles and this position will not improve before 1988. Purifiction of mussels is now progressing and a limited amount of relaying has been attempted. The report outlines the next stage which is to develop a business plan for the Wash as a whole.
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    2021 Q4 Seafish Seafood in Foodservice

    Seafood in foodservice performance summary including channel breakdown and trends, data to year ending December 2021.
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    Catch comparison of Quad and Twin-rig trawls in the Celtic Sea Nephrops fishery

    This project aimed to compare catch compositions between Quad and Twinrig trawls to further investigate the performance of the Quad-rig in the Celtic Sea.
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    Nutritional Profile - Mussels

    The mussels nutritional profile provides the macronutrient, vitamin and mineral value of the bivalve molluscs caught in English waters.
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    Top line summary of Seafish regional ethics profiles. September 2015.

    Seafish commissioned a study to assess the ethical issues impacting on seafood species landed into, and imported to the UK from a wide range of countries. This work has been presented in three parts: an analytical report, leading to strategic recommendations for follow-up; a set of 15 risk assessment profiles; and a comprehensive literature review. This is a topline summary of the ethics profiles of the 15 countries or regions which Seafish, after consulting with industry representatives, has analysed. These are: Chile, China, Ecuador, India, Indonesia, New Zealand, Philippines, Russian Federation, South Africa, South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand, United Kingdom, United States and Vietnam.
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    Seafish analysis 2016; TACs compared with ICES scientific advice

    Total Allowable Catches (TACs) are set in order to limit catches of fish to levels consistent with long term goals for fisheries management. They are set by management stock, that is fish from a given sea area and species or group of species. This analysis compares advised and agreed TACs for the North East Atlantic Stocks assessed by ICES and discussess reasons for differences
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    The Effect of Icing on the Quality of Trawled Whole Nephrops

    The Effect of Icing on the Quality of Trawled Whole Nephrops.
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    Seafood Consumption (2022 Update)

    Total UK seafood consumption (both in and out of home) in 2020 stood at 162.98g /person/wk. up +1.0% vs the previous year. This equates to just over one (1.16), 140g portion per person per week.
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    The Results of a Water and Effluent Study carried out at Croad Seafoods Limited in January 1999

    In the near future new environmental legislation will add greatly to the cost and difficulty of disposing of waste water. This will present a significant problem to the fish industry. Seafish has commissioned a number of water audits in fish processing companies, looking at water use and effluent production with a view to reducing both. This report is concerned with the audit of Croan Seafoods Ltd.
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    Initial Trials to Investigate the Effectiveness of Sieving and Centrifugal Solids/Liquid Separation for Treating Pelagic Process Effluent

    For obvious reasons, many fish processors are sited in coastal areas. These businesses currently pay relatively low effluent treatment charges as the effluent is often discharged into the sea without further treatment. The Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive has to be implemented by the end of the year 2000 and will demand tighter control of the quality of both urban and industrial effluent discharged into controlled waters. It is certain that some form of effluent treatment will be required. the level of treatment will depend on the volume and strength of the effluent and the sensitivity of the receiving water.
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    Estimates for Fish Processors in NE Scotland of the Reduction in Water Use and Effluent Strength Available by Water Minimisation and of the Costs of Implementing Waste Minimisation

    Water and waste minimisation techniques can significantly reduce the costs associated with water use and effluent production. As part of the North East Scotland Strategic Study of Waste Management, brief visits were made to six representative Scottish fish processors to establish estimates for the reduction of water use and effluent strength achievable by waste minimisation. This report outlines the estimated reductions possible and the associated costs. These estimates can only be considered as indicative approximations for each sector of the industry at this stage. This report has been produced from a scanned original and may therefore contain some formatting and other inaccuracies. In cases where this affects the technical content, a paper copy of the original report can still be obtained from Seafish.
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    Evaluation of Mesh Measurement Methodologies for Fisheries Inspection and Research (MESH) FAIR-CT96-1452_TASK 2

    In task two of the project each partner had to identify and describe problems with respect to mesh measurement procedures for scientific applications. A series of hearings was set up involving fisherment, net suppliers and the Inspectorate from all areas of England, Wales and Northern Ireland. Any problems with the measurement of mesh sizes in these sectors were discussed and noted. The procedures for ensuring adequate coverage of all sectors and areas are described. The points raised at each meeting are given in detail in Appendices I and II and condensed into points of commonality in the results section. A discussion of relevant points and conclusions is included.
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    Development of a Portable Measurement System for the Investigation of the Engine Power at Sea by Supervision Personnel

    This report has been produced from a scanned original and may therefore contain some formatting and other inaccuracies. In cases where this affects the technical content, a paper copy of the original report can still be obtained from Seafish.
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    Safety Engineering and Equipment for Fishing Vessels under 20m - Results of Trials on Two Vessels 'Madalia' and 'Silverline'

    Safety within the Fishing Industry is often a subject of debate and Seafish have addressed themselves to positively improve safety by both training and, as reported here, by demonstration on ‘Example Vessels’. The concept of ‘Example Vessels’ is to take existing vessels and then to work with the crews and owners to improve the level of safety and safety awareness. Two vessels were selected, the ‘Silver Line’ and the ‘Madalia’, both being inshore trawlers based at Bridlington. Following initial sea trips on the vessel various ideas have been implemented. Some are straight forward emergency measures, such as lifelines and a rescue net. Other ideas improve the layout of working conditions on the vessel. Novel designs have been evolved, such as a slip block to make the ‘blocking up’ operation safe on side trawlers and a four section fish washer was designed by the Skipper of the Silver Line. This report has been produced from a scanned original and may therefore contain some formatting and other inaccuracies. In cases where this affects the technical content, a paper copy of the original report can still be obtained from Seafish.
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    A Summary Report of the Development and Commercial Trials of Indirect Ice Chilled display Cabinets for keeping ooked products below 5 degrees centigrade

    The law currently demands that cooked, smoked and cured products are kept at or below 5<sup>o</sup>C. In practice keeping these products between 0<sup>o</sup>C and 5<sup>o</sup>C is a difficult task. The nature of these products makes them unsuitable for direct icing and mechanical refrigeration will often cause freezing or drying. The majority of retailers struggle to keep products within the legal requirements with existing equipment and practices. There is a need for improved but simple, chill display equipment, especially for use in mobile vans where facilities are often limited. This report has been produced from a scanned original and may therefore contain some formatting and other inaccuracies. In cases where this affects the technical content, a paper copy of the original report can still be obtained from Seafish.
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    Preliminary report on dover sole rearing at the hatchery of the WFA site at Hunterston (Jan 74-Feb 75)

    This preliminary document reports the progress and problems of commissioning the new Dover sole hatchery, and running it for the first season. Despite delays outwith the Authority’s control nearly half the intended number of eggs was hatched. Survival to metamorphosis was considered to be normal (about 50%) but the weaning diets tried subsequently were not accepted and only 5% of the intended number of weaned fish was produced. Several shortcomings in the detail design and operation of the hatchery have been identified. Although the results of the first season are disappointing, six recommendations are made which, it is thought, should improve the chances of success in 1975. This report has been produced from a scanned original produced in February 1975 and may therefore contain some formatting and other inaccuracies. In cases where this affects the technical content, a paper copy of the original report can still be obtained from Seafish.
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    A Comparison of One Tenth and Full Scale Measurements of the Drag and Geometry of a Pelagic Trawl

    Current practices in modeling fishing gear have been investigated by comparing the shape and drag of a nylon pelagic trawl at one tenth scale with those of its full scale equivalents. The work has concluded that accurate modeling must take into account rope and twine elongation particularly in nylon nets and the change of drag coefficient with Reynolds Number and Froude Number is held constant. This report has been produced from a scanned original and may therefore contain some formatting and other inaccuracies. In cases where this affects the technical content, a paper copy of the original report can still be obtained from Seafish.
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    The Development of a Suitable Synthetic Replacement for the Traditional Cotton Drift Nets as Utilised in the Cornish Pilchard Fishery

    This report was the second in a series of 3 reports on drift netting for pilchards. Drift netting for pilchards is an environmentally friendly fishing method that is highly energy efficient. The fishery had ceased to be viable in the 1950s due to economic factors. If redeveloped, the fishery could bring considerable benefits though both employment and tourism. The report concluded that the old style cotton nets could indeed be replaced with a synthetic equivalent, and that the correct stiffness of the twine was identified as being very important in allowing pilchard removal without damage.
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    Report on landing facilities for commercial fishing vessels at Warsash on the River Hamble, Hampshire

    The River Hamble Harbour authority has requested (through their Harbour Master) that the Sea Fish Industry Authority examine and report on landing facilities provided for a small fleet of local inshore fishing vessels, with particular regard to safe operation within the harour. the Harbour Authority is considering the construction of a fisherman's jetty at Warsash and its funding.
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    The Use of Square Mesh Selector Panels as a Means of Improving Selectivity of Demersal Towed Fishing Gear

    Three series of trials with square mesh windows are described, all of which took place in the first half of 1990 off the NE Scotland, Orkney and Hebrides. The trials were a combination of comparative hauls and film using the DAFS-RCTV. The first on 'CLUPEA' showed clearly the benefits of the square mesh in releasing undersized fish and gave confidence to proceed to a commercial trial on the seiner 'KESTREL'. Finally more RCTV film and further refinements were made on a trial on the 'ST. KILDA'. This report has been produced from a scanned original and may therefore contain some formatting and other inaccuracies. In cases where this affects the technical content, a paper copy of the original report can still be obtained from Seafish.
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    Trials using a square mesh panel as a means of improving selectivity in demersal pair trawls

    This report covers the latest in a continuing series of sea trials examining different methods of fish capture in an attempt to improve and standardise the design and position of square mesh panels or windows within the trawl to reduce the level of discards whilst retaining acceptable proportions of marketable fish. On these trials a panel was tested in a demeral pair trawl. 'The practice of pair trawling is seen by many as most destructive in view of the high levels of discards often taken by this method of fishing. The objective of the trials was to determine if the use of a square mesh panel would reduce the discard problem.
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    Fishing Gear Trials relating to the Development of a Suitable synthetic Replacement for the Traditional Cotton Drift Nets as Utilised in the Cornish Pilchard Fishery. (Sardina Piolchardus)

    This report has been produced from a scanned original and may therefore contain some formatting and other inaccuracies. In cases where this affects the technical content, a paper copy of the original report can still be obtained from Seafish.
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    Trials to Compare the Thermal Performance of a New Design of CRT Non-reusable Double Walled Fibreboard Fish Box with Expanded Polystyrene and Single Walled Fibreboard Boxes

    Trials were carried out to compare the thermal properties of expanded polystyrene (EPS), single walled fibreboard (SWF) and double walled fibreboard (DWF) boxes. The boxes were tested in an environmental chamber and fish fillet temperature in each box was recorded for two time-temperature profiles. The first profile represented an interrupted chilled chain distribution over 66 hours, such as by airfreight and the second profile represented a controlled chilled distribution of 72 hours such as by road transport. Fillets in each box were chilled using a single frozen gel-ice pack placed on top of the fillets, or using ice. The EPS box was most effective at maintaining low fillet temperature for both temperature profiles and cooling methods. The DWF box had similar but slightly better insulative properties than the SWF box. Ice chilling of fillets was more effective than a single gel-ice pack at maintaining low fillet temperatures for both temperature profiles. At the end of the trials using ice, the amount of melt water produced exceeded the capacity of the absorbent pad used. The ratio of ice used and/or absorbent pad capacity needs careful consideration to prevent fillets from soaking in melt water in non-draining boxes. Where fish is distributed in an uncontrolled chilled distribution chain, boxes with greater insulative properties, such as EPS would be advisable in order to maintain low product temperatures. Where fish is distributed in a strictly controlled distribution chain, it would be beneficial to use boxes with less insulation, to allow chill temperatures to influence product temperatures
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    Investigation of the Relative Fishing Effort exerted by Towed Demersal Gears on North Sea Human Consumption Species

    The main objective of this project was to investigate the influence of vessel and gear parameters upon the Relative Fishing Power of Danish, Scottish, English and Belgian fishing vessels operating towed gears in ICES IVb and IVc to catch cod, haddock, whiting, plaice or sole.
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    Factors influencing the choice of any coastal marine fish cultivation site and recommended survey programme

    Site evaluation is complex and lengthy and following an initial paper survey to reject those evidently untenable a detailed on-the-ground assessment is required. An indication of the more important parameters affecting site selection is give together with a survey programme lasting twelve months. This report has been produced from a scanned original produced in April 1975 and may therefore contain some formatting and other inaccuracies. In cases where this affects the technical content, a paper copy of the original report can still be obtained from Seafish.
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    Mussel Purification Laboratory Scale Trials of Deep Stack Purification Combining Re-use of Artificial Seawater and Direct Aeration

    To make large scale mussel purification more cost effective and to improve its control, Seafish has developed a modular, deep stacking purification tank in which artificial seawater is re-used many times. Having demonstrated in principle that the system would work, as described in TR's 312 and 339, Seafish has now conducted trials with a deep stacking purification tank using direct aearation instead of water circulation to further decrease the costs of the system. A direct aearation system is cheaper as it does not need expensive pumping equipment.
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    Trials with pelagic pair trawl towed by Rose of Sharon/Kilravock from Newlyn using IDU net sounder

    This report has been produced from a scanned original produced in May 1972 and may therefore contain some formatting and other inaccuracies. In cases where this affects the technical content, a paper copy of the original report can still be obtained from Seafish.
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    Flume Tank Testing of a Vee Type Otterboard (Harmonisation Trials) EEC Funded Otterboard Project TE1.214

    This report describes Flume Tank trials on a vee type otterboard (otterboard No. S.1) which are part of the EEC funded Otterboard Project TE1.214.
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    Responses to clarification questions during the tender period for TD2022-001

    This document includes the consolidation of the questions Seafish has been asked about tender TD2022-001, and the responses Seafish has given, so far.
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    UK-EU seafood trade under WTO conditions: trade tariffs, non-tariff measures, and additional enforcement for exporters of selected shellfish species

    This note provides a summary of some of the trade changes shellfish exporters can expect to face when trading with the EU under WTO conditions. This note concerns the export of scallops, Nephrops, brown crab, and blue mussels.
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    Quality of trawled Nephrops using the coverless trawl

    Key features measuring the quality of trawled Nephrops using the coverless trawl.
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    FMIG Presentation 1. Fisheries Management Plans (FMPs).17 January 2023

    Jon Davies and Annabel Stockwin, Defra, spoke about the legislative context and the Joint Fisheries Statement/UK Fisheries Act 2020. This file may not be suitable for users of assistive technology. If needed please request an accessible format.
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    Seafood social profile Vietnam January2020

    This profile is part of a series on the social risks associated with countries that are important to the UK seafood industry. It covers risks related to the production and processing of wild caught and farmed seafood.
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    Seafish Responsible Sourcing Guide - Skates and Rays - September 2013

    This Responsible Sourcing Guide to hake contains information on sustainability issues, stock assessment, conservation measures and management worldwide for the individual stocks of this species updated to 2013. There is a short section on the product characteristics of the species. The information was obtained from scientific, industry and governmental sources and appropriate references are given.
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    ACIG Presentation 1. Funding innovation in UK aquaculture. 30 June 2022.

    Kerry I’Anson from Cefas explained how the Seafood Innovation Fund (SIF) works and the support it has provided funding UK aquaculture.
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    Crab and Lobster Management Group minutes - July 2022

    Meeting minutes for the 8th meeting of the Crab and Lobster Management Group (CMG) which took place on 11th July 2022 via Microsoft Teams.
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    Storage Trials of Vacuum Packed Live Mussels

    A limited study was undertaken to compare the organoleptic characteristics, mortality, shell damage and bacterial counts during chilled storage of bottom grown, purified mussels when in vacuum packs and conventional packs. This report has been produced from a scanned original and may therefore contain some formatting and other inaccuracies. In cases where this affects the technical content, a paper copy of the original report can still be obtained from Seafish.
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    Quality Audit of the Port of Ardglass

    This report presents the findings of a Quality Audit of the fishing port of Ardglass that examined the quality of raw material supplies to the port, standards of physical infrastructure, operating practices and management controls.
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    Quality Audit of the Port of Eyemouth

    This report presents the findings of a Quality Audit of the fishing port of Eyemouth that examined the quality of raw material supplies to the port, standards of physical infrastructure, operating practices and management controls.
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    Squid Jigging Trials - Arctic Hunter (October 1975)

    In an attempt to diversify the fishing operations of the existing UK trawler fleet and to increase the efficiency of the existing Scottish squid fishery, a paper study was carried out during 1974 into the oceanic squid fisheries carried out by Japanese fleets. This report has been produced from a scanned original and may therefore contain some formatting and other inaccuracies. In cases where this affects the technical content, a paper copy of the original report can still be obtained from Seafish.
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    Methods of transportation for scallops Pecten maximus

    Physiological stress and subsequent mortality of scallop spat, overwintered and 2 year old scallops in relation to transportation method are assessed. This report has been produced from a scanned original and may therefore contain some formatting and other inaccuracies. In cases where this affects the technical content, a paper copy of the original report can still be obtained from Seafish.
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    Literature review: Isotope ratios in seafood

    Seafish requested Leatherhead to provide information on the current state of knowledge on use of isotope ratios for demonstrating country of origin for seafood, notably warm water prawns. This factsheet summarises the findings of a literature review carried out in 2015.
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    SECLG Presentation 1. The recruitment dynamic. 15 November 2022.

    Hussein Macarambon, ILO Ship to Shore Rights programme, spoke about the ILO fair recruitment standards, practices, and recent developments. This file may not be suitable for users of assistive technology. If so, please request an accessible format.
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    Summary report on Developing an Assurance Scheme for Shellfish and Human Health (DASSHH)

    A summary of the DASSHH project which aimed to create an improved approach to determining shellfish water quality that fully meets consumer safety and regulation requirements. This summary has been drawn from the full DASSHH project report.
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    Hayle Harbour Fishery Development and other opportunities in Cornwall

    The study has looked at the fishery development possibilities related to the creation of a new West Country dock which will be created at Hayle by the construction of a barrage with locks, the only such haven on the Southern edge of the Celtic Sea. The main conclusion is that the development offers a real opportunity to provide a regional shellfish marketing centre to capitalise on the considerable local fishery for crustacea.
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    The Brown Crab Fishery in the Western Isles Prospects for Development

    The Western Isles crab fishery has some scope for increased production but more importantly there is scope to increase the value of the fishery to the Western Isles economy. However, there are some significant barriers to development which need to be addressed. Firstly the local creeling fleet has expanded considerably in the last 10 years and now stands at 160 full-time boats almost all under 10m in length and many are now ageing. As a consequence of size and age, these boats are confined to inshore waters, within a few miles of their home port or landing and this results in excessive effort in certain areas and little or none elsewhere. These vessels are unable to provide any significant fishing effort on the Atlantic side of the Isles and thus exploitation of this resource is denied to them.
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    Squid Jigging Trials Aboard M.T. Arctic Hunter (October 1976)

    The world's cephalopod molluscs are generally believed to form a major underexploited resource with a potential annual yield estimated by various authors, at between 2 and 500 million tonnes. At the present time exploitation is limited to a few of the coastal and offshore regions of the world, constituting about 10% by area of the world's oceans, where the catches are derived from benthic and neritic species and also from those species of oceanic squid which migrate inshore during part of their life cycle. Consequently, the remaining 90% of the ocean areas, while known to support large quantities of oceanic species of squid, remain unexploited.
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    Exploratory Fishing Trials for Nephrops norvegicus in the Sea Areas around St. Kilda

    This report presents the results in terms of fishing locations and catch composition of two exploratory voyages undertaken in September 1996 in order to assess the viability of trawling for Nephrops norvegicus in the waters around St. Kilda. Catch per effort of Nephrops was very low and it was concluded that the voyages could not be regarded as viable targeted Nephrops voyages. The results are discussed in the context of current fisheries legislation and known features of the Nephrops life cycle. It was suggested that Nephrops could be more available earlier in the year and that any future investigations should be carried out at intervals over the summer. There may also be benefit in investigation of the available information on hydrography, seabed type and Nephrops life cycle.
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    Phase One Development Sutten Harbour Company - Fish market and Insra Structure

    Sutton Harbour Company plan to develop harbour facilities to improve landing and berthage of vessels and to create a modern service structure essential to the requirements of both local and visiting vessels and to primary processing and marketing of fish and shellfish. Existing facilities are inadequate, unreliable, antiquated, unhygienic and poorly sited. In essence the plan is to relocate the fish market, merchanting and service related activities to the eastern side of the harbour where better access and greater availability of space will allow for sensible development to the benefit of all sectors of the fish industry. Detail of existing port services, the local fleet, fish landings and resource opportunities is provided in Sea Fish Industry Authority Technical Report Number 320, September 1987. This report has been produced from a scanned original and may therefore contain some formatting and other inaccuracies. In cases where this affects the technical content, a paper copy of the original report can still be obtained from Seafish.
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    A Business Study of the Fish Industry at Grimsby

    In 1981 the SFIA undertook a comprehensive study of the Fish Industry in Grimsby (Report M & D No. 470). As with all studies of this type, the circumstances change rapidly and any report must be subjected to review from time to time. Currently, the fish industries of both Hull and Grimsby are under study by a team of consultants who have the task of identifying projects which might be eligible for EEC funding. This study in turn is part of an integrated regional study of all the major industries on both sides of the River Humber which has the aim of assessing the long term development prospects for the Industry. The Report M & D 470 has been used as a source document by many organisations, including the two consulting firms, and in order to avoid any misleading information, the SFIA in response to a request from the Grimsby town Council, agreed to bring the Report up to date. This document, is therefore, based on the current state of the Grimsby fish Industry in February 1984. This report has been produced from a scanned original and may therefore contain some formatting and other inaccuracies. In cases where this affects the technical content, a paper copy of the original report can still be obtained from Seafish
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    Water Flow Measurement Around A 1:4 Scale Model Vee Door

    During full scale door trials with DAFS aboard FRV 'Clupea' angle of attack readings were found to be very high. Model trials conducted in the Flume Tank showed that the waterflow around the door would cause the angle of attack meter to read approximately 20'C too high. No position was found near to the door where the meter would give accurate angle of attack readings.
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    Development of the Bottom Culture Mussel Industry in the United Kingdom

    This report presents a business analysis of the current mussel industry, the marketing problems related to it and the possible market development undertaken in order to see an additional 4,000 tonnes of UK bottom culture mussels per year. Problems of marketing mussels are then considered, marketing strategy for new product development, market development are suggested. The advantages of selecting catering market as the target market are highlighted. There is also a review on customers' perception on product presentation. Two products - mussel pate and mussel pie are suggested as the two ideal end products of mussel. On the other hand, mussels competing power with other importers, mainly Dutch, must be improved in terms of pricing and quality.
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    Economics of Deep Water species Processing in Scotland

    It was brought to the attention of the Scottish Fish Processing Action Group that most of the Deep Water Species fish landed in Scotland is not sold and prcoessed in Scotland but transported direct to markets and customers in France and other EU countries. The Economics Department of Seafish agreed to carry out a preliminary study of the situation to assess the business economics behind decisions to transport directly out of Scotland.
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    Scallop Purification - Initial Trials at Ardtoe, September 1992

    Under new hygiene legislation there may be a requirement to purify farmed scallops grown in certain areas. In the absence of any previous experience within the UK a short trial was carried out to establish the possibility of purifying scallops and what further work would be required to develop operating criteria. Trials indicated that fundamental differences between scallops and other bivalve molluscs currently purified in the UK would make purification difficult to achieve. This report has been produced from a scanned original and may therefore contain some formatting and other inaccuracies. In cases where this affects the technical content, a paper copy of the original report can still be obtained from Seafish.
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    Assessment of the English Channel Squid Fishery (August 1976)

    This year, besides repeating the 'Arctic Hunter' squid jigging exercies of 1975, the WFA are intending to conduct a series of jigging trials aboard an inshore fishing vessel. The Moray Firth, Solway Firth and Firth of Clyde have all been recommended as being the most prolific inshore regions for squid, but information received to date suggests that these fisheries may not materialise until the late autumn. This report has been produced from a scanned original and may therefore contain some formatting and other inaccuracies. In cases where this affects the technical content, a paper copy of the original report can still be obtained from Seafish.
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    Inland Wholesale Fish Markets - 1. Inland Market Survey

    This report is one of a series that forms the first stage in a Joint Study of the inland wholesale fish markets in Great Britain, undertaken by Sarah Maddock (Humberside College of Higher Education), John Tower (Seafish) and David Symes (University of Hull). Each report describes the situation at a single market (or, in the case of the Small Markets, a group of five markets). A Summary Report represents the information for all markets in a consolidated and comparable form and a Retail Survey report is being prepared from around 400 responses to a questionnaire distributed through the Sea Fish Standard. The initial purpose of these reports is to provide the basis for an informed discussion of the situation confronting the inland markets towards the end of the 1980s. We should, therefore, be very grateful to receive any comments, criticisms or suggestions from those who read any of the reports. A Final Report will be prepared after a further round of discussions with representatives from the inland markets has been completed. This report has been produced from a scanned original and may therefore contain some formatting and other inaccuracies. In cases where this affects the technical content, a paper copy of the original report can still be obtained from Seafish.
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    Mallaig Harbour Authority Port Planning Advice - February 1986

    Mallaig has become in recent years a port predominantly landing shellfish and white fish although the facilities evolved in times past to suit the herring trade. He available land is restricted and the harbour Authority are anxious to redevelop the port-area for the mutual benefit of all users including the Ro-Ro ferry to Skye. This report has been produced from a scanned original and may therefore contain some formatting and other inaccuracies. In cases where this affects the technical content, a paper copy of the original report can still be obtained from Seafish.
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    Ultra Violet Light Sterilization of Seawater with Reference to Shellfish Depuration Tanks

    A comparison of different U.V. dose levels and water flow configurations and their ability to kill E. Coli This report has been produced from a scanned original and may therefore contain some formatting and other inaccuracies. In cases where this affects the technical content, a paper copy of the original report can still be obtained from Seafish.
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    Capital Grant Aid and Demand for New Vessels

    IDU and DAFS have conducted an investigation, using the Fishing Vessel Design and Appraisal Model, into the value of building grants for Scottish demersal vessels from 50 to 80 feet. This report has been produced from a scanned original and may therefore contain some formatting and other inaccuracies. In cases where this affects the technical content, a paper copy of the original report can still be obtained from Seafish
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    Flume Tank Tests on Three Trawl Models (Model Full Scale Correlation)

    This report describes Flume Tank trials carried out on three trawl models. The work was undertaken by the Gear Technology group of Seafish Technology under the MAFF R&D Commission 1991/92, Project Reference IAA16(MAFF), GT1 (Seafish). These trials form part of an ongoing project to correlate the performance of trawl models to their full scale counterpartas. The trawl system which is modelled has several comnponents each of which may behave differently when scaled from full scale to model, using the usual scaling rules: net, ground gear, bridles, doors, warps.
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    Water Usage and Effluent in the Fish Industry

    With the privatisation of water authorities in the UK and the implications of the EC Directives on Waste Water, processors are facing considerable increases in overheads. This paper reviews the implications of the roles and makes tentative suggestions as to how costs can be checked. This report has been produced from a scanned original and may therefore contain some formatting and other inaccuracies. In cases where this affects the technical content, a paper copy of the original report can still be obtained from Seafish.
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    Experimental Cultivation of Manila Clams in NW Scotland

    This report covers details of the initial experiments on the feasability of cultivating the Manila clam, Tapes Semidecussatus Various methods of protecting seed were used at three different sites. At least 3-4 years is required to reach commercial size, but no significant reduction in yield were found at densities up to 800 clams/square metre. This report has been produced from a scanned original and may therefore contain some formatting and other inaccuracies. In cases where this affects the technical content, a paper copy of the original report can still be obtained from Seafish.
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    Relationships between Fish Supplies and Processing Capacity in the UK

    This paper analyses the pattern of fish supplies in relation to the existing processing capacity and its location and to the main areas of consumption. See Report 276. This report has been produced from a scanned original and may therefore contain some formatting and other inaccuracies. In cases where this affects the technical content, a paper copy of the original report can still be obtained from Seafish.
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    Study Tour to Spain 16-21 May 1994

    The report describes a visit to N. Spanish ports by a delegation from the UK fishing industry led and organised by Seafish. The objective of the visit was to gain a better understanding of the Spanish fishing industry and its problems. Meetings were held with the principal fishing representatives in the area. This report has been produced from a scanned original and may therefore contain some formatting and other inaccuracies. In cases where this affects the technical content, a paper copy of the original report can still be obtained from Seafish.
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    Automation and the UK seafood summary (summary report)

    Exploring the trade-offs between new technology, mechanisation and traditional resourcing.
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    Fish and Chips in Foodservice

    This Market Insight factsheet provides a full picture of fish and chips in the Great Britain (GB) foodservice market.
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    Nutritional Profile - Lobster

    The lobster nutritional profile provides the macronutrient, vitamin and mineral value of the shellfish caught in English waters.
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    Nutritional Profile - Langoustine

    The langoustine nutritional profile provides the macronutrient, vitamin and mineral value of the shellfish caught in English waters.
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    Nutritional Profile - Coley

    The coley nutritional profile provides the macronutrient, vitamin and mineral value of the fish caught in English waters.
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    Nutritional Profile - Sprats

    The sprats nutritional profile provides the macronutrient, vitamin and mineral value of the fish caught in English waters.
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    ACIG Presentation 2. Funding innovation in UK aquaculture. 30 June 2022.

    Heather Jones described the impact of Scotland’s Sustainable Aquaculture Innovation Centre’s (SAIC) activities.
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    Seafish briefing - Organisations addressing labour issues in the fishing and aquaculture sector. April 2016.

    Since approximately 2006, various concerns regarding abuses of workers engaged in the seafood industry have steadily attracted more attention, from the media and civil society advocacy groups. The main concern has been reports of coercive treatment of certain categories of both sea and land-based workers, through abusive labour and recruitment practices variously referred to as slavery or slavery-like practices, forced and bonded labour, human trafficking, as well as serious forms of child labour. This has led to more monitoring, and a wide range of governmental, inter-governmental and NGO initiatives to address the concerns. There have been a number of studies into the scale of the issue but further study is required in order to determine the international scale of human rights and labour abuses in the seafood industry. This briefing note: details some of the key reviews that have looked at the scale of labour issues in the fishing and seafood sectors; and lists the organisations addressing labour rights in the fishing sector. This document was originally produced in March 2015 and was updated in April 2016.
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    Seafish Insight: Fishing references by country in 2016 U. S. TIP Report. June 2016.

    The Trafficking in Persons (TIP) report is the U.S. Government’s principal diplomatic tool to engage foreign governments on human trafficking. It is also the world’s most comprehensive resource of governmental anti-human trafficking efforts. The U.S. Department of State Trafficking in Persons report (TIP) 2016 was published on 30 June 2016. This document lists the references to fishing by country.
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    Common Language Group. News alert. April 2021.

    April news alert sent to CLG subscribers on 13 May 2021.
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    ACIG Presentation 3. Funding innovation in UK aquaculture. 30 June 2022.

    Rod Wilson, University of Exeter, spoke about a new project receiving funding from UK Research and Innovation’s (UKRI), to look at sustainable shrimp production using renewable energy technology.
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    FIMG Presentation 5. Marine spatial squeeze and intelligent fishing. 29 September 2022.

    Gus Caslake, Seafish, talked about trials with the Sumwing beam trawl on the MFV Margaret of Ladram, out of Brixham.
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    Discard collection study comparing the SFIA designed nephrops trawl against commercial trawls

    The latest exercise conducted under this programme has concentrated on a slightly different approach to the preceding work on by-catch reduction devices.
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    FMIG Presentation 1. Advances in fishing gear technology. 13 July 2022.

    Stuart McLanaghan, Seafish talked about a new UK Gear Forum, bringing together industry, government and the research community, to discuss and progress a range of key activities in support of a central aim.
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    Electromagnetic Interference

    It is probable that most people at one time or another will have experienced the effects of electromagnetic interference (EMI), in the form of interference patterns across the TV screen or crackle on radio broadcasts. On the fishing vessel, the scanning radio locking onto non-existent transmissions or the auto pilot suddenly going haywire, and many other unaccountable equipment malfunctions are all probably the result of EMI. The interference at the least is a minor annoyance or at the worst a serious disruption to the operation of navigation and radio communications, and consequently a danger to the security of the vessel and crew. The increased use of electronic and electrical equipment in fishing vessels, has substantially increased the likelihood of interference occurring. It is therefore essential that the fishing vessels of the future have electromagnetically compatible, electronic/electrical installations EMC. Propagation Interference may be propagated in two ways. a) RADIATED from the source to the affected equipment by non-metallic paths. b) CONDUCTED carried from the source to the affected equipment by metallic paths, including cables, vessel superstructure, hand rails, stays etc. Electromagnetic Interference on Fishing Vessels EMI - is defined as any electromagnetic disturbance which interrupts, obstructs, or otherwise degrades or limits the effective performance of electrical and electronic equipment. EMC - Electromagnetic Compatibility is defined as the condition in which systems work as intended, both within themselves and their environment.
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    2019 Seafish Seafood Industry Value Chain

    Overview of the UK's seafood value chain
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    Assessment of square mesh cod-ends in an Irish Nephrops fishery

    Assessment of square mesh cod-ends in an Irish Nephrops fishery.
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    Preliminary trials of a new scallop dredge in the Isle of Man

    Preliminary trials of a new scallop dredge in the Isle of Man.
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    Paralytic Shellfish Poisoning (PSP)

    PSP is an illness that can occur when eating seafood, usually shellfish, that contain biotoxins.
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    Plastic Packaging Tax - The experience of a business outside of scope

    This case study considers the Plastic Packaging Tax’s impact on a UK seafood business that is not directly liable for the tax but is affected by suppliers passing the cost of the tax on and by HMRC’s due diligence requirements.
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    SR685 Brown Crab Industry Insight

    This report provides an in-depth review of brown crab issues as reported in the media. Issues covered include; ethics of production (clawing and harvesting); contamination; misrepresentation of pack messaging and stock status.
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    Squid Jigging Trials Aboard R.V. Squilla

    The jigging trials carried out aboard ARCTIC HUNTER during September 1976 demonstrated that on some occasions at night, loliginid squid could be attracted by artificial lights and caught using Japanese automatic jigging machines. However the low catch rates achieved and the operational experience obtrained suggested that this method of fishing might find only a limited application in the UK. It was felt that the commercial viability of jigging would depend upon suitable operating conditions and the location of sufficiently large stocks of squid. It was concluded that jigging was an unsuitable method of fishing in exposed offshore locations because of the operational difficulties associated with rough seas.
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    Business Plan for the Wash Fisheries

    The Wash has an opportunity to increase its market share of shellfish supply. The best opportunities lie with mussels where there are prospects of increasing the landings and improving quality by relaying. There is a growing market for mussels and for a selected quality pre-packed product prices of up to 50p/kg are now possible. This compares to the 9 or 10p/kg paid for Wash mussels at present. The Business Plan outlined in this report describes how this situation might be taken advantage of by the Wash Fishery as a whole. It suggests an integrated production and marketing company. The Business Plan has been prepared by Seafish and Hodgson Impey, Chartered Accountants. This report has been produced from a scanned original and may therefore contain some formatting and other inaccuracies. In cases where this affects the technical content, a paper copy of the original report can still be obtained from Seafish.
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    UK Fleet Restructuring Model - Progress Report

    This report contains the progress achieved on MAFF project A.2.1 which requires the development of systems and software to provide techno-economic analyses of policies aimed at restructuring the UK fishing industry. It describes a proposed mathematical model of the fleet in terms of financial viability, the object of which is to simulate performance given specific policy scenarios, providing detail information with regard to the development of regional fleet sectors This report has been produced from a scanned original and may therefore contain some formatting and other inaccuracies. In cases where this affects the technical content, a paper copy of the original report can still be obtained from Seafish
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    Power Measurement Trials on 'Golden West'

    The Golden West is a stern trawler and was delivered to her owners in November 1988 from the yard of J N Miller and Sons at St Monans. The vessel is constructed of steel and has a Cummins KTA19-M propulsion engine rated at 500hp at 1800 revs/min which drives a four bladed fixed pitch propeller through a reverse reduction gear box with a 5.335 to 1 ratio. It has become apparent that the engine cannot operate within the manufacturer's stated Exhause Gas Temperature limited during fishing operations.
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    MSA Code of Safe Working Practice

    In order to implement the EU Directives on safety and health in the workplace, the Marine Safety Agency (MSA) has drawn up a draft 'Code of Safe Working Priactice for Merchant Seamen on UK Registered Vessels'. Seafish has been requested, via a consultancy contract, to consider this draft code and amend it as appropriate to be suitable for crewmembers on UK fishing vessels. This report makes comments and suggestions and records the amendments, made to date, to the Merchant Navy Code in order to achieve a draft Fishing Vessel Code for discussion purposes.
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    Tank Tests of Single Chamber Lifejackets

    This report describes the tank testing of single chamber inflatable lifejackets after they had been with commercial fishermen for periods ranging from 6-24 months. Faults were discovered which are considered in detail. This report has been produced from a scanned original and may therefore contain some formatting and other inaccuracies. In cases where this affects the technical content, a paper copy of the original report can still be obtained from Seafish.
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    The Techniques of Lobster Stock Enhancement

    The construction, equipment and techniques used in the Seafish lobster hatchery are described in detail. Advice is given on all aspects from choosing brood stock through to transporting and releasing the juveniles. The generosity of co-workers has enabled their experience to be included and a bibliography provides references for future study. This report has been produced from a scanned original and may therefore contain some formatting and other inaccuracies. In cases where this affects the technical content, a paper copy of the original report can still be obtained from Seafish.
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    Aquaculture Common Issues Group. News alert. April 2021.

    April news alert sent to ACIG subscribers on 29 April 2021.
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    Response to the Marine Conservation Society Good Fish Guide consultation

    Our response to the winter 2022 MCS Food Fish Guide consultation. Following a review of proposed scoring, we provided commentary on brown crab, European lobster, Dover sole, anglerfish and spotted ray.
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    Water Usage and Effluent Production in Whitefish Processing - A Summary of Seven Water and Effluent Audits

    From 2001 The Urban Water Treatment Directive will add greatly to the cost and difficulty of disposing of waste water. This will present a significant problem to the fish industry in the future, coastal businesses will be charged on the strength and volume of their effluent. The stronger the effluent and the greater the quantity, the higher the treatment costs. As a result, many fish processors will face dramatically increased charges from the water companies for the production, treatment and disposal of effluent. To determine possible future costs and identify ways of reducing these costs, detailed water and effluent audits were carried out in seven representative whitefish processing companies. This report summarises the findings of the seven audits and highlights the costs and common problems found with water usage and effluent production. Simple solutions to these problems are also outlined.
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    2023 Seafish Seafood in Foodservice 2022 Performance Summary

    Seafood in foodservice performance summary for 2022, including channel breakdown and trends, data to year ending December 2022.
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    Subsea Shellfish wave tank trials

    Subsea Shellfish Ltd are developing a system for cultivating Messels in open water. There have been many improvements to the design and some of these features can be found in the full scale prototype which is now being trialed in the Lynn of Lorn.
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    FMIG Presentation 4. Fisheries Management Plans (FMPs). 17 January 2023.

    Kate Langham, Policy Lab, spoke about the co-design and stakeholder engagement process for seabass in English waters. This file may not be suitable for users of assistive technology. If needed please request an accessible format.
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    Domestic & Export Sector Panel Minutes - April 2022

    The Minutes of the Domestic & Export Sector Panel meeting, held on Monday 11 April 2022.
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    Implementation of more selective and sustainable fisheries (IMPSEL)

    Gear database resource: Report on project looking at implementation of more selective and sustainable fisheries funded by the Danish Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Fisheries
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    FS46-03.10 October 2011 Paralytic Shellfish Poisoning

    Bivalve molluscs are one of the only foods normally delivered to the consumer alive. This, and the fact that bivalve molluscs can selectively retain contaminants that are harmful to human health, means controls are in place to mitigate against this. To ensure best practice guidelines are followed Seafish has produced a series of industry guidance notes for fishers and shellfish farmers. This fact sheet on Paralytic Shellfish Poisoning (PSP) covers: what it is, the symptoms, algal toxins, the legislative framework, controls in place, how the samples are tested, what harvesters should be doing and sources of further information. Revised October 2011.
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    Interactions between Bottlenose Dolphin and Midwater Pair Trawls: Effect of Pingers on Dolphin Behaviour

    Interactions between Bottlenose Dolphin and Midwater Pair Trawls: Effect of Pingers on Dolphin Behaviour
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    ACIG Presentation 1. UK reliance on aquaculture. 18 October 2022.

    Heather Jones, Sustainable Aquaculture Innovation Centre, spoke about understanding and demonstrating sustainable aquaculture. All images are copyright and may not be used, modified or reproduced without permission (Jones, 2022).
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    2021 Q3 Seafish Seafood in Foodservice

    Seafood in foodservice performance summary including channel breakdown and trends, data to year ending September 2021.
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    The Prawn Nephrops Norvegicus as a Candidate for Vivier Transport - A Feasibility Study

    Substantially increased UK landings of crustacean shellfish were made in the 1980s. These related particularly to crab lobster and prawn species and involved both long-established and new fisheries. The increases also included what locally and nationally were novel species for exploitation. The scale of such changes, the pace at which they occurred and the greater variety of species involved can all be related directly to attempts to satisfy the strong market demand for such products in several European countries, particularly Spain, France and Italy. The requirement has been for the delivery of live product of a type and at a scale which has made this virtually a new export industry for the UK – even though live lobsters and crabs had been marketed on a limited scale for many years preceding the recent changes. In this present context, ‘live’ refers to animals that are delivered showing not only signs of life but also a demonstrably highly retained intrinsic quality and so are worthy of the premium price that such product should command. Frequently, such product is again consigned alive by the continental dealer or his requirement may be to hold the animals for a period before sale. Either way, only good product which has been properly selected and handled can consistently meet these criteria. This report has been produced from a scanned original and may therefore contain some formatting and other inaccuracies. In cases where this affects the technical content, a paper copy of the original report can still be obtained from Seafish.
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    Squid Jigging Trials Aboard MFV Vega at Rockall

    There is considerable interest in developing the squid fishery at Rockall. This is a well known fishery with squid appearing briefly during the summer months but with considerable irregularity. This report has been produced from a scanned original and may therefore contain some formatting and other inaccuracies. In cases where this affects the technical content, a paper copy of the original report can still be obtained from Seafish.
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    Selectivity Trials in the Static Net Fishery for Hake off Cornwall

    The report describes static net selectivity trials in the deep water hake fishery off South West England. Three types of net material in two different mesh sizes were used together with a set of control gear. The nets were set on the seabed about 60 miles South of Plymouth in water about 88 m deep by the chartered fishing vessel MFV 'L & T BRITANNIA V' (FH121) skippered by Freddie Turner. The total lengths of all hake caught in each net were recorded, together with by-catch information and the handling characteristics of the different net types. The work described forms part of the MAFF Commissioned programme of research into performance and selectivity of static nets. This report has been produced from a scanned original and may therefore contain some formatting and other inaccuracies. In cases where this affects the technical content, a paper copy of the original report can still be obtained from Seafish.
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    RASS profiles; Haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus) in Northern European and Scandinavian waters

    This document is a summary of information for a selection of Northeast Atlantic haddock stocks derived from scientific assessments and risk assessed using Seafish’s RASS scoring guidance.
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    Common Language Group. News alert. January 2022.

    January news alert sent to CLG subscribers on 18 January 2022.
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    New entrant photo ID card application form

    All new entrant fishermen, who have completed the Seafish four one-day safety courses are eligible for this certificate.
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    The Sea Fish Industry Authority - Annual Report and Accounts 2022/2023

    The Annual Report provides a detailed Management Commentary and financial review of the activities undertaken by Seafish during 2022/2023 and information on future developments.
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    Nutritional Profile - John Dory

    The john dory nutritional profile provides the macronutrient, vitamin and mineral value of the fish caught in English waters.
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    Nutritional Profile - Fresh Tuna

    The fresh tuna nutritional profile provides the macronutrient, vitamin and mineral value of the fish caught in English waters.
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    Mechanised rack system for Pacific oyster seed

    Othniel Shellfish is involved in farming oysters, clams and cockles. The company was formed in 1993 but the founder has been farming shellfish in Poole Harbour since the early 1980's. Pacific oyster production in 2003 was 90 tons, projected production for 2004 is 150 tons. Sales are mostly to France or to other UK farms to top up their production.
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    RASS profiles; Cod (Gadus morhua) in Northern European and Scandinavian waters

    This document is a summary of information for a selection of Northeast Atlantic cod stocks derived from scientific assessments and risk assessed using Seafish’s RASS scoring guidance.
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    Nutritional Profile - Scallops, Mixed

    The scallops, mixed nutritional profile provides the macronutrient, vitamin and mineral value of the bivalve mollusc caught in English waters.
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    A Review of Exploratory Fishing along the Continental Slope in the 1970s

    In the 1970s there was a keen interest to diversify the British distant water fleet into deeper water and try to develop new opportunities. At the time the UK had in excess of 50 large freezer stern trawlers with adequate gear, deck machinery and power to operate on these grounds together with onboard processing and freezing capability.
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    Field Trials of a Prototype Indirect Ice Chilled Display Cabinet

    From 1st April 1993, The Food Hygiene (Amendment) Regulations will demand that all pre-cooked and ready-to-eat smoked fish products are stored and displayed at no more than 5 degrees centigrade. A recent Seafish survey showed most existing equipment is not capable of meeting the new temperature requirements. As a result of previous work (Seafish report IR1424) Seafish Technology is currently developing inexpensive storage/display cabinets which use ice to indirectly chill products below 5 degrees.
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    Findings of a Basic Water & Effluent Survey Carried Out at K. Cassells Ltd

    As part of the North East Scotland Strategic Study, Seafish has been involved in briefly visiting representative companies in the region to survey water use and effluent production. The purpose of these visits is to estimate the general reductions in both water use and effluent strength which could be made by introducing waste minimisation. This report summarises the findings of the brief visit to K. Cassells Limited, carried out on 6th May 1999.
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    The Marketing of Fish from the Milford Haven Waterway area

    After a 20 year decline to a very low point in 1983 landings at Milford Haven are now showing anincreasing trend. Present quantities relegate Milford to a small port status. Potential significantly landing will require investment in order to allow local returns. This report has been produced from a scanned original and may therefore contain some formatting and other inaccuracies. In cases where this affects the technical content, a paper copy of the original report can still be obtained from Seafish.
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    Mussel Purification - Repeated re-use of artificial seawater in the purification process

    During the period January to March 1988 Seafish conducted a series of trials, as described in TR339 to investigate the repeated use of artificial seawater to purify mussels. This work was considered sufficiently successful to justify continuing onto commercial scale trials. Nevertheless, there were differences in the onset of post-purification mortality which were attributed to increased ammonia levels in the water. this was not conclusive and may have been caused by mussel mortality during purification in one of the trials contaminating the water. The trials were also run on a non-cotinuous basis to enable bacteriological analysis to be made and did not relate to a commercial operation which would be continuous. Seafish decided therefore to conduct a repeat series of trials to establish if ammonia was causing post purification mortality. This work was done as part of its 1988/89 MAFF R&D Commission, Project Code NBA16.
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    Instrument Trials of Hard Ground Rock Trawl (Was Technical Report No. 266)

    The principle of the rockhopper gear is to assist trawlers to two demersal trawls over grounds hitherto unavailable to them due to the hard rocky nature of the seabed. The trawl being described in the report is basically a large standard two seam net with part of the top wing and the whole of the lower wing taken out, the net is mounted onto a rockhopper bobbin rig in the bosm and bunt sections. A discussion of the results are enclosed in the report.
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    Trawl Door Trials on Board Fishing Vessel 'Clupea'

    This report documents the work carried out on Trawl Door research during a voyage on the D>A>F>S> vessel CLUPEA, the testing being directly relevant to the programme of model testing in the Seafish Flume Tank. The trawl doors under test were steel vee doors in three different sizes in use with the same net. It was intended that flat doors were to be similarly tested but this part of the programme was severely curtailed by weather and instrumentation factors.
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    Cardigan Bay Fisheries Development Phase 2 Report - Summary of Findings

    Mid Wales Development request that Seafish undertake a study of the 100 mile section of Cardigan Bay for which they have responsibility for economic development to see if action could be taken to stimulate new jobs and income from fishing and fishing related activities. This study discusses the commercial fisheries, sea angling, shellfish and fish farming and marketing of fish, and this report contains the findings of these individual sector studies. A further study on an aquarium – visitor centre for Aberystwyth is in course of preparation. The sector studies are covered in separate reports listed at the end of this document. This report has been produced from a scanned original and may therefore contain some formatting and other inaccuracies. In cases where this affects the technical content, a paper copy of the original report can still be obtained from Seafish.
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    Fleet Management Policy Appraisal Model: Biological Feedback Phase

    The Fleet Management Policy Appraisal Model is under development as a computer model to make comparative assessments of management policy scenarios over a seven year predictive period. The biological feedback phase assesses the effects of each year's catches on the stocks of each species, and the consequent effect on catch rates in successive years. This report has been produced from a scanned original and may therefore contain some formatting and other inaccuracies. In cases where this affects the technical content, a paper copy of the original report can still be obtained from Seafish
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    Observation and analysis of Wreck Net Fishing on Board MFV 'Kelly'

    In December 1982, a ten day observation voyage was made on the 60 foot wreck net fishing vessel MFV KELLY, in order to collect data required for mathematical models used to predict financial performance developed by the IDU, and to obtain greater knowledge of the techniques involved. This report describes the vessel and the fishing method in detail, particularly with regard to the operational characteristics of both fishing and fish handling performance and strategy. Results are given, and comments made, regarding the duration of deck work as it concerns fish quality. This report has been produced from a scanned original and may therefore contain some formatting and other inaccuracies. In cases where this affects the technical content, a paper copy of the original report can still be obtained from Seafish
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    A Guide to the Manufacture of Marinaded Products

    The pelagic resources of the UK are valued at about £70m. Of this, about 60% are disposed of as whole fish or chilled fillet form. Only abut 20% are sold in some form of added value product and of these about 1% are marinaded. There are opportunities to increase sales of herring particularly by marinading and this report reviews the process by which marinades are made, the raw material specification and the packaging techniques. This report has been produced from a scanned original and may therefore contain some formatting and other inaccuracies. In cases where this affects the technical content, a paper copy of the original report can still be obtained from Seafish.
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    Study of the Fishing Industry in the S.E. of England

    The region for the purpose of this study extends from Southend on Sea in Essex to Selsey Bill in Sussex.
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    Inland Wholesale Fish Markets - 2. The Retail Survey

    This is the second of three reports which make up the Joint Study of the inland wholesale markets in Britain. The first report described the situation at the inland markets as seen by wholesale merchants themselves. The present volume examines the inland markets from their customers’ point of view. It is based almost exclusively upon an analysis of nearly 400 questionnaires completed by fishmongers, general food retailers and fish friers and it is intended to reflect their opinions as closely as possible. This report has been produced from a scanned original and may therefore contain some formatting and other inaccuracies. In cases where this affects the technical content, a paper copy of the original report can still be obtained from Seafish.
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    Birmingham Wholesale Fish Market - Options for Meeting New Hygiene Legislation

    While it is recognised that the future of the existing wholesale fish market is dependent upon greater issues affecting the future of the market complex as a whole, Seafish would seriously question the need to demolish and rebuild the market as a necessity to meet new hygiene statutory responsibilities. It is Seaf's view that the EC Hygiene Directives could be met with relatively minor structural changes to the building allied to changes of equipment and working practices.
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    'Kinlochbervie' the development of a UK specialised fishing port for the North of Scotland

    Kinlochbervie has experienced rapid expansion in recent years and landings of demersal fish are now 18000 tonnes. The port has become grossly overcrowded and plans are being made to improve the facilities. This report represents the SFIA's views on how best use can be made of funds to develop a specialised port for fishing. This report has been produced from a scanned original and may therefore contain some formatting and other inaccuracies. In cases where this affects the technical content, a paper copy of the original report can still be obtained from Seafish.
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    An Investigation into Batch Boiler Cockle Cooking in Light of Recent EC Legislation

    The introduction of new Food Safety Legislation was thought to pose problems for small processors in the cockle industry using traditional batch boiling techniques and Seafish undertook project work to assist in the development of new equipment. However a survey of industry showed that the demand for such equipment was very limited and the project was curtailed. This report has been produced from a scanned original and may therefore contain some formatting and other inaccuracies. In cases where this affects the technical content, a paper copy of the original report can still be obtained from Seafish.
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    Maryport and Solway Fishing Co-op Limited West Quay Fisheries Department Phase II

    The Maryport & Solway Fishing Co-operative in order to service the fishing fleet at Maryport and remain operational must have a location within the Maryport Harbour complex. Ideally, the site to which the Co-operative were re-located as a result of a major re-development on the dock estate, namely the west quay of the Elizabeth Basin would be the most appropriate location.
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    Frozen at Sea Blue Whiting 'Surimi' Production Trials

    Frozen at Sea Blue Whiting ‘Surimi’ Production Trials Tokyo – November 1978. Spring 1978 saw the successful production of Blue Whiting Surimi during the Stornoway processing trials conducted in conjunction with Nippon Suisan Kaisha of Japan (N.S.K.). The follow up marketing assessment by N.S.K., in Japan, proved blue whiting Surimi to be highly acceptable, with one major exception, which was product made from frozen at sea (FAS) material. This has since become a major problem in any future development, due to the Japanese company initially rejecting all product made from frozen raw material out of hand, even though sample results appeared to be adequate to meet their specifications. This report has been produced from a scanned original produced in December 1978 and may therefore contain some formatting and other inaccuracies. In cases where this affects the technical content, a paper copy of the original report can still be obtained from Seafish.
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    Effect of exposure period upon survival and growth juvenile scallops Pecten maximus

    The trials looked at the viability of fenced enclosures for use in the comparison of different types of seabed. The effect of exposure and its duration at different stages prior to seeding is assessed. This report has been produced from a scanned original and may therefore contain some formatting and other inaccuracies. In cases where this affects the technical content, a paper copy of the original report can still be obtained from Seafish.
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    Commercial Trials of Icing and Improved Fish Handling on Small Inshore Vessels at Scarborough

    Commercial trials centred on icing at sea were carried out on small inshore vessels at Scarborough during the period 1990 to 1992. The aim was to develop icing at sea together with improved fish handling to demonstrate that financial benefit could be gained from improved fish quality. This report has been produced from a scanned original and may therefore contain some formatting and other inaccuracies. In cases where this affects the technical content, a paper copy of the original report can still be obtained from Seafish.
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    The Importance of Klondyking to the U.K. Pelagic Fishery

    Klondyking accounts for the bulk disposal of pelagic catches of herring and mackerel. Should the Klondyke fleet fail to come each year there would be no immediate means of disposing of the catch. The fleet also provides invisible earnings to the Highland region in the form of expenditure by crew and in supplies. The report examines these factors. This report has been produced from a scanned original and may therefore contain some formatting and other inaccuracies. In cases where this affects the technical content, a paper copy of the original report can still be obtained from Seafish.
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    Report to the Anglesy Borough Council - Proposed business strategy for Holyhead Fisheries Harbour Complex

    The South Harbour fisheries port development commissioned by the Anglesey Borough Council offers port facilities allowing vessel access uninterrupted by tidal restrictions; a facility which cannot be offered by any other port on the English and Welsh Irish sea coasts. The combination of deep water, a first-class road distribution network into the UK and Continental markets, the back-up of a fuel supply, a modern ice plant and offering a 24 hour, 7 days a week service, should give Holyhead a very competitive advantage. The attraction to vessels of all nationalities should produce the necessary growth required to give Holyhead the financial stability it is seeking. Two options are open to Anglesey Borough Council for the control, management and development of both the Amlwch and Holyhead fisheries harbours. They may be either through the channels of sub-committee directly responsible to the Council or by contracting the management and development of services to an experienced commercial organisation. In either case all statutory rights appertaining to the South Harbour development would be retained by the Anglesey borough Council. This report has been produced from a scanned original and may therefore contain some formatting and other inaccuracies. In cases where this affects the technical content, a paper copy of the original report can still be obtained from Seafish.
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    Technical Development to Improve Hygiene in the Inshore Shrimp Industry

    Food Safety Regulations establish requirements for the UK Inshore Shrimp Industry which are difficult to achieve with the equipment and practices currently in use. This report describes collaborative trials between Seafish, local food authorities and industry that demonstrate that legal requirements can be met. This was achieved by a combination of on board treatment of seawater, improved hygiene handling and projected chilled storage of cooked shrimp. This report has been produced from a scanned original and may therefore contain some formatting and other inaccuracies. In cases where this affects the technical content, a paper copy of the original report can still be obtained from Seafish.
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    The Effects of Age on Vessel Performance and Fleet Capacity

    This report describes the development of mathematical models which demonstrates the effect of a vessel’s size, age and fishery on its performance, expressed in terms of income and returns to capital and labour. On the basis of these models, a fleet capacity simulation model, CAPSIM, has been developed, as described herein. This model is intended for use with simple available data to assess the impact on fleet capacity resulting from structural change. An example of its application to Humberside is presented. In addition, in order to aid the EEC, who have supported this work, descriptive material covering the UK, Belgian, Netherlands, FRG and Ireland is appended, and reported in terms suitable for use with this model. This report has been produced from a scanned original and may therefore contain some formatting and other inaccuracies. In cases where this affects the technical content, a paper copy of the original report can still be obtained from Seafish
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    Raising Standards in the Ports Sector. A Report of Progress at Lowestoft

    This report summaries progress of a pilot project at Lowestoft to raise standards in the port sector. It describes the findings of an initial survey that identified problem areas and comments on progress in addressing them. Steady progress has been made with improvements to both the fabric of the ports infrastructure and working practices, with further capital works and changes to working practices planned. Continued support by Seafish will be on and ad-hoc basis as required by local parties. This report has been produced from a scanned original and may therefore contain some formatting and other inaccuracies. In cases where this affects the technical content, a paper copy of the original report can still be obtained from Seafish.
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    Maryport & Solway Fishing Co-op Limited - West Quay Fisheries Development

    As a result of a major redevelopment on the dock estate, the Maryport and Solway Fishing Co-operative is to be relocated to a site on the east quay of the Elizabeth Basin within the Maryport Harbour complex. The Co-operative to develop the site on offer is faced with having to conform to pending EC and UK health and hygiene standards which would necessitate the construction of a purpose built building for the packing, grading and chilling of fish.
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    The Establishment of a potential Halibut Broodstock at Ardtoe 1987

    Halibut Cultivation trials have been initiated at Ardtoe, N.W. Scotland. A potential Broodstock has been established by Ongrowing immature fish, captured from the wild between 1981 and 1985, In 1987, 12 Female Halibut reached maturity, and hand stripping resulted in 56 batches of eggs being fertilised and incubated. This report has been produced from a scanned original and may therefore contain some formatting and other inaccuracies. In cases where this affects the technical content, a paper copy of the original report can still be obtained from Seafish.
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    Sea Trials on a 300 HP Balloon Trawl Model Full Scale Correlation

    A 300 hp balloon high headline trawl has been measured in considerable detail and subjected to performance trials off Montrose on board the 45 ft 'EMMA KATHLEEN'. These trials represent part of a programme to improve the knowledge of the relationship between full scale and model tests in the Flume Tank. The work is continuing. This report has been produced from a scanned original and may therefore contain some formatting and other inaccuracies. In cases where this affects the technical content, a paper copy of the original report can still be obtained from Seafish.
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    Squid Jigging Aboard MFV Emma-Jane in Gardenstown

    The Skipper/Owner of the 33ft inshore vessel, Emma Jane, registration number BF405, expressed an interest to the SFIA in adapting his Kemers Atlanter electronic fishing machine to the capture of squid. A suitable rigging was adapted by the fisherman to his vessl whereby the well tried and tested Japanese system of squid capture, could be implemented. This report has been produced from a scanned original and may therefore contain some formatting and other inaccuracies. In cases where this affects the technical content, a paper copy of the original report can still be obtained from Seafish.
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    Improved Utilisation of Fish Waste in the UK.

    The fish industry developed around fishing ports when landings were plentiful and there was little concern about environmental impacts. Nowadays, natural resources and the environment are under threat and are becoming increasingly protected by law. Government policy now focuses on the protection of resources, promoting sustainable utilisation and reducing emissions to the environment. Fishing opportunities are reduced and waste generation is increasingly penalised. Concerns about farm animal diseases are resulting in the closure of some of the existing routes of waste utilisation and are adding further restrictions and costs to waste disposal. This has become a significant problem for many sectors of the fish industry and is unlikely to improve. It is essential that the fish industry minimises waste and maximises the value of all the material available to it.
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    Study of the Fishing Industry in Northern Ireland

    This report updates a previous study carried out in 1983. Whilst highlighting the development of the scampi trade based on local landings of Nephrops, it also indicates the significant decrease in whiting landings. As a result the industry has become too dependant upon one species. The problems of harbour congestion at Kilkeel and Portavogie are serious and a study of the possible financial limitations on investment by the Fishery harbour Authority is therefore included. More financial independence for that body is recommended in view of the likely requirements for major port investment. This report has been produced from a scanned original and may therefore contain some formatting and other inaccuracies. In cases where this affects the technical content, a paper copy of the original report can still be obtained from Seafish.
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    The Fishing Industry of NE Scotland. An Analysis of Port Facilities, Fleets and Landings

    Within the North East of Scotland between the Cromarty Firth and Stonehaven are situated the United Kingdom’s two top ports in terms of value of fish landed viz. Peterhead and Aberdeen, Fraserburgh challenges Grimsby, Newlyn and Lowestoft for third place. It is also the base for a large itinerant fleet of vessels fishing out of the ports in North West Scotland between Kinlochbervie and Mallaig; indeed the great majority of vessels fishing out of these ports are based on the Moray Firth between Lossimouth and Fraserburgh. Historically the area harboured a large number of herring drifters which until the 1950’s followed the herring shoals from Shetland to Great Yarmouth. This report has been produced from a scanned original and may therefore contain some formatting and other inaccuracies. In cases where this affects the technical content, a paper copy of the original report can still be obtained from Seafish.
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    Findings of a Brief Water and Effluent Survey carried out at A. Christies Ltd

    As part of the North East Scotland Strategic Study, Seafish has been involved in briefly visiting representative companies in the region to survey water use and effluent production. The purose of these visits is to estimate the general reductions in both water use and effluent strength which could be made by introducing waste minimisation. This report summarises the findings of the rief visit to A. Christies Limited, carried out on 28 April 1999.
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    Mollusc Purification Plant - The Whitstable Oyster Fishery Company

    The Whitstable Oyster Fishery Company wishes to install a small purification unit both to purify and hold native oysters for use in their seafood restaurant. They approached Seafish a year ago regarding tank design and approval procedure at the time when the Seafish vertical stack purification unit was under trial at Maldon, Essex. They considered this type of unit to be ideally suited for their application and decided to wait untilt rials were completed and the unit commercially available.
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    Engineering requirements for Shellfish farming in Exposed Sites

    This report reviews a series of longline trials aimed at developing an alternative buoyancy control system to that presently employed on subsurface scallop lines especially in exposed sites. This report has been produced from a scanned original and may therefore contain some formatting and other inaccuracies. In cases where this affects the technical content, a paper copy of the original report can still be obtained from Seafish.
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    Performance Trials on a Prototype of the Displacement Ducted Vessel Concept

    Trials have been carried out on a vessel of novel hull form designed to provide higher propeller efficiency during towing. This report has been produced from a scanned original and may therefore contain some formatting and other inaccuracies. In cases where this affects the technical content, a paper copy of the original report can still be obtained from Seafish.
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    Quality Audit of the Fishing Harbour at Portavogie

    This report presents the findings of a Quality Audit of the fishing port of Portavogie in Northern Ireland that examined the quality of raw material supplies to the port, standards of physical infrastructure, operating practices and management controls. The harbour and it’s environs are owned and operated by the Northern Ireland Fishery Harbour Authority (NIFHA) and services a fleet of around sixty vessels that land mostly whitefish and prawns with a value in 2000 of more than £6M (sterling).
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    Classification of Fish Species using High Resolution Sonar Techniques

    This report describes the activities and results obtained from the research programme that was designed to investigate the feasibility of using high resolution sonar techniques for classifying fish species. The final aim of this work would be to provide the fishsing industry with an instrument that is capable of reliabily identifying the species of fish within the sonar beam, before they are caught within the trawl net.
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    Norfish: Imported Fish Supplies and the UK Industry

    This is third in a series of papers examining the importance of trade between the UK and the Nordic countries and in particular, Norway and Iceland. It was completed just prior to the provisional agreements on tariffs between the EC and EFTA and the formation of the EEZ. It is therefore a valuable and timely commentary on the importance of the Nordic trade and contains pointers as to the attitude the UK should adopt in the future. This report has been produced from a scanned original and may therefore contain some formatting and other inaccuracies. In cases where this affects the technical content, a paper copy of the original report can still be obtained from Seafish.
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    Report for Anglo French Study on Noise Reduction Methods on European Fishing Vessels

    This report contains representative examples of noise level surveys now carried out as a matter of course on vessels built under Sea Fish Industry Authority supervision. There are six surveys and all were carried out during the period November 1988 to March 1989. The vessels range from15.6m to 27.9m overall length and in power from 554 to 900 bhp. The data is presented factually and no conclusions are drawn at this stage. The data is to be compared with similar French vessels to develop an overall understanding of noise levels on modern diesel powered fishing vessels. The information set out in a format now adopted as a standard by Seafish. It is suggested that other organisations might wish to utilise the same format to allow of ready comparison between conditions on different vessels. This report has been produced from a scanned original and may therefore contain some formatting and other inaccuracies. In cases where this affects the technical content, a paper copy of the original report can still be obtained from Seafish.
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    Sampling and analysis of benthos from discard samples taken from Western Waters

    MAFF PROJECT CODE MF0723 Organisms interact with their environment; this includes not only the physical and chemical but also the biological aspects of the environment. An important component of the biological environment are the benthic invertebrates. They are considered to provide both the food source and the habitat complexity which may be of importance to the ecology of commercial fish species. If changes in fish stocks are to be better understood it is important not to limit studies to the commercial species alone, but to also study the other species that play an important role in their ecology. This study uses bycatch data on benthic invertebrates, non-commercial and commercial fish species collected on board commercial fishing vessels to give an indication of the benthic habitats being encountered and possibly impacted by trawling.
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    Mussel purification initial trial of a medium-scale deep stack purification tank

    Seafish have developed a multi-layer purification system with a partial re-use of artificial seawater in order to produce a more cost effective and controlled method of mussel purification. This plant is now operational in Kings Lynn.
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    Development of a strategy for British Fishing Ports

    Little has happened in British port development in the last 50 years. The Fleck Committee Report in 1961 painted a picture of the fishing industry which, in many ports, prevails today. The Common Fisheries Policy, whilst limiting the opportunities for British registered vessels, does at least provide a clear picture of the opportunities in the foreseeable future. With this in mind, there are grants available from national and EEC sources and the opportunity exists to improve our ports. The urgency of the situation is demonstrated by the trend on the Continent to develop specialist ports which can efficiently land and service any vessels and which could set out to capture business from all EC fleets, including the UK. The UK has many advantages, not least of which are the foreign fleets operating near to the UK coast and huge domestic market for fish. Those ports willing to adapt and welcome this trade can do well. Nevertheless, the UK probably has too much port capacity and many ports which were formerly major ports, are now not best suited for re-development. Other ports which by chance are well located can be encouraged to expand provided reasonable financial projections are made. There will always be a role for the smaller or minor port to serve local fleets and these, too, should be encouraged to develop but with a view to maximising revenue from all possible sources, including combining fishing and leisure activities. The paper concludes with a methodology for carrying out port studies which is the procedure adopted by Seafish in their Regional Development Programme. This report has been produced from a scanned original and may therefore contain some formatting and other inaccuracies. In cases where this affects the technical content, a paper copy of the original report can still be obtained from Seafish.
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    Cultivation of the Scallop, Pecten Maximus Using the Technique of Ear Hanging

    This report covers the results of initial experiments using the technique of 'ear haning' as a low cost method for cultivating the scallop, Pecten maximus. This report has been produced from a scanned original and may therefore contain some formatting and other inaccuracies. In cases where this affects the technical content, a paper copy of the original report can still be obtained from Seafish.
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    MAFF Funded North East Coast Discard Study 1992 - Final Report

    The report presents the results of studies of the discarding practices, which is the rejection of unwanted fish by fishermen at sea, of the fisheries of the North East Coast of England. Results for 1992 are analysed and comparisons made with the previous study of 1990-91. This report has been produced from a scanned original and may therefore contain some formatting and other inaccuracies. In cases where this affects the technical content, a paper copy of the original report can still be obtained from Seafish.
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    An Investigation into the Landings, Value and Storage Properties of Ungutted White Fish

    This paper summarises the work into one aspect or quality control at sea, namely the practices of gutting or not gutting. The investigation has considered previous research into the subject and carried out further research to support earlier findings and to close some of the gaps. It will be stressed throughout this work that of paramount importance in quality control at sea is the need to transfer the catch as speedily as possible into melting ice in order to reduce the temperature. All other considerations including gutting become of second order importance if this one action is taken properly. This report has been produced from a scanned original and may therefore contain some formatting and other inaccuracies. In cases where this affects the technical content, a paper copy of the original report can still be obtained from Seafish.
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    POLIS - Instruction Guide for Producer Organisations' Landings Information System

    This report describes a database system which is intended to be used by producer organisations to record the landings made by their member vessels. This report has been produced from a scanned original and may therefore contain some formatting and other inaccuracies. In cases where this affects the technical content, a paper copy of the original report can still be obtained from Seafish.
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    Raising Standards in the Port Sector Quality/Standards Audit - Newlyn

    As part of Seafish’s policy of encouraging higher standards of quality and hygiene in the ports sector, a survey of landing and sale operations was undertaken at Newlyn on the 9th and 10th August at the invitation of local interests. The following notes provide a brief record of observations with regard to the standard of existing facilities, equipment and operating practices for landing and sale. The investigation extended from the fish quays, market and dock estate but excluded merchants premises and vessels. The notes are intended to highlight any problem areas and form the basis for discussion between interested parties to raise standards where required, and to promote the Port of Newlyn. This report has been produced from a scanned original and may therefore contain some formatting and other inaccuracies. In cases where this affects the technical content, a paper copy of the original report can still be obtained from Seafish.
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    Opportunities in the UK Crab Fisheries Resources - Process Technology - Markets - New Products

    The study covers the current and projected crab resource picture in the UK and the trends in new mechanical flesh recovery equipment. It also discusses the market opportunities and sets out the details of 9 novel crab products developed and tested under a contract with Youngs Sea Foods This report has been produced from a scanned original and may therefore contain some formatting and other inaccuracies. In cases where this affects the technical content, a paper copy of the original report can still be obtained from Seafish.
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    Fish Supplies and Processing Capacity in the UK - Part II - The Processing Industry

    This report is a companion document to Report 268 which is issued as Part I. Here the processing industry and its geographical location is analysed in relation to supplies including imports. The picture emerges that no one region of the UK is wholly self reliant in supplies and processing capacity. The concept of a resource centre is proposed. It concludes that Humberside is the dominant resource centre in the UK because of imports, overland supplies and processing capacity. This position is unlikely to change in the near future. This report has been produced from a scanned original and may therefore contain some formatting and other inaccuracies. In cases where this affects the technical content, a paper copy of the original report can still be obtained from Seafish.
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    Findings of a Basic Water & Effluent Survey Carried Out at Moray Seafoods Ltd

    As part of the North East Scotland Strategic Study, Seafish has been involved in briefly visiting representative companies in the region to survey water use and effluent production. The purpose of these visits is to estimate the general reductions in both water use and effluent strength which could be made by introducing waste minimisation. This report summarises the findings of the brief visit to Moray Seafoods Limited carried out on 4 May 1999.
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    Swimming and recessing behaviour of scallops seeded onto a range substrates

    The influence of substrate is established, alongside other factors such as water current. This report has been produced from a scanned original and may therefore contain some formatting and other inaccuracies. In cases where this affects the technical content, a paper copy of the original report can still be obtained from Seafish.
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    MAFF Funded discard Study - Irish Sea Area VIIa

    This report presents the results of studies of discard levels in Irish sea fisheries in area VIIa. The gears studied were otter trawls both Nephrops and demersal, pelagic trawls and Scottish seines. The species studied were cod, whiting, dover sole and plaice. The methodology was based upon that used by the discard team at the Marine laboratory, Aberdeen. Estimates of discarded fish were made on fishing voyages by Seafish staff who were briefed to avoid introducing changes to normal shipboard procedures. Samples of discarded fish were measured and a representative sub sample of the whole catch was also measured. Length/weight relationships and appropriate raising factors were used to calculate the weight and numbers of discarded and retained fish. The method used for sampling Nephrops is described; the results from those studies are reported elsewhere although no results are recorded in this report. This report has been produced from a scanned original and may therefore contain some formatting and other inaccuracies. In cases where this affects the technical content, a paper copy of the original report can still be obtained from Seafish.
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    Trawl Door Development Project: Project C. Flume Tank Testing of Quarter Scale Doors

    This project is the second by a summer vacational student on the subject of testing model trawl doors in the Seafish Flume Tank in Hull. Progress on equipmnt and instrumentation has been made and a standard procedure of testing various types of trawl doorshas been recommended.
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    Marine Fish Farming at Austevoll, Askoy & Sunndalsora in Norway

    A report describing a visit to three marine farming units in Norway at which halibut experimental work is taking place. The unit at Austevoll is pressing towards commercial culture standards and has successfully reared 200 metamorphosed larvae this year. The opportunity was also taken to study the progress with cod cultivation at Austevoll and salmon cultivation at Askoy and Sotra. This report has been produced from a scanned original and may therefore contain some formatting and other inaccuracies. In cases where this affects the technical content, a paper copy of the original report can still be obtained from Seafish.
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    A Review of the Second International Conference on Molluscan Shellfish Safety

    The Second International Conference on Molluscan Shellfish Safety was held in Iioilo City, The Philippines on 17-21 November 1997. This was the fourth in a series of conferences relating to Molluscan Shellfish Safety, the others being The First International Conference on Molluscan Shellfish Safety in New South Wales, Australia in 1994 and prior conferences in 1998 and 1992 on Shellfish Depuration in the United States of America and France. The scope of the conference encouraged a range of food safety related issues to be raised and provided researchers and industry with a picture of the range of factors which can affect shellfish safety. This report contains the abstracts of the papers and in some cases a precis of the presentations. The conference recommendations are also reported. An appendix outlining some of the illness associated organisms detailed in the papers is also included. This report has been produced from a scanned original and may therefore contain some formatting and other inaccuracies. In cases where this affects the technical content, a paper copy of the original report can still be obtained from Seafish.
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    Mussels. Improving quality Through Improved Storage, Handling & Temperature Practices

    Both cultivated and wild mussels are a live product and must be treated as such if they are to reach the market place in good, edible and safe condition. In other words they must satisfy and not put the customer at risk. If practices can be improved there is considerable potential for increasing the harvesting of mussels from UK waters such as The Wash. The likelihood of successful growth in the industry would be increased by guidelines or a quality code for the production of a quality product. The objective of this project is to enable recommendations for improved handling practices to be made to the industry by investigating the effects of different handling procedure such as dropping, purification, de-bearding, packing methods, storage times and temperatures, on mussel shell damage, storage life, and organoleptic quality. The poor handling practices to which mussels are subjected in the UK and the lack of appreciation of how spoilage takes place is preventing the UK of taking full advantage of this rich and relatively abundant resource. This report has been produced from a scanned original and may therefore contain some formatting and other inaccuracies. In cases where this affects the technical content, a paper copy of the original report can still be obtained from Seafish.
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    The Impact of Whelk Handling/storage Methods on the Product Quality

    Samples of whelks were held in ambient, chilled, iced and immersed conditions. Those held in ambient conditions resulted in a poor quality cooked product. This report has been produced from a scanned original and may therefore contain some formatting and other inaccuracies. In cases where this affects the technical content, a paper copy of the original report can still be obtained from Seafish.
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    Site Visit Report for F. Smales & Son (Fish Merchants)

    This report summarises the findings of a three day audit of F. Smales and Son Ltd. from 27 to 29 May 1998. The purpose of the visit was to determine water usage and effluent production in filleting (including washing) and defrosting. However, some general observations and problems identified with water use and effluent production in other processes are included.
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    Feasibility study on the ongrowing potential for periwinkles Littorina littorea L..

    Growth rates on different dietary regimes were measured at differing stock density. Large individual growth rates were found, possibly relating to sexual development. This report has been produced from a scanned original and may therefore contain some formatting and other inaccuracies. In cases where this affects the technical content, a paper copy of the original report can still be obtained from Seafish.
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    Fishing Industry of S.W, England - A Business Study

    The report describes the Fishery in the S. West during 1984/1985 and is part of the series of background studies covering the U.K. Fisheries as a whole. The Fishery is broadly divided into the deep water section - typified by the Brixham and Newlyn beamers and the inshore vessels operating mainly from coves in Cornwall. The competition for the fish resouces is described but in general the fishery is enjoying some growth mainly as a result of sales to the Continent.
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    Artificial Dosing of Bivalve Molluscs with E. Coli for the Testing of Purification Tanks

    In England and Wales the purification of bivalve molluscs in purpose built tanks requires a bacteriological test as part of the approval procedure to demonstrate satisfactory operation. Using the bacteria Eschericia coli (E. coli) as an indicator of faecal pollution, initial high levels in bivalve molluscs placed in a tank must reduce to below prescribed levels within 42 hours. Problems with obtaining naturally or artificially contaminated bivalve molluscs with sufficiently high levels of E. coli have resulted at times in considerable cost and inconvenience. The main problem with artificial dosing being the unpredictability associated with attempting to dose all bivalve molluscs in the purification tank at once. MAFF and Seafish considered that a new approach might be to dose only a small quantity in a separate tank and place these molluscs at defined sampling points in the purification tank instead. Trials were first conducted by MAFF at their Weymouth Laboratory with the use of freeze dried ampoules containing a know titre of E. coli to dose bivalve molluscs in a small portable purification tank developed by Seafish. By using this tank it was possible to control tank operating conditions and therefore have more control over the uptake of E. coli by bivalve molluscs immersed in it. The results for mussels were reasonably consistent, with more variability shown with oysters. Nevertheless it was shown that these species could be dosed to the required levels. A standard protocol was, therefore, developed for artificial dosing using this technique. This report has been produced from a scanned original and may therefore contain some formatting and other inaccuracies. In cases where this affects the technical content, a paper copy of the original report can still be obtained from Seafish.
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    Mussel Purification - Repeated Re-use of Artificial Seawater in the Purification Process

    To make large scale mussel purification more cost effective and to improve its control, Seafish has considered the development of a modular, multi layered purification tank utilising re-cycled artificial seawater. Having already demonstrated that a multi-layered system would work, as described in TR 312, Seafish has now conducted trials with artificial seawater as part of the 1987-88 MAFF Research Commission, Project NBA16. This report describes a series of comparative trials conducted at the Seafish Industrial Development Unit, Hull, using two identical purification tanks to purify mussels. In each trial one tank was filled with freshly prepared artificial seawater and the other with an artificial seawater mix composed of 90% re-used and 10% freshly prepared. This report has been produced from a scanned original and may therefore contain some formatting and other inaccuracies. In cases where this affects the technical content, a paper copy of the original report can still be obtained from Seafish.
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    Large Mesh Top sheet in a Scottish nephrops trawl

    Gear database resource: Scottish Industry Science Partnership Report on West coast fishery trials of a twin rig Nephrops trawl incorporating a large mesh top sheet
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    Nutritional Profile - Sea Bream

    The sea bream nutritional profile provides the macronutrient, vitamin and mineral value of the fish caught in English waters.
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    Development of an Integrated Weighing, Labelling and Forward Information System for Fishing Vessels

    Development, trials and commercial adoption of a weighing, labelling and catch information system for use on fishing vessels. This report details that it is possible to integrate a fish weighing/catch information gathering system, based in a vessel's fish hold, with a catch reporting system, situated in the wheelhouse, and shows that it is possible to send this catch information to shore.
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    Seafood social profile USA January2020

    This profile is part of a series on the social risks associated with countries that are important to the UK seafood industry. It covers risks related to the production and processing of wild caught and farmed seafood.
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    CLG Presentation 5. Current challenges and future opportunities for seafood. 13 September 2022.

    Abby Johns and Jessica Saunders, Defra outlined the various funding opportunities under the UK Seafood Fund.
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    Fisheries Management and Innovation Group. News alert. Nov/Dec 2021.

    Nov/Dec news alert sent to FMIG subscribers on 14 December 2021.
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    FMIG Presentation 2. Marine spatial squeeze and intelligent fishing. 29 September 2022.

    Matt Frow, Seafish, talked about the Kingfisher project to map fishing restrictions in UK waters.
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    SECLG Presentation 2. Driving improvement through effective implementation of ILO 188. 5 July 2022.

    Juan Manuel Trujillo Castillo from the Workers' Commissions (Comisiones Obreras, CCOO) - the largest Trade Union in Spain - spoke about implementing social sustainability and C.188/AENOR labour standards in the Spanish fishing industry.
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    Fisheries Management & Innovation Group. News alert. August 2022.

    August news alert sent to FMIG subscribers on 31 August 2022.
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    National Fish & Chips Awards 2020 - winners and finalists

    Details of winning businesses and individuals in the various award categories of the 2020 National Fish & Chip Awards.
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    Common Language Group. News alert. May 2021.

    May news alert sent to CLG subscribers on 10 June 2021.
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    Nutritional Profile - Sardines

    The sardines nutritional profile provides the macronutrient, vitamin and mineral value of the fish caught in English waters.
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    Nutritional Profile - Oysters

    The oysters nutritional profile provides the macronutrient, vitamin and mineral value of the bivalve molluscs caught in English waters.
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    CLG Presentation 1. Global and UK IUU landscape. 7 June 2022.

    Andrew Temple, MRAG a new systematic review of illegal, unregulated and unreported fishing impacts, looking at evidence and the proposed future agenda.
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    FMIG Meeting Notes. 29 September 2022.

    Notes on the Fisheries Management and Innovation Group meeting held on 29 September 2022. The topic was Marine spatial squeeze and intelligent fishing.
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    Guide to Marine Protected Areas (MPAs)

    This guide looks at Marine Protected Areas (MPAs), globally and with reference to the Northeast Atlantic and UK waters.
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    Common Language Group. January 2021. News alert.

    January news alert sent to CLG subscribers on 10 February 2021.
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    Utilisation in 2014 of the Quota Exchange and Access Entitlement in the EU Faroe Bi-lateral Agreement

    An analysis of the fish catching activity enabled by the EU Faroe Bi-lateral Agreement in 2014 has been undertaken. Uptake by UK fishing vessels of the quota available through the exchange element of the agreement and uptake of the opportunity to fish for UK held quota in Faroese waters was analysed. Uptake by vessels from the rest of the EU and where possible the uptake by Faroese vessels is also included. Interviews were undertaken with UK pelagic industry representatives on the impact of the agreement on their sector. The analysis was requested by the Seafish Pelagic Industry Issues Group.
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    Seafood Segments in the Retail Market

    This Market Insight factsheet provides a full picture of the seafood segments in the United Kingdom’s (UK) retail market.
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    Chilled seafood in multiple retail (2022 update)

    Unusually for the category, chilled seafood continues in full decline as shoppers turn to ambient to save money.
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    Multy Rig Trawling - Lowestoft Sole Fishery

    The information in the report was gathered as a result of an observation trip aboard the Lowestoft "Sundance" (Skipper Tony Rodriguez). The report covers details of the gear and techniques employed by Lowestoft Sole Fishermen engaged in Multy-Rig Trawling and indicates the simplicity and effectiveness of this method of fishing.
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    Seafood Trends in Commercial Foodservice (2023 Update)

    In the 52wks to June 2023, total GB seafood servings remained flat at 973m (+0.2%), worth an estimated £5.0bn (+17.8%) value being driven by inflation. Seafood servings also remain 19% behind pre COVID-19 levels
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    Seafish levy rates schedule September 2020

    This document provides a list of levy rates for all species and formats where Seafish is levy is due.
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    ACIG Presentation 3. UK reliance on aquaculture. 18 October 2022.

    Dave Little, University of Stirling, provided a synopsis of the Why Seafood Matters conference. He highlighted the key themes around how seafood can contribute to individual, community and planetary health.
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    FMIG Presentation 6. Marine spatial squeeze and intelligent fishing. 29 September 2022.

    Rob Enever, Fishtek Marine, spoke about using illuminated pots, dubbed ‘scallop discos’ to attract and catch scallops.
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    Fishing refererences by country in 2022 U.S. TIP Report. July 2022. Summary

    The Trafficking in Persons (TIP) report is the U.S. Government’s principal diplomatic tool to engage foreign governments on human trafficking. This document lists the references to fishing by country in the 2022 report.
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    Nutritional Profile - Monkfish (Angler Fish)

    The monkfish (angler fish) nutritional profile provides the macronutrient, vitamin and mineral value of the fish caught in English waters.
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    RASS profile; Mackerel (Scomber scombrus) in subareas 1–8 and 14, and in Division 9.a (Northeast Atlantic and adjacent waters), captured by pelagic trawls

    This document is a summary of information on the mackerel stock in the Northeast Atlantic waters caught by pelagic trawl derived from scientific assessments and risk assessed using Seafish’s RASS scoring guidance.
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    CLG Presentation 3. Current challenges and future opportunities for seafood. 13 September 2022.

    Frank Fleming, Verifact spoke about the Fishing Innovation Scotland (FIS) pilot digitalisation project re Rockall haddock and Nephrops.
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    Aquaculture Common Issues Group. News alert. May 2021.

    May news alert sent to ACIG subscribers on 3 June 2021.
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    FMIG Presentation 4. Advances in fishing gear technology. 13 July 2022.

    Dagny-Elise Anastassiou from Ava Ocean (formerly Tau Tech) described new technology to harvest scallops being trialled in Norway.
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    Climate change adaptation in the UK (wild capture) seafood industry - watching brief 2020-21

    This Seafish/MCCIP watching brief report considers recent advances in scientific understanding and industry experience of climate change drivers and impacts in 2020 and 2021. It includes feedback from industry stakeholders on adaptation actions.
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    Seafish response to Consultation on the setting of nutrient profiles under European Regulation (EC) No 1924/2006 on nutrition and health claims made on foods

    The Food Standards Agency sought views and comments on the European Commission's working documents on the setting of nutrient profiles under Regulation (EC) No 1924/2006 on nutrition and health claims made on foods. Similar consultations were held in Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales. To read the consultation go to:
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    Nutritional Profile - Mackerel

    The mackerel nutritional profile provides the macronutrient, vitamin and mineral value of the fish caught in English waters.
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    Seafood Consumption 2017

    There are three methods available to measure and track GB seafood consumption which provide slightly different yet similar figures; whilst useful for comparison, it is considered that the Defra family food dataset, produced to robust national statistical standards with reasonable time availability is considered to be the best source for an accurate, consistent benchmark. This data shows a 2% increase in seafood consumption from 157.83 grams per person per week in 2014 to 161.07 grams per person per week in 2015.
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    Aquaculture Common Issues Group. News alert. March 2021.

    March news alert sent to ACIG subscribers on 1 April 2021.
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    Fisheries Management and Innovation Group. News alert. February 2022.

    February news alert sent to FMIG subscribers on 24 February 2022.
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    Crab and Lobster Management Group minutes - November 2022

    Meeting minutes for the 9th meeting of the Crab and Lobster Management Group (CMG) which took place on 7th November 2022 via Microsoft Teams.
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    CLG Presentation 3. Global and UK IUU landscape.. 7 June 2022.

    Robert Blasiak, from the Seafood Business for Ocean Stewardship (SeaBOS) IUU Task Force spoke about their approach to addressing IUU fishing and forced labour.
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    Comparative Fishing for Flatfish using a Beam Trawl fitted with Electric Ticklers

    A report on the comparative fishing for Flatfish using a Beam Trawl fitted with electric ticklers.
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    Frozen Seafood in Multiple Retail (2021)

    Although frozen seafood sales remain higher than pre COVID-19, the rate of growth enjoyed in 2020 has slowed. By mid 2021, chilled seafood had returned to driving the seafood category once more.
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    Yessotoxin (YTX) and Shellfish

    First discovered in scallops, and initially associated with DSP, YTXs are now considered separately to other shellfish biotoxins
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    Amnesic Shellfish Poisoning (ASP)

    ASP is an illness that can occur when eating seafood, usually shellfish, that contain biotoxins.
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    Board minutes - 26 September 2018

    Seafish Board minutes
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    Marketing Officer - Job Description

    Full job description for the Marketing Officer vacancy.
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    Clam Cultivation

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    Guidance on the originating status of Russian fish

    A guidance note to help UK seafood businesses assess how the new Russian tariffs will apply to imports of Russian caught seafood.
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    Farmed Seafood in Multiple Retail (2022 Update)

    In the 52 weeks to 21st May 2022, farmed seafood accounted for an estimated 59% by value, and 40% by volume of the UK ‘top-five’ bestselling seafood species which in turn make up most UK seafood sales.
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    ACIG Presentation 2. Digitilisation in aquaculture. 24 March 2022.

    Nathan Pyne-Carter, Ace Aquatec, spoke about intelligent fish farming to address sea lice and predation, accurate biomass data and humane slaughter.
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    Construction Standards for fishing vessels 15m length overall to 24m registered length - Introduction

    The following Standards relate to the construction of steel mono-hull fishing vessels and include requirements for superstructure and machinery installations. Items other than those mentioned above are covered by the new CODE OF SAFE WORKING PRACTICE FOR THE CONSTRUCTION AND USE OF 15 METRE LENGTH OVERALL TO LESS THAN 24 METRE REGISTERED LENGTH FISHING VESSELS produced by the Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA). Recommendations for outfit are included in Parts 8 to 10 of these Standards.
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    Nutritional Profile - Grey Mullet

    The grey mullet nutritional profile provides the macronutrient, vitamin and mineral value of the fish caught in English waters.
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    Local seafood heroes - Lobster and Mor

    Profile of Lobster and Mor - part of a project showcasing some of the people and businesses that make up the vibrant seafood industry in Wales.
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    The Seafish Guide to Who's Who in UK Aquaculture

    The “Seafish Guide to Who’s Who in UK Aquaculture” collates and provides links to Government bodies and policies, important regulators, independent advisors, trade bodies, information providers, funders and educators pertinent to UK aquaculture.
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    Common Language Group. News alert. Oct/Nov 2021.

    Oct/Nov news alert sent to CLG subscribers on 26 November 2021.
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    Seafood 2040 - A Strategic Framework for England

    Seafood 2040 has brought together stakeholders from across the seafood supply chain in pursuit of a single, compelling goal. This document is the result of that shared enterprise.
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    Under 16.5m Skipper's Certificate photo ID card application form

    Any fisherman who can satisfy the requirements for experience and certificated training can apply and complete this application form (v8)
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    Seafish Coverless Prawn Trawl Design & Construction Guidance Notes

    Seafish Coverless Prawn Trawl Design & Construction Guidance Notes.
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    FS51-08.10 October 2011 Amnesic Shellfish Poisoning

    Bivalve molluscs are one of the only foods normally delivered to the consumer alive. This, and the fact that bivalve molluscs can selectively retain contaminants that are harmful to human health, means controls are in place to mitigate against potential contamination. A good understanding of the controls and how the animals respond to various handling regimes can lead to safer seafood being delivered to market. To ensure best practice guidelines are followed Seafish has produced a series of industry guidance notes for fishers and shellfish farmers. This fact sheet on Amnesic Shellfish Poisoning (ASP) covers: what is ASP, the symptoms, algal toxins, the legislative framework, controls in place, how the samples are tested, what harvesters should be doing and sources of further information. Revised October 2011.
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    Seafood social profile Turkey January2020

    This profile is part of a series on the social risks associated with countries that are important to the UK seafood industry. It covers risks related to the production and processing of wild caught and farmed seafood.
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    Seafood in retail during Covid-19

    Total seafood volume sales remain elevated as working from home continues, up +13.5% vs pre COVID-19 and +7.9% vs the same week the previous year. Volume growth is driven by chilled sales up +31.6% from the same week in 2020 compared to +7.3% for frozen.
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    Further Trials to Investigate the Effect on White Fish Quality of Storage in Pallet Bins and Initial Investigations of the Use of Binary Ice

    Increasingly 660 litres pallet bins (or tubs or skips) are being used for the iced storage of fish on the larger and more modem vessels in the UK whitefish fleet, for reasons of handling efficiency. Although quality advantages have been claimed, initial Seafish trials showed that there can be a loss of freshness caused by depth of storage in these bins. This report covers further trials to investigate the possible influences on fish weight, fillet yield, and chilled storage life. This report has been produced from a scanned original and may therefore contain some formatting and other inaccuracies. In cases where this affects the technical content, a paper copy of the original report can still be obtained from Seafish.
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    Aquaculture Common Issues Group. News alert. September 2022.

    September news alert sent to ACIG subscribers on 7 September 2022.
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    Whelk Management Group Minutes - April 2022

    Meeting minutes for the 8th meeting of the Whelk Management Group (WMG) which took place on 5th April 2021 via Microsoft Teams.
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    New Zealand Seafood Ethics Profile

    Seafish commissioned a study to assess the ethical issues impacting on seafood species landed into, and imported to the UK from a wide range of countries. This New Zealand profile looks at the main seafood products; seafood exports to UK; employment in seafood; human trafficking and forced labour indicators and rankings and research reports; ratification of international human rights and labour instruments; fisheries policy and management structure/administration; control of IUU fishing and related labour abuse; measures to protect migrant fishers; partnerships and improvement projects; and an overall assessment or criteria for overall risk assessment for New Zeland.
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    2021 Seafish Seafood in Foodservice 2020 Performance Summary

    Summary of the performance of foodservice and seafood in foodservice during 2020
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    Barents and Norwegian Seas ecoregions; demersal stock trend 1992-2015 and ICES advice 2015

    This document summarises the trajectories of the main demersal stocks exploited in the Barents and Norwegian Seas Ecoregions over the past twenty five years based on the ICES advice from 2015 and other sources.
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    Legal obligations for employers

    Guide 5 includes general information on your wider legal responsibilities as a seafood business employing migrant workers. These duties are in addition to your sponsorship responsibilities. Guide 5 of 5.
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    CLG Presentation 6. Current challenges and future opportunities for seafood. 13 September 2022.

    Loren Hiller and Giles Bones, Marine Stewardship Council outlined their Sustainable Seafood Week promotional campaign.
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    Crab and Lobster Management Group minutes - May 2023

    Meeting minutes for the 11th meeting of the Crab and Lobster Management Group (CMG) which took place on 6th February 2023 via Microsoft Teams.
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    Aquaculture Common Issues Group. News alert. June 2022.

    June news alert sent to ACIG subscribers on 1 June 2022.
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    Future of Our Inshore Fisheries - first phase action plan

    Summary of the proposed next steps for the Future of Our Inshore Fisheries project.
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    Nutritional Profile - Alaskan Pollock

    The Alaskan pollock nutritional profile provides the macronutrient, vitamin and mineral value of the fish caught in English waters.
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    Field Researcher - Job Description

    Full job description for the Field Researcher vacancy.
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    ACIG Presentation 3. Digitilisation in aquaculture. 24 March 2022.

    James Horton, Chief Technology Officer, SmartOysters (soon to be OceanFarmr), spoke about the digital transformation of oyster farming.
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    Nutritional Profile - Lemon Sole

    The lemon sole nutritional profile provides the macronutrient, vitamin and mineral value of the fish caught in English waters.
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    Fuel price impact on the seafood industry

    A Seafish presentation on economic modelling analysis on the impact of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict on UK seafood sector, covering impact assessment of the fuel price on the fishing fleets and potential impacts on the processing sector.
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    Nutritional Profile - Dover Sole

    The Dover Sole nutritional profile provides the macronutrient, vitamin and mineral value of the fish caught in English waters.
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    Local seafood heroes – Mermaid Seafoods

    Profile of Mermaid Seafoods - part of a project showcasing some of the people and businesses that make up the vibrant seafood industry in Wales.
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    Common Language Group. News alert. March 2021.

    March news alert sent to CLG subscribers on 8 April 2021.
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    CLG Presentation 4. Current challenges and future opportunities for seafood. 13 September 2022.

    Kara Brydson spoke about the Fishing Innovation Scotland (FIS) vessels of the future project, and how we address barriers to fuel efficiency and supporting Net Zero.
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    Cuttlefish quality

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    Code of Practice on the Declaration of Fish Content in Fish Products

    This code covers the labelling and declaration of fish content with respect to the Food Safety Act 1990, the Food Labelling Regulations 1996, particularly with reference to quantitative ingredient declarations (QUID), and the Trade Descriptions Act 1968. The code describes fish blocks, minced fish, fish cakes and scampi products, and relates nitrogen factors to fish content.
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    Common Language Group. December 2020. News alert.

    December news alert sent to CLG subscribers on 14 January 2021.
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    Seafood social profile Philippines January2020

    This profile is part of a series on the social risks associated with countries that are important to the UK seafood industry. It covers risks related to the production and processing of wild caught and farmed seafood.
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    2020 Seafish UK Seafood Import and Export Factsheet Finalised Data

    Summary of the UK's seafood imports and exports in 2020.
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    Aquaculture Common Issues Group. News alert. July 2021.

    July news alert sent to ACIG subscribers on 5 August 2021.
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    ACIG Presentation 2. UK reliance on aquaculture. 18 October 2022.

    Joe Cooper, Seafish spoke about aquaculture trends, the trade profile of aquaculture in the UK, and looked at the UK reliance on aquaculture.
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    Renewal for under 16.5m Skipper's Certificate photo ID card application form

    Our Under 16.5m Skipper’s Certificate is issued with a five year expiry date. This form (v4) sets out our requirements for holders to renew their certificates.
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    Safer Shellfish: Biotoxin Monitoring

    It is normal for biotoxin-producing algae to be present in coastal waters, and eaten by filter feeding bivalves. Controls are in place to mitigate against potential contamination, and ensure safer seafood.
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    Marine Finfish Research Programme 2002-2003

    Details of research programme.
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    Plastic Packaging Tax - The experience of a UK seafood importer

    This case study considers a UK seafood importer’s experience of the Plastic Packaging Tax.
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    Quick summary of June and October 2009 ICES advice for six key pelagic species

    Seafish continues to support the fishmeal industry through the provision of news and factual information. This quick summary of the June and October 2009 ICES advice covers blue whiting, capelin, herring, Norway pout, sandeel and sprat.
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    Seafish Framework Document

    Overarching framework for the sponsorship of the Sea Fish Industry Authority (Seafish) and the governance and accountability arrangements between the four Fisheries Administrations and Seafish.
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    SECLG Presentation 3. Driving improvements in labour standards. 1 March 2022.

    Andy Hickman Seafood Ethics Action Alliance, spoke about the role of the SEA Alliance and its participating companies
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    Ambient Seafood in Multiple Retail (2020)

    This factsheet provides a summary of the performance of ambient seafood in multiple retail to 3rd October 2020.
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    UAE Export Guide

    A market research report on the seafood sector in UAE.
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    FMIG Presentation 1. The impact of offshore wind development on fisheries. 1 February 2022.

    Sion Roberts, Crown Estate spoke about how Government/Crown Estate decide licence areas and the long-term goal for offshore wind farms and offshore floating wind technology.
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    Live Bivalve Mollusc End Product Testing

    This guidance document explains the responsibilities of the food business operator as regards end product testing of live bivalve molluscs.
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    FMIG Presentation 3. Advances in fishing gear technology. 13 July 2022.

    Ben Collier, Northern Ireland Gear Trials Project 2017 - 2022 talked about how the catching sector has addressed undersized whiting by-catch in the Northern Ireland nephrops fishery.
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    SECLG. Presentation 6. Driving improvement through effective implementation of ILO 188. 5 July 2022.

    Tina Barnes from the Seafarers' Charity talked about a new campaign to achieve Fairness in Fishing.
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    Seafood social profile Indonesia January2020

    This profile is part of a series on the social risks associated with countries that are important to the UK seafood industry. It covers risks related to the production and processing of wild caught and farmed seafood.
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    SECLG Presentation 5. Driving improvement through effective implementation of ILO 188. 5 July 2022.

    Julie Carlton from the Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA) spoke about implementation of ILO C. 188 in the UK.
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    Nutritional Profile - Salmon (farmed)

    The salmon (farmed) nutritional profile provides the macronutrient, vitamin and mineral value of the fish caught in English waters.
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    Common Language Group. News alert. June 2021.

    June news alert sent to CLG subscribers on 8 July 2021.
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    Common Language Group. News alert. December 2021.

    December news alert sent to CLG subscribers on 15 December 2021.
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    Nutritional Profile - Herring

    The herring nutritional profile provides the macronutrient, vitamin and mineral value of the fish caught in English waters.
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    Factsheet - Mackerel (2018 Update)

    This factsheet provides a summary of the United Kingdom (UK) value chain for mackerel. It is intended to inform stakeholders of the UK seafood industry about the performance of the mackerel product. In 2017 the volume of UK mackerel supply increased through a rise in import volume. However, landings and export volume of mackerel experienced declines. In 2018 (up to latest available data) sales of mackerel in retail increased and commercial food service decreased.
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    Nutritional Profile - Cold Water Prawns

    The cold water prawns nutritional profile provides the macronutrient, vitamin and mineral value of the shellfish caught in English waters.
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    Seafood social profile Thailand January2020

    This profile is part of a series on the social risks associated with countries that are important to the UK seafood industry. It covers risks related to the production and processing of wild caught and farmed seafood.
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    Seafood social profile China January2020

    This profile is part of a series on the social risks associated with countries that are important to the UK seafood industry. It covers risks related to the production and processing of wild caught and farmed seafood.
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    Drug abuse at Sea

    Over the last few years we have seen an alarming increase in the number of accidents at sea in which drugs have been a causative factor. In some areas of the world and on certain types of vessel drug abuse is becoming a serious safety hazard. The purpose of this booklet is to help owners, operators and employers of seafarers to become aware of the risks, to educate them in the effects of drugs and help eradicate this menace from our industry.
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    Nutritional Profile - Sea Bass

    The sea bass nutritional profile provides the macronutrient, vitamin and mineral value of the fish caught in English waters.
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    2019 Seafish UKEU Seafood Import and Export Summary Factsheet

    Summary factsheet detailing the UK's seafood imports and exports with the EU in 2019.
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    Trials to assess the potential for nephrops trawls with low headline heights (less than 1m) in reducing whitefish by-catch

    A report on the trials held to assess whether whitefish by-catch could be reduced in the Nephrops trawl fishery by using low headline Nephrops trawls.
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    Quay Issues: Issue 9

    Quay Issues is a magazine for the fishing industry. This edition of Quay Issues shines a light on the way in which some businesses are rising to the challenges that the sector faces.
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    Candian Pair Seining Experiment 1969

    Candian Pair Seining Experiment 1969
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    Nutritional Profile - Atlantic Pollock

    The Atlantic pollock nutritional profile provides the macronutrient, vitamin and mineral value of the fish caught in English waters.
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    Seafish Insight: Background briefing on fishery observers.

    This literature review looks at the role of a fishery observer and the rules governing fisheries observer programmes; the issues being raised; the most recent prominent cases; the repeated calls for reform; and the current situation in 2020 and the impact of COVID-19.
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    Aquaculture Common Issues Group. News alert. February 2021.

    February news alert sent to ACIG subscribers on 9 March 2021.
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    Mobile fishmongers case study

    Northern Ireland case study
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    Fisheries Management and Innovation Group. News alert. July 2022.

    July news alert sent to FMIG subscribers on 1 August 2022.
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    Seafood Ethics Common Language Group. September 2022.

    September news alert sent to SECLG subscribers on 29 September 2022.
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    Fishing references by country in 2023 U.S. TIP Report. July 2023. Summary

    This lists the references to fishing by country in the 2023 Trafficking in Persons (TIP) report (U.S. Government report on human trafficking). This file may not be suitable for users of assistive technology. Please request an accessible format.
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    Aquaculture Common Issues Group. News alert. June 2021.

    June news alert sent to ACIG subscribers on 5 July 2021.
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    Common Language Group. News alert. February 2021.

    February news alert sent to CLG subscribers on 15 March 2021.
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    Shellfish Industry Advisory Group Minutes - February 2023

    Meeting minutes for the 12th meeting of the Shellfish Industry Advisory Group (SIAG) which took place on 27th February 2023 via Microsoft Teams.
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    Squid Jigging From Small Boats

    There is a good potential for creating new fisheries around the British Isles based on squid, several commercial species of which occur and are either unexploited or under utilised. The main market for squid and other cephalopods landed in the UK is for whole frozen animals, which are exported to markets in the Mediterranean counties, particularly Italy. The potential of this market and also of the Asian market is said to be considerable. Japan continues to lead in both production and consumption of squid and imports about 10% of the remaining world catch.
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    Japan Export Guide

    A market research report on the seafood sector in Japan.
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    Seafood social profile South Africa January2020

    This profile is part of a series on the social risks associated with countries that are important to the UK seafood industry. It covers risks related to the production and processing of wild caught and farmed seafood.
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    Seafood social profile South Korea January2020

    This profile is part of a series on the social risks associated with countries that are important to the UK seafood industry. It covers risks related to the production and processing of wild caught and farmed seafood.
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    Levy Auditor - Job Description

    Full job description for the Levy Auditor vacancy.
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    Guide to Data-limited stock assessment

    This guide describes how fish stocks are assessed when there are not sufficient data available to use conventional models. ICES’s methods for assessing data-limited stocks are outlined, also worldwide trends in data-limited stock assessments.
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    2021 Q2 Seafish Seafood in Foodservice

    Seafood in foodservice performance summary including channel breakdown and trends, data to year ending June 2021.
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    Whelk Management Group Minutes - February 2023

    Meeting minutes for the 11th meeting of the Whelk Management Group (WMG) which took place on 20th February 2023 via Microsoft Teams.
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    Fishmeal and Feed Fisheries Group. News alert. July 2022

    Quarterly news alert sent to fishmeal and feed fish news subscribers on 18 August 2022.
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    Ecosystem Services Intern (Paid Internship) - Job Description

    Full job description for the Ecosystem Services Intern (Paid Internship) vacancy.
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    CLG Presentation 1. Current challenges and future opportunities for seafood. 13 September 2022.

    Joe Cooper, Seafish provided an analysis of UK Whitefish trade and the current challenges.
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    Seafish Responsible Sourcing Guide - Mussels

    This Responsible Sourcing Guide to mussels contains information on sustainability issues, stock assessment, conservation measures and management worldwide for the individual stocks of this species updated to 2011. There is a short section on the product characteristics of the species. The information was obtained from scientific, industry and governmental sources and appropriate references are given.
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    Shellfish Industry Advisory Group Minutes - December 2022

    Meeting minutes for the 11th meeting of the Shellfish Industry Advisory Group (SIAG) which took place on 12th December 2022 via Microsoft Teams.
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    Advances in Seine net fishing 1965-2008

    Power point presentation outlining advances in Seine net fishing.
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    SECLG Meeting Notes. 5 July 2022.

    Notes on the Seafood Ethics Common Language Group meeting held on 5 July 2022. The topic was Driving improvement through effective implementation of ILO 188.
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    Code of Hygienic Practice for Fish and Fishery Products Processing Establishment

    National Standard of the People’ s Republic of China (Issued by CNCA & AQSIQ): Normative Reference; Terms and definitions; Basic principles; Raw materials and ingredients; Plant site environment; Workshops, facilities and equipments; Processing control; Packaging, storage and transportation; Employee hygiene; Specific requirements for processing vessels; Quality management system and its operation requirements; Special provisions
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    Experienced fisherman's photo ID card application form

    Any experienced commercial fisherman (with at least 2 years’ fishing experience), who has completed all of the mandatory fishermen’s basic safety training courses, is eligible to apply for this card.
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    Statement to the Press: Golden opportunity for Northeast Atlantic blue whiting

    Three of the world’s largest buyers of Northeast Atlantic blue whiting - Skretting, Cargill and Biomar - are calling on politicians to seize a rare, golden opportunity to reduce their quota allocations, whilst not cutting catches.
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    Common Language Group. News alert. August 2021.

    August news alert sent to CLG subscribers on 9 September 2021.
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    Fisheries Analyst - Job Description

    Full job description for the Fisheries Analyst vacancy.
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    Crab and Lobster Management Group minutes - May 2023

    Meeting minutes for the 11th meeting of the Crab and Lobster Management Group (CMG) which took place on 9th May 2023 via Microsoft Teams.
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    Fishmeal and fish oil facts and figures December 2016

    Seafish continues to support the fishmeal industry through the provision of news and factual information. These fishmeal and fish oil facts and figures draw together the latest available data on World, European and UK markets, as well as the supply of fishmeal for land animals and fish feed.
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    CLG Presentation 2. Global and UK IUU landscape. 7 June 2022.

    Jake Kingsley, Senior Policy Advisor IUU, Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) and Jacob Flaherty, Marine Management Organisation explained UK Government IUU policy.
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    Seafood social profile Chile January2020

    This profile is part of a series on the social risks associated with countries that are important to the UK seafood industry. It covers risks related to the production and processing of wild caught and farmed seafood.
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    Local seafood heroes - Cardigan Bay Fish

    Profile of Cardigan Bay Fish - part of a project showcasing some of the people and businesses that make up the vibrant seafood industry in Wales.
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    2022 Seafish Seafood in Foodservice 2021 Performance Summary

    Seafood in foodservice performance summary including channel breakdown and trends, data to year ending December 2021.
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    FMIG Presentation 1. Marine spatial squeeze and intelligent fishing. 29 September 2022.

    Barrie Deas, NFFO and Suzannah Walmsley, ABPmer, talked about the NFFO/SFF report: The Frightening Outlook of Fisheries Displacement – Spatial Squeeze in fisheries.
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    Fishing refererences by country in 2021 U.S. TIP Report. July 2021.

    The Trafficking in Persons (TIP) report is the U.S. Government’s principal diplomatic tool to engage foreign governments on human trafficking. This document lists the references to fishing by country in the 2021 report.
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    SECLG Presentation 3. The recruitment dynamic. 15 November 2022.

    Ros Bennett, Quality and Integrity Manager, Stronger Together, provided an update on the Responsible Recruitment Tool. This file may not be suitable for users of assistive technology. If so, please request an accessible format.
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    Utilisation of 2017 European Union - Faroe Islands Bilateral Fisheries Agreement

    The Seafish Pelagic Industry Issues Group (SPIIG) asked Seafish to undertake an independent analysis of the utilisation by the UK and rest of EU of the 2017 EU-Faroe bilateral agreement and the utilisation of the agreement by Faroe Islands. This report is the fourth project undertaken by Seafish for PIIG and includes additional time trend and trade overview.
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    Experimental Fishing Using Large Entrance Spider Pots

    This report describes fishing trials undertaken by commercial Shell fishermen based in the SW of England overseen by a Seafish employee based in Newlyn, Cornwall. This project arose from another Seafish trial, based in the West of Scotland looking at investigation the potential for targeting Deep Sea Red Crab (Chaceon affinis). The pots used in this project were originally used as part of the Red Crab project though had subsequently become surplus to requirements. The pots were thought to have potential in the SW spider Crab fishery as a possible alternative to the use of tangle nets. 90 pots were allocated during April/May 2006 to 10 fishermen working from 6 different ports around the SW coast, both on the North and South coasts. All the pots were rigged with a 14” cone entrance and a netted bottom as originally supplied by the manufacturer. The fishermen were also supplied with a logsheet to record catches in order to assess the effectiveness of these pots compared with a standard Inkwell or parlour pot. . On first inspection, fishermen were generally happy with the overall design of the pots, though the pots produced mixed results. The tendency being that they did not fish as well as standard inkwell pots fitted with 10” buckets. There were a number of reasons why the fishermen thought that these pots were not catching effectively, in the main it was thought that the Spider Crabs could too easily escape from the pots especially when the pots were not lying flat on the bottom due to insufficient weight in the base of the pot. The fishermen were invited to retain the pots and make any alterations they saw fit during the winter months to improve the pots performance.
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    Aquaculture Common Issues Group. News alert. August 2021.

    August news alert sent to ACIG subscribers on 2 September 2021.
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    Fisheries Management and Innovation Group. News alert. March 2022.

    March news alert sent to FMIG subscribers on 24 March 2022.
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    Guidance for delegation of Official Control sampling to third parties

    This guidance explains the processes and considerations required to enable Local Authorities to establish third party sampling programmes, and to ensure that the sampling meets the standards required for Official Controls.
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    Seafood social profile Ecuador January2020

    This profile is part of a series on the social risks associated with countries that are important to the UK seafood industry. It covers risks related to the production and processing of wild caught and farmed seafood.
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    Seafood social profile Spain January2020

    This profile is part of a series on the social risks associated with countries that are important to the UK seafood industry. It covers risks related to the production and processing of wild caught and farmed seafood.
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    Guide to Sustainability and Responsible Sourcing

    In this guide we look at what the terms ‘sustainability’ and ‘responsible sourcing’ mean, and how seafood business can apply them in their sourcing decisions, both for wild harvest fisheries and aquaculture.
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    Fisheries Management and Innovation Group. News alert. April/May 2022.

    May news alert sent to FMIG subscribers on 26 May 2022.
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    Fisheries Management & Innovation Group. News alert. September 2022.

    September news alert sent to FMIG subscribers on 7 October 2022.
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    DASSHH Northern Ireland

    Report detailing the work undertaken in Northern Ireland on the bivalve aquaculture and water quality project. DASSHH aimed to create an improved approach to determining shellfish water quality that fully meets consumer safety and regulation requirements.
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    Selling direct from fishing vessels - Guidance for England

    This guide provides legislation for fishing vessel businesses in England that want to sell catch directly to customers.
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    Aquaculture Common Issues Group. News alert. August 2022.

    August news alert sent to ACIG subscribers on 4 August 2022.
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    How to Build a Shellfish Purification Centre

    This document offers advice and details on four key project stages, namely, planning, site selection and permissions, design and build, and approval. It also touches on relevant training.
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    CLG Presentation 2. Fish stock status in the Northeast Atlantic. 5 December 2022.

    Tom Pickerell, North Atlantic Advocacy Group, spoke about the progress of NAPA over the last year. This file may not be suitable for users of assistive technology. If needed please request an accessible format.
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    CLG. Notes on bite-size meeting. Global and UK IUU landscape. 7 June 2022.

    This meeting provides a review of IUU fishing and its impacts at global, regional and national (UK) levels, and what the UK is doing to tackle fisheries crime and IUU fishing
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    SECLG Presentation 2. Working conditions in UK fishing. 24 May 2022.

    Chris Williams, ITF Fisheries Section, International Transport Workers' Federation spoke about a new ITF report on transit visas 'A One Way Ticket to Labour Exploitation'.
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    CLG Meeting Notes. 13 September 2022.

    Notes on the Common Language Group meeting held on 13 September 2022. The topic was Current challenges and future opportunities for seafood
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    FMIG Presentation 3. The impact of offshore wind development on fisheries. 1 February 2022.

    Raymond Hall, Renewable Energy Policy Officer, Scottish Whitefish Producers Association Limited spoke about how the presence of offshore wind development infrastructures affects fishing activities and fishing behaviour.
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    Seafish response: UK non-native organism risk assessment scheme V3.3 Crassostrea gigas – Pacific oyster

    Seafish's comments to the GB Non-Native Species Secretariat's risk assessment of the Pacific oyster (Crassostrea gigas).
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    Ecosystem services, public benefits and the UK seafood industry

    A summary report which covers looking at the world as an ecosystem and why this 'lens' is important for seafood.
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    Market Insight Factsheet: Prawn and Shrimp

    Information for the UK seafood industry about the performance of prawns and shrimps. Where possible it provides a summary of the UK value chain for prawn and shrimp examining the detail behind its overall performance.
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    Fisheries Project Officer - Job Description

    Full job description for the Fisheries Project Officer vacancy.
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    Working on UK fishing vessels: the legal framework and support for fishers. November 2017.

    There is a fundamental requisite to monitor the welfare of the fishing crews working on UK vessels in UK waters, as well as globally. This document highlights the key UK and global legislation that is helping now, or will help in the future, to ensure fishers have minimum standards and decent conditions of work on board fishing vessels. It also details: the health and safety requirements for all those working on UK fishing vessels; the voluntary initiatives in place to help improve the conditions on board fishing vessels for all commercial fishers; the international guidelines that support basic human and labour rights principles across the whole fisheries sector; and the appropriate authorities, organisations and charities who are working to support the industry, and improve governance, safety and welfare within UK fishing. This document updates the December 2014 document entitled 'The legal framework for working on UK fishing vessels' and the October 2016 document 'Working on UK fishing vessels: the legal framework and support for fishers.
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    Fisheries Management and Innovation Group. News alert. January 2022.

    January news alert sent to FMIG subscribers on 27 January 2022.
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    Why do agreed TACs not always match the ICES scientific advice?

    The EU Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) strives towards managing fisheries based on optimal or Maximum Sustainable Yield (MSY), consistent with economic, social and employment benefits with a long term aim of environmentally sustainable fisheries. This industry guidance note summarizes the types of scientific advice available to fisheries’ managers and discusses the constraints which managers experience in managing fisheries.
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    Market Insight Factsheet: Haddock (2019)

    This factsheet intends to inform the United Kingdom (UK) seafood industry about the performance of haddock. Where possible it provides a summary of the UK value chain for haddock examining the detail behind its overall performance.
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    Seafood Market in North America

    These slides formed the trade webinar on the Seafood Market in North America.
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    Domestic & Export Sector Panel Minutes - October 2022

    The Minutes of the Domestic & Export Sector Panel meeting, held on Tuesday 25 October 2022.
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    CLG Presentation 2. Current challenges and future opportunities for seafood. 13 September 2022.

    Iain Lowrie, Insight Director, Sofina UK & ROI spoke about how the cost of living crisis is affecting UK seafood consumption
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    Common Language Group. News alert. October 2022.

    October news alert sent to CLG subscribers on 13 October 2022.
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    Ireland seafood market guide

    A market research report on the seafood sector in Ireland.
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    Covid-19 impact on seafood in retail - July 2020

    A market insight analysis on impact of Covid-19 on seafood in retail - July 2020
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    Local seafood heroes – Menai Oysters and Mussels Ltd

    Profile of Menai Oysters and Mussels Ltd - part of a project showcasing some of the people and businesses that make up the vibrant seafood industry in Wales.
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    Guidelines for the handling of chilled finfish by primary processors

    These Guidelines are written for primary processors who purchase, cut and pack wet finfish for the wholesale trade. The Guidelines cover the technical aspects of fish handling and of premises and equipment. Detailed recommendations are made and necessary background information is given. This report has been produced from a scanned original and may therefore contain some formatting and other inaccuracies. In cases where this affects the technical content, a paper copy of the original report can still be obtained from Seafish. Whilst these guidelines contain helpful technical information some of the legislative content may now be out of date.
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    Catch Comparison Trials with the Faithlie Cod Avoidance Panel (FCAP)

    A report on catch comparison trials conducted in the North Sea to evaluate the Faithlie Cod Avoidance Panel.
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    Kingfisher Talking Points - January 2019

    Kingfisher Talking Points - January 2019
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    Seafood social profile India January2020

    This profile is part of a series on the social risks associated with countries that are important to the UK seafood industry. It covers risks related to the production and processing of wild caught and farmed seafood.
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    Market Insight Factsheet: Cod (2019)

    This factsheet intends to inform the United Kingdom (UK) seafood industry about the performance of cod. Where possible it provides a summary of the UK value chain for cod examining the detail behind its overall performance.
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    Construction Standards for fishing vessels 15m length overall to 24m registered length - outfit and structural fire protection

    Includes numerous sections regarding Outfit and Structural Fire Protection.
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    SEA Alliance Vision and Working framework. January 2019.

    This details the SEA Alliance Vision (what we aim to achieve) and the working framework on how we plan to do this.
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    Principles to Guide the Risk Assessment of a COVID-19 Incident in the Workplace | Public Health England

    Produced by Public Health England, these principles provide a framework on how to approach and handle outbreaks and incidents of COVID-19 in the workplace in a consistent way.
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    Catch Comparison Trials using a 400mm Square Mesh Panel

    Catch Comparison Trials using a 400mm Square Mesh Panel
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    Seafood Ethics Action Alliance Presentation. Conditions in UK fishing. 18 May 2022.

    SEA Alliance presentation re the University of Nottingham Report Letting exploitation off the hook? Evidencing labour abuses in UK fishing and the International Transport Workers Federation (ITF) report A One Way Ticket to Labour Exploitation.
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    Discards - New Developments in 2014

    Update on the latest developments and measures, introduced or trialled in 2014, to reduce the level of fish discarded.
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    FMIG. Notes on bite-size meeting. The impact of offshore wind development on fisheries. 1 February 2022.

    This meeting looked at the impacts of offshore wind farms and offshore floating wind technology on fisheries interactions. It focussed on ecological change, the effect on fishing activities, fishing behaviour and fishing and coastal communities.
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    Form 48 (issue 13) - Documentation and Procedural Requirements (for Seafish certification for new vessels)

    Documentation and procedural requirements for Seafish Certification for new build fishing vessels.
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    Seafood social profile Canada January2020

    This profile is part of a series on the social risks associated with countries that are important to the UK seafood industry. It covers risks related to the production and processing of wild caught and farmed seafood.
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    Seafood social profile Taiwan January2020

    This profile is part of a series on the social risks associated with countries that are important to the UK seafood industry. It covers risks related to the production and processing of wild caught and farmed seafood.
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    Seafood social profile Argentina January2020

    This profile is part of a series on the social risks associated with countries that are important to the UK seafood industry. It covers risks related to the production and processing of wild caught and farmed seafood.
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    Field Researcher (Fleet Survey) - Job Description

    Full job description for the Field Researcher (Fleet Survey) vacancy.
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    Common Language Group. News alert. July 2022.

    July news alert sent to CLG subscribers on 28 July 2022.
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    Common Language Group. News alert. May 2022.

    May news alerts sent to CLG subscribers on 19 May 2022.
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    Fishing refererences by country in 2020 U.S. TIP Report. July 2020.

    The Trafficking in Persons (TIP) report is the U.S. Government’s principal diplomatic tool to engage foreign governments on human trafficking. This document lists the references to fishing by country in the 2020 report.
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    The Seafish Big Picture 2018

    Formerly known as the UK Industry Dashboard, the Big Picture aims to give an overview of the main issues impacting the industry via infographics, graphs and maps, and includes contributions from a variety of experts from all across Seafish. The Big Picture is for everyone - from those who know nothing about the fishing industry but want a quick and convenient way to learn about some of the major issues to dedicated industry experts who need a way of communicating the answers to big questions like ‘what’s happening in fishing right now?’.
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    Efficiency and environmental impacts of three different Queen scallop fishing gears

    Efficiency and environmental impacts of three different Queen scallop fishing gears.
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    Seafood Ethics Common Language Group. News alert. October 2022.

    October news alert sent to SECLG subscribers on 20 October 2022.
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    Aquaculture Common Issues Group. News alert. October 2022.

    October news alert sent to ACIG subscribers on 7 October 2022.
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    SECLG Presentation 1. Working conditions in UK fishing. 24 May 2022.

    Jessica Sparks, University of Nottingham Rights Lab outlined the key findings in their report 'Letting exploitation off the hook? Evidencing labour abuses in UK fishing'.
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    Nutritional Profile - Crab, White Meat (Cooked)

    The crab, white meat (cooked) nutritional profile provides the macronutrient, vitamin and mineral value of the shellfish caught in English waters.
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    Selection of Single Boat Pelagic Trawls for 100-600 H.P. Vessels

    This data sheet gives a method for estimating suitable pelagic trawls for any particular vessel, with a main engine of between 100 and 600 h.p. and fitted with either a conventional or a nozzle propeller.
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    Common Language Group. News alert. August 2022.

    August news alert sent to CLG subscribers on 11 August 2022.
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    Covid-19 and the impact on seafood in retail - May 2020

    This briefing provides a summary of the impact of COVID-19 on seafood retail sales, shopper trends and the opportunities and outlook for seafood.
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    FMIG. Notes on bite-size meeting. Cross-sector governance in UK waters. 5 April 2022.

    This meeting examined spatial squeeze in UK waters, the encroachment on fishing grounds for the fleet and the potential for massive displacement, as well as look at where the fishing industry fits into the decision-making process.
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    International Workshop on Seine Net Fishing

    With the growing interest in this relatively fuel-efficient method of fishing, Sudurnes Comprehensive college invited speakers from Iceland and across Europe to share their experience and expertise in seine netting.
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    Effects of Codend Mesh Size and Twine Number on Nephrops Selectivity

    Gear database resource: Scottish Marine and Freshwater Science Vol6 No3 on effects of codend mesh size and twine number on nephrops selectivity
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    Seafish Insight: Fishmeal production and trends. August 2020.

    This summary of global fishmeal production and trends is taken from the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) State of World Fisheries and Aquaculture (SOFIA) report 2020.
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    Common Language Group. News alert. September 2022.

    September news alert sent to CLG subscribers on 22 September 2022.
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    Fisheries Management and Innovation Group. News alert. June 2022.

    June news alert sent to FMIG subscribers on 4 July 2022.
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    Review of Technical measures in Scotland including mesh size changes

    Gear database resource: Scottish Industry Science Partnership Review of technical measures for Scottish mixed demersal fisheries
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    The Seafish Guide to improving Fuel Efficiency

    The high cost of fuel is having a dramatic effect on the profitability of many sectors of the UK fishing fleet. Since 2004, the fuel price for fishing vessels has risen from 15p* per litre to more than 56p* a litre in mid 2008 – an increase of almost four times the price (Figure 1). This has left some sectors of the fishing industry struggling to maintain profitability. Seafish is working with Government organisations throughout the UK to provide expert advice - both economic and technical - to mitigate high fuel costs. It is also offering bespoke advice to catchers and vessel owners on fuel efficiency, covering all aspects of their gear and vessel performance. This guide gives a brief overview of eight key areas where significant cost reductions or improvements to efficiency can be made, in conjunction with assistance from Seafish.
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    Flatfish pulse fishing

    A report on the research results and knowledge gaps of flatfish pulse fishing.
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    Market Insight Factsheet: Frozen Seafood in multiple retail (2019)

    This document examines the detail behind the performance of the frozen seafood sector including historic and current sector trends, key performance indicators (KPIs) and frozen segment and species performance.
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    Electrolytic Corrosion

    Testing an inshore fishsing vessel's electrical system for security.
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    2019 Seafish UK Seafood Import and Export Summary Factsheet

    Summary factsheet detailing the UK's seafood imports and exports in 2019.
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    UK Seafood Supply Chain Overview: July-September 2022

    This report takes a high-level view of the whole of the seafood supply chain to explore factors impacting UK seafood markets, seafood business operations and consumer behaviour during July to September 2022.
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    Nutritional Profile - Salmon (wild)

    The salmon (wild) nutritional profile provides the macronutrient, vitamin and mineral value of the fish caught in English waters.
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    Whelk Management Group Minutes - August 2021

    Meeting minutes for the 6th meeting of the Whelk Management Group (WMG) which took place on 4th August 2021 via Microsoft Teams.
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    Seafood Ethics Common Language Group. News alert. February 2022.

    February news alert sent to SECLG subscribers on 17 February 2022.
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    2021 Seafish Ambient Seafood in Multiple Retail Factsheet

    This factsheet provides a summary of the performance of ambient, shelf stable seafood in the multiple retail seafood market up to July 2021.
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    Common Language Group. News alert. September 2021.

    September news alert sent to CLG subscribers on 19 October 2021.
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    SECLG. Notes on bite-size meeting. Working conditions in UK fishing. 24 May 2022.

    This meeting presented the key findings from two key publications. It was followed by a discussion involving a diverse panel of experts.
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    Quick summary of 2022 ICES advice for the seven key pelagic species. October 2022.

    Covers blue whiting, capelin, herring, mackerel, Norway pout, sandeel and sprat which are used in the production of fishmeal. Covers the Barents Sea, the Celtic Sea, the North Sea, and Icelandic and Norwegian waters.
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    SECLG Presentation 1. Driving improvement through effective implementation of ILO 188. 5 July 2022.

    Brandt Wagner and Christine Bader from the International Labour Organization spoke about progress on ratification of C.188 internationally.